Atomistic Simulation of Anistropic Crystal Structures at Nanoscale

Atomistic Simulation of Anistropic Crystal Structures at Nanoscale PDF Author: Jia Fu
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 1838802010
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Multiscale simulations of atomistic/continuum coupling in computational materials science, where the scale expands from macro-/micro- to nanoscale, has become a hot research topic. These small units, usually nanostructures, are commonly anisotropic. The development of molecular modeling tools to describe and predict the mechanical properties of structures reveals an undeniable practical importance. Typical anisotropic structures (e.g. cubic, hexagonal, monoclinic) using DFT, MD, and atomic finite element methods are especially interesting, according to the modeling requirement of upscaling structures. It therefore connects nanoscale modeling and continuous patterns of deformation behavior by identifying relevant parameters from smaller to larger scales. These methodologies have the prospect of significant applications. I would like to recommend this book to both beginners and experienced researchers.

Atomistic Simulation of Anistropic Crystal Structures at Nanoscale

Atomistic Simulation of Anistropic Crystal Structures at Nanoscale PDF Author: Jia Fu
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 1838802010
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Book Description
Multiscale simulations of atomistic/continuum coupling in computational materials science, where the scale expands from macro-/micro- to nanoscale, has become a hot research topic. These small units, usually nanostructures, are commonly anisotropic. The development of molecular modeling tools to describe and predict the mechanical properties of structures reveals an undeniable practical importance. Typical anisotropic structures (e.g. cubic, hexagonal, monoclinic) using DFT, MD, and atomic finite element methods are especially interesting, according to the modeling requirement of upscaling structures. It therefore connects nanoscale modeling and continuous patterns of deformation behavior by identifying relevant parameters from smaller to larger scales. These methodologies have the prospect of significant applications. I would like to recommend this book to both beginners and experienced researchers.

Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals and Polymers

Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals and Polymers PDF Author: Paolo Pasini
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9781402027598
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Liquid crystals, polymers and polymer liquid crystals are soft condensed matter systems of major technological and scientific interest. An understanding of the macroscopic properties of these complex systems and of their many and interesting peculiarities at the molecular level can nowadays only be attained using computer simulations and statistical mechanical theories. Both in the Liquid Crystal and Polymer fields a considerable amount of simulation work has been done in the last few years with various classes of models at different special resolutions, ranging from atomistic to molecular and coarse-grained lattice models. Each of the two fields has developed its own set of tools and specialized procedures and the book aims to provide a state of the art review of the computer simulation studies of polymers and liquid crystals. This is of great importance in view of a potential cross-fertilization between these connected areas which is particularly apparent for a number of experimental systems like, e.g. polymer liquid crystals and anisotropic gels where the different fields necessarily merge. An effort has been made to assess the possibilities of a coherent description of the themes that have developed independently, and to compare and extend the theoretical and computational techniques put forward in the different areas.

Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies

Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies PDF Author: Markku Tilli
Publisher: William Andrew
ISBN: 0323312233
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 827

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The Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and Technologies, Second Edition, is a comprehensive guide to MEMS materials, technologies, and manufacturing that examines the state-of-the-art with a particular emphasis on silicon as the most important starting material used in MEMS. The book explains the fundamentals, properties (mechanical, electrostatic, optical, etc.), materials selection, preparation, manufacturing, processing, system integration, measurement, and materials characterization techniques, sensors, and multi-scale modeling methods of MEMS structures, silicon crystals, and wafers, also covering micromachining technologies in MEMS and encapsulation of MEMS components. Furthermore, it provides vital packaging technologies and process knowledge for silicon direct bonding, anodic bonding, glass frit bonding, and related techniques, shows how to protect devices from the environment, and provides tactics to decrease package size for a dramatic reduction in costs. - Provides vital packaging technologies and process knowledge for silicon direct bonding, anodic bonding, glass frit bonding, and related techniques - Shows how to protect devices from the environment and decrease package size for a dramatic reduction in packaging costs - Discusses properties, preparation, and growth of silicon crystals and wafers - Explains the many properties (mechanical, electrostatic, optical, etc.), manufacturing, processing, measuring (including focused beam techniques), and multiscale modeling methods of MEMS structures - Geared towards practical applications rather than theory

