Clinical Asthma E-Book

Clinical Asthma E-Book PDF Author: Mario Castro
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323070817
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 531

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This unique new text delivers practical guidelines on diagnosing and treating patients with asthma. Drs. Castro and Kraft are extensively involved in asthma research and improved patient care, and their comprehensive coverage of key challenges in diagnosing and treating asthma makes this a must have resource. The organized full-color format ensures readability, and helps you find information quickly and easily. Offers up-to-date protocols and management guidelines to help you provide the best care for your patients. Presents chapters on special situations and special populations to help you overcome clinical challenges such as the difficult-to-control or pregnant asthma patient. Provides specialized sections on asthma education to give guidance on leading your patients to better self management by improving their adherence to treatment guidelines. Highlights material found on the Asthma Educator Certification exam in special “education boxes. Offers expert guidance on translating the new NIH EPR-3 Asthma Guidelines to hands-on patient care. Organized in a consistent chapter format that provides concise, logical coverage of essential information for easy reference. Contains special boxes that highlight clinical pearls, controversial issues, and patient education information. Uses a full-color format that makes it easy to find information quickly.

Severe Asthma

Severe Asthma PDF Author: Kian Fan Chung
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
ISBN: 1849841047
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 365

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Severe asthma is a form of asthma that responds poorly to currently available medication, and its patients represent those with greatest unmet needs. In the last 10 years, substantial progress has been made in terms of understanding some of the mechanisms that drive severe asthma; there have also been concomitant advances in the recognition of specific molecular phenotypes. This ERS Monograph covers all aspects of severe asthma – epidemiology, diagnosis, mechanisms, treatment and management – but has a particular focus on recent understanding of mechanistic heterogeneity based on an analytic approach using various ‘omics platforms applied to clinically well-defined asthma cohorts. How these advances have led to improved management targets is also emphasised. This book brings together the clinical and scientific expertise of those from around the world who are collaborating to solve the problem of severe asthma.

Asthma and COPD

Asthma and COPD PDF Author: Peter J. Barnes
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080920608
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 897

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The Second Edition of Asthma and COPD: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Management continues to provide a unique and authoritative comparison of asthma and COPD. Written and edited by the world's leading experts, it continues to be a comprehensive review of the most recent understanding of the basic mechanisms of both conditions, specifically comparing their etiology, pathogenesis, and treatments. * Each chapter considers Asthma and COPD in side-by-side contrast and comparison – not in isolation - in the context of mechanism, triggers, assessments, therapies, and clinical management * Presents the latest and most comprehensive understandings of the mechanisms of inflammation in both Asthma and COPD * Most extensive reference to primary literature on both Asthma and COPD in one source. * Easy-to-read summaries of the latest advances alongside clear illustrations

Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial Asthma PDF Author: M. Eric Gershwin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1597450146
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 403

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A fully updated edition of a widely respected classic on the diagnosis and management of asthma in a variety of patient subpopulations. Though this fifth edition continues to emphasize the definition, medications, and use of asthma treatment plans, it also focuses on the special needs patient, including the pediatric patient, the pregnant patient, and the patient undergoing surgery, as well as on the perennial issues of exercise and asthma, pulmonary aspergillosis, occupation, recreational drug use, and psychological/social considerations. Highlights for the fifth edition include a liberal use of tables and charts to make the book more practical and user-friendly, updates on the many new pharmaceuticals used to treat asthma, and first-time sections on food sensitivity and the diagnosis of asthma.

Reversing Asthma

Reversing Asthma PDF Author: Richard Firshein
Publisher: Grand Central Pub
ISBN: 9780446518239
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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A unique program to combat asthma focuses on eliminating the underlying causes of the disease and references up-to-date information about nutrition, vitamin therapy, food allergies, immunological research, and alternative therapies.

Clearing the Air

Clearing the Air PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309064961
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 457

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Since about 1980, asthma prevalence and asthma-related hospitalizations and deaths have increased substantially, especially among children. Of particular concern is the high mortality rate among African Americans with asthma. Recent studies have suggested that indoor exposuresâ€"to dust mites, cockroaches, mold, pet dander, tobacco smoke, and other biological and chemical pollutantsâ€"may influence the disease course of asthma. To ensure an appropriate response, public health and education officials have sought a science-based assessment of asthma and its relationship to indoor air exposures. Clearing the Air meets this need. This book examines how indoor pollutants contribute to asthmaâ€"its causation, prevalence, triggering, and severity. The committee discusses asthma among the general population and in sensitive subpopulations including children, low-income individuals, and urban residents. Based on the most current findings, the book also evaluates the scientific basis for mitigating the effects of indoor air pollutants implicated in asthma. The committee identifies priorities for public health policy, public education outreach, preventive intervention, and further research.

I Have Asthma

I Have Asthma PDF Author: Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
Publisher: B.E.S. Publishing
ISBN: 9780764137853
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 35

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After a young boy has trouble breathing during soccer practice, he is taken to his doctor who says that he has asthma, but he learns that with proper treatment and medical supervision, his asthma can be kept under control.

Asthma: Inducers and triggers

Asthma: Inducers and triggers PDF Author: Peter J. Barnes
Category : Asthma
Languages : en
Pages : 1208

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Abby's Asthma and the Big Race

Abby's Asthma and the Big Race PDF Author: Theresa Golding
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
ISBN: 0807592218
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 35

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Abby has asthma, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to run in the big race. Although she is pretty fast, sometimes she may cough or wheeze and have an asthma attack. Jason, a boy in her class, teases her about her asthma and suggests she enter the pie-eating contest instead. But Abby is determined not only to run in the race, but to win it as well. With her doctor's approval and recommendations, she exercises every day with her father, takes her medicine, and does her breathing exercises in anticipation of the big day. When that day arrives, Abby is ready. Will she beat Jason to the finish line? A note about exercising with asthma appears at the end of the book.

Allergies and Asthma

Allergies and Asthma PDF Author: Michael J. Welch
ISBN: 9781581104455
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Allergies and Asthma: What Every Parent Needs to Know is an invaluable resource for parents and caregivers trying to cope with the challenges of childhood asthma and allergies. This well-organized guide covers such topics as - Identifying allergies and asthma - Preventing attacks - Minimizing triggers and avoiding allergens - Choosing medications wisely - Explaining allergies to young children - Helping children of all ages manage symptoms - What to do if a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction or asthma attack occursAllergies and Asthma now provides updated information on allergies-including the latest findings on food allergies and treatments-along with new approaches for monitoring asthma control, with expanded recommendations for children. The second edition provides new guidance on medications, new recommendations on patient education in settings beyond the physician's office, and new advice for controlling environmental factors that can cause asthma symptoms.