Cloud Physics

Cloud Physics PDF Author: Louis J. Battan
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 9780486428857
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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This text explores the formation of clouds, ice crystals, and hail. It also reviews techniques for cloud modifications, artificial stimulation of rainfall, and modification of hailstorms. 26 figures. 16 halftones.

Cloud Physics

Cloud Physics PDF Author: Louis J. Battan
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 9780486428857
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Book Description
This text explores the formation of clouds, ice crystals, and hail. It also reviews techniques for cloud modifications, artificial stimulation of rainfall, and modification of hailstorms. 26 figures. 16 halftones.

A Short Course in Cloud Physics

A Short Course in Cloud Physics PDF Author: M.K. Yau
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080570941
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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Covers essential parts of cloud and precipitation physics and has been extensively rewritten with over 60 new illustrations and many new and up to date references. Many current topics are covered such as mesoscale meteorology, radar cloud studies and numerical cloud modelling, and topics from the second edition, such as severe storms, precipitation processes and large scale aspects of cloud physics, have been revised. Problems are included as examples and to supplement the text.

Physics and Chemistry of Clouds

Physics and Chemistry of Clouds PDF Author: Dennis Lamb
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139500945
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 599

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Clouds affect our daily weather and play key roles in the global climate. Through their ability to precipitate, clouds provide virtually all of the fresh water on Earth and are a crucial link in the hydrologic cycle. With ever-increasing importance being placed on quantifiable predictions - from forecasting the local weather to anticipating climate change - we must understand how clouds operate in the real atmosphere, where interactions with natural and anthropogenic pollutants are common. This textbook provides students - whether seasoned or new to the atmospheric sciences - with a quantitative yet approachable path to learning the inner workings of clouds. Developed over many years of the authors' teaching at Pennsylvania State University, Physics and Chemistry of Clouds is an invaluable textbook for advanced students in atmospheric science, meteorology, environmental sciences/engineering and atmospheric chemistry. It is also a very useful reference text for researchers and professionals.

Physics and Dynamics of Clouds and Precipitation

Physics and Dynamics of Clouds and Precipitation PDF Author: Pao K. Wang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107005566
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 469

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New textbook on microphysics, thermodynamics and cloud-scale dynamics of clouds and precipitation, for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, researchers and professionals.

Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation

Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation PDF Author: H.R. Pruppacher
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0306481006
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 975

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Book Description
Cloud physics has achieved such a voluminous literature over the past few decades that a significant quantitative study of the entire field would prove unwieldy. This book concentrates on one major aspect: cloud microphysics, which involves the processes that lead to the formation of individual cloud and precipitation particles. Common practice has shown that one may distinguish among the following addi tional major aspects: cloud dynamics, which is concerned with the physics respon sible for the macroscopic features of clouds; cloud electricity, which deals with the electrical structure of clouds and the electrification processes of cloud and precipi tation particles; and cloud optics and radar meteorology, which describe the effects of electromagnetic waves interacting with clouds and precipitation. Another field intimately related to cloud physics is atmospheric chemistry, which involves the chemical composition ofthe atmosphere and the life cycle and characteristics of its gaseous and particulate constituents. In view of the natural interdependence of the various aspects of cloud physics, the subject of microphysics cannot be discussed very meaningfully out of context. Therefore, we have found it necessary to touch briefly upon a few simple and basic concepts of cloud dynamics and thermodynamics, and to provide an account of the major characteristics of atmospheric aerosol particles. We have also included a separate chapter on some of the effects of electric fields and charges on the precipitation-forming processes.

Terri Weifenbach: Cloud Physics

Terri Weifenbach: Cloud Physics PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780999265581
Category : Photography
Languages : en
Pages : 216

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A luminous photographic consideration of atmospheric phenomena, visual perception and life on Earth, from the author of Des Oiseaux In Cloud Physics, American photographer Terri Weifenbach explores the vital interconnection of our planet's clouds and the intimate forms and textures of its biological life. The backbone of this work is a series of photographs (for which she received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2015) made at an American research facility used for the study and measurement of clouds, their origin, structure, particles and solar relationships. The exotic instruments she portrays are designed to express ephemeral atmospheric phenomena as sets of numeric data, yet Weifenbach's camera (and her way of seeing) renders our organic terrestrial world as an unquantifiable mystery. The vibrant scenes of her wide-ranging images -- tiny variations of light, humidity, fire, lightning; iridescent mists and vapors; glimpses of the animal kingdom and the vegetal world -- are like myths-within-myths unfolding throughout the book, against a backdrop of endless weather events. In an original essay, Luce Lebart examines Weifenbach's work in the historical contexts of visual art and environmental science. Terri Weifenbach(born 1957) is an American photographer based in Paris. She has taught at the Corcoran College of Art + Design and American University (both in Washington, DC). Her work has been exhibited internationally for over 15 years and is in numerous collections, including the Sir Elton John Photography Collection and the Museum Ludwig in Koln, Germany. She has published more than 10 books, with presses such as Nazraeli and Atelier EXB.

First You Build a Cloud

First You Build a Cloud PDF Author: K. C. Cole
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBN: 9780156006460
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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Demystifying physics in a fascinating read, "First You Build a Cloud" does for physics what the bestselling "The Universe and the Teacup" did for math.

The Physics of Rainclouds

The Physics of Rainclouds PDF Author: Fletcher
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521154796
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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This book examines cloud physics.

Cloud Dynamics

Cloud Dynamics PDF Author: Robert A. Houze Jr.
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080502105
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 605

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Book Description
Clouds play a critical role in the Earth's climate, general atmospheric circulation, and global water balance. Clouds are essential elements in mesoscale meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, atmosphericradiation, and weather forecasting, and thus must be understood by any student or researcher in the atmospheric sciences.Cloud Dynamics provides a skillful and comprehensive examination of the nature of clouds--what they look like and why, how scientists observe them, and the basic dynamics and physics that underlie them. The book describes the mechanics governing each type of cloud that occurs in Earth's atmosphere, and the organization of various types of clouds in larger weather systems such as fronts, thunderstorms, and hurricanes.This book is aimed specifically at graduate students, advanced undergraduates, practicing researchers either already in atmospheric science or moving in from a related scientific field, and operational meteorologists. Some prior knowledge of atmospheric dynamics and physics is helpful, but a thorough overview of the necessary prerequisites is supplied. - Provides a complete treatment of clouds integrating the analysis of air motions with cloud structure, microphysics, and precipitation mechanics - Describes and explains the basic types of clouds and cloud systems that occur in the atmosphere-fog, stratus, stratocumulus, altocumulus, altostratus, cirrus, thunderstorms, tornadoes, waterspouts, orographically induced clouds, mesoscale convection complexes, hurricanes, fronts, and extratropical cyclones - Presents a photographic guide, presented in the first chapter, linking the examination of each type of cloud with an image to enhance visual retention and understanding - Summarizes the fundamentals, both observational and theoretical, of atmospheric dynamics, thermodynamics, cloud microphysics, and radar meteorology, allowing each type of cloud to be examined in depth - Integrates the latest field observations, numerical model simulations, and theory - Supplies a theoretical treatment suitable for the advanced undergraduate or graduate level

Physical Processes in Clouds and Cloud Modeling

Physical Processes in Clouds and Cloud Modeling PDF Author: Alexander P. Khain
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521767431
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 643

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Provides a comprehensive analysis of modern theories of cloud microphysical processes and their representation in numerical cloud models.