Assortment Optimization Under General Choice

Assortment Optimization Under General Choice PDF Author: Srikanth Jagabathula
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Languages : en
Pages : 51

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We consider the key operational problem of optimizing the mix of offered products to maximize revenues when product prices are exogenously set and product demand follows a general discrete choice model. The key challenge in making this decision is the computational difficulty of finding the best subset, which often requires exhaustive search. Existing approaches address the challenge by either deriving efficient algorithms for specific parametric structures or studying the performance of general-purpose heuristics. The former approach results in algorithms that lack portability to other structures; whereas the latter approach has resulted in algorithms with poor performance. We study a portable and easy-to-implement local search heuristic. We show that it efficiently finds the global optimum for the multinomial logit (MNL) model and derive performance guarantees for general choice structures. Empirically, it is better than prevailing heuristics when no efficient algorithms exist, and it is within 0.02% of optimality otherwise.

Assortment Optimization Under General Choice

Assortment Optimization Under General Choice PDF Author: Srikanth Jagabathula
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Languages : en
Pages : 51

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Book Description
We consider the key operational problem of optimizing the mix of offered products to maximize revenues when product prices are exogenously set and product demand follows a general discrete choice model. The key challenge in making this decision is the computational difficulty of finding the best subset, which often requires exhaustive search. Existing approaches address the challenge by either deriving efficient algorithms for specific parametric structures or studying the performance of general-purpose heuristics. The former approach results in algorithms that lack portability to other structures; whereas the latter approach has resulted in algorithms with poor performance. We study a portable and easy-to-implement local search heuristic. We show that it efficiently finds the global optimum for the multinomial logit (MNL) model and derive performance guarantees for general choice structures. Empirically, it is better than prevailing heuristics when no efficient algorithms exist, and it is within 0.02% of optimality otherwise.

An Algorithm for Assortment Optimization Under Parametric Discrete Choice Models

An Algorithm for Assortment Optimization Under Parametric Discrete Choice Models PDF Author: Tien Mai
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Languages : en
Pages : 37

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This work concerns the assortment optimization problem that refers to selecting a subset of items that maximizes the expected revenue in the presence of the substitution behavior of consumers specified by a parametric choice model. The key challenge lies in the computational difficulty of finding the best subset solution, which often requires exhaustive search. The literature on constrained assortment optimization lacks a practically efficient method which that is general to deal with different types of parametric choice models (e.g., the multinomial logit, mixed logit or general multivariate extreme value models). In this paper, we propose a new approach that allows to address this issue. The idea is that, under a general parametric choice model, we formulate the problem into a binary nonlinear programming model, and use an iterative algorithm to find a binary solution. At each iteration, we propose a way to approximate the objective (expected revenue) by a linear function, and a polynomial-time algorithm to find a candidate solution using this approximate function. We also develop a greedy local search algorithm to further improve the solutions. We test our algorithm on instances of different sizes under various parametric choice model structures and show that our algorithm dominates existing exact and heuristic approaches in the literature, in terms of solution quality and computing cost.

Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for Assortment Optimization Under Weakly Rational Choice

Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for Assortment Optimization Under Weakly Rational Choice PDF Author: Clark Pixton
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Languages : en
Pages : 29

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We study the static assortment optimization problem under weakly rational choice models, i.e. models in which adding a product to an assortment does not increase the probability of purchasing a product already in that assortment. This setting applies to most choice models studied and used in practice, such as the multinomial logit and random parameters logit models. We give a mixed-integer linear optimization formulation with an exponential number of constraints, and present two branch-and-bound algorithms for solving this optimization problem. The formulation and algorithms require only black-box access to purchase probabilities, and thus provide exact solution methods for a general class of discrete choice models, in particular those models without closed-form choice probabilities. We show that one of our algorithms is a PTAS for assortment optimization under weakly rational choice when the no-purchase probability is small, and give an approximation guarantee for the other algorithm which depends only on the prices of the products. Finally, we test the performance of our algorithms with heuristic stopping criteria, motivated by the fact that they discover the optimal solution very quickly.

