CNN 互動英語 2024 年 7 月號 No.286 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2024 年 7 月號 No.286 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78

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保健 With Your Mind 腦機介面大突破!用意念傳簡訊不是夢 BCIs Give Patients a Chance to Manipulate Devices Using Their Thoughts 腦機介面是讓大腦信號與外部裝置進行通訊的技術,使人使用思維控制電腦裝置,可望大幅提升癱瘓者的生活品質。 科技 Beyond Ones and Zeros 量子運算開啟未來科技大革新 Quantum Computing Presents the Next Great Paradigm Shift in Technology 量子電腦擁有傳統電腦難以企及的超強運算力,有望成為繼AI浪潮後下一波關鍵科技趨勢。 人物 Messi Mania 超級球星梅西轉戰美國 掀起足球旋風 The Legendary Soccer Superstar Shows US Fans He Still Has What It Takes 足球巨星梅西去年加盟美國職業足球大聯盟邁阿密國際足球俱樂部,如今已滿37歲的他繼續在球場上用實力寫下多項紀錄。 科學 Confused Critters 日全食降臨 動物也瘋狂! Rare Total Solar Eclipse Brings Out the Strangest in Animals 四月時,難得一見的日全食奇景在北美洲登場,動物學家趁此機會進行觀察,發現動物出現了許多有趣的反應。 商業 Redefining Social Media 新興社群媒體崛起 網路生態大洗牌 New Voices Are Seeking Change in the Way We Engage with Online Platforms 趨勢觀察家發現,網路百家爭鳴的分眾時代,更多人捨棄大型社群媒體,轉而根據自己的興趣選擇適合的新興平台。 體育 The Olympic Flame Is Lit 聖火點燃 2024 年巴黎奧運開跑 Ceremony in Ancient Olympia Marks the Start of Paris 2024 巴黎奧運聖火傳遞儀式在奧運誕生地希臘奧林匹亞展開,一路傳至雅典及法國各地,為將於7月底開幕的夏季奧運揭開序幕。 商業 Asia Auto 電動車競賽白熱化 亞洲品牌搶攻北美市場 Competition Heats Up for Space in the North America EV Market 不讓特斯拉專美於前,日本老牌本田及更多亞洲新創汽車品牌紛紛投入電動車競賽,搶攻北美市場。 旅遊 Diving in Paradise 在斐濟祕密天堂自由潛水 悠遊南太平洋 Freely Exploring Fiji’s Precious Marine Life 位於南太平洋的斐濟是潛水愛好者的天堂,湛藍的海水、多采多姿的珊瑚和多樣的海洋生物,讓人流連忘返。 太空 Space Junk 你知道太空有多少人造垃圾嗎? How Much Man-Made Trash Is in Earth’s Orbit? 人類的太空活動使得地球軌道上充斥著大大小小的人造垃圾,全球多國政府及私人企業正絞盡腦汁,設法解決這個問題。 社會 The Pursuit of Happiness 你快樂嗎?CNN 分析影響人們快樂程度的重要因素 Many Factors Contribute to a Growing Mental Health Crisis CNN主播檢視聯合國一年一度的世界幸福報告,分析影響人們快樂程度的重要因素,並期許各國為未來世代打造更幸福的社會。 CNN 全球瞭望 Putin Inaugurated to a Record Fifth Term as Russian Leader 普丁五度宣誓就任俄國總統 Orangutan Observed Treating Own Wound with Medicinal Plant 紅毛猩猩首度被觀察到用植物療傷 G7 Agrees to Watered-Down Version of Coal Use Ban G7達成削弱版禁煤令協議 全方位理解CNN China Showcases Its Space Credentials as Its Latest Mission Takes Off for the Moon 中國大陸月球任務展現太空雄心 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 奧運運動項目 單字聯想地圖 看奧運比賽

CNN 互動英語 2024 年 7 月號 No.286 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2024 年 7 月號 No.286 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78

