Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States PDF Author: US Global Change Research Program
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1510726217
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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As global climate change proliferates, so too do the health risks associated with the changing world around us. Called for in the President’s Climate Action Plan and put together by experts from eight different Federal agencies, The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: A Scientific Assessment is a comprehensive report on these evolving health risks, including: Temperature-related death and illness Air quality deterioration Impacts of extreme events on human health Vector-borne diseases Climate impacts on water-related Illness Food safety, nutrition, and distribution Mental health and well-being This report summarizes scientific data in a concise and accessible fashion for the general public, providing executive summaries, key takeaways, and full-color diagrams and charts. Learn what health risks face you and your family as a result of global climate change and start preparing now with The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health.

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States

Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States PDF Author: US Global Change Research Program
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1510726217
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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Book Description
As global climate change proliferates, so too do the health risks associated with the changing world around us. Called for in the President’s Climate Action Plan and put together by experts from eight different Federal agencies, The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: A Scientific Assessment is a comprehensive report on these evolving health risks, including: Temperature-related death and illness Air quality deterioration Impacts of extreme events on human health Vector-borne diseases Climate impacts on water-related Illness Food safety, nutrition, and distribution Mental health and well-being This report summarizes scientific data in a concise and accessible fashion for the general public, providing executive summaries, key takeaways, and full-color diagrams and charts. Learn what health risks face you and your family as a result of global climate change and start preparing now with The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health.

Climate Information for Public Health Action

Climate Information for Public Health Action PDF Author: Madeleine C. Thomson
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351631101
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 213

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Policy-makers are increasingly concerned about the impact of climate variability and change on the health of vulnerable populations. Variations and trends in climatic factors and extreme weather events impact many health outcomes, including malaria, heat stress and undernutrition. Climate Information for Public Health Action is based on the premise that climate knowledge and information can help protect the public from climate-sensitive health risks. With a focus on infectious disease, hydro-meteorological disasters and nutrition, the book explores why, when and how data on the historical, current and future (from days to decades) climate can be incorporated into health decision-making. Created as a collaborative effort between climate and health experts, this book targets a broad technical public health community, alongside development practitioners and policy-makers engaged in climate change adaptation. It may also guide climate experts in the development of climate services tailored to health needs. Written in an accessible, informative style, while maintaining the highest technical and scientific standards, it will also be a valuable resource for students and academics studying and working in the emerging field of environment and health. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license."

Climate Change and Cities

Climate Change and Cities PDF Author: Cynthia Rosenzweig
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139497405
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 311

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Urban areas are home to over half the world's people and are at the forefront of the climate change issue. The need for a global research effort to establish the current understanding of climate change adaptation and mitigation at the city level is urgent. To meet this goal a coalition of international researchers - the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) - was formed at the time of the C40 Large Cities Climate Summit in New York in 2007. This book is the First UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities. The authors are all international experts from a diverse range of cities with varying socio-economic conditions, from both the developing and developed world. It is invaluable for mayors, city officials and policymakers; urban sustainability officers and urban planners; and researchers, professors and advanced students.

Global Climate Change and Human Health

Global Climate Change and Human Health PDF Author: Jay Lemery
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111966795X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 674

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Learn more about the impact of global warming and climate change on human health and disease The Second Edition of Global Climate Change and Human Health delivers an accessible and comprehensive exploration of the rapidly accelerating and increasingly ubiquitous effects of climate change and global warming on human health and disease. The distinguished and accomplished authors discuss the health impacts of the economic, climatological, and geopolitical effects of global warming. You'll learn about: The effect of extreme weather events on public health and the effects of changing meteorological conditions on human health How changes in hydrology impact the spread of waterborne disease and noninfectious waterborne threats Adaptation to, and the mitigation and governance of, climate change, including international perspectives on climate change adaptation Perfect for students of public health, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, Global Climate Change and Human Health, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for anyone with an interest in the intersection of climate and human health and disease.

Shock Waves

Shock Waves PDF Author: Stephane Hallegatte
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464806748
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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Ending poverty and stabilizing climate change will be two unprecedented global achievements and two major steps toward sustainable development. But the two objectives cannot be considered in isolation: they need to be jointly tackled through an integrated strategy. This report brings together those two objectives and explores how they can more easily be achieved if considered together. It examines the potential impact of climate change and climate policies on poverty reduction. It also provides guidance on how to create a “win-win†? situation so that climate change policies contribute to poverty reduction and poverty-reduction policies contribute to climate change mitigation and resilience building. The key finding of the report is that climate change represents a significant obstacle to the sustained eradication of poverty, but future impacts on poverty are determined by policy choices: rapid, inclusive, and climate-informed development can prevent most short-term impacts whereas immediate pro-poor, emissions-reduction policies can drastically limit long-term ones.

Climate Change and Human Health Scenario in South and Southeast Asia

Climate Change and Human Health Scenario in South and Southeast Asia PDF Author: Rais Akhtar
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319236849
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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This book is the first to present a regional analysis of climate change and human health, focusing on geographically and socio-economically distinct countries of South and Southeast Asia. It has a major focus on India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal and Taiwan. Climate change is a significant and emerging threat to human health. lt represents a range of environmental hazards and will affect populations in both the developed and developing countries. In particular, it affects the regions where the current burden of climate-sensitive diseases are high, which is the case in South and Southeast Asian countries.