The Approximability of Assortment Optimization Under Ranking Preferences

The Approximability of Assortment Optimization Under Ranking Preferences PDF Author: Ali Aouad
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Languages : en
Pages : 20

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The main contribution of this paper is to provide best-possible approximability bounds for assortment planning under a general choice model, where customer choices are modeled through an arbitrary distribution over ranked lists of their preferred products, subsuming most random utility choice models of interest. From a technical perspective, we show how to relate this optimization problem to the computational task of detecting large independent sets in graphs, allowing us to argue that general ranking preferences are extremely hard to approximate with respect to various problem parameters. These findings are complemented by a number of approximation algorithms that attain essentially best-possible factors, proving that our hardness results are tight up to lower-order terms. Surprisingly, our results imply that a simple and widely studied policy, known as revenue-ordered assortments, achieves the best possible performance guarantee with respect to the price parameters.

Assortment and Inventory Optimization

Assortment and Inventory Optimization PDF Author: Mohammed Ali Aouad
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Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Finding optimal product offerings is a fundamental operational issue in modern retailing, exemplified by the development of recommendation systems and decision support tools. The challenge is that designing an accurate predictive choice model generally comes at the detriment of efficient algorithms, which can prescribe near-optimal decisions. This thesis attempts to resolve this disconnect in the context of assortment and inventory optimization, through theoretical and empirical investigation. First, we tightly characterize the complexity of general nonparametric assortment optimization problems. We reveal connections to maximum independent set and combinatorial pricing problems, allowing to derive strong inapproximability bounds. We devise simple algorithms that achieve essentially best-possible factors with respect to the price ratio, size of customers' consideration sets, etc. Second, we develop a novel tractable approach to choice modeling, in the vein of nonparametric models, by leveraging documented assumptions on the customers' consider-then-choose behavior. We show that the assortment optimization problem can be cast as a dynamic program, that exploits the properties of a bi-partite graph representation to perform a state space collapse. Surprisingly, this exact algorithm is provably and practically efficient under common consider-then-choose assumptions. On the estimation front, we show that a critical step of standard nonparametric estimation methods (rank aggregation) can be solved in polynomial time in settings of interest, contrary to general nonparametric models. Predictive experiments on a large purchase panel dataset show significant improvements against common benchmarks. Third, we turn our attention to joint assortment optimization and inventory management problems under dynamic customer choice substitution. Prior to our work, little was known about these optimization models, which are intractable using modern discrete optimization solvers. Using probabilistic analysis, we unravel hidden structural properties, such as weak notions of submodularity. Building on these findings, we develop efficient and yet conceptually-simple approximation algorithms for common parametric and nonparametric choice models. Among notable results, we provide best-possible approximations under general nonparametric choice models (up to lower-order terms), and develop the first constant-factor approximation under the popular Multinomial Logit model. In synthetic experiments vis-a-vis existing heuristics, our approach is an order of magnitude faster in several cases and increases revenue by 6% to 16%.

Assortment Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model with Utility-Based Rank Cutoffs

Assortment Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model with Utility-Based Rank Cutoffs PDF Author: Jacob Feldman
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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We study assortment optimization problems under a natural variant of the multinomial logit model where the customers are willing to focus only on a certain number of products that provide the largest utilities. In particular, each customer has a rank cutoff, characterizing the number of products that she will focus on during the course of her choice process. Given that we offer a certain assortment of products, the choice process of a customer with rank cutoff k proceeds as follows. The customer associates random utilities with all of the products as well as the no-purchase option. She ignores all alternatives whose utilities are not within the k largest utilities. Among the remaining alternatives, the customer chooses the available alternative that provides the largest utility. Under the assumption that the~utilities follow Gumbel distributions with the same scale parameter, we provide a recursion to compute the choice probabilities. Considering the assortment optimization problem to find the revenue-maximizing assortment of products to offer, we show that the problem is NP-hard and give a polynomial-time approximation scheme. Since the customers ignore the products below their rank cutoffs in our variant of the multinomial logit model, intuitively speaking, our variant captures choosier choice behavior than the standard multinomial logit model. Accordingly, we show that the revenue-maximizing assortment under our variant includes the revenue-maximizing assortment under the standard multinomial logit model, so choosier behavior leads to larger assortments offered to maximize the expected revenue. We conduct computational experiments on both synthetic and real datasets to demonstrate that incorporating rank cutoffs can yield better predictions of customer choices and yield more profitable assortment recommendations.