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Book Description
保健 With Your Mind 腦機介面大突破!用意念傳簡訊不是夢 BCIs Give Patients a Chance to Manipulate Devices Using Their Thoughts 腦機介面是讓大腦信號與外部裝置進行通訊的技術,使人使用思維控制電腦裝置,可望大幅提升癱瘓者的生活品質。 科技 Beyond Ones and Zeros 量子運算開啟未來科技大革新 Quantum Computing Presents the Next Great Paradigm Shift in Technology 量子電腦擁有傳統電腦難以企及的超強運算力,有望成為繼AI浪潮後下一波關鍵科技趨勢。 人物 Messi Mania 超級球星梅西轉戰美國 掀起足球旋風 The Legendary Soccer Superstar Shows US Fans He Still Has What It Takes 足球巨星梅西去年加盟美國職業足球大聯盟邁阿密國際足球俱樂部,如今已滿37歲的他繼續在球場上用實力寫下多項紀錄。 科學 Confused Critters 日全食降臨 動物也瘋狂! Rare Total Solar Eclipse Brings Out the Strangest in Animals 四月時,難得一見的日全食奇景在北美洲登場,動物學家趁此機會進行觀察,發現動物出現了許多有趣的反應。 商業 Redefining Social Media 新興社群媒體崛起 網路生態大洗牌 New Voices Are Seeking Change in the Way We Engage with Online Platforms 趨勢觀察家發現,網路百家爭鳴的分眾時代,更多人捨棄大型社群媒體,轉而根據自己的興趣選擇適合的新興平台。 體育 The Olympic Flame Is Lit 聖火點燃 2024 年巴黎奧運開跑 Ceremony in Ancient Olympia Marks the Start of Paris 2024 巴黎奧運聖火傳遞儀式在奧運誕生地希臘奧林匹亞展開,一路傳至雅典及法國各地,為將於7月底開幕的夏季奧運揭開序幕。 商業 Asia Auto 電動車競賽白熱化 亞洲品牌搶攻北美市場 Competition Heats Up for Space in the North America EV Market 不讓特斯拉專美於前,日本老牌本田及更多亞洲新創汽車品牌紛紛投入電動車競賽,搶攻北美市場。 旅遊 Diving in Paradise 在斐濟祕密天堂自由潛水 悠遊南太平洋 Freely Exploring Fiji’s Precious Marine Life 位於南太平洋的斐濟是潛水愛好者的天堂,湛藍的海水、多采多姿的珊瑚和多樣的海洋生物,讓人流連忘返。 太空 Space Junk 你知道太空有多少人造垃圾嗎? How Much Man-Made Trash Is in Earth’s Orbit? 人類的太空活動使得地球軌道上充斥著大大小小的人造垃圾,全球多國政府及私人企業正絞盡腦汁,設法解決這個問題。 社會 The Pursuit of Happiness 你快樂嗎?CNN 分析影響人們快樂程度的重要因素 Many Factors Contribute to a Growing Mental Health Crisis CNN主播檢視聯合國一年一度的世界幸福報告,分析影響人們快樂程度的重要因素,並期許各國為未來世代打造更幸福的社會。 CNN 全球瞭望 Putin Inaugurated to a Record Fifth Term as Russian Leader 普丁五度宣誓就任俄國總統 Orangutan Observed Treating Own Wound with Medicinal Plant 紅毛猩猩首度被觀察到用植物療傷 G7 Agrees to Watered-Down Version of Coal Use Ban G7達成削弱版禁煤令協議 全方位理解CNN China Showcases Its Space Credentials as Its Latest Mission Takes Off for the Moon 中國大陸月球任務展現太空雄心 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 奧運運動項目 單字聯想地圖 看奧運比賽

"Every Day I Live in Fear"

Author: Neela Ghoshal
Category : Asylum, Right of
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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"This report documents violence and discrimination against LGBT people in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras--collectively known as the Northern Triangle of Central America--and, in some cases, along the migration routes they take to seek asylum.... Given the high levels of violence and discrimination that many LGBT people face in the Northern Triangle, the US government should be rigorously protecting LGBT asylum seekers' ability to safely cross the border into the United States and apply for asylum. Instead, the Trump administration has implemented a seemingly unending series of obstacles, blocking LGBT people's path to safety at every turn."--Pages 2-3.

