Becoming a Healthy Disciple

Becoming a Healthy Disciple PDF Author: Stephen Macchia
Publisher: Lti Publications
ISBN: 9780615861357
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Book Description
In Becoming a Healthy Disciple, Macchia explores the ten traits of a healthy disciple, including a vital prayer life, evangelistic outreach, worship, servanthood, and stewardship. He applies to individual Christians the ten characteristics of a healthy church outlined in his previous book, Becoming a Healthy Church. Discipleship is a lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus Christ, the master teacher. Using the Book of John, Macchia looks to the beloved disciple as an example of a life lived close to Christ. Personal experiences as well as the experiences of others bring the traits of discipleship into modern context. Each chapter ends with a prayer and questions for reflection and renewal. Becoming a Healthy Disciple is excellent for laypeople who want to grow in discipleship, as well as pastors, church leaders, adult classes, and small groups.

Becoming a Healthy Disciple

Becoming a Healthy Disciple PDF Author: Stephen Macchia
Publisher: Lti Publications
ISBN: 9780615861357
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Book Description
In Becoming a Healthy Disciple, Macchia explores the ten traits of a healthy disciple, including a vital prayer life, evangelistic outreach, worship, servanthood, and stewardship. He applies to individual Christians the ten characteristics of a healthy church outlined in his previous book, Becoming a Healthy Church. Discipleship is a lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus Christ, the master teacher. Using the Book of John, Macchia looks to the beloved disciple as an example of a life lived close to Christ. Personal experiences as well as the experiences of others bring the traits of discipleship into modern context. Each chapter ends with a prayer and questions for reflection and renewal. Becoming a Healthy Disciple is excellent for laypeople who want to grow in discipleship, as well as pastors, church leaders, adult classes, and small groups.

Becoming a Healthy Church

Becoming a Healthy Church PDF Author: Stephen A. Macchia
ISBN: 9780801011771
Category : Church renewal
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Real stories illustrate the top ten qualities of healthy churches, based on extensive surveys, to encourage creating a healthy climate in every church.

Becoming a Healthy Church

Becoming a Healthy Church PDF Author: Stephen A. Macchia
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 0801065038
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Book Description
A healthy church is possible. Here are ten traits to help you diagnose the state of your church and start it down the path to improvement.

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course Leader's Kit

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course Leader's Kit PDF Author: Peter Scazzero
ISBN: 9780310101352
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
The Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses Leader's Kit provides you with all the materials you need to implement Emotionally Healthy Spirituality as the core discipleship strategy for your church. The kit also contains all the resources to preach, promote, and implement Emotionally Healthy Spirituality as an 8-week campaign in your church. The Leader's Kit includes one copy of each of the following products: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality trade book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course Workbook Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course DVD and the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course Ministry Resource DVD (includes helpful videos and sermon, implementation, and promotional resources) Emotionally Healthy Relationships Workbook Emotionally Healthy Relationships DVD Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day-by-Day book

The Emotionally Healthy Church

The Emotionally Healthy Church PDF Author: Peter Scazzero
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310293359
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Book Description
This revised and expanded edition of Peter Scazzero s award-winning book not only takes the original six principles for cultivating spiritual and emotional health in your church further and deeper, but he also adds a seventh principle to show you as a church leader how to slow down to lead with integrity."

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PDF Author: Peter Scazzero
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310109493
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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Book Description
The global church is facing a discipleship crisis. Here's how we move forward into transformative discipleship... Pastors and church leaders want to see lives changed by the gospel. They work tirelessly to care for people, initiate new ministries, preach creatively, and keep up with trends. Sadly, much of this effort does not result in deeply changed disciples. Traditional discipleship strategies fail because they only address surface issues and do not go deep enough into the emotional health of individuals. But transformative, emotionally healthy discipleship is a methods-based biblical theology that, when fully implemented, informs every area of a church, ministry, or organization. It is a discipleship structure built from the center that: Slows down our lives so we can cultivate a deep, personal relationship with Jesus. Challenges the values of Western culture that have compromised the radical call to follow the crucified Jesus. Integrates sadness, loss, and vulnerability, that, when left out, leave people defensive and easily triggered. Acknowledges God's gift of limits in our lives. Connects how our family and personal history influence our discipleship in the present. Measures our spiritual maturity by how we are growing in our ability to love others. In Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, bestselling author Pete Scazzero takes leaders step-by-step through how to create an emotionally healthy culture and multiply deeply-changed people in every aspect of church life, including: Leadership and team development Marriage and single ministry Small groups and youth and children's ministry Preaching, worship, and administration Outreach Complete with assessments and practical strategies, Emotionally Healthy Discipleship will help you move people to the beneath-the-surface discipleship that actually has the power to change the world. **Winner of the 2022 ECPA Christian Book Award for Ministry Resources**

