International Arbitration

International Arbitration PDF Author: Peter Sester
ISBN: 9780191875687
Category : International commercial arbitration
Languages : en
Pages : 688

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This text provides comprehensive coverage on the state of arbitration in Brazil following the enactment of the 1996 Arbitration Act. Expert contributors explore the impact of this act on a range of areas all of Brazilian international law, including labour law, construction, and capital market transactions.

International Arbitration

International Arbitration PDF Author: Peter Sester
ISBN: 9780191875687
Category : International commercial arbitration
Languages : en
Pages : 688

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Book Description
This text provides comprehensive coverage on the state of arbitration in Brazil following the enactment of the 1996 Arbitration Act. Expert contributors explore the impact of this act on a range of areas all of Brazilian international law, including labour law, construction, and capital market transactions.

Arbitration Law of Brazil

Arbitration Law of Brazil PDF Author: Joaquim T. de Paiva Muniz
Publisher: Juris Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 1929446985
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 678

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"Arbitration Law of Brazil: Practice and Procedure is a timely contribution to the development of commercial arbitration in Brazil, as it provides international practitioners and arbitrators with a useful reference tool to understand the Brazilian arbitral framework. Without sacrificing scholarly rigor, it provides a clear commentary on Brazilian arbitration legislation from a practical perspective, addressing the most relevant points in a direct and instructive manner, so that even someone unfamiliar with Brazilian law can comprehend all issues. This work reflects the experience of the authors, who are among the most prominent arbitration practitioners in Brazil. Both authors have long been committed to the development of arbitration, through teaching classes, organizing seminars and writing articles, not to mention their work on the Arbitration Committee of the Rio de Janeiro State Chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association, the first institution in Brazil to help develop and improve alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Besides the authors' work, this book also contains in its appendices articles from other leading Brazilian scholars analyzing relevant issues in connection with arbitration in Brazil. This provides an enlightening combination of practical background and academic debate."--Publisher's website.

Arbitration in Egypt

Arbitration in Egypt PDF Author: Ibrahim Shehata
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403512644
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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Egypt, and in particular the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), has clearly cemented its status as a preferred seat for arbitration cases in both the Middle East–North Africa (MENA) region and the African continent. To assist parties with a need or desire to arbitrate disputes arising in these regions – whether commercial or investment – this incomparable book, the first in-depth treatment in any language of arbitration practice under Egyptian law, provides a comprehensive overview of the arbitration process and all matters pertaining to it in Egypt, starting with the arbitration agreement and ending with the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award. Citing more than 2,500 cases – both awards and arbitral-related court judgments – the book’s various chapters examine in detail how Egypt’s arbitration law, based on the UNCITRAL model law, encompasses such internationally accepted arbitral provisions and aspects as the following: application of the New York Convention; concept of arbitrability; choice of applicable law; formation of the arbitral tribunal; selection, rights, duties, liability, and challenge of arbitrators; arbitral procedures; evidence and experts and burden of proof; form and content of arbitral awards; annulment and enforcement procedures; interaction between Sharia law and arbitration; role of Egypt’s Technical Office for Arbitration (TOA); and judicial fees. Special issues such as third-party funding and public policy as well as particular areas of dispute such as construction, sports, real estate, labor and employment, tax, competition, intellectual property, and technology transfer are all covered. The author offers practical guidelines tailored to arbitration in these specific areas of law. An added feature is the many figures and other visuals that accompany the text. For whoever is planning to or is currently practicing arbitration in the Middle East, this matchless book gives arbitrators, in-house counsel and arbitration practitioners everything that is needed to answer any question likely to arise. This book should be on the shelf of every practitioner and academic wishing to comprehend arbitration in Egypt as construed by the Egyptian Courts. Review/Testimonial: “The book is an excellent contribution to understand and assess Egyptian international arbitration law and practice and invaluable guide for lawyers, arbitrators and academics working on arbitration cases connected to Egypt for three main reasons: First, a case law perspective that adds considerable value to the book. The author examines not only the text of laws but also the case law. On every issue, Mr Shehata quotes the positions of Egyptian courts, especially those of the Egyptian Cassation Court. With more than 2,500 cases cited, the book is a precious source to discover the Egyptian decisions originally only in Arabic. Through an analysis and commentary of a great number of decisions rendered by various levels of Egyptian courts, the book offers the most reliable source with regard to the interpretation and the application of the Law No. 27 of 1994 and the international conventions by Egyptian courts. Second, a complete and far-reaching analysis. The book covers all aspects of the arbitration process from the arbitration agreement to the enforcement of arbitral awards. It includes the specific arbitration sectors such as sport arbitration, construction arbitration and investment arbitration. This coverage makes the book one of the reference work on the whole regime of arbitration in Egypt. Third, an up-to-date study, which takes into account rule changes and up-to-date developments on new trends, such as third-party funding, optional clauses, virtual hearings, the use of tribunal secretaries and issues of ethics in arbitration.” Source / Reviewer: Professor Walid Ben Hamida, University of Paris-Saclay, France. ICC DISPUTE RESOLUTION BULLETIN 2021 | ISSUE 3 |