Nano-Bio- Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Packaging

Nano-Bio- Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Packaging PDF Author: C. P.(Ching-Ping) Wong
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303049991X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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This book shows how nanofabrication techniques and nanomaterials can be used to customize packaging for nano devices with applications to electronics, photonics, biological and biomedical research and products. It covers topics such as bio sensing electronics, bio device packaging, MEMS for bio devices and much more, including: Offers a comprehensive overview of nano and bio packaging and their materials based on their chemical and physical sciences and mechanical, electrical and material engineering perspectives; Discusses nano materials as power energy sources, computational analyses of nano materials including molecular dynamic (MD) simulations and DFT calculations; Analyzes nanotubes, superhydrophobic self-clean Lotus surfaces; Covers nano chemistry for bio sensor/bio material device packaging. This second edition includes new chapters on soft materials-enabled packaging for stretchable and wearable electronics, state of the art miniaturization for active implantable medical devices, recent LED packaging and progress, nanomaterials for recent energy storage devices such as lithium ion batteries and supercapacitors and their packaging. Nano- Bio- Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Packaging is the ideal book for all biomedical engineers, industrial electronics packaging engineers, and those engaged in bio nanotechnology applications research.

Third Generation Photovoltaics

Third Generation Photovoltaics PDF Author: Vasilis Fthenakis
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535103040
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Photovoltaics have started replacing fossil fuels as major energy generation roadmaps, targeting higher efficiencies and/or lower costs are aggressively pursued to bring PV to cost parity with grid electricity. Third generation PV technologies may overcome the fundamental limitations of photon to electron conversion in single-junction devices and, thus, improve both their efficiency and cost. This book presents notable advances in these technologies, namely organic cells and nanostructures, dye-sensitized cells and multijunction III/V cells. The following topics are addressed: Solar spectrum conversion for photovoltaics using nanoparticles; multiscale modeling of heterojunctions in organic PV; technologies and manufacturing of OPV; life cycle assessment of OPV; new materials and architectures for dye-sensitized solar cells; advances of concentrating PV; modeling doped III/V alloys; polymeric films for lowering the cost of PV, and field performance factors. A panel of acclaimed PV professionals contributed these topics, compiling the state of knowledge for advancing this new generation of PV.

Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales

Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales PDF Author: Lyesse Laloui
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642324924
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 331

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Significant advancements in the experimental analysis of soils and shales have been achieved during the last few decades. Outstanding progress in the field has led to the theoretical development of geomechanical theories and important engineering applications. This book provides the reader with an overview of recent advances in a variety of advanced experimental techniques and results for the analysis of the behaviour of geomaterials under multiphysical testing conditions. Modern trends in experimental geomechanics for soils and shales are discussed, including testing materials in variably saturated conditions, non-isothermal experiments, micro-scale investigations and image analysis techniques. Six theme papers from leading researchers in experimental geomechanics are also included. This book is intended for postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners in fields where multiphysical testing of soils and shales plays a fundamental role, such as unsaturated soil and rock mechanics, petroleum engineering, nuclear waste storage engineering, unconventional energy resources and CO2 geological sequestration.

Modeling and Simulation of Functional Nanomaterials for Forensic Investigation

Modeling and Simulation of Functional Nanomaterials for Forensic Investigation PDF Author: Rakha, Allah
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1668483270
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 397

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Nanotechnology continues to contribute to the progress of innovations in the area of forensic science ranging from sensing, DNA monitoring, and counterfeiting to fingerprinting. In recent years, functional nanomaterials are widely applied in nanoscience and forensic investigation. They can be used in future interdisciplinary research by scientists, engineers, and biotechnologists. Modeling and Simulation of Functional Nanomaterials for Forensic Investigation focuses on multiple applications related to forensics and provides information linked with nanoparticles. This book provides nanotechnology results in improving the sensitivity of established forensic techniques. It further focuses on different fabrication and characterization techniques of nanomaterials and relates their characteristics with forensic applications. Covering topics such as explosive detection, nano-forensic testing, and nano-trackers, this premier reference source is a comprehensive resource for material engineers, chemical engineers, nanotechnologists, biotechnologists, forensic scientists, students and educators of higher education, researchers, and academicians.

