CNN 互動英語 2022 年 9 月號 No.264 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 9 月號 No.264 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 77

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人物 The Man with Big Dreams 重塑日本國際地位的首相──安倍晉三 Remembering Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 日本前首相安倍晉三在7月8日遇刺身亡,世人震驚哀悼。安倍縱橫政壇30年,是日本史上在位時間最長的首相,本文回顧他的政治生涯及遺緒。 政治 A Tumultuous Reign 任期內風波不斷 英首相強生黯然辭職 Boris Johnson Steps Down as UK Prime Minister amid Scandals 英國首相鮑里斯.強生艱難完成脫歐任務,但也遭醜聞纏身,聲勢暴跌。他於7月初宣布辭去黨魁一職,結束近三年的首相任期。 科學 Shots of the Universe 韋伯望遠鏡傳回你從未見過的宇宙景象 The James Webb Space Telescope Beams Back Its First Full-Color Pictures 斥資一百億美元打造的詹姆斯.韋伯太空望遠鏡回傳第一批全彩的宇宙影像,以前所未有的細節揭露遙遠星系、星雲的奧秘,讓科學界讚嘆不已。 政治 The Flying Fortress 普丁的空中堡壘──末日飛機 Russia’s Plane Designed to Evacuate Officials in Case of a Nuclear Attack 據說設計用來在核戰中作為俄國高層空中堡壘及作戰司令部的「末日飛機」相隔多年,再度於俄國勝利日閱兵彩排中現蹤,引發國際關注。 環境 The Land Threatened 極端氣候下的國家公園生態危機 America’s National Parks Are Affected by Climate Change 位於美國本土的國家公園有超過百分之七十面臨氣候變遷的衝擊,包含洪水、極端氣溫、乾旱及野火,對這些珍貴的地景造成極大威脅。 美食 Flame-Grilled Greatness 正宗德州烤肉 讓你食指大動! Sampling the Smoky Taste of Texan Barbecue 看似豪邁奔放的德州烤肉其實蘊含著廚師累積多年的經驗和細膩手藝,跟著理查.奎斯特一窺「燒烤大師」的獨門祕方! 商業 To Return or Not to Return 在家上班?回公司上班?職場的新兩難 Employers and Employees Clash over Working from Home 過去兩年疫情期間的居家辦公經驗讓求職者更傾向選擇有彈性的辦公模式,另一方面,企業主則希望員工回歸辦公室,掀起一波雇主與員工間的角力。 社會 Classroom Defenders 防堵校園槍擊事件 教師受訓對抗槍手 Teachers in the US Are Undergoing Training to Face Active Shooters 近期美國一連串槍擊事件讓校園安全蒙上陰影,學校教職員報名警方開設的用槍訓練班,希望能在危險情況發生時把傷害降到最低。 文化 A Priceless Palace 珍藏中華瑰寶 香港故宮文化博物館開幕 China’s Cultural Treasures Find Another Home in Hong Kong 香港故宮文化博物館於7月盛大開幕,9座展廳中展出逾900件中華文化瑰寶,包含166件一級文物,可看性十足! 旅遊 Lisbon Rejuvenated 全球旅遊大復甦 里斯本的魅力再現 Portugal’s Tourism Industry Is Bouncing Back in the Post-Pandemic Era 葡萄牙首都里斯本走過歐債危機、新冠疫情,要用充滿陽光的海岸線、美酒、甜點和豐富的人文寶藏重新迎接全世界的旅人。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Monkeypox Cases on the Rise 猴痘病例大增 專家憂疫情爆發 Hidden Secret in van Gogh Painting 梵谷畫中發現隱藏的自畫像 The World’s Deepest Shipwreck Discovered 史上最深的沉船在太平洋現蹤 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN The Buzz about Bees 智慧科技蜂箱 拯救瀕危的蜜蜂 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 露營英語 CNN主編教你唸 料理方式

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 9 月號 No.264 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2022 年 9 月號 No.264 【有聲版】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 77

