Bibliography of Meteorology: Temperature

Bibliography of Meteorology: Temperature PDF Author: United States. Army. Signal Corps
Category : Evaporation (Meteorology)
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Bibliography of Meteorology: Temperature

Bibliography of Meteorology: Temperature PDF Author: United States. Army. Signal Corps
Category : Evaporation (Meteorology)
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Mountain Meteorology

Mountain Meteorology PDF Author: C. David Whiteman
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198030447
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications offers first an introduction to the basic principles and concepts of mountain meteorology, then goes on to discuss their application in natural resources management. It includes over two hundred beautiful, full-color photographs, figures, and diagrams, as well as observable indicators of atmospheric processes--such as winds, temperature, and clouds--to facilitate the recognition of weather systems and events for a variety of readers. It is ideal for those who spend time in or near mountains and whose daily activities are affected by weather. As a comprehensive work filled with diverse examples and colorful illustrations, it is essential for professionals, scholars, and students of meteorology.

An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology

An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology PDF Author: James R. Holton
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123540151
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 553

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MATLAB scripts (M-files) are provided on the accompanying CD.

The GOES User's Guide

The GOES User's Guide PDF Author: J. Dane Clark
Category : Artificial satellites
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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International Bibliography of Meteorology

International Bibliography of Meteorology PDF Author: James Rodger Fleming
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 734

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This bibliography was started in 1872 by Prof. Cleveland Abbe, chief scientist in the weather service when it was still part of the U.S. Army Signal Corps. By 1889 the collection had grown to over 60,000 books, dissertations, articles, and pamphlets -- essentially everything printed about meteorology and related topics up to 1889. This bibliography contains over 16,000 of the most important entries in the original collection. It is a new edition that combines 4 volumes into one -- Temperature, Moisture, Winds, and Storms -- and integrates the errata and several supplements into the original text. Over 2/3 of the entries are not in English.

El Niño

El Niño PDF Author: A. M. Babkina
Publisher: Nova Publishers
ISBN: 9781590334126
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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The term El Niño (Spanish for "the Christ Child") was originally used by fishermen along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru to refer to a warm ocean current that typically appears around Christmastime and lasts for several months. Fish are less abundant during these warm intervals, yet in some years, however, the water is especially warm and the break in the fishing season persists into May or even June. El Niño also brings heavy rains. During the past 40 years, nine El Niños have affected the South American coast. Most of them raised water temperatures not only along the coast, but also at the Galapagos islands and in a belt stretching 5000 miles across the equatorial Pacific. The weaker events raised sea temperatures only by one to two degrees Fahrenheit, but the strong ones, like the El Niño of 1982-83, left an imprint, not only upon the local weather and marine life, but also on climatic conditions around the globe. This book includes a detailed overview and bibliography with complete title, author and subject indexes.

Vital Accounts

Vital Accounts PDF Author: Andrea A. Rusnock
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521803748
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Rusnock shows how vital accounts became the measure of public health and welfare.

Weather Forecasting Accuracy for FAA Traffic Flow Management

Weather Forecasting Accuracy for FAA Traffic Flow Management PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309168376
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 67

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Accurate prediction of convective storms 2- to 6-hours in advance is critical to selecting air traffic routes with minimal weather delays or diversions. This report summarizes the discussions of a workshop to explore present convective weather forecasting skill, strategies for improving that skill, ways to verify forecasts are accurate, and how to make forecasts useful to air traffic controllers, airline dispatchers, and pilots.

Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography

Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography PDF Author:
Category : Cosmic physics
Languages : en
Pages : 1042

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Weather, Climate, and the Geographical Imagination

Weather, Climate, and the Geographical Imagination PDF Author: Martin Mahony
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
ISBN: 0822987554
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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As global temperatures rise under the forcing hand of humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions, new questions are being asked of how societies make sense of their weather, of the cultural values, which are afforded to climate, and of how environmental futures are imagined, feared, predicted, and remade. Weather, Climate, and Geographical Imagination contributes to this conversation by bringing together a range of voices from history of science, historical geography, and environmental history, each speaking to a set of questions about the role of space and place in the production, circulation, reception, and application of knowledges about weather and climate. The volume develops the concept of “geographical imagination” to address the intersecting forces of scientific knowledge, cultural politics, bodily experience, and spatial imaginaries, which shape the history of knowledges about climate.