Mosby's Textbook for Long-term Care Assistants PDF Download
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Author: Sheila A. Sorrentino
Publisher: Mosby
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 622
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Author: Sheila A. Sorrentino
Publisher: Mosby
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 622
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Author: Susan Alvare Hedman
ISBN: 9781604250411
Category : Caregivers
Languages : en
Pages : 460
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A comprehensive nursing assistant training textbook which includes information on long-term care, multiple chapters on home health care, and material on subacute and acute care. In addition it includes in-depth information on resident and client rights with sidebars that teach ways to promote independence and prevent abuse and neglect; a discussion of culture change; infection prevention; anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on normal changes of aging; updated nutrition information on MyPyramid, special diets, and feeding techniques; current information on legal issues, such as HIPAA and the Patient Self-Determination Act; 7 chapters on home health care, including information on medications, safety, infection prevention, mothers & newborns, and meal planning and preparation; a chapter containing subacute and acute care information, including pre- and post-operative care, as well as mechanical ventilation, chest tubes, and artificial airways.
Author: LTCS Books
Publisher: LTCS Books
ISBN: 0986254282
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 188
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2024 Edition for MDS v1.19.1. 21 Complete Inservices: Abuse, Activities of Daily Living, Catheter Care and UTIs, Cognitive Impairment, Constipation, Falls, Feeding, Infectious Diseases, Nutrition and Hydration, Pain Care, Range of Motion, Resident Rights, Restraints, Sensory and Communication Impairments, Sexual Harassment and Professional Communication, Skin Care, Standard Precautions, Transfers and Lifts, Urinary Incontinence, Wandering, Workplace Violence. For the Nursing Instructor: Objectives and Outline, Lesson Notes and Handouts, Pre-test, Post-test, and Answer Key. Each topic packet includes everything needed to give an entire long term care inservice. Current with all RAI Manual Updates, Surveyor Guidelines and Federal Regulatory Changes. The Long Term Care Inservices book gives all of the basic information needed to fulfill the requirements of the Staff Development position in a long term care facility for nursing assistant training. Long term care inservice forms to facilitate scheduling, planning, assessment, and evaluation of inservices are included. The twenty-one long term care inservice topics include the basic inservices given yearly at most long term care facilities for nursing assistant training. The long term care inservices material is focused on the learning needs of nursing assistants, and uses the language of the Minimum Data Set MDS 3.0 and Nursing Care Plan, encouraging consistency in the long term care health care team approach. Quality Assurance expectations are reflected in the lessons, making quality of care a priority as well as meeting regulatory expectations. Each Long Term Care Inservice topic section contains all of the instructor’s material and all of the handouts, so each inservice could be duplicated or printed from the CD.
Author: Sheila A. Sorrentino
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1771720271
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1197
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Mosby’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker prepares students to function in the role of support worker in community and institutional settings. The #1 text used by Support Worker programs across Canada and at Canadian-affiliated schools worldwide, the book covers the broad foundation of skills that support workers/resident care aides/health care aides need in order to perform their role safely and effectively. Comprehensive, yet easy to read, Mosby’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker makes learning easy with clear explanations of concepts and step-by-step presentations of procedures. Numerous full-colour illustrations, photographs, charts, and tables are combined with real-life case studies and examples to provide the reader with an outstanding learning experience. Covers key procedures for Canadian support workers – 95 in total Recognizes provincial/territorial differences in scope of practice Clear, detailed instructions in step-by-step procedures Evidence-based practice: chapter references supplied at end of book Reflects current Canadian practice and terminology Additional First Nations content Chapter summaries to aid student comprehension Rationales for all procedure steps Test Bank features higher-level taxonomies to allow testing that focuses on cognitive level Instructor’s Test Bank features higher-level taxonomies to allow testing that focuses on cognitive level And more!
Author: JoLynn Pulliam
ISBN: 9780132622554
Category : Care of the sick
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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For all shorter nurse assistant courses, especially those covering acute care (hospital) and nursing homes (long term care) environments. The Nursing Assistant, Fifth Edition is a concise, practical, affordable, and up-to-date guide to the skills today's nursing assistants need to master. It is designed both to serve as the basis of any nursing assistant training program, and to prepare students for careers in acute, subacute, or long-term care. It addresses the needs of the whole patient or resident, while promoting independence and self-care. Carefully organized to follow nursing process models, state curricula, and OBRA mandates, it walks through 75 step-by-step procedures reflecting the most common nursing assistant tasks. This edition is fully updated for the newest CDC and OSHA guidance for hand cleaning and infection control, and to reflect other relevant federal laws, including HIPAA.
