Preoperative (Neoadjuvant) Chemotherapy

Preoperative (Neoadjuvant) Chemotherapy PDF Author: Joseph Ragaz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642826717
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Book Description
Despite recent advances in adjuvant therapies of cancer, the regi mens of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy treatment which are presently available fail to cure the majority of cancer patients. Pre operative (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy represents a new approach in drug scheduling, based on sound theoretical, pharmacokinetic, and experimental principles. The preoperative timing of chemotherapy before definitive sur gery is not a minor change in the therapy of cancer. To be successful, large numbers of practitioners and their patients must participate. Substantial alterations of many aspects of the present management of cancer will have to follow. Therefore, before such therapy can be fully and routinely implemented, results of the novel treatment and its rationale have to be carefully evaluated. In preoperative treatment, other features will likely gain impor tance. For the first time, clinicians have a chance to follow the in vivo response of the tumor exposed to preoperative chemotherapy. The subsequent histological assessment of the tumor sample may likely become an important prognostic guide, permitting more re fined individual approaches to the planning of postoperative adju vant treatment. The value of such a treatment strategy can already be appreciated in the clinical setting, as seen from the therapy of osteosarcoma. Furthermore, preoperative chemotherapy might render previously inoperable tumors operable and hence resectable with a curative intention. The preoperative reduction of tumor bulk may also effectively decrease the need for more radical operations, permitting a more uniform adoption of conservative surgery.

Preoperative (Neoadjuvant) Chemotherapy

Preoperative (Neoadjuvant) Chemotherapy PDF Author: Joseph Ragaz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642826717
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Book Description
Despite recent advances in adjuvant therapies of cancer, the regi mens of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy treatment which are presently available fail to cure the majority of cancer patients. Pre operative (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy represents a new approach in drug scheduling, based on sound theoretical, pharmacokinetic, and experimental principles. The preoperative timing of chemotherapy before definitive sur gery is not a minor change in the therapy of cancer. To be successful, large numbers of practitioners and their patients must participate. Substantial alterations of many aspects of the present management of cancer will have to follow. Therefore, before such therapy can be fully and routinely implemented, results of the novel treatment and its rationale have to be carefully evaluated. In preoperative treatment, other features will likely gain impor tance. For the first time, clinicians have a chance to follow the in vivo response of the tumor exposed to preoperative chemotherapy. The subsequent histological assessment of the tumor sample may likely become an important prognostic guide, permitting more re fined individual approaches to the planning of postoperative adju vant treatment. The value of such a treatment strategy can already be appreciated in the clinical setting, as seen from the therapy of osteosarcoma. Furthermore, preoperative chemotherapy might render previously inoperable tumors operable and hence resectable with a curative intention. The preoperative reduction of tumor bulk may also effectively decrease the need for more radical operations, permitting a more uniform adoption of conservative surgery.

Pediatric Neuro-oncology

Pediatric Neuro-oncology PDF Author: Katrin Scheinemann
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031620178
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 558

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Assessment of Tumour Response

Assessment of Tumour Response PDF Author: Barry W. Hancock
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9789024727124
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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The assessment of tumour response after treatment is one of the most important challenges in Oncology and the picture is so often complicated by the effects of therapy itself. Clinical assessment is still by far the most important method of assessment at our disposal but there is increasing dependence on investigations of all types as indices of response. This depenƯ dence may be misplaced if inappropriate investigations are pursued and we have tried to emphasise in this book the importance of selectivity. Some indices of assessment (e. g. tumour markers, organ imaging) have a vital role to play; others (e. g. histopathology, genetics) are assuming greater imporƯ tance as tumour behaviour becomes better understood. One subject, ImmuƯ nology, is still in its infancy as regards tumour follow-up, but shows much promise so that a full account of tumour immunology and trends in immuƯ notherapy has been included. I am grateful to Dr. Brian Ross for his help with the chapter on Organ Imaging, to the Department of Medical Illustration for their ever-ready co-operation with illustrations and photographs and to Miss Shirley Francis for doing much of the typing. B.W. HANCOCK List of Contributors HANCOCK, B.W., MD, DCH, MRCP, Senior Lecturer in Medicine, HonƯ orary Consultant Physician, Royal Hallamshire & Weston Park Hospitals, Sheffield, U.K. NEAL, F.E., KSG, MBChB, FRCR, DMRT, Consultant Radiotherapist & Oncologist, Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, u. K. POTTER, AM.

Imaging and Interventional Radiology for Radiation Oncology

Imaging and Interventional Radiology for Radiation Oncology PDF Author: Regina G.H. Beets-Tan
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030382636
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 530

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This book, edited by leading experts in radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology, offers a wide-ranging, state of the art overview of the specifics and the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to the use of imaging in image-guided radiation treatments for different tumor types. The entire spectrum of the most important cancers treated by radiation are covered, including CNS, head and neck, lung, breast, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and gynecological tumors. The opening sections of the book address background issues and a range of important technical aspects. Detailed information is then provided on the use of different imaging techniques for T staging and target volume delineation, response assessment, and follow-up in various parts of the body. The focus of the book ensures that it will be of interest for a multidisciplinary forum of readers comprising radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiologists and other medical professionals.

