Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche

Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche PDF Author: Elliot L. Jurist
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262263238
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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Are Hegel and Nietzsche philosophical opposites? Can twentieth-century Continental philosophers be categorized as either Hegelians or Nietzscheans? In this book Elliot Jurist places Hegel and Nietzsche in conversation with each other, reassessing their relationship in a way that affirms its complexity. Jurist examines Hegel's and Nietzsche's claim that philosophy and culture are linked and explicates the various meanings of "culture" in their work—in particular, the contrast both thinkers draw between ancient and modern culture. He evaluates their positions on the failure of modern culture and on the need to develop conceptions of satisfied agency. It is Jurist's original contribution to focus on the psychological sensibility that informs the project of both philosophers. Writing in an admirably clear style, he traces the ongoing legacy of Hegel's and Nietzsche's thought in Adorno, Habermas, Honneth, Jessica Benjamin, Heidegger, Derrida, Lacan, and Butler.

Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche

Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche PDF Author: Elliot L. Jurist
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262263238
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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Book Description
Are Hegel and Nietzsche philosophical opposites? Can twentieth-century Continental philosophers be categorized as either Hegelians or Nietzscheans? In this book Elliot Jurist places Hegel and Nietzsche in conversation with each other, reassessing their relationship in a way that affirms its complexity. Jurist examines Hegel's and Nietzsche's claim that philosophy and culture are linked and explicates the various meanings of "culture" in their work—in particular, the contrast both thinkers draw between ancient and modern culture. He evaluates their positions on the failure of modern culture and on the need to develop conceptions of satisfied agency. It is Jurist's original contribution to focus on the psychological sensibility that informs the project of both philosophers. Writing in an admirably clear style, he traces the ongoing legacy of Hegel's and Nietzsche's thought in Adorno, Habermas, Honneth, Jessica Benjamin, Heidegger, Derrida, Lacan, and Butler.

Hegel, Nietzsche and the Criticism of Metaphysics

Hegel, Nietzsche and the Criticism of Metaphysics PDF Author: Stephen Houlgate
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521892797
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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This study of Hegel and Nietzsche evaluates and compares their work through their common criticism of the metaphysics for operating with conceptual oppositions such as being/becoming and egoism/altruism. Dr Houlgate exposes Nietzsche's critique as employing the distinction of Life and Thought, which itself constitutes a metaphysical dualism of the kind Nietzsche attacks. By comparison Hegel is shown to provide a more profound critique of metaphysical dualism by applying his philosophy of the dialectic, which sees such alleged opposites as defining components of a dynamic. In choosing to study a theme so fundamental to both philosophers' work, Houlgate has established a framework within which to evaluate the Hegel-Nietzsche debate; to make the first full study of Nietzsche's view of Hegel's work; and to compare Nietzsche's Dionysic philosophy with Hegel's dialectical philosophy by focusing on tragedy, a subject central to the philosophy of both.

Infinite Autonomy

Infinite Autonomy PDF Author: Jeffrey Church
Publisher: Penn State Press
ISBN: 0271050764
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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G. W. F. Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche are often considered the philosophical antipodes of the nineteenth century. In Infinite Autonomy, Jeffrey Church draws on the thinking of both Hegel and Nietzsche to assess the modern Western defense of individuality&—to consider whether we were right to reject the ancient model of community above the individual. The theoretical and practical implications of this project are important, because the proper defense of the individual allows for the survival of modern liberal institutions in the face of non-Western critics who value communal goals at the expense of individual rights. By drawing from Hegelian and Nietzschean ideas of autonomy, Church finds a third way for the individual&—what he calls the &“historical individual,&” which goes beyond the disagreements of the ancients and the moderns while nonetheless incorporating their distinctive contributions.

Beyond Hegel and Dialectic

Beyond Hegel and Dialectic PDF Author: William Desmond
Publisher: Suny Press
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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This book is a defense of speculative philosophy in the wake of Hegel. In a number of wide-ranging, meditative essays, Desmond deals with the criticism of speculative thought in post-Hegelian thinking. He covers the interpretation of Hegelian speculation in terms of the metataxological notion of being and the concept of philosophy that Desmond has developed in two previous works, Philosophy and Its Others, and Desire, Dialectic and Otherness. Though Hegel is Desmond's primary interlocuter, there are references to Aristophanes, Socrates, Plato, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Marx, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas, and Derrida. Desmond is concerned with the limits of philosophy. The themes of the essays include speculation and historicism, speculation and cult, speculation and representation, evil and dialectic, logos and the comedy of failure.