CNN 互動英語 2024 年 8 月號 No.287 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2024 年 8 月號 No.287 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78

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觀光客太超過啦!日本居民出招自保 Residents of a Town in Japan Draw the Curtains to Deter Tourists 過度觀光對日本許多地方帶來巨大負擔,居民不堪其擾,決定使出妙招來防堵觀光客大舉入侵他們的生活空間。 商業 Sustainable Flying 永續飛行──航班減塑總動員 Airlines Are Working to Remove Waste from Flights 伊比利航空公司展開減塑行動,以環保材質取代飛機上餐具、耳機、便利包等的塑料包裝,並設法避免食物浪費。 保健 Middle-Aged Cancer 健康警訊!中年罹癌比例大增 Diagnoses Are Increasing among Adults under the Age of 50 美國癌症協會數據顯示,五十歲以下的人罹患癌症的比例愈來愈高,而肥胖是造成此趨勢的一大關鍵。專家呼籲人們維持適當體重、採取健康飲食,以及定期篩檢。 專題報導 A Four-Day Week?! 四天工作制可行嗎?大企業試驗中 Companies Are Increasingly Looking into Shorter Working Hours 英國實驗顯示,在安排和管理得宜的情況下,四天工作制對公司和全體員工都有正面的影響,而美國近三分之一的大企業也在積極評估此制度的可行性。 專題報導 Mind Your Manners 重返辦公室 拒當職場失禮人 Consultants Offer Etiquette Classes to Employees Returning to the Office 歷經長時間居家上班後,許多人重返辦公室後卻連基本的禮儀都拋在腦後了。企業求助於顧問公司,帶領員工複習恰當的職場行為。 政治 A 33-Hour Flight CNN記者隨美軍B-52轟炸機直航33小時 The Decades-Old B-52 Shows It Can Still Pack a Punch CNN記者登上美軍波音 B-52 同溫層堡壘轟炸機,隨機執行33小時的直航任務,證明這架近70年歷史的大傢伙依舊寶刀未老! 藝文 The Art of the Lion Dance 保存香港的傳統舞獅文化 Hong Kong’s Traditional Performers Are Dedicated to Preserving the Past 香港約有30支舞獅隊,團員們在繁忙工作之餘騰出時間練習,致力保存這項珍貴的傳統文化。 旅遊 Jungle Gallery 置身墨西哥叢林美術館 感受片刻寧靜 Enveloped in the Serenity of the Forests of Southern Mexico 墨西哥東南部有一座獨樹一格的生態藝廊,運用天然建材及馬雅文明的傳統工法,打造出一片人類與大自然交融的奇幻空間。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Narendra Modi Wins Third Term in Office as India’s Prime Minister 莫迪贏得大選 第三度出任印度總理 British Banknotes Will Now Carry King Charles’ Portrait 印有查爾斯三世國王肖像的英國紙鈔開始流通 Rare T. Rex Fossil Discovered by Young Hikers 美國小小考古學家發現罕見暴龍化石 全方位理解CNN Japanese Company Encourages Whaling despite International Outcry 不畏爭議 日本公司打造全新大型捕鯨船 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 衣物種類名稱 單字聯想地圖 職場英語

Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites

Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites PDF Author: Roger M. Rowell
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0203492439
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 505

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The degradable nature of high-performance, wood-based materials is an attractive advantage when considering environmental factors such as sustainability, recycling, and energy/resource conservation. The Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites provides an excellent guide to the latest concepts and technologies in wood chemistry and bio-based composites. The book analyzes the chemical composition and physical properties of wood cellulose and its response to natural processes of degradation. It describes safe and effective chemical modifications to strengthen wood against biological, chemical, and mechanical degradation without using toxic, leachable, or corrosive chemicals. Expert researchers provide insightful analyses of the types of chemical modifications applied to polymer cell walls in wood, emphasizing the mechanisms of reaction involved and resulting changes in performance properties. These include modifications that increase water repellency, fire retardancy, and resistance to ultraviolet light, heat, moisture, mold, and other biological organisms. The text also explores modifications that increase mechanical strength, such as lumen fill, monomer polymer penetration, and plasticization. The Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites concludes with the latest applications, such as adhesives, geotextiles, and sorbents, and future trends in the use of wood-based composites in terms of sustainable agriculture, biodegradability and recycling, and economics. Incorporating over 30 years of teaching experience, the esteemed editor of this handbook is well-attuned to educational demands as well as industry standards and research trends.