Stress and Strain Engineering at Nanoscale in Semiconductor Devices

Stress and Strain Engineering at Nanoscale in Semiconductor Devices PDF Author: Chinmay K. Maiti
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000404935
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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Anticipating a limit to the continuous miniaturization (More-Moore), intense research efforts are being made to co-integrate various functionalities (More-than-Moore) in a single chip. Currently, strain engineering is the main technique used to enhance the performance of advanced semiconductor devices. Written from an engineering applications standpoint, this book encompasses broad areas of semiconductor devices involving the design, simulation, and analysis of Si, heterostructure silicongermanium (SiGe), and III-N compound semiconductor devices. The book provides the background and physical insight needed to understand the new and future developments in the technology CAD (TCAD) design at the nanoscale. Features Covers stressstrain engineering in semiconductor devices, such as FinFETs and III-V Nitride-based devices Includes comprehensive mobility model for strained substrates in global and local strain techniques and their implementation in device simulations Explains the development of strain/stress relationships and their effects on the band structures of strained substrates Uses design of experiments to find the optimum process conditions Illustrates the use of TCAD for modeling strain-engineered FinFETs for DC and AC performance predictions This book is for graduate students and researchers studying solid-state devices and materials, microelectronics, systems and controls, power electronics, nanomaterials, and electronic materials and devices.

Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon Nanotubes PDF Author: Andy Nieto
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000377504
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 377

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This discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNT) three decades ago ushered in the technological era of nanotechnology. Among the most widely studied areas of CNT research is their use as structural reinforcements in composites. This book describes the development of CNT reinforced metal matrix composites (CNT-MMCs) over the last two decades. The field of CNT-MMCs is abundant in fundamental science, rich in engineering challenges and innovations and ripe for technological maturation and commercialization. The authors have sought to present the current state of the-art in CNT-MMC technology from their synthesis to their myriad potential end-use applications. Specifically, topics explored include: • Advantages, limitations, and evolution of processing techniques used to synthesize and fabricate CNT-MMCs • Emphasizes dispersion techniques of CNTs in metallic systems, a key challenge to the successful and widespread implementation of CNT-MMCs. Methods for quantification and improved control of CNT distributions are presented • Methods for quantification and improved control of CNT distributions are presented • Characterization techniques uniquely suited for charactering these nanoscale materials and their many chemical and physical interactions with the metal matrix, including real-time in-situ characterization of deformation mechanisms • Electron microscope images from premier studies enrich discussions on micro-mechanical modeling, interfacial design, mechanical behavior, and functional properties • A chapter is dedicated to the emergence of dual reinforcement composites that seek to enhance the efficacy of CNTs and lead to material properties by design This book highlights seminal findings in CNT-MMC research and includes several tables listing processing methods, associated CNT states, and resulting properties in order to aid the next generation of researchers in advancing the science and engineering of CNT-MMCs. In addition, a survey of the patent literature is presented in order to shed light on what the first wave of CNT-MMC commercialization may look like and the challenges that will have to be overcome, both technologically and commercially.

Multiscale Modelling and Optimisation of Materials and Structures

Multiscale Modelling and Optimisation of Materials and Structures PDF Author: Tadeusz Burczynski
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118536452
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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Addresses the very topical, crucial and original subject of parameter identification and optimization within multiscale modeling methods Multiscale Modelling and Optimization of Materials and Structures presents an important and challenging area of research that enables the design of new materials and structures with better quality, strength and performance parameters as well as the creation of reliable models that take into account structural, material and topological properties at different scales. The authors’ approach is four-fold; 1) the basic principles of micro and nano scale modeling techniques; 2) the connection of micro and/or nano scale models with macro simulation software; 3) optimization development in the framework of multiscale engineering and the solution of identification problems; 4) the computer science techniques used in this model and advice for scientists interested in developing their own models and software for multiscale analysis and optimization. The authors present several approaches such as the bridging and homogenization methods, as well as the general formulation of complex optimization and identification problems in multiscale modelling. They apply global optimization algorithms based on robust bioinspired algorithms, proposing parallel and multi-subpopulation approaches in order to speed-up computations, and discuss several numerical examples of multiscale modeling, optimization and identification of composite and functionally graded engineering materials and bone tissues. Multiscale Modelling and Optimization of Materials and Structures is thereby a valuable source of information for young scientists and students looking to develop their own models, write their own computer programs and implement them into simulation systems. Describes micro and nano scale models developed by the authors along with case studies of analysis and optimization Discusses the problems of computing costs, efficiency of information transfer, effective use of the computer memory and several other aspects of development of multiscale models Includes real physical, chemical and experimental studies with modern experimental techniques Provides a valuable source of information for young scientists and students looking to develop their own models, write their own computer programs, and implement them into simulation systems.