Tragedy, Recognition, and the Death of God

Tragedy, Recognition, and the Death of God PDF Author: Robert R. Williams
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199656053
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 423

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Robert R. Williams offers a bold new account of divergences and convergences in the work of Hegel and Nietzsche. He explores four themes - the philosophy of tragedy; recognition and community; critique of Kant; and the death of God - and explicates both thinkers' critiques of traditional theology and metaphysics.

Metaphysics to Metafictions

Metaphysics to Metafictions PDF Author: Paul S. Miklowitz
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN: 9780791438787
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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Examines the key role played by Nietzsche in the undoing of the Hegelian system of totality.

Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche

Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche PDF Author: Henri Lefebvre
Publisher: Verso Books
ISBN: 1788733754
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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The great French Marxist philosopher weighs up the contributions of the three major critics of modernity With the translation of Lefebvre's philosophical writings, his stature in the English-speaking world continues to grow. Though certainly within the Marxist tradition, he consistently saw Marx as an 'unavoidable, necessary, but insufficient starting point'. Unsurprisingly, Lefebvre always insisted on the importance of Hegel to understanding Marx. But the imposing Metaphilosophy also suggested the significance he ascribed to Nietzsche, in the 'realm of shadows' through which philosophy seeks to think the world. Lefebvre proposes here that the modern world is at the same time Hegelian in terms of the state; Marxist in terms of the social and society; and Nietzschean in terms of civilization and its values. As early as 1939, Lefebvre pioneered a French reading of Nietzsche that rejected the philosopher's appropriation by fascism, bringing out the tragic implications of Nietzsche's proclamation that 'God is dead' long before this approach was followed by such later writers as Foucault, Derrida and Deleuze. Forty years later, in the last of his philosophical writings, Lefebvre juxtaposes the contributions of the three great thinkers, in a text whose themes remain surprisingly relevant today.

The End of Art

The End of Art PDF Author: Eva Geulen
Publisher: Stanford University Press
ISBN: 9780804744249
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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Since Hegel, the idea of an end of art has become a staple of aesthetic theory. This book analyzes its role and its rhetoric in Hegel, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Adorno, and Heidegger in order to account for the topic's enduring persistence. In addition to providing a general overview of the main thinkers of post-Idealist German aesthetics, the book explores the relationship between tradition and modernity. For despite the differences that distinguish one philosopher's end of art from another's, all authors treated here turn the end of art into an occasion to thematize and to reflect on the very thing that modernism cannot or should not be: tradition. As a discourse, the end of art is one of our modern traditions.

A Beginner's Guide to Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

A Beginner's Guide to Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil PDF Author: Gareth Southwell
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444306154
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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A concise and very readable summary of Nietzsche's Beyond Goodand Evil, geared toward students embarking on their studies andgeneral readers. It is an ideal companion for those new to thestudy of this challenging and often misunderstood classic. Offers clear explanations of the central themes and ideas,terminology, and arguments Includes a glossary of difficult terms as well as helpfulbiographical and historical information Illustrates arguments and ideas with useful tables, diagrams,and images; and includes references to further readings Forms part of a series of Guides designed specifically forA-level philosophy students by an experienced teacher and founderof the popular website Philosophy Online

The Step Not Beyond

The Step Not Beyond PDF Author: Lycette Nelson
Publisher: SUNY Press
ISBN: 9780791409084
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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This book is a translation of Maurice Blanchot's work that is of major importance to late 20th-century literature and philosophy studies. Using the fragmentary form, Blanchot challenges the boundaries between the literary and the philosophical. With the obsessive rigor that has always marked his writing, Blanchot returns to the themes that have haunted his work since the beginning: writing, death, transgression, the neuter, but here the figures around whom his discussion turns are Hegel and Nietzsche rather than Mallarme and Kafka. The metaphor Blanchot uses for writing in The Step Not Beyond is the game of chance. Fragmentary writing is a play of limits, a play of ever-multiplied terms in which no one term ever takes precedence. Through the randomness of the fragmentary, Blanchot explores ideas as varied as the relation of writing to luck and to the law, the displacement of the self in writing, the temporality of the Eternal Return, the responsibility of the self towards the others.