Britain Votes 6

Britain Votes 6 PDF Author: Colin Rallings
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429862733
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Book Description
First published in 1998, Britain Votes 6 contains a comprehensive record of the 1997 general election based on the official returns. For every constituency there is a complete record of candidates party labels and voted polled together with the vote share. Calculation of vote change is based either on the 1992 constituency result or where boundary changes have occurred on the notional result. Other statistics include the % majority, turnout, and electorate. Also included is an index of candidates together with various tables summarising the results by nation and region and detailing rank orders of parliamentary constituencies according to party majorities, party change in the share of the vote and other important electoral indicators.

Britain Votes 6

Britain Votes 6 PDF Author: Colin Rallings
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429862733
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Book Description
First published in 1998, Britain Votes 6 contains a comprehensive record of the 1997 general election based on the official returns. For every constituency there is a complete record of candidates party labels and voted polled together with the vote share. Calculation of vote change is based either on the 1992 constituency result or where boundary changes have occurred on the notional result. Other statistics include the % majority, turnout, and electorate. Also included is an index of candidates together with various tables summarising the results by nation and region and detailing rank orders of parliamentary constituencies according to party majorities, party change in the share of the vote and other important electoral indicators.

Britain Votes: the 2019 General Election

Britain Votes: the 2019 General Election PDF Author: Jonathan Tonge
ISBN: 9780198869832
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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Book Description
Britain Votes: the 2019 General Election analyses a remarkable general election contest. Boris Johnson's Conservative Party turned parliamentary stalemate into a decisive overall majority. The Conservatives' victory saw the demolition of much of Labour's 'red wall' of seemingly impregnable seats. This volume explains how and why this happened.

British Electoral Facts 1832-2006

British Electoral Facts 1832-2006 PDF Author: Colin Rallings
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1351954652
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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Book Description
The seventh edition of this unique and authoritative guide to more than 170 years of political history reflects the rapid and continuing change in the electoral landscape of the United Kingdom. Covering the period 1832-2006, it gives easy access to a myriad of facts and figures on all 44 General Elections, six European Parliament elections and more than 3,700 parliamentary by-elections that have taken place in the United Kingdom since the Great Reform Act. It also contains a considerable array of opinion poll data for both Great Britain and Scotland. Significant new information includes further rounds of devolution elections in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; referendums and elections relating to elected mayors in London and a number of English local authorities; and the impact of the relaxation of the regulations on the issuing and casting of postal votes. To aid readers in finding their way about this increasingly complex electoral maze, this edition also - and for the first time - contains a comprehensive index. The cornerstone of any psephologist's library, British Electoral Facts 1832-2006 will also prove an invaluable reference and source book for politicians, public servants, historians, journalists, teachers and all those fascinated by the ebb and flow of electoral fortunes.

The British Political Process

The British Political Process PDF Author: Tony Wright
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134943989
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 420

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Book Description
British Political Process: An Introduction is an exciting new text for students which clearly and simply explains the workings of the British political system. Written by those close to the political process, it provides an authoritative, reliable and manageable guide to understanding all the key elements of government and politics in Britain. It begins by placing British politics in context and then explores those areas which feature on British Politics courses. Benefits to students include: * an exploration of the key areas, including: the constitution; elections; parties; pressure groups and lobbying; media; parliament; Whitehall; the Prime Minister and Ministers; the EU; devolution; and the future of British politics * government documents which give unique insights into actual political processes, as well as figures, cartoons and tables which illustrate and summarise information and statistics in an accessible way * appendices provide useful information such as: a glossary of terms; a chronology of events; a digest of facts; and a guide to politics on the internet * a knowledgeable and experienced team of writers who offer a unique insight into British political processes.

British Electoral Facts, 1832-1999

British Electoral Facts, 1832-1999 PDF Author: Fred Craig
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000160777
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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Book Description
This title was first published in 2000: This is a reference guide to British elections 1832-1999. It is a volume of electoral facts, which includes material on general elections, parliamentary by-elections, European Parliament elections, elections within the UK, local government elections, referendums, electoral irregularities, and public opinion polls.

Making Thatcher's Britain

Making Thatcher's Britain PDF Author: Ben Jackson
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107012384
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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This book situates the controversial Thatcher era in the political, social, cultural and economic history of modern Britain.


Report PDF Author: Commonwealth Shipping Committee
Category : Shipping
Languages : en
Pages : 808

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British Elections and Parties Review

British Elections and Parties Review PDF Author: Philip Cowley
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136323392
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Book Description
After the Labour Party's landslide victory in 1997, the results were analyzed. Issues at the top of the agenda included party leader image, campaign strategy, the sleaze factor, the effect of the media and changes in the electoral geography of Britain. This volume records the discussion.

The Theosophist

The Theosophist PDF Author:
Category : Theosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 554

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Tackling Inequalities

Tackling Inequalities PDF Author: Christina Pantazis
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 1861341466
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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SUMMARY: Focuses on Ken, a dialysis patient. Describes his peritoneal dialysis treatment and shows its effect on his life.