Cinema Medievalia

Cinema Medievalia PDF Author: Kevin J. Harty
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 1476653615
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 387

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This collection of original essays presents new scholarship on nearly three dozen feature-length films, including silent films, animated films, films in black and white, and films in technicolor, along with other, shorter examples of cinematic medievalism. Written by contributors from around the globe with a wide variety of backgrounds, the essays in this volume take a critical approach to one of the most popular forms of medivalism. This book presents a full century of cinematic depictions of the Middle Ages, with new examinations of works such as The Seventh Seal, God's Fool, La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, Saladin the Victorious, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic, and A Knight's Tale, among others.

Cinema Medievalia

Cinema Medievalia PDF Author: Kevin J. Harty
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 1476653615
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 387

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Book Description
This collection of original essays presents new scholarship on nearly three dozen feature-length films, including silent films, animated films, films in black and white, and films in technicolor, along with other, shorter examples of cinematic medievalism. Written by contributors from around the globe with a wide variety of backgrounds, the essays in this volume take a critical approach to one of the most popular forms of medivalism. This book presents a full century of cinematic depictions of the Middle Ages, with new examinations of works such as The Seventh Seal, God's Fool, La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, Saladin the Victorious, Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic, and A Knight's Tale, among others.

A History of Arthurian Scholarship

A History of Arthurian Scholarship PDF Author: Norris J. Lacy
Publisher: Boydell & Brewer Ltd
ISBN: 1843840693
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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A survey of critical attention devoted to Arthurian matters. This book offers the first comprehensive and analytical account of the development of Arthurian scholarship from the eighteenth century, or earlier, to the present day. The chapters, each written by an expert in the area under discussion, present scholarly trends and evaluate major contributions to the study of the numerous different strands which make up the Arthurian material: origins, Grail studies, editing and translation of Arthurian texts, medieval and modern literatures (in English and European languages), art and film. The result is an indispensable resource for students and a valuable guide for anyone with a serious interest in the Arthurian legend. Contributors: NORRIS LACY, TONY HUNT, KEITH BUSBY, JANE TAYLOR, CHRISTOPHER SNYDER, RICHARD BARBER, SIAN ECHARD, GERALD MORGAN, ALBRECHT CLASSEN, ROGER DALRYMPLE, BART BESAMUSCA, MARIANNE E. KALINKE, BARBARA MILLER, CHRISTOPHER KLEINHENZ, MURIEL WHITAKER, JEANNE FOX-FRIEDMAN, DANIEL NASTALI, KEVIN J. HARTY NORRIS J. LACY is Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of French and Medieval Studies at Pennsylvania State University.

The Holy Grail on Film

The Holy Grail on Film PDF Author: Kevin J. Harty
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 1476620539
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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This collection of new essays is the first to study film depictions of the quest for the Holy Grail--the holy Christian relic of legend supposedly used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Scholars from a range of disciplines discuss American, Australian and European films that offer fresh perspectives on this enduring myth of the Arthurian world and Western culture, including The Silver Chalice (1954), Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Excalibur (1981), The Road Warrior (1981), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), The Fisher King (1991), The Da Vinci Code (2006), The Waterboy (1998), and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead (2009).

United States of Medievalism

United States of Medievalism PDF Author: Tison Pugh
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 1487525087
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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This fascinating collection explores America's appropriations and fabrications of the Middle Ages, revealing the nation's complicated love affair with a past it never had, but has created from history and imagination.

Medieval Women on Film

Medieval Women on Film PDF Author: Kevin J. Harty
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 1476668442
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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In this first ever book-length treatment, 11 scholars with a variety of backgrounds in medieval studies, film studies, and medievalism discuss how historical and fictional medieval women have been portrayed on film and their connections to the feminist movements of the 20th and 21st centuries. From detailed studies of the portrayal of female desire and sexuality, to explorations of how and when these women gain agency, these essays look at the different ways these women reinforce, defy, and complicate traditional gender roles. Individual essays discuss the complex and sometimes conflicting cinematic treatments of Guinevere, Morgan Le Fay, Isolde, Maid Marian, Lady Godiva, Heloise, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Joan of Arc. Additional essays discuss the women in Fritz Lang's The Nibelungen, Liv Ullmann's Kristin Lavransdatter, and Bertrand Tavernier's La Passion Beatrice.