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Book Description
人物 The Man with Big Dreams 重塑日本國際地位的首相──安倍晉三 Remembering Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 日本前首相安倍晉三在7月8日遇刺身亡,世人震驚哀悼。安倍縱橫政壇30年,是日本史上在位時間最長的首相,本文回顧他的政治生涯及遺緒。 政治 A Tumultuous Reign 任期內風波不斷 英首相強生黯然辭職 Boris Johnson Steps Down as UK Prime Minister amid Scandals 英國首相鮑里斯.強生艱難完成脫歐任務,但也遭醜聞纏身,聲勢暴跌。他於7月初宣布辭去黨魁一職,結束近三年的首相任期。 科學 Shots of the Universe 韋伯望遠鏡傳回你從未見過的宇宙景象 The James Webb Space Telescope Beams Back Its First Full-Color Pictures 斥資一百億美元打造的詹姆斯.韋伯太空望遠鏡回傳第一批全彩的宇宙影像,以前所未有的細節揭露遙遠星系、星雲的奧秘,讓科學界讚嘆不已。 政治 The Flying Fortress 普丁的空中堡壘──末日飛機 Russia’s Plane Designed to Evacuate Officials in Case of a Nuclear Attack 據說設計用來在核戰中作為俄國高層空中堡壘及作戰司令部的「末日飛機」相隔多年,再度於俄國勝利日閱兵彩排中現蹤,引發國際關注。 環境 The Land Threatened 極端氣候下的國家公園生態危機 America’s National Parks Are Affected by Climate Change 位於美國本土的國家公園有超過百分之七十面臨氣候變遷的衝擊,包含洪水、極端氣溫、乾旱及野火,對這些珍貴的地景造成極大威脅。 美食 Flame-Grilled Greatness 正宗德州烤肉 讓你食指大動! Sampling the Smoky Taste of Texan Barbecue 看似豪邁奔放的德州烤肉其實蘊含著廚師累積多年的經驗和細膩手藝,跟著理查.奎斯特一窺「燒烤大師」的獨門祕方! 商業 To Return or Not to Return 在家上班?回公司上班?職場的新兩難 Employers and Employees Clash over Working from Home 過去兩年疫情期間的居家辦公經驗讓求職者更傾向選擇有彈性的辦公模式,另一方面,企業主則希望員工回歸辦公室,掀起一波雇主與員工間的角力。 社會 Classroom Defenders 防堵校園槍擊事件 教師受訓對抗槍手 Teachers in the US Are Undergoing Training to Face Active Shooters 近期美國一連串槍擊事件讓校園安全蒙上陰影,學校教職員報名警方開設的用槍訓練班,希望能在危險情況發生時把傷害降到最低。 文化 A Priceless Palace 珍藏中華瑰寶 香港故宮文化博物館開幕 China’s Cultural Treasures Find Another Home in Hong Kong 香港故宮文化博物館於7月盛大開幕,9座展廳中展出逾900件中華文化瑰寶,包含166件一級文物,可看性十足! 旅遊 Lisbon Rejuvenated 全球旅遊大復甦 里斯本的魅力再現 Portugal’s Tourism Industry Is Bouncing Back in the Post-Pandemic Era 葡萄牙首都里斯本走過歐債危機、新冠疫情,要用充滿陽光的海岸線、美酒、甜點和豐富的人文寶藏重新迎接全世界的旅人。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Monkeypox Cases on the Rise 猴痘病例大增 專家憂疫情爆發 Hidden Secret in van Gogh Painting 梵谷畫中發現隱藏的自畫像 The World’s Deepest Shipwreck Discovered 史上最深的沉船在太平洋現蹤 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN The Buzz about Bees 智慧科技蜂箱 拯救瀕危的蜜蜂 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 露營英語 CNN主編教你唸 料理方式

Incorporating the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement Into Domestic Law

Incorporating the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement Into Domestic Law PDF Author:
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability

Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability PDF Author: Giancarlo Frosio
Publisher: Oxford Handbooks
ISBN: 0198837135
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 801

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Book Description
This book provides a comprehensive, authoritative, and state-of-the-art discussion of fundamental legal issues in intermediary liability online, while also describing advancement in intermediary liability theory and identifying recent policy trends.

International Development Projects

International Development Projects PDF Author: Ruggero Golini
Publisher: Project Management Institute
ISBN: 1628251182
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Book Description
In International Development Projects: Peculiarities and Managerial Approaches, researchers-practitioners from two of Italy's most prestigious universities provide practical insights into this phenomenon...and how the lessons learned in this high stakes international arena can help anyone managing projects that span companies, cultures and continents. Incorporating the wisdom of almost 500 experienced ID project managers, as well as the latest in academic research, this book provides an unprecedented look at the unique characteristics of ID projects, the methods being used to manage them and the specific tools and processes that most often lead to success.