Therapy Response Imaging in Oncology

Therapy Response Imaging in Oncology PDF Author: Mizuki Nishino
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030311716
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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This book is a detailed guide to therapy response imaging in cancer patients that fully takes into account the revolutionary progress and paradigm shift in treatment approaches for advanced disease. The opening chapters describe the role of imaging as a “common language” for tumor response evaluation in oncology and address challenges and strategies in the era of precision cancer therapy and cancer immunotherapy. Practical pitfalls are discussed, with emphasis on the importance of approaching cancer as a systemic disease and the need for increased awareness of drug toxicity due to novel therapies. Therapy response imaging in a wide range of cancer types is then comprehensively described and illustrated, using a disease-specific approach. A concluding section focuses on emerging approaches and future directions, including radiomics/radiogenomics, co-clinical imaging, and molecular and functional imaging. Therapy Response Imaging in Oncology will be of high value for radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and oncologists. It will also be of interest to cancer care providers and oncology trial investigators.

Brain Tumor Imaging

Brain Tumor Imaging PDF Author: Elke Hattingen
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642450407
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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This book describes the basics, the challenges and the limitations of state of the art brain tumor imaging and examines in detail its impact on diagnosis and treatment monitoring. It opens with an introduction to the clinically relevant physical principles of brain imaging. Since MR methodology plays a crucial role in brain imaging, the fundamental aspects of MR spectroscopy, MR perfusion and diffusion-weighted MR methods are described, focusing on the specific demands of brain tumor imaging. The potential and the limits of new imaging methodology are carefully addressed and compared to conventional MR imaging. In the main part of the book, the most important imaging criteria for the differential diagnosis of solid and necrotic brain tumors are delineated and illustrated in examples. A closing section is devoted to the use of MR methods for the monitoring of brain tumor therapy. The book is intended for radiologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, oncologists and other scientists in the biomedical field with an interest in neuro-oncology.

Oncologic Imaging

Oncologic Imaging PDF Author: David G. Bragg
Publisher: Saunders
ISBN: 9780721674940
Category : Cancer
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Completely updated to reflect the latest developments in science and technology, the second edition of this reference presents the diagnostic imaging tools essential to the detection, diagnosis, staging, treatment planning, and post-treatment management of cancer in both adults and children. Organized by major organs and body systems, the text offers comprehensive, abundantly illustrated guidance to enable both the radiologist and clinical oncologist to better appreciate and overcome the challenges of tumor imaging. Features 12 brand-new chapters that examine new imaging techniques, molecular imaging, minimally invasive approaches, 3D and conformal treatment planning, interventional techniques in radiation oncology, interventional breast techniques, and more. Emphasizes practical interactions between oncologists and radiologists. Includes expanded coverage of paediatric tumours as well as thorax, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal cancers. Offers reorganized and increased content on the brain and spinal cord. Nearly 1,400 illustrations enable both the radiologist and clinical oncologist to better appreciate and overcome the challenges of tumour imaging. - Outstanding Features! Presents internationally renowned authors' insights on recent technological breakthroughs in imaging for each anatomical region, and offers their views on future advances in the field. Discusses the latest advances in treatment planning. Devotes four chapters to the critical role of imaging in radiation treatment planning and delivery. Makes reference easy with a body-system organisation.

Encyclopedia of Cancer

Encyclopedia of Cancer PDF Author: Manfred Schwab
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540368477
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 3307

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Book Description
This comprehensive encyclopedic reference provides rapid access to focused information on topics of cancer research for clinicians, research scientists and advanced students. Given the overwhelming success of the first edition, which appeared in 2001, and fast development in the different fields of cancer research, it has been decided to publish a second fully revised and expanded edition. With an A-Z format of over 7,000 entries, more than 1,000 contributing authors provide a complete reference to cancer. The merging of different basic and clinical scientific disciplines towards the common goal of fighting cancer makes such a comprehensive reference source all the more timely.

Imaging in Pediatric Oncology

Imaging in Pediatric Oncology PDF Author: Stephan D. Voss
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030037765
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 408

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This book, co-authored by an internationally acclaimed team of experts in the field of pediatric oncologic imaging, provides a comprehensive update on new advances in diagnostic imaging as they relate to pediatric oncology. In contrast to other oncologic imaging texts focusing on the radiology of specific tumors, this book emphasizes the important fundamentals of imaging that every child with a new or treated malignancy receives. Guidance is provided on the selection and use of appropriate imaging techniques, with individual chapters devoted to each of the major cross-sectional imaging modalities used in the detection and follow-up of pediatric cancers, including PET-CT, PET-MRI, whole-body MRI, and diffusion-weighted MRI. Additional nuclear medicine techniques are addressed, and detailed attention is paid to more advanced areas of practice such as contrast-enhanced ultrasound, pediatric interventional radiology techniques, radiation treatment planning, and radiation dose considerations (ALARA). Other areas covered include screening of children with cancer predisposition syndromes, treatment related complications, potential pitfalls during neuro-oncologic imaging, and the risks and benefits inherent in post-therapy surveillance imaging.

Brain and Human Body Modeling

Brain and Human Body Modeling PDF Author: Sergey Makarov
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030212939
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 398

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This open access book describes modern applications of computational human modeling with specific emphasis in the areas of neurology and neuroelectromagnetics, depression and cancer treatments, radio-frequency studies and wireless communications. Special consideration is also given to the use of human modeling to the computational assessment of relevant regulatory and safety requirements. Readers working on applications that may expose human subjects to electromagnetic radiation will benefit from this book’s coverage of the latest developments in computational modelling and human phantom development to assess a given technology’s safety and efficacy in a timely manner. Describes construction and application of computational human models including anatomically detailed and subject specific models; Explains new practices in computational human modeling for neuroelectromagnetics, electromagnetic safety, and exposure evaluations; Includes a survey of modern applications for which computational human models are critical; Describes cellular-level interactions between the human body and electromagnetic fields.