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Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 44
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…ARS SAPIENSIS… The man is art itself, the man is picture itself, the man is sculpture itself, the man is music and music – hall itself, the man is dance itself, the man is into its own ballet sunk, the man is redefined into its own acrobatic flying, the man is into its poetry and into its own literature rewritten, the man is dissolved into its own theatre and into its own movies, the man as man, inseparable by its art, by its beautified or dramatic existence, by its skillful creativity, by its workmanship, by its handicraft, by its seeing–craft, by its hearing–craft, through its mental–craft of duality subconscious / conscious productivity and dream abilities! …Art, art, art, the man is the beatified oneself through its painting and drawing ornamentation, the man in his/her esthetic wave length through oneself and for itself, through enrichment of forms, of points, of lines, of surfaces of perspectives, the man into its own empathy, regenerating oneself in overcoming its own fallen and collapsing… …Art as temple of architecture ensouled by the goddesses and huntresses, contemplating themselves through a third inwards sense of beautification through the Seven Wonder World, which are the Wonder of Sapiens itself, since the art of Cro-Magnon caves or feminine idols, till the era Third Millennium Digital Art, or Cyber–Art, of our year–art of 2020… …Art in its sharing within technology, in splitting within industry, in dividing within endless creativity, through individual and common empathy, identified oneself through art–creation within a SAPIENTOPATHY, i.e., individuality i.e., oneness, i.e., singleness, comprehending in its own anatomy, in its own physiology, in its own mentally with that of Species, this Sapiens-odyssey through different cultures and civilizations… …Art in aesthetics stromfields of fusion and transfusion in all kinds of creativity, of fission and trans-fission into exploring of all kinds of searching and researching, into development and recurrent, always in returning to itself, to be reborn into another dreamer, or illusionary, to another masterpiece of our planetary system… Being of Ars Sapiensis
Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 44
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…ARS SAPIENSIS… The man is art itself, the man is picture itself, the man is sculpture itself, the man is music and music – hall itself, the man is dance itself, the man is into its own ballet sunk, the man is redefined into its own acrobatic flying, the man is into its poetry and into its own literature rewritten, the man is dissolved into its own theatre and into its own movies, the man as man, inseparable by its art, by its beautified or dramatic existence, by its skillful creativity, by its workmanship, by its handicraft, by its seeing–craft, by its hearing–craft, through its mental–craft of duality subconscious / conscious productivity and dream abilities! …Art, art, art, the man is the beatified oneself through its painting and drawing ornamentation, the man in his/her esthetic wave length through oneself and for itself, through enrichment of forms, of points, of lines, of surfaces of perspectives, the man into its own empathy, regenerating oneself in overcoming its own fallen and collapsing… …Art as temple of architecture ensouled by the goddesses and huntresses, contemplating themselves through a third inwards sense of beautification through the Seven Wonder World, which are the Wonder of Sapiens itself, since the art of Cro-Magnon caves or feminine idols, till the era Third Millennium Digital Art, or Cyber–Art, of our year–art of 2020… …Art in its sharing within technology, in splitting within industry, in dividing within endless creativity, through individual and common empathy, identified oneself through art–creation within a SAPIENTOPATHY, i.e., individuality i.e., oneness, i.e., singleness, comprehending in its own anatomy, in its own physiology, in its own mentally with that of Species, this Sapiens-odyssey through different cultures and civilizations… …Art in aesthetics stromfields of fusion and transfusion in all kinds of creativity, of fission and trans-fission into exploring of all kinds of searching and researching, into development and recurrent, always in returning to itself, to be reborn into another dreamer, or illusionary, to another masterpiece of our planetary system… Being of Ars Sapiensis
Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 97