International Arbitration in Latin America

International Arbitration in Latin America PDF Author: Gloria M. Alvarez
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 904119973X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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Energy projects in Latin America are a major contributor to economic growth worldwide. This book is the first to offer a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of specific issues arising from energy and natural resources contracts and disputes in the region, covering a wide range of procedural, substantive, and socio-legal issues. The book also includes how states have shifted from passive business partners to more active controlling players. The book contains an extensive treatment and examination of the particularities of arbitration practice in Latin America, including arbitrability, public order, enforcement, and the complex public-private nature of energy transactions. Specialists experienced in resolving international energy and natural disputes throughout the region provide detailed analysis of such issues and topics, including: state-owned entities as co-investors or contracting parties; role of environmental law, indigenous rights and public participation; issues related to political changes, corruption, and quantification of damages; climate change, renewable energy, and the energy transition; force majeure, hardship, and price reopeners; arbitration in the electricity sector; take-or-pay contracts; recognition and enforcement of awards; tension between stabilization clauses and human rights; mediation as a method for dispute settlement in the energy and natural resources sector; and different comparative approaches taken by national courts in key Latin American jurisdictions. The book also delivers a clear explanation on the impact made to the arbitration process by Covid-19, emerging laws, changes of political circumstances, the economic global trends in the oil & gas market, the energy transition, and the rise of new technologies. This invaluable book will be welcomed by in-house lawyers, government officials, as well as academics and rest of the arbitration community involved in international arbitration with particular interest in the energy and natural resources sector.

Investment Protection in Brazil

Investment Protection in Brazil PDF Author: Daniel de Andrade Levy
ISBN: 9789041149619
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"Showing unambiguously that Brazil in fact enjoys a stable legal system which grants foreign direct investment the same material and procedural rights as national direct investment, the contributors to this book provide a truly informative and useful guide for those who work with law and policy in international investment."--Publisher's website

Civil Procedure in Brazil

Civil Procedure in Brazil PDF Author: Humberto Dalla Bernardina de Pinho
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403518235
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this convenient volume provides comprehensive analysis of the legislation and rules that determine civil procedure and practice in Brazil. Lawyers who handle transnational matters will appreciate the book’s clear explanation of distinct terminology and application of rules. The structure follows the classical chapters of a handbook on civil procedure: beginning with the judicial organization of the courts, jurisdiction issues, a discussion of the various actions and claims, and then moving to a review of the proceedings as such. These general chapters are followed by a discussion of the incidents during proceedings, the legal aid and legal costs, and the regulation of evidence. There are chapters on seizure for security and enforcement of judgments, and a final section on alternative dispute resolution. Facts are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance. Succinct, scholarly, and practical, this book will prove a valuable time-saving tool for business and legal professionals alike. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Brazil will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its comparative value as a contribution to the study of civil procedure in the international context.

International Arbitration in Latin America

International Arbitration in Latin America PDF Author: Nigel Blackaby
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789041118219
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The last few years, even months, have seen radical changes in commercial arbitration in almost every Latin American jurisdiction. International Arbitration in Latin America is a first of its kind publication that provides the lawyer, arbitrator, and businessperson with a thorough overview of the current status of international arbitration in the region. Freshfields Bruckhans Deringer's Nigel Blackaby, Clifford Chance's David Lindsey, and Argentine lawyer Alessandro Spinillo have joined with others in the field of arbitration in Latin America to compile the first comprehensive review of commercial arbitration in major Latin American jurisdictions as well as notable developments in the use of arbitration mechanisms contained in bilateral and multilateral investments treaties and free trade agreements. The book provides not only a detailed analysis of the law, but also insight from local practitioners into the culture of arbitration and how the law is applied. Features of the book include a comprehensive and thorough overview of commercial arbitration in Latin America; a detailed analysis of the law and insight from local practitioners from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela; a brief look at the rules and peculiarities of the proposed Mercosur International Commercial Arbitration Agreements entered into by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Chile, whose eventual ratification and coming into force is contemplated; an examination concerning the adoption of arbitration as a method of dispute resolution for investors against states under bilateral investment treaties, over 300 of which have now been signed in the region; the text of the key sections of the international conventions to which reference is made (Panama Convention, NAFTA, Mercosur); and it also describes the increasing use of alternative dispute resolution in Latin America and how it might be best used as a complement for arbitration proceedings, with an emphasis on complex projects where staged dispute resolution might be appropriate.