Russia's Return to the Middle East

Russia's Return to the Middle East PDF Author: Timofey Borisov
ISBN: 9789291987597
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Tomorrow Will Be Different

Tomorrow Will Be Different PDF Author: Sarah McBride
Publisher: Crown
ISBN: 1524761494
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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“A brave, powerful memoir” (People) that will change the way we look at identity and equality in this country, from the activist elected as the first openly transgender state senator in U.S. history “The energy and vigor Sarah has brought to the fight for equality is ever present in this book.”—Vice President Kamala Harris “If you’re living your own internal struggle, this book can help you find a way to live authentically, fully, and freely. . . . Let it show that we are all created equal and entitled to be treated with dignity and respect.”—President Joe Biden, from the foreword Before she became the first transgender person to speak at a national political convention in 2016 at the age of twenty-six, Sarah McBride struggled with the decision to come out—not just to her family but to the students of American University, where she was serving as student body president. She’d known she was a girl from her earliest memories, but it wasn’t until the Facebook post announcing her truth went viral that she realized just how much impact her story could have on the country. Four years later, McBride was one of the nation’s most prominent transgender activists, walking the halls of the White House, advocating inclusive legislation, and addressing the country in the midst of a heated presidential election. She had also found her first love and future husband, Andy, a trans man and fellow activist, who complemented her in every way . . . until cancer tragically intervened. Informative, heartbreaking, and profoundly empowering, Tomorrow Will Be Different is McBride’s story of love and loss and a powerful entry point into the LGBTQ community’s battle for equal rights and what it means to be openly transgender. From issues like bathroom access to health care to gender in America, McBride weaves the important political and cultural milestones into a personal journey that will open hearts and change minds. As McBride urges: “We must never be a country that says there’s only one way to love, only one way to look, and only one way to live.” The fight for equality and freedom has only just begun.

Useless Magic

Useless Magic PDF Author: Florence Welch
Publisher: Crown Archetype
ISBN: 0525577165
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Lyrics and never-before-seen poetry and sketches from the iconic musician of Florence and the Machine Songs can be incredibly prophetic, like subconscious warnings or messages to myself, but I often don't know what I'm trying to say till years later. Or a prediction comes true and I couldn't do anything to stop it, so it seems like a kind of useless magic.

Linking Urban and Rural Tourism

Linking Urban and Rural Tourism PDF Author: Susan L Slocum
Publisher: CABI
ISBN: 1786390140
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Destinations rely on regional strategies to support and enhance the tourism product through regional partnerships and integration. Integrated tourism is defined as tourism that is explicitly linked to the economic, social, cultural, natural and human structures of the region in which it occurs. Integrated tourism has evolved to include numerous meanings and definitions, but generally includes a vertical business or industry approach. The first of its kind, this book applies a more inclusive approach to integration by providing insight into inclusive regional development strategies that support both the needs of urban and rural areas whilst enhancing the tourist experience, supporting the positive impacts of tourism and mitigating the negative. Regional studies tend to portray either an urban or rural focus without acknowledging that often these spaces constitute joint governance structures, similar historical and cultural roots, and economic dependencies. Sustainable tourism promotes sourcing locally, such as using rural agricultural products in urban tourism experiences. Furthermore, innovative rural marketing strategies linking tourism heritage, attractions, food and drink trails, and artisans with urban visitors are emerging. Including theoretical and applied research and international case studies, this will be a valuable resource to academics, students and practitioners working in tourism development and regional policy.

Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields

Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields PDF Author: Joachim Weickert
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540312722
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 478

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Matrix-valued data sets – so-called second order tensor fields – have gained significant importance in scientific visualization and image processing due to recent developments such as diffusion tensor imaging. This book is the first edited volume that presents the state of the art in the visualization and processing of tensor fields. It contains some longer chapters dedicated to surveys and tutorials of specific topics, as well as a great deal of original work by leading experts that has not been published before. It serves as an overview for the inquiring scientist, as a basic foundation for developers and practitioners, and as as a textbook for specialized classes and seminars for graduate and doctoral students.

"I was Sold"

Author: Rothna Begum
ISBN: 9781623133764
Category : Forced labor
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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"The report, "'I Was Sold': Abuse and Exploitation of Migrant Domestic Workers in Oman," documents how Oman's kafala(sponsorship) immigrant labor system and lack of labor law protections leaves migrant domestic workers exposed to abuse and exploitation by employers, whose consent they need to change jobs. Those who flee abuse--including beatings, sexual abuse, unpaid wages, and excessive working hours--have little avenue for redress and can face legal penalties for "absconding." Families rely on migrant domestic workers to care for their children, cook their meals, and clean their homes. Yet many migrant domestic workers, who rely on their salaries to support their own families and children at home, face cruel and exploitative conditions"--Publisher's description.