Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration in Industrial Processes

Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration in Industrial Processes PDF Author: Marcel Bogart
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 504

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Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration in Industrial Processes

Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration in Industrial Processes PDF Author: Marcel Bogart
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 504

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Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants PDF Author: A. Kayode Coker
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
ISBN: 0080942423
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1277

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The fourth edition of Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume Three is a core reference for chemical, plant, and process engineers and provides an unrivalled reference on methods, process fundamentals, and supporting design data.New to this edition are expanded chapters on heat transfer plus additional chapters focused on the design of shell and tube heat exchangers, double pipe heat exchangers and air coolers. Heat tracer requirements for pipelines and heat loss from insulated pipelines are covered in this new edition, along with batch heating and cooling of process fluids, process integration, and industrial reactors. The book also looks at the troubleshooting of process equipment and corrosion and metallurgy. - Assists engineers in rapidly analyzing problems and finding effective design methods and mechanical specifications - Definitive guide to the selection and design of various equipment types, including heat exchanger sizing and compressor sizing, with established design codes - Batch heating and cooling of process fluids supported by Excel programs

Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants: Volume 3

Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants: Volume 3 PDF Author: Ernest E. Ludwig
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080523374
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 713

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This third edition of Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Volume 3, is completely revised and updated throughout to make this standard reference more valuable than ever. It has been expanded by more than 200 pages to include the latest technological and process developments in heat transfer, refrigeration, compression and compression surge drums, and mechanical drivers. Like other volumes in this classic series, this one emphasizes how to apply techniques of process design and how to interpret results into mechanical equipment details. It focuses on the applied aspects of chemical engineering design to aid the design and/or project engineers in rating process requirements, specifying for purchasing purposes, and interpreting and selecting the mechanical equipment needed to satisfy the process functions. Process chemical engineering and mechanical hydraulics are included in the design procedures.Includes updated information that allows for efficiency and accuracy in daily tasks and operationsPart of a classic series in the industry

Heat Pumps in Chemical Process Industry

Heat Pumps in Chemical Process Industry PDF Author: Anton A. Kiss
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498719015
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 443

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As the chemical process industry is among the most energy demanding sectors, chemical engineers are endeavoring to contribute towards sustainable future. Due to the limitation of fossil fuels, the need for energy independence, as well as the environmental problem of the greenhouse gas effect, there is a large increasing interest in the research and development of chemical processes that require less capital investment and reduced operating costs and lead to high eco-efficiency. The use of heat pumps is a hot topic due to many advantages, such as low energy requirements as well as an increasing number of industrial applications. Therefore, in the current book, authors are focusing on use of heat pumps in the chemical industry, providing an overview of heat pump technology as applied in the chemical process industry, covering both theoretical and practical aspects: working principle, applied thermodynamics, theoretical background, numerical examples and case studies, as well as practical applications. The worked-out examples have been included to instruct students, engineers and process designers about how to design various heat pumps used in the industry. Reader friendly resources namely relevant equations, diagrams, figures and references that reflect the current and upcoming heat pump technologies, will be of great help to all readers from the chemical and petrochemical industry, biorefineries and other related areas.

Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps

Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps PDF Author: Keith E. Herold
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498714358
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 386

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Significantly revised and updated since its first publication in 1996, Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps, Second Edition discusses the fundamental physics and major applications of absorption chillers. While the popularity of absorption chillers began to dwindle in the United States in the late 1990's, a shift towards sustainability, green buildin

Cogeneration Fuel Cell-Sorption Air Conditioning Systems

Cogeneration Fuel Cell-Sorption Air Conditioning Systems PDF Author: I. Pilatowsky
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1849960283
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 171

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Although conventional cogeneration systems have been used successfully in the last two decades, most of them have been large units using mainly hydrocarbon fuels that are becoming increasingly expensive. New cogeneration systems based on fuel cells and sorption air conditioning systems promise to be an energy-saving alternative for situations when cooling, heating and power are needed at low and medium capacities. Cogeneration Fuel Cell-Sorption Air Conditioning Systems examines the thermodynamic principles of fuel cell performance and sorption air conditioning systems, and gives relevant information about the state of the art of these technologies. It also provides the reader with the theoretical bases and knowledge needed to understand the operation of these new cogeneration systems, as well as discussing the design basis and economical evaluation. Topics covered include: • selected fuel cells for cogeneration CHP processes; • state-of-the-art sorption refrigeration systems; • potential applications in demonstration projects; and • profitability assessment of the cogeneration system. Air conditioning and fuel cell engineers; postgraduates and researchers in energy fields; and designers of cooling, heating and power cogeneration systems will find Cogeneration Fuel Cell-Sorption Air Conditioning Systems a useful and informative reference.

Industrial Refrigeration Handbook (PB)

Industrial Refrigeration Handbook (PB) PDF Author: Wilbert Stoecker
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071503641
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 801

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Drawing from the best of the widely dispersed literature in the field and the authorÕs vast professional knowledge and experience, here is todayÕs most exhaustive, one-stop coverage of the fundamentals, design, installation, and operation of industrial refrigeration systems. Detailing the industry changes caused by the conversion from CFCs to non-ozone-depleting refrigerants and by the development of microprocessors and new secondary coolants, Industrial Refrigeration Handbook also examines multistage systems; compressors, evaporators, and condensers; piping, vessels, valves and refrigerant controls; liquid recirculation; refrigeration load calculations; refrigeration and freezing of food; and safety procedures. Offering a rare compilation of thermodynamic data on the most-used industrial refrigerants, the Handbook is a mother lode of vital information and guidance for every practitioner in the field.

CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering

CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering PDF Author: Raj P. Chhabra
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 149871529X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1678

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The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering, Second Edition, is a fully updated version of this respected reference work, with chapters written by leading experts. Its first part covers basic concepts, equations and principles of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. Following that is detailed coverage of major application areas, such as bioengineering, energy-efficient building systems, traditional and renewable energy sources, food processing, and aerospace heat transfer topics. The latest numerical and computational tools, microscale and nanoscale engineering, and new complex-structured materials are also presented. Designed for easy reference, this new edition is a must-have volume for engineers and researchers around the globe.

Federal Register

Federal Register PDF Author:
Category : Administrative law
Languages : en
Pages : 1068

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Chemical Process Equipment - Selection and Design (Revised 2nd Edition)

Chemical Process Equipment - Selection and Design (Revised 2nd Edition) PDF Author: James R. Couper
Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing
ISBN: 0080919723
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 831

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A facility is only as efficient and profitable as the equipment that is in it: this highly influential book is a powerful resource for chemical, process, or plant engineers who need to select, design or configures plant sucessfully and profitably. It includes updated information on design methods for all standard equipment, with an emphasis on real-world process design and performance. - The comprehensive and influential guide to the selection and design of a wide range of chemical process equipment, used by engineers globally; Copious examples of successful applications, with supporting schematics and data to illustrate the functioning and performance of equipment - Revised edition, new material includes updated equipment cost data, liquid-solid and solid systems, and the latest information on membrane separation technology - Provides equipment rating forms and manufacturers' data, worked examples, valuable shortcut methods, rules of thumb, and equipment rating forms to demonstrate and support the design process - Heavily illustrated with many line drawings and schematics to aid understanding, graphs and tables to illustrate performance data