Brazilian Commercial Law

Brazilian Commercial Law PDF Author: Silvia Fazio
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 904116829X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 980

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Brazil's power to attract international investors has become irresistible. Large-scale economic development, massive infrastructure projects, substantial agribusiness and commodities markets, and newly discovered oil and natural gas resources-combined with improvements in social standards and a consolidation of democratic institutions-have spearheaded the emergence of Brazil as a formidable global economy challenging the developed nations. This is the first book in English to provide a detailed guide to the ways into and around the Brazilian economy. Thirty seven leading Brazilian practitioners describe and interpret laws and regulations governing business set-up procedures, transactions, contracts, financing, taxation, securities, intellectual property, real estate, dispute resolution, environmental protection, labor, insolvency, competition, trade remedies, anti-corruption, private funds and insurance. They explore every issue likely to be important to investors, including the following: • competition, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures; • contractual clauses, statutory requirements on specific agreements; • tax incentives available for infrastructure projects; • listing and offering requirements in capital and securities markets; • licensing, franchising, and other intellectual property agreements; • civil proceedings, arbitration, and the mechanisms of dispute resolution; • the structure of the Brazilian judiciary system; • rules on conflicts of law and competence of jurisdiction; • real property acquisition and development; • environmental liabilities; • forms of employment and employment contracts; • insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings; • trade remedy system; • anti-corruption legislation; • private equity, venture capital and investment funds; and • insurance and re-insurance. Taking the point of view of a commercial lawyer required to draft and negotiate agreements governed by Brazilian law, each author contributes particular expertise to this incomparable resource for potential and actual investors in Brazil and their counsel. Thoroughly up-to-date in its exploration and understanding of the legal transformations that are taking place in Brazil, this book will be invaluable to corporate lawyers, investors, academics, and policymakers interested in Brazil's role in the global economy.

Due Process as a Limit to Discretion in International Commercial Arbitration

Due Process as a Limit to Discretion in International Commercial Arbitration PDF Author: Franco Ferrari
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403519754
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 495

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The absence of a coherent body of case law on due process has increasingly motivated recalcitrant parties to use due process as a strategic tool, thereby putting at risk the prospect of obtaining an enforceable award in expeditious proceedings. Countering this inherent danger, here for the first time is a comprehensive study on due process as a limit to arbitral discretion, showing how due process applies in practice in key jurisdictions around the world. Based on country reports prepared by leading arbitration practitioners and academics, the book explores how courts in major arbitration jurisdictions apply due process guarantees when performing their post-award review. The contributors, driven by an interest in exploring the interplay between due process and efficiency, focus on those due process guarantees that set limits to arbitral discretion. Matters covered include the following: the right to be heard and how it may be affected by submission deadlines, evidentiary offers by the opposing party, and directions to the parties as to which aspects require further pleading; the right to be treated equally and its interplay with the duty to give each party full opportunity to present its case and to comment on submissions and evidence filed by the other party; the duty to effect proper notice, including delivery and language issues; the independence and impartiality of arbitrators with a focus on when an arbitrator’s conduct can become the basis for a successful challenge; and courts’ standards of deference when examining issues arising at the post-award stage. An introductory general report thoroughly analyses the normative basis of due process and its interplay with party autonomy, as well as applicable standards of review and commonalities among manifestations of due process across jurisdictions. A signal contribution to the debate regarding the so-called due process paranoia affecting arbitral tribunals – a topic relevant in every single arbitration proceeding – this book provides practical guidelines on how to maintain the balance between due process and efficiency and how to apply due process and counteract its misuse in arbitration proceedings. It will be welcomed by counsel, arbitrators, and judges from all countries, as well as by academics and researchers concerned with international commercial arbitration.

International Investment Protection of Global Banking and Finance

International Investment Protection of Global Banking and Finance PDF Author: Arif H. Ali
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403535628
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 623

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Global banking and finance is a complex and specialized field with sector-specific investment forms, subject to distinctive legal and regulatory frameworks and unique types of political risk. This comprehensive guide to international investment protection in the finance and banking sector, written by acknowledged experts in the field of investor-State arbitration, provides the first in-depth discussion of how international investment law applies to investors and investments in the sector. Featuring expert guidance on the key legal protections for cross-border banking and finance investments, with complete and up-to-date coverage of investor-State cases, the analysis crystallizes a set of field-specific legal principles for the sector. In particular, the authors address the following practical aspects of investment protection in the banking and finance sector: how sector-specific forms of investment, such as loans and derivatives, impact the dispute resolution process; types of political risk that cross-border investments in the sector are likely to encounter; distinctive adverse sovereign measures that underlie disputes in the sector, including those from sovereign debt defaults and banking sector bailouts; specific treaty provisions, such as jurisdictional carve-outs and targeted exclusions; remedies available for violations of international investment protections; how monetary damages may be assessed for injury to banking and finance sector investments; the scope of financial services chapters included in certain free trade agreements; the protections available under domestic foreign investment laws; and alternative sources of protection such as political risk insurance and investment contracts. International disputes practitioners and academics, in-house counsel in the finance and banking industries, and arbitrators addressing banking and finance disputes will welcome this book for its practical guidance. With strategies for investors as well as for sovereign States to navigate the intricacies of the investment protection system, the authors’ comprehensive analysis will help ensure appropriate international protection for banking and finance sector investments, both when establishing investments and when resolving disputes. The book lays the groundwork for the future consolidation of international investment protection as a critical tool to manage the political risk confronting global banking and finance.