Stay the Course

Stay the Course PDF Author: Brandon Guindon
Publisher: Him Publications
ISBN: 9780998922614
Category : Discipling (Christianity)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
"Pastors and church leaders desperately want to make disciples, but they often find themselves veering off the road of discipleship—or even heading toward a cliff. The many challenges of ministry cause churches to stray from effectively making disciples. Stay the Course keeps leaders on the path, so they can help people follow Jesus until the end. Church consultant and lead pastor Brandon Guindon uses seven essential practices—or “guardrails”—to guide you along the road of disciple making in your local context. These core practices come from his experience in various church contexts—from church plants to churches in transition—and guard you from danger on your journey. Embrace these seven practices as Stay the Course challenges and inspires you. This resource helps you apply them to your personal life and implement them in your church, resulting in churches that faithfully make disciples and disciples who stay on track." -- Book cover.

Discipleship Defined

Discipleship Defined PDF Author: Eric Russ
Publisher: Xulon Press
ISBN: 1612153569
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 106

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Book Description
"DON'T read this book if you want to remain comfortable! Eric challenges us to consider what Biblical discipleship looks like based on what Jesus did. Eric writes this book with the integrity of a man who is not merely theorizing about the way things ought to be, rather he is describing what is actually happening as he builds Biblical disciples in the context of the inner city. This book is soundly Biblical, challenging and practical. This book is about building disciples not programs." Roger Hershey, Campus Crusade For Christ "It is a joy to highly commend to all Discipleship Defined, for it is exactly the prescription that is needed for the Church to regain much of our lost effectiveness. "Discipleship Defined" has carefully described, yet without programming it into a rigid system, how to go about this challenging task." Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., President Emeritus Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary "Eric Russ gives us some very straight forward thinking about discipleship, a topic widely misunderstood and undervalued. Moving away from piety-driven discipleship, Russ points us toward a holistic, Christ-centered way of following Jesus." Jonathan Dodson, Lead Pastor Austin City Life, Austin, TX. "Eric has a healthy obsession about strong discipleship, and it shows in a gracious way in this guidebook for muscular commitment. Can you be obsessed and still have a gracious spirit? Eric does, and so does this book!" Knute Larson, Senior Pastor The Chapel, Akron, OH (1983-2009) Eric Russ is lead pastor of Mack Avenue Community Church in Detroit, Michigan. He is married to Sara and has four children. For more information visit or

Discipleship Essentials

Discipleship Essentials PDF Author: Greg Ogden
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830873945
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus' own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others. This expanded 25-session workbook by Greg Ogden, perfect for small groups or individuals, helps us influence others as Jesus did—by investing in a few. Working through it will deepen your knowledge of essential Christian teaching and strengthen your faith.

Being Disciples

Being Disciples PDF Author: Rowan Williams
Publisher: SPCK
ISBN: 0281076634
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 79

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Book Description
"If discipleship is a journey, this book belongs in the rucksack. . . Like the scriptures on which it is based, it deserves repeated reading." Stephen Cherry, Dean of Kings College, Cambridge This fresh and inspiring look at the meaning of discipleship covers the essentials of the christian life, including: faith, hope and love; forgiveness; holiness; social action; life in the Spirit. Written for the general reader by one of our greatest living theologians, this book will help you to see more clearly, love more dearly and follow more nearly the way of Jesus Christ.