Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages

Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages PDF Author: Margo Gottlieb
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1544394500
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 291

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What if multilingual learners had the freedom to interact in more than one language with their peers during classroom assessment? What if multilingual learners and their teachers in dual language settings had opportunities to use assessment data in multiple languages to make decisions? Just imagine the rich linguistic, academic, and cultural reservoirs we could tap as we determine what our multilingual learners know and can do. Thankfully, Margo Gottlieb is here to provide concrete and actionable guidance on how to create assessment systems that enable understanding of the whole student, not just that fraction of the student who is only visible as an English learner. With Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages as your guide, you’ll: Better understand the rationale for and evidence on the value and advantages of classroom assessment in multiple languages Add to your toolkit of classroom assessment practices in one or multiple languages Be more precise and effective in your assessment of multilingual learners by embedding assessment as, for, and of learning into your instructional repertoire Recognize how social-emotional, content, and language learning are all tied to classroom assessment Guide multilingual learners in having voice and choice in the assessment process Despite the urgent need, assessment for multilingual learners is generally tucked into a remote chapter, if touched upon at all in a book; the number of resources narrows even more when multiple languages are brought into play. Here at last is that single resource on how educators and multilingual learners can mutually value languages and cultures in instruction and assessment throughout the school day and over time. We encourage you to get started right away. “Margo Gottlieb has demonstrated why the field, particularly the field as it involves the teaching of multilingual learners, needs another assessment book, particularly a book like this. . . . Classroom Assessment in Multiple Languages quite likely could serve as a catalyst toward the beginning of an enlightened discourse around assessment that will benefit multilingual learners.” ~Kathy Escamilla

Assessment in Multiple Languages

Assessment in Multiple Languages PDF Author: Margo Gottlieb
ISBN: 9781071827628
Category : Educational tests and measurements
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book shows how superintendents, principals, directors, coaches, and other educational leaders can more accurately portray the academic, language, and social-emotional development of multilingual students. This book illustrates how the assessment cycle unfolds at school and district levels and provides comprehensive guidance for enacting linguistically and culturally sustainable assessment in multiple languages in K-12 settings.

Multilingual Testing and Assessment

Multilingual Testing and Assessment PDF Author: Gessica De Angelis
Publisher: Multilingual Matters
ISBN: 1800410565
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 101

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The field of multilingual testing and assessment has grown rapidly in recent years due to the widespread need to integrate immigrant populations into mainstream education and to provide fair and equitable forms of assessment for all students. However, a continuing emphasis on bilingual students has created a significant gap in testing and assessment research. This book addresses the need for research and guidance on testing multilingual students: at its heart is the difference between designing multilingual tests and testing multilingual individuals. The author introduces an integrated approach to testing and assessment, a flexible approach that combines information about multilingual learners' knowledge, skills and abilities with information about their language background and living environment. The book provides an overview of existing research conducted with multilingual populations; provides guidelines for test-writers, teachers and educators that outline the steps involved in the design, administration, scoring and interpretation of tests for multiple language speakers; and demonstrates how to use the integrated approach to testing and assessment in a multilingual educational context.

Developing Narrative Comprehension

Developing Narrative Comprehension PDF Author: Ute Bohnacker
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN: 9027260346
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Comprehension of texts and understanding of questions is a cornerstone of successful human communication. Whilst reading comprehension has been thoroughly investigated in the last decade, there is surprisingly little research on children’s comprehension of picture stories, particularly for bilinguals. This can be partially explained by the lack of cross-culturally robust, cross-linguistic instruments targeting early narration. This book presents an inference-based model of narrative comprehension and a tool that grew out of a large-scale European project on multilingualism. Covering a range of language settings, the book uses the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives to answer the question which narrative comprehension skills (bilingual) children can be expected to master at a certain age, and explores how such comprehension is affected (or not affected) by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. Linking theory to method, the book will appeal to researchers in linguistics and psychology and graduate students interested in narrative, multilingualism, and language acquisition.