Report on the Philippine Extrajudicial Killings, 2001-August 2010

Report on the Philippine Extrajudicial Killings, 2001-August 2010 PDF Author: Al A. Parreño
ISBN: 9789719244530
Category : Extrajudicial executions
Languages : en
Pages : 122

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Cooperative Education Program

Cooperative Education Program PDF Author: United States. Internal Revenue Service
Category : Education, Cooperative
Languages : en
Pages : 2

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India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond

India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond PDF Author: Jagannath P. Panda
ISBN: 9788182749047
Category : India
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Covers a wide spectrum of India-Taiwan relations in bilateral and regional contexts and beyond. The book promotes a possible strategic deliberation that the importance of India-Taiwan relation may not necessarily be confined to the bilateral context. It contextualises the vitality of Asia and beyond in India-Taiwan relations and analyses potential areas of strength where they can cooperate in the future.

Still Foolin' 'Em

Still Foolin' 'Em PDF Author: Billy Crystal
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
ISBN: 0805098232
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Hilarious and heartfelt observations on aging from one of America's favorite comedians as he turns 65, and a look back at a remarkable career in this New York Times bestseller. Billy Crystal is turning 65, and he's not happy about it. With his trademark wit and heart, he outlines the absurdities and challenges that come with growing old, from insomnia to memory loss to leaving dinners with half your meal on your shirt. In humorous chapters like "Buying the Plot" and "Nodding Off," Crystal not only catalogues his physical gripes, but offers a road map to his 77 million fellow baby boomers who are arriving at this milestone age with him. He also looks back at the most powerful and memorable moments of his long and storied life, from entertaining his relatives as a kid in Long Beach, Long Island, his years doing stand-up in the Village, up through his legendary stint at Saturday Night Live, When Harry Met Sally, and his long run as host of the Academy Awards. Readers get a front-row seat to his one-day career with the New York Yankees (he was the first player to ever "test positive for Maalox"), his love affair with Sophia Loren, and his enduring friendships with several of his idols, including Mickey Mantle and Muhammad Ali. He lends a light touch to more serious topics like religion ("the aging friends I know have turned to the Holy Trinity: Advil, bourbon, and Prozac"), grandparenting, and, of course, dentistry. As wise and poignant as they are funny, Crystal's reflections are an unforgettable look at an extraordinary life well lived.

Campaign Finance Reform

Campaign Finance Reform PDF Author: Melissa M. Smith
Publisher: Lexington Books
ISBN: 0739145673
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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For decades, campaign finance reform has been an on-going topic of discussion. In particular, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA) was heralded as a major breakthrough in controlling the flow of money into campaigns. Almost immediately, political players found other ways to financially manipulate the new laws. Campaign Finance Reform: The Political Shell Game provides an in-depth look at the history of political campaign finance reform with special emphasis on legislative, FEC, and federal court actions from the 1970s to present. In particular, the authors examine the ways that campaigns and independent groups have sought to make end-runs around existing campaign finance rules. Oftentimes the loopholes they find make a significant impact on an election, sparking the next round of campaign finance reform. New rules are then enacted, and new loopholes are found. Like a big political shell game, the amount of money in politics never actually decreases, but instead gets moved around from one organization to another.

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas

Marina Abramovic: 7 Deaths of Maria Callas PDF Author: Marina Abramovic
Publisher: Damiani Limited
ISBN: 9788862087315
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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A clothbound companion to Marina Abramovic's tribute to Maria Callas, a new performance that recreates the iconic opera diva's famous onstage death scenes An opera production conceived by the legendary performance artist Marina Abramovic (born 1946), 7 Deaths of Maria Callasis a continuation of the artist's lifelong meditation on the female body as a source of both power and pain. Here Abramovic turns her focus to renowned opera singer Maria Callas, whose stunning soprano voice captivated audiences around the world in the mid-20th century. Though she remains one of opera's greatest singers, Callas' life was beset by struggle and scandal. Today, the opera diva is remembered for having been a figure of both talent and tragedy. Through a mix of narrative opera and film, Abramovic recreates seven iconic death scenes from the American-born Greek singer's most important roles--in La Traviata, Tosca, Otello, Madame Butterfly, Carmen, Lucia di Lammermoorand Norma--followed by an interpretive recreation of Callas' own death performed onstage by Abramovic herself. This clothbound volume serves as a companion to the live performance and provides insight into the conception, planning and execution of Abramovic's project, probing the many creative elements that make up this dynamic exploration of female suffering.