Civilian Police and Multinational Peacekeeping--a Workshop Series

Civilian Police and Multinational Peacekeeping--a Workshop Series PDF Author:
Category : International police
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Civilian Police and Multinational Peacekeeping--a Workshop Series

Civilian Police and Multinational Peacekeeping--a Workshop Series PDF Author:
Category : International police
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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The New International Policing

The New International Policing PDF Author: B. Greener
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 023024162X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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Police personnel have increasingly been deployed outside their own domestic jurisdictions to uphold law and order and to help rebuild states. This book explores the phenomenon of a 'new international policing' and outlines the range of challenges and opportunities it presents to both practitioners and theorists.

Crafting Transnational Policing

Crafting Transnational Policing PDF Author: Andrew Goldsmith
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1847313973
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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The book examines the phenomenon of crafting transnational policing. By this term is meant the different forms of engagement in policing reform by international donors, national governments, foreign police and law enforcement agencies in the domestic policing agencies and programs of recipient countries. It includes, inter alia, peace-keeping in post-conflict situations, reconstruction and capacity-building as part of nation- or state-building exercises, and the provision of technical assistance in relation to certain aspects of law enforcement. In each instance, there is a cross-border provision of resources with a view to shaping the kind of policing provided in recipient nations. Why do some countries engage in these activities? Why has policing become a preferred form of foreign policy engagement in some countries? What forms of policing development are provided? How are they delivered? And how are they received? How should these kinds of assistance and/or interventions be conducted in future? In this regard, is there a non-negotiable 'core' of good policing that needs to be developed and nurtured as an integral part of all defensible transnational policing engagements? These are some of the questions raised by the contributions to this book. The book arises primarily from papers presented at a workshop held in Onati, Spain in July 2004 on the emergence of a global constabulary ethic. The book has also been supplemented by two solicited chapters.

Peacebuilding And Police Refor

Peacebuilding And Police Refor PDF Author: Tor Tanke Holm
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136347712
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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Reforms of local police forces in conflict or post-conflict areas need to be dealt with in order to create a certain level of security for the local people. This volume presents the discussions of professionals in the field of peacekeeping, civilian police activities and police reform, both academics and practitionaers, on the issue of internationally assisted police reform in transitions from war to peace. Contributions include theoretical insights and informed case studies from El Salvador and Guatamala, the Balkans, West Bank and Gaza, and Mozambique and South Africa.

Civilian Oversight of Policing

Civilian Oversight of Policing PDF Author: Andrew Goldsmith
Publisher: Hart Publishing
ISBN: 1841130303
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 347

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As the issue of police conduct in both industrialized and non- industrialized countries has reached several international agendas, contributors from the social sciences, justice, and human rights examine recent experiences with and prospects for civilian oversight, and how the relatively new method of accountability has been interpreted and implemented in a wide range of jurisdictions around the world. Distributed in the US by ISBS. c. Book News Inc.

Democratizing the Police Abroad

Democratizing the Police Abroad PDF Author: David H. Bayley
Category : Democratization
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis

Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis PDF Author: Patrick Walsh
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136718567
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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This book tracks post 9/11 developments in national security and policing intelligence and their relevance to new emerging areas of intelligence practice such as: corrections, biosecurity, private industry and regulatory environments. Developments are explored thematically across three broad sections: applying intelligence understanding structures developing a discipline. Issues explored include: understanding intelligence models; the strategic management challenges of intelligence; intelligence capacity building; and the ethical dimensions of intelligence practice. Using case studies collected from wide-ranging interviews with leaders, managers and intelligence practitioners from a range of practice areas in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and US, the book indentifies examples of good practice across countries and agencies that may be relevant to other settings. Uniquely bringing together significant theoretical and practical developments in a sample of traditional and emerging areas of intelligence, this book provides readers with a more holistic and inter-disciplinary perspective on the evolving intelligence field across several different practice contexts. Intelligence and Intelligence Analysis will be relevant to a broad audience including intelligence practitioners and managers working across all fields of intelligence (national security, policing, private industry and emerging areas) as well as students taking courses in policing and intelligence analysis.

Peacebuilding and Police Reform

Peacebuilding and Police Reform PDF Author: Espen Barth Eide
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135264740
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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The contributions here discuss the issue of internationally assisted police reform in transitions from war to peace. They include theoretical insights and informed case studies and a discussion of the trend towards internationally provided executive authority policing.

Holding UNPOL to Account

Holding UNPOL to Account PDF Author: Ai Kihara-Hunt
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004328815
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 457

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Ai Kihara-Hunt’s Holding UNPOL to Account: Individual Criminal Accountability of United Nations Police Personnel analyzes whether the mechanisms that address criminal accountability of United Nations police personnel serving in peace operations are effective, and if there is a problem, how it can be mitigated. The volume reviews the obligations of States and the UN to investigate and prosecute criminal acts committed by UN police, and examines the jurisdictional and immunity issues involved. It concludes that these do not constitute legal barriers to accountability, although immunity poses some problems in practice. The principal problem appears to be the lack of political will to bring prosecutions, as well as a lack of transparency, which makes it difficult accurately to determine the scale of the problem.

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications PDF Author:
Category : Government publications
Languages : en
Pages : 1076

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