Coaching Across Cultures

Coaching Across Cultures PDF Author: Philippe Rosinski
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey
ISBN: 1473644569
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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"Philippe Rosinski is a leader in the coaching field. Coaching Across Cultures reveals his pioneering multi-cultural approach and innovative global perspective. His book is a treasure for anyone eager to learn how to effectively facilitate human fulfillment and responsible growth." - Laura Berman Fortgang, Author of Take Yourself to the Top and Living Your Best Life As coaches and clients increasingly realize, the demands of business mean that it is now vital to integrate, understand and leverage cultural differences across countries and corporations. Coaching Across Cultures bridges the gap between coaching and interculturalism.

Coaching Across Cultures

Coaching Across Cultures PDF Author: Philippe Rosinski
Publisher: Nicholas Brealey
ISBN: 1473644569
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Book Description
"Philippe Rosinski is a leader in the coaching field. Coaching Across Cultures reveals his pioneering multi-cultural approach and innovative global perspective. His book is a treasure for anyone eager to learn how to effectively facilitate human fulfillment and responsible growth." - Laura Berman Fortgang, Author of Take Yourself to the Top and Living Your Best Life As coaches and clients increasingly realize, the demands of business mean that it is now vital to integrate, understand and leverage cultural differences across countries and corporations. Coaching Across Cultures bridges the gap between coaching and interculturalism.

Coaching Across Cultures

Coaching Across Cultures PDF Author: Philippe Rosinski
ISBN: 1857884795
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 449

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Shows how to integrate the cultural dimension into coaching and coaching skills into intercultural work.

Diversity in Coaching

Diversity in Coaching PDF Author: Jonathan Passmore
Publisher: Kogan Page Publishers
ISBN: 0749466634
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Published with the Association for Coaching, Diversity in Coaching explores the impact and implication of difference in coaching. The book looks at how coaches can respond to issues of gender, generational, cultural, national and racial difference. Understanding how diversity impacts upon coaching is a crucial element to coaching effectively in today's diverse society and can give coaches the edge when responding to their coachees need. Written by an international team of coaching professionals, the book provides guidance on understanding diversity and how coaches can adapt coaching styles and techniques to meet individual needs, local demands and cultural preferences.It explores the impact and implication of difference in coaching, providing practical information to help coaches respond effectively to issues of diversity.

Global Dexterity

Global Dexterity PDF Author: Andy Molinsky
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
ISBN: 1422187284
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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“I wrote this book because I believe that there is a serious gap in what has been written and communicated about cross-cultural management and what people actually struggle with on the ground.”—From the Introduction What does it mean to be a global worker and a true “citizen of the world” today? It goes beyond merely acknowledging cultural differences. In reality, it means you are able to adapt your behavior to conform to new cultural contexts without losing your authentic self in the process. Not only is this difficult, it’s a frightening prospect for most people and something completely outside their comfort zone. But managing and communicating with people from other cultures is an essential skill today. Most of us collaborate with teams across borders and cultures on a regular basis, whether we spend our time in the office or out on the road. What’s needed now is a critical new skill, something author Andy Molinsky calls global dexterity. In this book Molinsky offers the tools needed to simultaneously adapt behavior to new cultural contexts while staying authentic and grounded in your own natural style. Based on more than a decade of research, teaching, and consulting with managers and executives around the world, this book reveals an approach to adapting while feeling comfortable—an essential skill that enables you to switch behaviors and overcome the emotional and psychological challenges of doing so. From identifying and overcoming challenges to integrating what you learn into your everyday environment, Molinsky provides a guidebook—and mentoring—to raise your confidence and your profile. Practical, engaging, and refreshing, Global Dexterity will help you reach across cultures—and succeed in today’s global business environment.

Building A Coaching Culture : How Managers As Coaches Can Include And Develop New Employees Successfully

Building A Coaching Culture : How Managers As Coaches Can Include And Develop New Employees Successfully PDF Author: Andreas von der Heydt
Publisher: Andreas von der Heydt Coaching
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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The speed and complexity of change in business practice has never been greater than today. Navigating this “new and lasting norm” requires for any organization, besides other factors, two principal elements: Managers and leaders who are capable of coaching their team members as well as a new type of workforce that can quickly adapt to changing environments, can acquire new skills necessary to be successful in the future, and is willing and capable of stepping up to take over responsibility. The book argues that internal coaching is an excellent tool to onboard, integrate, and develop (new) employees. Successful coaching will result in higher job satisfaction (for both coach and coachee), better work and business results, and superior retention levels: A long-term win for both the organization, its employees, and customers. Based on extensive interviews with both tenured leaders and new employees, focus groups with learning & development experts, and a comprehensive literature research as well as the author ́s own in-depth coaching knowledge and expertise, this book proposes an academically researched, developed, and validated model of eight dimensions of successful coaching as well as a five-step implementation plan which can be used as an impactful framework to embed coaching skills in organizational settings to create a sustainable and growth-generating coaching culture.