Author: Susan Alvare
Publisher: Hartman Publishing Inc
ISBN: 188834380X
Category : Caregivers
Languages : en
Pages : 100
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Over 6,000 instructors shared their ideas for the perfect nursing assistant textbook. Nursing Assistant Care is exactly what you asked for: a full-color, up-to-date, affordable book that meets and exceeds federal and state requirements. Specifically, it contains: beautifully illustrated and clearly photographed chapters organized around learning objectives and written at a low reading level creative methods to teach care and observations, promoting independence, and essential information on preventing abuse and neglect chapter-ending material which develops critical thinking and tests the chapter illnesses and common conditions in one chapter, organized by body system an entire chapter on confusion, dementia, and Alzheimer?s disease up-to-date CPR and emergency care sections a full chapter on mental health and mental illness information on developmental disabilities personal care skills housed within one chapter, as are nursing skills separate chapters for bowel and urinary elimination
Author: Sheila A. Sorrentino
Publisher: Mosby
ISBN: 9780323655606
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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With step-by-step instructions for over 100 nursing assistant procedures, "Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 8th Edition" makes it easy to master the skills you need to succeed as a nursing assistant. Known for its visual approach and comprehensive, easy-to-read coverage, this market-leading text emphasizes the importance of the patient or resident as a person, communication, safety, comfort, effective delegation, and teamwork and time management. This edition provides expanded content on the person's rights and pressure ulcers. The updated companion CD includes three new procedures, an updated audio glossary, and more. Written by respected educator Sheila Sorrentino and expert co-author Leighann Remmert, "Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants" makes nurse assisting easy to learn. Complete coverage includes the knowledge and skills needed by the nursing assistant; -- A clear, readable writing style is supplemented with hundreds of full-color photographs and illustrations; -- Over 100 procedures are divided into pre-procedure, procedure, and post-procedure sections for easier learning; -- Skills on the NNAAP exam are highlighted throughout and have been updated to match the 2012 test plan; -- Delegation Guidelines identify your specific responsibilities in accepting commonly delegated tasks; -- Teamwork and Time Management boxes indicate ways you can efficiently work with and help nursing team members; -- Promoting Safety and Comfort boxes detail measures and cautions for providing safe, effective patient care; -- Caring About Culture boxes help you learn about the beliefs and customs of other cultures so you can provide appropriate care; -- Focus on Children and Older Persons boxes provide age-specific information about the special needs, considerations, and circumstances of children and older persons; -- Focus on Long-Term Care and Home Care boxes highlight information vital to providing competent care in these settings; -- Focus on Communication boxes provide guidelines for what to say and ask when communicating with residents, visitors, and the nursing team; -- Key abbreviations are included at the beginning of each chapter, with a comprehensive glossary at the back of the book; -- Key terms introduce chapter content with the important words and phrases; -- Chapter Review Questions are useful in guiding your study, reviewing what you have learned, and studying for a test or the competency evaluation; -- CD icons indicate skills included on the companion CD; -- Video clip icons indicate skills for which video clips are included on the free Evolve companion website; -- Video icons indicate skills included in the Mosby's Nursing Assistant Video Skills 3.0 DVDs (sold separately); -- The Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review corresponds to chapters in the text and encourages learning with a wide variety of exercises and activities that challenge you to remember what you've learned. It also includes over 100 checklists, one for each procedure in the textbook. NEW! The Person's Rights and Pressure Ulcers chapters provides expanded information on these key areas; -- NEW Focus on PRIDE boxes highlight personal and professional responsibility, rights and respect, independence and social interaction, delegation and teamwork, and ethics and laws to help you promote pride in the person, family, and yourself; -- Two laminated, pocket-sized cards include information on normal vital signs, common measurement conversions, positioning, the 24-hour clock, and abdominal and lateral regions; -- Updated companion CD contains interactive procedures, including three new procedures, learning exercises, an updated audio glossary, and a new Spanish audio glossary with phrases and terms. An updated A&P review, Body Spectrum, is available on the CD and on the Evolve companion website.
Author: Christina Spencer
Publisher: Nursing Assistant Training Inst
ISBN: 9780970084507
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 292
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Author: Pamela J. Carter
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9780781739818
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 982
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This textbook for nursing assistants will prepare students not only to function in the traditional nursing assistant role in nursing homes, hospitals, and home health, but also will prepare students to advance their careers. A nursing assistant student who uses this text will have a firm foundation by which to transition to an LPN and ultimately an RN role. The text offers a compelling art program, a direct, conversational writing style, and an emphasis on professionalism and humanism. A back-of-book CD-ROM includes an audio glossary.
Author: Diana Dugan
ISBN: 9781604251548
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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The 6th edition of this comprehensive nursing assistant training textbook is organized by body system, which gives students a context for learning. Here is important information about the latest edition:?Chapters are organized around body systems (structure and function, normal changes of aging, and common diseases and related care are grouped together).?Chapter review sections contain multiple choice questions, along with short answer questions.?The concept of person-centered care is reinforced throughout the book. ?This edition contains new information about the following diseases and disorders: COVID-19, migraines and cluster headaches, more types of cancers, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), metabolic syndrome, varicose veins, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), as well as expanded and reorganized mental health disorder coverage.?We added additional electronic documentation guidelines. ?We included new information on topics including testing (albumin/protein, CT calcium score, point-of-care testing [POCT], and continuous glucose monitoring [CGM] systems); medical devices (stents, Holter monitors, nebulizers); and patient care/treatments (cochlear implants, targeted therapy, and information from the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Institute (IDDSI) on thickened liquids and texture modified foods).. ?There is a hardback version of this book.