An Introduction to Clinical Research for Health and Social Care Professionals

An Introduction to Clinical Research for Health and Social Care Professionals PDF Author: Ario Santini
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 166559750X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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Book Description
With the increasing emphasis on evidence-based practice, there is a need for all health and social care professionals to understand the principles of general and clinical research. In the United Kingdom and several other countries, this had led to a proliferation of advanced programs, including for those seeking doctorate degrees. In this book, the editors introduce readers to the principles and practice of clinical research. Eighteen chapters and three appendices provide guidance on the different stages of a research project, from inception to the dissemination of results. Topics include: • steps to engage in practice-based research; • ethical questions surrounding research; • sources of funding; • collecting and collating data. Contributing authors emphasize the need to critically appraise literature before carrying out a research project. They also explain the stages of a research project and share insights on where to go for more information. The book includes an index, a glossary, and charts and figures to promote learning. Discussion questions reinforce critical material.

An Introduction to Clinical Research for Health and Social Care Professionals

An Introduction to Clinical Research for Health and Social Care Professionals PDF Author: Ario Santini
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 166559750X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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Book Description
With the increasing emphasis on evidence-based practice, there is a need for all health and social care professionals to understand the principles of general and clinical research. In the United Kingdom and several other countries, this had led to a proliferation of advanced programs, including for those seeking doctorate degrees. In this book, the editors introduce readers to the principles and practice of clinical research. Eighteen chapters and three appendices provide guidance on the different stages of a research project, from inception to the dissemination of results. Topics include: • steps to engage in practice-based research; • ethical questions surrounding research; • sources of funding; • collecting and collating data. Contributing authors emphasize the need to critically appraise literature before carrying out a research project. They also explain the stages of a research project and share insights on where to go for more information. The book includes an index, a glossary, and charts and figures to promote learning. Discussion questions reinforce critical material.

Careers in Clinical Research

Careers in Clinical Research PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309048907
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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Book Description
Transforming biological discoveries into medical treatment calls for a cadre of health professionals skilled in patient-oriented research. Yet many factors discourage talented persons from choosing clinical research as a profession. This new volume lays out the problem in detail, with specific recommendations to the federal government, the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, professional organizations, the health care industry, organized medicine, and the nation's universities and academic health centers. The volume explores How clinical research is conducted, what human resources are available, and what research opportunities lie ahead. Why health professionals become discouraged about clinical research. How the educational system has failed in this area and what programs stand out as models. How funding affects the supply of researchers. This practical book will be of immediate interest to public and private agencies funding research, research administrators, medical educators, health professionals, and those pursuing a career in clinical investigation.

Advancing the Nation's Health Needs

Advancing the Nation's Health Needs PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309094275
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 187

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This report is the twelfth assessment of the National Institutes of Health National Research Service Awards program. The research training needs of the country in basic biomedical, clinical, and behavioral and social sciences are considered. Also included are the training needs of oral health, nursing, and health services research. The report has been broadly constructed to take into account the rapidly evolving national and international health care needs. The past and present are analyzed, and predictions with regard to future needs are presented.

Improving Healthcare Quality in Europe Characteristics, Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Strategies

Improving Healthcare Quality in Europe Characteristics, Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Strategies PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264805907
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 447

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This volume, developed by the Observatory together with OECD, provides an overall conceptual framework for understanding and applying strategies aimed at improving quality of care. Crucially, it summarizes available evidence on different quality strategies and provides recommendations for their implementation. This book is intended to help policy-makers to understand concepts of quality and to support them to evaluate single strategies and combinations of strategies.

The Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work

The Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work PDF Author: Terry Altilio
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0197537855
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1009

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Book Description
"It is so important to advocate for things that may not always seem possible. Getting to work with patients/families at the end of their life is the ultimate honor." - Lauren G Markham, MSW, LCSW, APHSW-C "In this work, one witnesses both depths of human suffering and heights of human transcendence that can inspire both awe and fear. At those times, I have found that surrendering my need to be "an expert" and instead, allow myself to simply be a "human" is the wisest action." - Kerry Irish, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW"--

Health Professions Education

Health Professions Education PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 030913319X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 191

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Book Description
The Institute of Medicine study Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001) recommended that an interdisciplinary summit be held to further reform of health professions education in order to enhance quality and patient safety. Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality is the follow up to that summit, held in June 2002, where 150 participants across disciplines and occupations developed ideas about how to integrate a core set of competencies into health professions education. These core competencies include patient-centered care, interdisciplinary teams, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics. This book recommends a mix of approaches to health education improvement, including those related to oversight processes, the training environment, research, public reporting, and leadership. Educators, administrators, and health professionals can use this book to help achieve an approach to education that better prepares clinicians to meet both the needs of patients and the requirements of a changing health care system.


ClinicalTrials PDF Author: Curtis L. Meinert
Publisher: OUP USA
ISBN: 0195387880
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 702

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The classic, definitive guide to the design, conduct, and analysis of randomized clinical trials.

Envisioning a Transformed Clinical Trials Enterprise in the United States

Envisioning a Transformed Clinical Trials Enterprise in the United States PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309253187
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Book Description
There is growing recognition that the United States' clinical trials enterprise (CTE) faces great challenges. There is a gap between what is desired - where medical care is provided solely based on high quality evidence - and the reality - where there is limited capacity to generate timely and practical evidence for drug development and to support medical treatment decisions. With the need for transforming the CTE in the U.S. becoming more pressing, the IOM Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation held a two-day workshop in November 2011, bringing together leaders in research and health care. The workshop focused on how to transform the CTE and discussed a vision to make the enterprise more efficient, effective, and fully integrated into the health care system. Key issue areas addressed at the workshop included: the development of a robust clinical trials workforce, the alignment of cultural and financial incentives for clinical trials, and the creation of a sustainable infrastructure to support a transformed CTE. This document summarizes the workshop.

Fundamentals of Clinical Trials

Fundamentals of Clinical Trials PDF Author: Lawrence M. Friedman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780387985862
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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This classic reference, now updated with the newest applications and results, addresses the fundamentals of such trials based on sound scientific methodology, statistical principles, and years of accumulated experience by the three authors.

Critical Thinking in Clinical Research

Critical Thinking in Clinical Research PDF Author: Felipe Fregni
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199324492
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 537

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Book Description
Critical Thinking in Clinical Research explains the fundamentals of clinical research in a case-based approach. The core concept is to combine a clear and concise transfer of information and knowledge with an engagement of the reader to develop a mastery of learning and critical thinking skills. The book addresses the main concepts of clinical research, basics of biostatistics, advanced topics in applied biostatistics, and practical aspects of clinical research, with emphasis on clinical relevance across all medical specialties.