Beyond Deductibles

Beyond Deductibles PDF Author: Gary Fradin
ISBN: 1365782468
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 106

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Beyond Deductibles shows what companies can do to control their healthcare spending after they've tried high deductibles, narrow networks, wellness programs and price transparency. It addresses the 30%%+ of medical spending that's ineffective, wasteful and harmful and it shows how employees can obtain more beneficial and typically less expensive care.

Beyond Deductibles

Beyond Deductibles PDF Author: Gary Fradin
ISBN: 1365782468
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 106

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Book Description
Beyond Deductibles shows what companies can do to control their healthcare spending after they've tried high deductibles, narrow networks, wellness programs and price transparency. It addresses the 30%%+ of medical spending that's ineffective, wasteful and harmful and it shows how employees can obtain more beneficial and typically less expensive care.

Medical and Dental Expenses

Medical and Dental Expenses PDF Author:
Category : Income tax deductions for medical expenses
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Beyond the Bake Sale

Beyond the Bake Sale PDF Author: Anne T. Henderson
ISBN: 1458781135
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Countless studies demonstrate that students with parents actively involved in their education at home and school are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, enroll in higher-level programs, graduate from high school, and go on to post-secondary education. Beyond the Bake Sale shows how to form these essential partnerships and how to make them work. Packed with tips from principals and teachers, checklists, and an invaluable resource section, Beyond the Bake Sale reveals how to build strong collaborative relationships and offers practical advice for improving interactions between parents and teachers, from insuring that PTA groups are constructive and inclusive to navigating the complex issues surrounding diversity in the classroom. Written with candor, clarity, and humor, Beyond the Bake Sale is essential reading for teachers, parents on the front lines in public schools, and administrators and policy makers at all levels.

Benefits and Beyond

Benefits and Beyond PDF Author: Thomas E. Murphy
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1412950880
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 537

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Written for students of benefit design and policy, human resources and employee compensation, this book explains the basics of labor economics, human resource strategies, tax policies, metrics and actuarial science. Murphy (law and economics, Miami U., Ohio) uses case studies and examples for illustrating the proper strategies for benefit design including publicly funded retirement plans, health care programs, life insurance, equity benefits and disability plans. This text also compares benefit policy in Europe, the United States and the Pacific Rim for students who wish to practice human resources on an international level. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Moral Hazard in Health Insurance

Moral Hazard in Health Insurance PDF Author: Amy Finkelstein
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 0231538685
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 161

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Addressing the challenge of covering heath care expenses—while minimizing economic risks. Moral hazard—the tendency to change behavior when the cost of that behavior will be borne by others—is a particularly tricky question when considering health care. Kenneth J. Arrow’s seminal 1963 paper on this topic (included in this volume) was one of the first to explore the implication of moral hazard for health care, and Amy Finkelstein—recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic—here examines this issue in the context of contemporary American health care policy. Drawing on research from both the original RAND Health Insurance Experiment and her own research, including a 2008 Health Insurance Experiment in Oregon, Finkelstein presents compelling evidence that health insurance does indeed affect medical spending and encourages policy solutions that acknowledge and account for this. The volume also features commentaries and insights from other renowned economists, including an introduction by Joseph P. Newhouse that provides context for the discussion, a commentary from Jonathan Gruber that considers provider-side moral hazard, and reflections from Joseph E. Stiglitz and Kenneth J. Arrow. “Reads like a fireside chat among a group of distinguished, articulate health economists.” —Choice

Beyond the Algorithm

Beyond the Algorithm PDF Author: Deepa Das Acevedo
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108852955
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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In Beyond the Algorithm: Qualitative Insights for Gig Work Regulation, Deepa Das Acevedo and a collection of scholars and experts show why government actors must go beyond mass surveys and data-scrubbing in order to truly understand the realities of gig work. The contributors draw on qualitative empirical research to reveal the narratives and real-life experiences that define gig work, and they connect these insights to policy debates being fought out in courts, town halls, and even in Congress itself. The book also bridges academic and non-academic worlds by drawing on the experiences of drivers, journalists, and workers' advocates who were among the first people to study gig work from the bottom up. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gig work, the legal infrastructure surrounding it, and how that infrastructure can and must be improved.

Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms

Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms PDF Author:
Category : Employee fringe benefits
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck

Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck PDF Author: Michael B. Rubin
Publisher: Signed By Author
ISBN: 0978792785
Category : Finance, Personal
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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Like the rare teacher who can make a dry subject come alive, Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck presents a conversation between the author and you, a time-starved yet curious reader'with an occasional interruption from an annuity-obsessed salesman. Don't let the easy reading style of BPP fool you. It is also an excellent reference you will keep, dog-ear, and recommend for others to get their own copy.

Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics PDF Author: Sammy Azzouz
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group
ISBN: 1632992795
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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A Framework for Sustained Capital Growth If you already know the financial planning basics, the fundamentals, and the mistakes to avoid but are uncertain of what comes next to increase your wealth, this book is for you. Most personal finance books fall into one of two categories. Some cover the basics: the smart use of credit cards, debt management, buying a home, how mortgages work, and starting to save early. Some deal with managing your own money by trying to turn you into an investment genius, leaving you under the impression that just by following a few simple formulas or spending a few hours a week, you will beat the pros in an extremely competitive arena. Too few books present a comprehensive approach that takes you beyond the basics and focuses on the key decisions that will increase your wealth. Sammy Azzouz wrote this book to help bridge that gap—to provide an individual capital allocation framework for successful people who are looking for what to do next.

Beyond Babylon

Beyond Babylon PDF Author: Igiaba Scego
ISBN: 9781931883832
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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"Describes Argentina's horrific dirty war, the chaotic final years of brutal dictatorship in Somalia, and the modern-day excesses of Italy's right-wing politics through the words of two half-sisters, their mothers, and the elusive father who ties their stories together"--