Small-scale Aquaculture

Small-scale Aquaculture PDF Author: Steven D. Van Gorder
Publisher: Alternative Aquaculture Assn
ISBN: 9780967773209
Category : Aquaculture
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Small-scale Aquaculture

Small-scale Aquaculture PDF Author: Steven D. Van Gorder
Publisher: Alternative Aquaculture Assn
ISBN: 9780967773209
Category : Aquaculture
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Aquaculture Science

Aquaculture Science PDF Author: Rick Parker
Publisher: Delmar
ISBN: 9781435488083
Category : Aquaculture
Languages : en
Pages : 652

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This comprehensive book introduces the reader to the aquaculture industry. Every aspect of this growing field is covered, from history of aquaculture, descriptions of aquatic plants and animals and feeding to in-depth coverage of economics, marketing, management and diseases of aquatic animals and plants. AQUACULTURE SCIENCE, International Edition, addresses the latest production methods, species types, advances in technology, trends and statistics. The science of aquaculture, chemistry, biology, and anatomy and physiology, is stressed throughout to ensure understanding of fundamental principles. A complete chapter offers detailed information on career opportunities in the aquaculture industry.

Biology and Aquaculture of Tilapia

Biology and Aquaculture of Tilapia PDF Author: José Fernando López-Olmeda
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 100048243X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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This book reviews up-to-date knowledge on the biology and aquaculture of tilapia, with special focus on the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Tilapia are a group of fish species that have become one of the most cultured worldwide, currently having a big economic impact on both developed and developing countries. The first 12 chapters of the present book cover different aspects of tilapia biology such as genetics, nutrition, osmoregulation, pathology, reproduction and development. Each chapter includes both basic knowledge and its application to tilapia culture. The last 3 chapters are devoted to cutting-edge techniques for the industry of tilapia aquaculture. Experts from both academia and research institutes provide their expertise on the present book.

Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture: A Practical Guide

Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture: A Practical Guide PDF Author: Sandra Shumway
Publisher: 5m Books Ltd
ISBN: 1789181461
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 740

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Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture is a useable manual for all those interested in an up-to-date introduction to the field. Each of the major cultured species of commercial importance is covered, providing cutting-edge information of practical use to all those involved in shellfish aquaculture. The book’s editor and chapter authors are among the most widely known and respected authorities working in the industry and academia. Species covered include mussels, clams, oysters (including pearl oysters), scallops, cephalopods, abalone and gastropods. Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture contains a huge wealth of information of great use for personnel working in the industry, with chapters covering site selection, hatchery construction, disease, biofouling, best management practice and certification. 5m Books


Aquaculture PDF Author: John S. Lucas
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1405188588
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 649

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The output from world aquaculture, a multi-billion dollar global industry, continues to rise at a very rapid rate and it is now acknowledged that it will take over from fisheries to become the main source of animal and plant products from aquatic environments in the future. Since the first edition of this excellent and successful book was published, the aquaculture industry has continued to expand at a massive rate globally and has seen huge advances across its many and diverse facets. This new edition of Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants covers all major aspects of the culture of fish, shellfish and algae in freshwater and marine environments. Subject areas covered include principles, water quality, environmental impacts of aquaculture, desert aquaculture, reproduction, life cycles and growth, genetics and stock improvement, nutrition and feed production, diseases, vaccination, post-harvest technology, economics and marketing, and future developments of aquaculture. Separate chapters also cover the culture of algae, carps, salmonids, tilapias, channel catfish, marine and brackish fishes, soft-shelled turtles, marine shrimp, mitten crabs and other decapod crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, and ornamentals. There is greater coverage of aquaculture in China in this new edition, reflecting China's importance in the world scene. For many, Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants is now the book of choice, as a recommended text for students and as a concise reference for those working or entering into the industry. Providing core scientific and commercially useful information, and written by around 30 internationally-known and respected authors, this expanded and fully updated new edition of Aquaculture is a book that is essential reading for all students and professionals studying and working in aquaculture. Fish farmers, hatchery managers and all those supplying the aquaculture industry, including personnel within equipment and feed manufacturing companies, will find a great deal of commercially useful information within this important and now established book. Reviews of the First Edition "This exciting, new and comprehensive book covers all major aspects of the aquaculture of fish, shellfish and algae in freshwater and marine environments including nutrition and feed production." —International Aquafeed "Do we really need yet another book about aquaculture? As far as this 502-page work goes, the answer is a resounding 'yes'. This book will definitely find a place in university libraries, in the offices of policy-makers and with economists looking for production and marketing figures. Fish farmers can benefit greatly from the thematic chapters, as well as from those pertaining to the specific plant or animal they are keeping or intending to farm. Also, they may explore new species, using the wealth of information supplied." —African Journal of Aquatic Science "Anyone studying the subject or working in any way interested in aquaculture would be well advised to acquire and study this wide-ranging book. One of the real 'bibles' on the aquaculture industry." —Fishing Boat World and also Ausmarine