Second Language Pronunciation Assessment

Second Language Pronunciation Assessment PDF Author: Talia Isaacs
Publisher: Multilingual Matters
ISBN: 1783096861
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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This book is open access under a CC BY licence. It spans the areas of assessment, second language acquisition (SLA) and pronunciation and examines topical issues and challenges that relate to formal and informal assessments of second language (L2) speech in classroom, research and real-world contexts. It showcases insights from assessing other skills (e.g. listening and writing) and highlights perspectives from research in speech sciences, SLA, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, including lingua franca communication, with concrete implications for pronunciation assessment. This collection will help to establish commonalities across research areas and facilitate greater consensus about key issues, terminology and best practice in L2 pronunciation research and assessment. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, this book will appeal to a mixed audience of researchers, graduate students, teacher-educators and exam board staff with varying levels of expertise in pronunciation and assessment and wide-ranging interests in applied linguistics.

From Testing to Assessment

From Testing to Assessment PDF Author: Clifford Hill
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317893395
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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From Testing to Assessment: English as an International Language provides a critical review of conventional and alternative approaches to the assessment of English literacy skills in various parts of the world. It presents empirical studies conducted in three major settings: in countries such as Japan and Brazil where English functions as the language of international commernce; in multilingual countries such as Nigeria and Zimbabwe where English is the national language of education and government; and in such countries as Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States where English is the dominant language. The book opens with a discussion of language assessment in relation to debates about the nature of literacy; it concludes with a discussion of policy implications, which is grounded in literacy theory as well as in practical constraints such as available human and material resources.

Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners

Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners PDF Author: J. Michael O'Malley
Publisher: Longman
ISBN: 9780201591514
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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This practical resource book will familiarize teachers, staff developers, and administrators with the latest thinking on alternatives to traditional assessment. It will prepare them to implement authentic assessment in the ESL/bilingual classroom and to incorporate it into instructional planning.

Solutions for the Assessment of Bilinguals

Solutions for the Assessment of Bilinguals PDF Author: Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole
Publisher: Multilingual Matters
ISBN: 1783090162
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Solutions for the Assessment of Bilinguals presents innovative solutions for the evaluation of language abilities and proficiency in multilingual speakers – and by extension, the evaluation of their cognitive and academic abilities. This volume brings together researchers working in a variety of bilingual settings to discuss critical matters central to the assessment of bilingual children and adults. The studies include typically developing bilingual children, bilingual children who may be at risk for language impairments, bilingual and multilingual children and adults found in classrooms, and second-language learners in childhood and adulthood. The contributions propose a variety of ways of assessing performance and abilities in the face of the multiple issues that complicate the best interpretation of test performance.

Changing Language Assessment

Changing Language Assessment PDF Author: Sahbi Hidri
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030422690
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 394

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This edited book brings together fifteen original empirical studies from a variety of international contexts to provide a detailed exploration of language assessment, testing and evaluation. Language assessment has a key role in the development and implementation of language and educational policies at the national level, and this book examines some of the impacts - both positive and negative - of different skills testing and examination approaches on learning outcomes and individual students' language learning. This book will be of interest to scholars working in applied linguistics and language education, teacher training, testing and evaluation, as well as stakeholders such as practitioners, educators, educational agencies, and test developers.

Language Testing and Assessment

Language Testing and Assessment PDF Author: Elana Shohamy
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789048191833
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This volume addresses the broad theme and specific topics associated with current thinking in the field of language testing and assessment. The volume offers •multiple perspectives on the ‘what’ (the ‘trait’) of languages, and the ‘how’ (‘the method’) of assessment •multiple approaches developed for assessment especially given the multiplicity of languages used by many diverse groups of learners in many different contexts •focus on the societal roles of language testers, their responsibility to be socially accountable and to ensure ethicality and professionalism •focus on language testing in multilingual and diverse contexts This is one of ten volumes of the Encyclopedia of Language and Education published by Springer. The Encyclopedia bears testimony to the dynamism and evolution of the language and education field, as it confronts the ever-burgeoning and irrepressible linguistic diversity and ongoing pressures and expectations placed on education around the world.