Capacitated Assortment Optimization

Capacitated Assortment Optimization PDF Author: Antoine Désir
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Assortment optimization is an important problem that arises in many practical applications such as retailing and online advertising. In this problem, the goal is to select a subset of items that maximizes the expected revenue in the presence of (1) the substitution behavior of consumers specified by a choice model, and (2) a potential capacity constraint bounding the total weight of items in the assortment. The latter is a natural constraint arising in many applications. We begin by showing how challenging these two aspects are from an optimization perspective. First, we show that adding a general capacity constraint makes the problem NP-hard even for the simplest choice model, namely the multinomial logit model. Second, we show that even the unconstrained assortment optimization for the mixture of multinomial logit model is hard to approximate within any reasonable factor when the number of mixtures is not constant.In view of these hardness results, we present near-optimal algorithms for the capacity constrained assort- ment optimization problem under a large class of parametric choice models including the mixture of multinomial logit, Markov chain, nested logit and d-level nested logit choice models. In fact, we develop near-optimal algorithms for a general class of capacity constrained optimization problems whose objective function depends on a small number of linear functions. For the mixture of multinomial logit model (resp. Markov chain model), the running time of our algorithm depends exponentially on the number of segments (resp. rank of the transition matrix). Therefore, we get efficient algorithms only for the case of constant number of segments (resp. constant rank). However, in light of our hardness result, any near-optimal algorithm will have a super polynomial dependence on the number of mixtures for the mixture of multinomial logit choice model.

Assortment Optimization Under Multinomial Logit Choice Model with Tree Structured Consideration Sets

Assortment Optimization Under Multinomial Logit Choice Model with Tree Structured Consideration Sets PDF Author: Qingwei Jin
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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We study assortment optimization problems under multinomial logit choice model with two tree structured consideration set models, i.e., the subtree model and the induced paths model. In each model, there are multiple customer types and each customer type has a different consideration set. A customer of a particular type only purchases product within his consideration set. The tree structure means all products form a tree with each node representing one product and all consideration sets are induced from this tree. In the subtree model, each consideration set consists of products in a subtree and in the induced paths model, each consideration set consists of products on the path from one node to the root. All customers make purchase decisions following the same multinomial logit choice model except that different customer types have different consideration sets. The goal of the assortment optimization is to determine a set of products offered to customers such that the expected revenue is maximized. We consider both unconstrained problem and capacitated problem. We show that these problems are all NP-hard problems and propose a unified framework, which captures the tree structure in both models, to design fully polynomial time approximation schemes (FPTAS) for all these problems. Besides, we identify a special case under the induced paths model, showing that it can be solved in $O(n)$ operations.

Assortment Optimization Under the Multivariate MNL Model

Assortment Optimization Under the Multivariate MNL Model PDF Author: Xin Chen
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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We study an assortment optimization problem under a multi-purchase choice model in which customers choose a bundle of up to one product from each of two product categories. Different bundles have different utilities and the bundle price is the summation of the prices of products in it. For the uncapacitated setting where any set of products can be offered, we prove that this problem is strongly NP-hard. We show that an adjusted-revenue-ordered assortment provides a 1/2-approximation. Furthermore, we develop an approximation framework based on a linear programming relaxation of the problem and obtain a 0.74-approximation algorithm. This approximation ratio almost matches the integrality gap of the linear program, which is proven to be at most 0.75. For the capacitated setting, we prove that there does not exist a constant-factor approximation algorithm assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. The same hardness result holds for settings with general bundle prices or more than two categories. Finally, we conduct numerical experiments on randomly generated problem instances. The average approximation ratios of our algorithms are over 99%.

Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model

Capacitated Assortment and Price Optimization Under the Multinomial Logit Model PDF Author: Ruxian Wang
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 7

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We consider an assortment and price optimization problem where a retailer chooses an assortment of competing products and determines their prices to maximize the total expected profit subject to a capacity constraint. Customers' purchase behavior follows the multinomial logit choice model with general utility functions. This paper simplifies it to a problem of finding a unique fixed point of a single-dimensional function and visualizes the assortment optimization process. An efficient algorithm to find the optimal assortment and prices is provided.