The Arthurian World

The Arthurian World PDF Author: Victoria Coldham-Fussell
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000522105
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 744

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This collection provides an innovative and wide-ranging introduction to the world of Arthur by looking beyond the canonical texts and themes, taking instead a transversal perspective on the Arthurian narrative. Together, its thirty-four chapters explore the continuities that make the material recognizable from one century to another, as well as transformations specific to particular times and places, revealing the astonishing variety of adaptations that have made the Arthurian story popular in large parts of the world. Divided into four parts—The World of Arthur in the British Isles, The European World of Arthur, The Material World of Arthur, and The Transversal World of Arthur — the volume tracks the legend’s movement across temporal, geographical, and material boundaries. Broadly chronological, each part views the unfolding Arthurian story through its own lens, while temporal and geographical overlaps between the sections underscore the proximity of these developments in the legend’s history. Ranging from early Latin chronicles and Welsh poetry to twenty-first century anime and political conspiracies, this comprehensive and illuminating book will be of interest to anyone researching Arthurian literature or tracing the evolution of medievalism through literature, the visual arts, and popular culture.

Movie Medievalism

Movie Medievalism PDF Author: Nickolas Haydock
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 0786451378
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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This work offers a theoretical introduction to the portrayal of medievalism in popular film. Employing the techniques of film criticism and theory, it moves beyond the simple identification of error toward a poetics of this type of film, sensitive to both cinema history and to the role these films play in constructing what the author terms the "medieval imaginary." The opening two chapters introduce the rapidly burgeoning field of medieval film studies, viewed through the lenses of Lacanian psychoanalysis and the Deleuzian philosophy of the time-image. The first chapter explores how a vast array of films (including both auteur cinema and popular movies) contributes to the modern vision of life in the Middle Ages, while the second is concerned with how time itself functions in cinematic representations of the medieval. The remaining five chapters offer detailed considerations of specific examples of representations of medievalism in recent films, including First Knight, A Knight's Tale, The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, Kingdom of Heaven, King Arthur, Night Watch, and The Da Vinci Code. The book also surveys important benchmarks in the development of Deleuze's time-image, from classic examples like Bergman's The Seventh Seal and Kurosawa's Kagemusha through contemporary popular cinema, in order to trace how movie medievalism constructs images of the multivalence of time in memory and representation. Instructors considering this book for use in a course may request an examination copy here.

Studies in Medievalism XXXI

Studies in Medievalism XXXI PDF Author: Karl Fugelso
Publisher: Boydell & Brewer
ISBN: 184384625X
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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Essays on the use, and misuse, of the Middle Ages for political aims.

Studies in Medievalism XXXIII

Studies in Medievalism XXXIII PDF Author: Karl Fugelso
Publisher: Boydell & Brewer
ISBN: 1843847175
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 271

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Essays on the post-modern reception and interpretation of the Middle Ages. Though Studies in Medievalism has hosted many essays on gender, this is the first volume devoted specifically to that theme. The first part features four short essays that directly address manifestations of sexism in postmedieval responses to the Middle Ages: gender substitutions in a Grail Quest episode of the 2023 television series Mrs. Davis, repurposed misogyny in the last two episodes of Game of Thrones (2011-19), traditional gender stereotypes in Capital One's credit card commercials from 2000 to 2013, and "shaggy" medievalism in Robert Eggers' 2022 film The Northman. The second part contains ten longer essays, which collectively continue to demonstrate the ubiquity of gender issues and the extraordinary flexibility of approaches to them. The authors discuss the misogynistic sexualization of Grendel's mother in Parke Godwin's 1995 fantasy novel The Tower of Beowulf, in Graham Baker's 1999 film Beowulf, in three episodes from the television series Xena: Warrior Princess, and in Robert Zemeckis's 2007 film Beowulf; gender substitution in David Lowery's 2021 film The Green Knight and in Kinoku Nasu's and Takashi Takeuchi's anime series Fate (2004-); female authorship of three early-nineteenth-century plays about court ladies' medieval empowerment; extraordinary violence in medievalist video games; nationalism in fake nineteenth-century medievalist documents and in contemporary online fora; racial discrimination in video gaming and in Jim Crow literature; and the condemnation of racism in Maria Dahvana Headley's 2018 novel The Mere Wife.

The Disney Middle Ages

The Disney Middle Ages PDF Author: T. Pugh
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 113706692X
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 473

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For many, the middle ages depicted in Walt Disney movies have come to figure as the middle ages, forming the earliest visions of the medieval past for much of the contemporary Western (and increasingly Eastern) imagination. The essayists of The Disney Middle Ages explore Disney's mediation and re-creation of a fairy-tale and fantasy past, not to lament its exploitation of the middle ages for corporate ends, but to examine how and why these medieval visions prove so readily adaptable to themed entertainments many centuries after their creation. What results is a scrupulous and comprehensive examination of the intersection between the products of the Disney Corporation and popular culture's fascination with the middle ages.