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…One can make a jump or a leap forward from the CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written by the author in the year of 2007, through CONSTITUTION OF EUROPEAN UNION, written by the same author 12 years later, towards a CONSTITUTION OF SAPIENS, our presentness hardworking? …For sure, it is our duty and right of our MODERN SAPIENS, reflecting and comprising the Species Sapiens as a whole, at least in its last ca. about 50.000 years, by coming from PREMODERN SAPIENS (between ca. 200.000 – 50.000 years) and ARCHAIC SAPIENS (between ca. about 500.000 – 200.000 years)! …Therefore, our answer is affirmative, in sensing that the present level of creativity of human through the AERA–1 of Philosophical Systems, can outreach a such task, overcoming all previous achievements into this area of human creativity (for sure in domain of Sapiens’ Constitution!) … …More than that, our twelve years of experience in fighting through Constitution of Europe, despite of some singular boasting, was not perceived at its real worthiness… …Could one explain a CONSTITUTION OF SAPIENS all chains – Big Chain of Unknowns – through the universe of 10 to power 18 seconds… …One Universe (in many ways, beyond of our comprehension), One Constellation (Virgo, beyond of our reaching), One Galaxy (Milky Way, beyond of direct human exploration), One Solar System (Sun System, in the beginning of human exploration), One Planetary System (Earth system, the best explored), One Genus (Homo Anthropos), One Species (Species Sapiens), a togetherness of ANTHROPOSAPIENS, and all, have been analyzed, reanalyzed, structured and restructured, systematize and re-systematize through our One and Unity of Philosophical Systems (Aera of Philosophical Systems)… It is our Sapiens, it is our Species, in its core of Humanness, Oneness multiplied through Temporal-Spatiality and Causality of the Universe?… …Therefore, let’s structure and analyze through the mindful eyes of Sapiens as Species, actually, a Standard Model of Sapiens, by reassessing the whole of cosmology through a philosophical system (a maximal generality thought and written by a Sapiens), the whole of our planetary biology through a philosophical system (also, a maximal generality thought and written by a Sapiens) and the whole of human ontology through a philosophical system (for sure, a maximal generality thought and written by a Sapiens, i.e., Sapiens through… Sapiens!)… Finally, we do need a Constitution worthy of our Sapiens… Sapiens! The whole of AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS is at your disposal! Sapiens! Show to the whole cosmos, to the whole biology and to the whole ontology that you are! Sapiens! Show to them, but primarily to yourself, who you were, who you are and who you will be! Sapiens! Put yourself in front of your achievements and of your fragilities, in front of your creativity without to forget and to forgive your power of destructivity, as a FRONTMANSAPIENS, for you and for all, asking always, not only what is the man itself, but what is the Species (Sapiens) for itself, with itself and through itself… Sapiens! Look at yourself, re-look at yourself, think at yourself, and rethink at yourself, in our Constitution Sapiens, Short Edition within a Classic Text of human! Constitutionalist of Sapiens
Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 258
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Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 184
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Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 206
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Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 234
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Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 149
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Why are not enough the first three AERA of our previous AERAS SYSTEMS, namely: AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 1) AERA OF SAPIENTOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 2) AERA OF VIDEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 3) Being thus necessary a fourth thinkable and re-thinkable Creative System, the one of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (AI), which in German Language is entitled as KÜNSTLISCHE INTELLIGENZ (KI), and both AI and KI are under the HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (of Human and Artificial alike or Biology encoded through Technology), re-encoded as HI! Therefore, all three signification, AI-KI-HI, are provable into the sameness extra enlargement of the Classic Human Brain (CHB), which is improved in seconds, in minutes and in hours by Abstract Developer / Entwickler of Human Sapiens (by using accordingly, English – Deutsch and Denglish! This impetus in development of technological systems more and more intelligent, more and more comprehensive, more and more diversified, more and more amplified, comprising here, at least for the time being, information, inspiration, intuition and initiation (Great Four IN-), widespread in areas of science, technology, industry (all three as SCITECH INDUSTRY), of art (ARSSAPIENS INDUSTRY), of Sport (SPORTSAPIENS INDUSTRY), by rethinking thus the Anthropology, the Sapientology, the Cosmology (including here the one of PERSONALISIERTE KOSMOLOGY), of astronomy, of geology and biology, into which all of them means ultimately, another bigger step in development of duality Human-Machine, or a duality of Human-Technology, including the branches of