The Culture Map

The Culture Map PDF Author: Erin Meyer
Publisher: PublicAffairs
ISBN: 1610392590
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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An international business expert helps you understand and navigate cultural differences in this insightful and practical guide, perfect for both your work and personal life. Americans precede anything negative with three nice comments; French, Dutch, Israelis, and Germans get straight to the point; Latin Americans and Asians are steeped in hierarchy; Scandinavians think the best boss is just one of the crowd. It's no surprise that when they try and talk to each other, chaos breaks out. In The Culture Map, INSEAD professor Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain in which people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together. She provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business, and combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice.

Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring

Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring PDF Author: David Megginson
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 075065287X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 197

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An easy-to-use guide offering practical methods for HRD professionals.

Sports Coaching Cultures

Sports Coaching Cultures PDF Author: Kathleen M. Armour
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134334001
Category : Sports & Recreation
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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'The art of coaching is recognising the situation, recognising the people and responding to the people you are working with... that's the big thing, to handle people'. Steve Harrison, Coach, Middlesbrough Football Club. Responding to the fast growing subject in academic sports departments, this groundbreaking new coaching studies text offers a view that focuses the coach as a person and the coaching practice as a complex social encounter. Unlike existing titles in the field which look at coaching as a science, this book examines the personalities, histories, relationships and individual styles of eight coaches at the top of their profession. One-to-one interviews with some of the best-known and respected elite sports coaches include Steve Harrison, Hope Powell and Graham Taylor from football; Ian McGeechan and Bob Dwyer from rugby; Di Bass from swimming; Lois Muir from netball; and Peter Stanley from athletics; and form the basis for subsequent exploration of four key themes in sports coaching: * coaching pedagogy * the coach's role * the coach's interaction with athletes * the coach's power. This text will be of significant interest to students of coaching science and sports science, and will appeal to the considerable body of amateur sports coaches with an interest in the styles of those at the top.

Coaching Models: A Cultural Perspective

Coaching Models: A Cultural Perspective PDF Author: Diane Lennard
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135965803
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 129

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"In addition to providing an extensive analysis of strategies for changing performance and the factors that can impact coaching effectiveness, this book offers what may be a unique value: instead of promoting one approach as the best, Dr. Lennard guides readers through a highly customized process of developing our own individualized coaching model. As a result of the book's thought-provoking activities, I strengthened my own sense of personal authenticity and saw new ways to coach and collaborate fully with employees who may have very different perspectives." — Tita Theodora Beal, Learning & Development, Pfizer, Inc. "This is a wise book. The essential take-away is simple and profound. Develop, refine, and apply your own (as in ownership) personalized coaching model. Much is provided; nothing is imposed. Readers are invited to reflect on unique and defining experiences, strengths, values, perspectives and style and to begin creating their own ‘work in progress.’ Coaching Models will be a compelling read for experienced coaches and new coach practitioners alike." — Bethene LeMahieu, Ed.D.; Professional Coach and Conversation Conservationist Coaching Models: A Cultural Perspective encourages and assists students and practitioners of business coaching to develop and apply their own coaching models. The entire field of coaching will benefit from having coaches who use their models to continually improve their practice. The first part of this book presents the model development process by looking at the relationship among culture, beliefs, and behavior in the coaching context. It explains the importance of identifying cultural factors that influence the way coaches approach coaching interactions, and their coaching models. The second section provides coaches with information and strategies for developing personalized coaching models, applying them to specific contexts, and reflecting on their interactions to refine their core coaching practices. The third part describes the evolution of the author’s own coaching model—the Performance Coaching Model—and illustrates how one coach incorporates unique perspectives and sets of skills, knowledge, and experience in her coaching practice.

Coaching for Innovation

Coaching for Innovation PDF Author: Cristina Bianchi
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137353260
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Making innovation in the workplace highly accessible, Coaching for Innovation presents a step-by-step guide which is full of practical tips, models, exercises and interviews with HR and business professionals. It demonstrates the integral role that coaching plays in idea generation and the innovation process.