Christ and His Rivals

Christ and His Rivals PDF Author: Douglas Wilson
ISBN: 9780975391471
Category : Bible
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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In his Through New Eyes commentary on Hebrews, Douglas Wilson reviews the epistle writer's use of typology in describing the new covenant under the new high priest, Jesus Christ.

Christ and His Rivals

Christ and His Rivals PDF Author: Douglas Wilson
ISBN: 9780975391471
Category : Bible
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Book Description
In his Through New Eyes commentary on Hebrews, Douglas Wilson reviews the epistle writer's use of typology in describing the new covenant under the new high priest, Jesus Christ.

God's Rivals

God's Rivals PDF Author: Gerald R. McDermott
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830875360
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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Gerald R. McDermott explores the question, "Why are there other religions?" He looks at teaching from the Old and New Testaments and from a number of key teachers from the early church to suggest an answer to this perplexing but intriguing question.

Rooting for Rivals

Rooting for Rivals PDF Author: Peter Greer
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 1493414976
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 235

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Discover how to expand your ministry by teaming up with so-called rival organizations rather than vying for donations. With a countercultural message, a Christlike model, and real-world examples, Greer and Horst reveal the key to revitalizing your ministry, sharing how you can multiply its impact by collaborating rather than competing with others.

Paul and his Rivals

Paul and his Rivals PDF Author: Clair Mesick
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3111445453
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 364

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Book Description
At the heart of Paul’s Corinthian correspondence is a historical puzzle. How did the relative calm of 1 Corinthians deteriorate into the chaos of 2 Corinthians, and what role did the so-called Jewish “super-apostles” play in that conflict? This book proposes a new solution: it was Paul, not his rivals, who shot the first volley in the Corinthian conflict. Paul’s claims of unique authority—for instance, as the architect atop whose foundation all others must build (1 Cor 3:10) and the Corinthians’ father while others are mere pedagogues (4:15)—would relegate other leaders to lesser positions. His contention that accepting financial support put an obstacle before the gospel (9:12) would jeopardize the livelihood of apostles who relied on such support. Finally, Paul’s claim that he becomes “lawless to the lawless” (9:21) or that “circumcision is nothing” (7:19) could throw into question Paul’s own Jewishness (cf. 2 Cor 11:22). By reading the Corinthian correspondence against the grain—imagining how Paul’s letter might have backfired for an audience who did not yet take him as scripture—this book explores how misunderstandings and misinterpretations can fracture church communities and cause a ripple effect of conflict and accusation.

Without Rival

Without Rival PDF Author: Lisa Bevere
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 1493404989
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Book Description
Now a New York Times bestseller! There is a reason we look at others as rivals and limit ourselves to comparison and competition. We have an enemy assaulting our mind, will, and emotions in the hope that we'll turn on ourselves and each other. It's a cycle that isolates us from intimate connections, creates confusion about our identity, and limits our purpose. In Without Rival, bestselling author Lisa Bevere shares how a revelation of God's love breaks these limits. You'll learn how to stop seeing others as rivals and make the deep connections with your Creator you long for--connections that hold the promise of true identity and intimacy. With biblically sound teaching filled with prophetic insight for our day, Lisa uses humor and passion to challenge you to · Flip rivalry so it brings out the best in you · Stop hiding from conversations you need to be a part of · Answer the argument that says women are unfit, easily deceived, and gullible · Dismantle gender rivalry and work with the men in your life It's time to step forward to live a life without rival.

Who Gets to Narrate the World?

Who Gets to Narrate the World? PDF Author: Robert E. Webber
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830877711
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 139

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Christianity in America will not survive in our age unless it is fully rooted in the Gospel. Convinced that American evangelicals are facing the demise of their entire way of life and faith, the late Robert Webber challenges his readers to rise up and engage both the external and internal challenges confronting the church today.

See the Gods Fall

See the Gods Fall PDF Author: Francis Beckwith
Publisher: College Press Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780899007946
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 311

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Jesus Outside the Lines

Jesus Outside the Lines PDF Author: Scott Sauls
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 1496403835
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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Book Description
Whether the issue of the day on Twitter, Facebook, or cable news is our sexuality, political divides, or the perceived conflict between faith and science, today’s media pushes each one of us into a frustrating clash between two opposing sides. Polarizing, us-against-them discussions divide us and distract us from thinking clearly and communicating lovingly with others. Scott Sauls, like many of us, is weary of the bickering and is seeking a way of truth and beauty through the conflicts. Jesus Outside the Lines presents Jesus as this way. Scott shows us how the words and actions of Jesus reveal a response that does not perpetuate the destructive fray. Jesus offers us a way forward—away from harshness, caricatures, and stereotypes. In Jesus Outside the Lines, you will experience a fresh perspective of Jesus, who will not (and should not) fit into the sides.

Drawing Near

Drawing Near PDF Author: John MacArthur
Publisher: Crossway
ISBN: 1581344139
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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A daily devotional guide that uniquely takes an expository, rather than a thematic or topical, approach to Scripture. Each reading provides insight, as well as suggestions for prayer and further study.

The Expulsive Power of a New Affection

The Expulsive Power of a New Affection PDF Author: Thomas Chalmers
Publisher: Gideon House Books
ISBN: 1943133085
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 25

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“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” — 1 John 2:15 Those who struggle with habitual sin are keenly aware of the despair and fatigue that comes from trying harder and harder to control the desire to do what is wrong in the eyes of God. For this person, there be times of limited success in overcoming sin, but eventually he/she falls back again into unhealthy patterns. In "The Expulsive Power of a New Affection", Thomas Chalmers argues that no matter how hard we may try, we’ll never overcome habitual sin in our lives unless we switch our affections from the world to Jesus Christ. Thankfully Christ loved us first and is more than willing to set us free if we’d only realize the true Gospel power that we can all have in our lives today.