Protecting Health from Climate Change

Protecting Health from Climate Change PDF Author: Kristie L. Ebi
ISBN: 9789241564687
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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There is now strong evidence that the earth's climate is changing rapidly, due mainly to human activities. Increasing temperatures, sea-level rises, changes in precipitation patterns and extreme events are expected to increase a range of health risks, from the direct effects of heat-waves, floods and storms, to more suitable conditions for the transmission of important infectious diseases, to impacts on the natural systems and socioeconomic sectors that ultimately underpin human health. Much of the potential health impact of climate change can, however, be avoided through a combination of strengthening key health system functions and improved management of the risks presented by a changing climate. The critical first step in this process is to carry out a vulnerability and adaptation assessment. This allows countries to assess which populations are most vulnerable to different kinds of health effects, to identify weaknesses in the systems that should protect them, and to specify interventions to respond. Assessments can also improve evidence and understanding of the linkages between climate and health within the assessment area, serve as a baseline analysis against which changes in disease risk and protective measures can be monitored, provide the opportunity for building capacity, and strengthen the case for investment in health protection. WHO has responded to this global demand by building on past guidance and technical tools to outline a flexible process for vulnerability and adaptation assessment. In 2009, the WHO Regional Office for the Americas and WHO prepared draft guidance for this process, which was pilot-tested in studies across all WHO Regions. In July 2010, representatives of ministries of health from 15 countries came together in Costa Rica with WHO and subject area experts to share their experiences and provide feedback on how to improve the guidance for the conduct of vulnerability assessments. This document is the result of this process. It is intended not as a final, definitive guide but as an important part of an evolving set of resources that will support effective and evidence-based action to protect health from climate change.

Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming

Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming PDF Author: National Academy of Engineering
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309043867
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 945

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Global warming continues to gain importance on the international agenda and calls for action are heightening. Yet, there is still controversy over what must be done and what is needed to proceed. Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming describes the information necessary to make decisions about global warming resulting from atmospheric releases of radiatively active trace gases. The conclusions and recommendations include some unexpected results. The distinguished authoring committee provides specific advice for U.S. policy and addresses the need for an international response to potential greenhouse warming. It offers a realistic view of gaps in the scientific understanding of greenhouse warming and how much effort and expense might be required to produce definitive answers. The book presents methods for assessing options to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, offset emissions, and assist humans and unmanaged systems of plants and animals to adjust to the consequences of global warming.

A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change

A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change PDF Author: Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health (U.S.)
Category : Climatic changes
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Lessons Learned on Health Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change

Lessons Learned on Health Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change PDF Author: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9789241564953
Category : Adaptation (Physiology)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"Climate variability and change are exacerbating many current climate-sensitive health outcomes and have the potential to affect the ability of health system institutions and organizations to maintain or improve health burdens in the context of changing climate and development patterns. Advancing management of these risks requires systems-based and holistic approaches to adaptation. Research and practice that crosses disciplinary boundaries are vital for supporting evidence-based policies and programmes to effectively and efficiently address the health risks of climate variability and change in the context of multistressor environments. Goals and activities. The goals of this report are to: identify lessons learned and good practice examples from pilot health adaptation projects; discuss the potential for scaling up; and identify key barriers and challenges to scaling up successful interventions. Two activities were undertaken to achieve these goals: a desk review and synthesis of the first five years of implementation (2008-2013) of multinational health adaptation projects in low- and middle-income countries worldwide; and qualitative data collection through targeted interviews and focus group discussions to identify barriers, challenges and opportunities for implementation and scaling up of adaptation interventions. The report will be incorporated into a global operational framework developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for climate change adaptation in the health sector. The desk review included evaluation reports and other materials from three multicountry projects covering 14 countries. Qualitative data were collected through a focus group consultation and 19 key informant interviews to document lessons learned and good practice examples from health adaptation projects to facilitate assessing and overcoming barriers to implementation and to scaling up. The countries included are Barbados, Bhutan, China, Fiji, Jordan, Kenya and Uzbekistan (in the UNDP/WHO GEF-funded project "Piloting climate change adaptation to protect human health"); China, Jordan and the Philippines (in the health components of the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund); and Albania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Uzbekistan (in the WHO Regional Office for Europe project 'Protecting health from climate change: a Executive summary 3 seven-country initiative' funded by the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety). Based on expert judgment, the review evaluated the available documents for evidence and examples of attaining objectives and planned results of interventions; sustainability; stakeholder participation and community engagement; country ownership and sociopolitical constraints; human resources and capabilities; replicability and scalability; and indicators for monitoring and evaluation. The report also presents findings of a data collection activity from a focus group consultation and 19 key informants purposively selected for their expertise and role in health adaptation to climate change. The activity was intended to document lessons learned and good practice examples from pilot health adaptation projects in order to facilitate assessing and overcoming barriers to implementation and to scaling up."--Pages 2-3