The History of Aquaculture

The History of Aquaculture PDF Author: Colin Nash
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470958863
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Aquaculture has become of the fastest growing segments of agriculture around the world, but until recently many people have been unaware of its existence. The practice of raising fish is centuries old with a rich history of techniques and scientific advances. The History of Aquaculture traces the development of fish farming from its ancient roots to the technologically advanced methods of today. The History of Aquaculture is a comprehensive history of captive fish production from its small scale prehistoric roots through to the large-scale industrialized practices of today. Thirteen chapters take readers chronologically through the evolution of this important discipline. Chapters cover key periods of advancement and trace changes in the field from subsistence fish farming in the Middle Ages through the efforts to build global capacity for fish production to meet the needs of the world's ever growing population. Informative and engaging, The History of Aquaculture will broadly appeal to aquaculture scientists, researchers, professionals, and students. Special Features: Comprehensive history of advances in aquaculture production from prehistoric origins to industrialized practices Written by a revered scientists with decades of experience working in the aquaculture field Engaging and informative it will broadly appeal to individuals involved in all facets of aquaculture

Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment

Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment PDF Author: Sandra E. Shumway
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0813814138
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 526

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Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment focuses primarily on the issues surrounding environmental sustainability of shellfish aquaculture. The chapters in this book provide readers with the most current data available on topics such as resource enhancement and habitat restoration. Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment is also an invaluable resource for those looking to develop and implement environmental best management practices. Edited one of the world's leading shellfish researchers and with contributions from around the world, Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment is the definitive source of information for this increasingly important topic. View the Executive Summary here:


Aquaculture PDF Author: John E. Bardach
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471048267
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 902

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Captive Seawater Fishes: Science and Technology Stephen Spotte "The book is clearly a labor of love, and one must admire the author's boundless enthusiasm and breadth of scholarship." —New Scientist A seamlessly clear treatise on the science and technology of maintaining seawater fishes for purposes of aquaculture and public exhibition. Captive Seawater Fishes is the first book to bring together in one volume the disciplines of seawater chemistry, process engineering, and fish physiology, behavior, nutrition, and health. Richly illustrating the interplay between living fishes and the chemical and sensory stimuli of their environment, the book details: chemical processes controlling carbonate stability in seawater; the effect of captivity on physiological processes; sensory processes of fishes, including vision, hearing, and electroreception; diseases of seawater fishes and treatment methods; and more. 1991 (0-471-54554-6) 976 pp. Surveys of Fisheries Resources Donald R. Gunderson The intensive exploitation of fisheries resources has heightened the reliance in the industry on statistical surveying as a means of monitoring the abundance and age composition of existing fish reserves. Here is the first comprehensive look at the unique challenges and problems of fisheries surveying. Covering everything from survey design, bottom trawl surveys, acoustic surveys, to egg and larval surveys and direct counts, as well as the assumptions and limitations surrounding each method, the book is an exhaustive, yet practical guide to designing accurate, cost-effective fisheries surveys. 1993 (0-471-54735-2) 256 pp. Aquatic Pollution: An Introductory Text, Second Edition Edward A. Laws Regarded as the most complete introduction available on the subject, Aquatic Pollution details the ecological principles and toxicological fundamentals behind the phenomenon as well as the latest information on the factors affecting our polluted aquatic environment. Featuring case studies and specific examples, the book systematically examines such problems as urban runoff, sewage disposal, thermal pollution, nutrient loading, industrial wastewater discharges, and oil pollution. The new Second Edition includes three new chapters on groundwater pollution. acid rain, and plastics in the sea, as well as updated and expanded information on eutrophication, pathogens in water supplies, radioactive waste disposal, toxic metals, and pesticide use. 1993 (0-471-58883-0) 611 pp.

Biology of Oysters

Biology of Oysters PDF Author: Brian Leicester Bayne
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128035005
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 862

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Biology of Oysters offers scientific insights into the structure and function of oysters. Written by an expert in the field of shellfish research, this book presents more than 50 years of empirical research literature. It provides an understanding of the edible oysters, in order to equip students and researchers with the background needed to undertake further investigations on this model marine invertebrate. - Presents empirical research findings in context with the relevant theory and its expression in computer models - Includes information on studies of other bivalve species such as mussels and clams - Offers a description of the whole organism to provide a frame of reference for further research - Includes research developments in the phylogeny, physiology and ecology of oysters

Aquaculture Businesses: A Practical Guide to Economics and Marketing

Aquaculture Businesses: A Practical Guide to Economics and Marketing PDF Author: Carole Engle
Publisher: 5m Books Ltd
ISBN: 1789181151
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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This exciting new book provides practical guidance and advice for individuals who are seeking to manage and develop a successful aquaculture business. Starting with an overview of the types of challenges faced by managers of aquaculture businesses, the book then presents and contrasts the differences in challenges faced by new, start-up businesses and those that have been in business for many years. The book includes step-by-step guidance on how to find key markets, locate customers and determine their preferences, how to develop estimates of capital requirements for land, construction of buildings and production facilities, and to purchase equipment. Guidance is given to the reader on practical aspects of developing a financing plan, including the key financial statements that show early indication of potential problems. Comprehensive coverage is also provided of the various types of permits and regulations, as well as the magnitude of costs and delays that can occur for an aquaculture business to be in compliance. Finally, advice is given on keeping an eye on emerging trends, signs of changing consumer preferences and demand, and external threats and opportunities. Written by Carole Engle, known and respected worldwide, Aquaculture Businesses is an essential internationally-applicable resource for aquaculture entrepreneurs and business men and women who are the management-level decision makers for new start-up businesses, as well as for existing businesses that need to continue to grow and change with market dynamics. All aquaculture farm owners, and suppliers to the industry, should have this excellent resource to hand. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where aquaculture, business studies, economics or marketing are studied and taught should have copies of this book on their shelves. 5m Books