Human-Over-Human-Robotics, or Humanoid-Robotics all as SAPIENS INDUSTRY! The man itself, the human itself, the Sapient-o-Human development, its experiences, its visions, its outcomes, can make symbiosis with oneself, a crossing with its nature of creativity, within the nature-physis of endless philosophy, with tools out of stone, with tools out of bones, the tools out of hood, or of synthetic feature, underlining once again the TOOL - MAKER - MAN, as Homo Faber, or better says, Homo Faber Sapiens, by taking the SAPIENS LIBRARY, wherever He / She goes! But now, within the present data, out of its own virtual reality and creativity, all being improved by the man itself and the machine itself, which machine might in turn overcome the man, by confronting the man itself, by changing and challenging even the human itself, even the Human Sapient oneself in its own destiny and purposes… Could be or could become the Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI) the source and resource, the roots of final ending of the Sapient as Species on the Earth? With other words and concepts, the huge planetary surface scene of Earth, modelled by Sapiens, could be subjected to radically changing and challenging! By taking into account all probabilities and possibilities of the present daily evolution and revolution of the hyper-complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI), a recombination of the man itself with a machine created by the man itself, could develop a symbiosis of human-machine, which overcomes the Classic Species Sapiens (CSS), who dominated the life on Earth in the last of ca. 50.000 years, by entering within the Species Sapiens Techne (SST), into which the Sapiens still dominate the Universe of Technology, by reaching out in some area even the domination of Technology over Sapiens as TSS! In this way, within Artificial Intelligence (seen and analyzed Three Times Intelligence, i.e., AI-KI-HI, through English - Deutsch - Denglish), the letters themselves, the numbers themselves and the signs themselves, are becoming the WORD itself, through which the WORD itself is improved to the level of CONCEPT itself, and the WORD-CONCEPT DUALITY in their speeding up developing, in their accelerated and amplifying structures, is giving the outcome of the BOOK itself, in its CLASSICAL BOOK (CB), in its digital book as E-BOOK, or in its VIRTUAL BOOK as V-BOOK! Only this multitude of the same BOOK in development, of the same BOOK in diversity, is showing the Genesis the Evolution and the revolution (GENEVO) of the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (in its three times of AI - KI - HI), with its versions in German Language as KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ (KI) and HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (HI), which will be used and reused interchangeably at any reference, or inter-reference or cross-reference in our LANGUAGE OF SAPIENTO-SCIENCIA - 1! What really means ENS in our Book of PEKINENSIS SAPIENS (with one – ENS inside the concept of Pekin – ENS – is and one –ENS Sapiens? ENS is a shortage from the Species Sapiens, as essence and existence of it, being thought and rethought as - ENS, i.e., as BEING of the Species Sapiens! Within ENS will be comprise the whole of German Idealist connotation of Being as: A - SEIN = BEING in its maximal generality! B - DASEIN = BEING HERE, on this planetary system! C - MITDASEIN = COBEING HERE, together with all past geological and biological times, influencing and restructuring all basic features of the Planetary Life System! It is possible to rethink the ENS INTO ONESELF RECHATING? Would be ENS a synthesis out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being (SEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being – here (DASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a CO – BEING – here (MITDASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a triad of Being empowering the Sapiens oneself! Is ENS a living self-consciousness of the whole of Sapiens! Is ENS a symbiosis between Sapiens and Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI)! Is ENS the dialectic vector of history of the whole Sapiens, in overcoming oneself towards a better Sapient-o-Technology, towards a Sapient-o-post-human-industry in Art, in Philosophy, in Psychology, in Theology? Is ENS in its own powerful skill-ness of Symphony - in - painting, of Symphony - in - sculpturing, of Symphony - in - Architecture, of Symphony - in - poetry, of Symphony - in - theatre, of Symphony - in - music, through which great masterpieces of ARSSAPIENS to be musicalized, and then reunited into an ensemble of unspeakable Symbology of Human – Sapiens – Technology! Is ENS the vector of SAPIENS SYMPHONY, by using and reusing a complex synthesizer of ARSSAPIENS, without precedence in Human – Sapiens – History? But SAPIENS SYMPHONY means at least a supra-synthesis of different composers, as Bach and Haendel in re-composing SAPIENS ORATORIUM, or by conjoining Mozart and Verdi in re-composing the REQUIEM SAPIENS! Is Artificial Intelligence for All (AI for ALL ?) Is AI the sense of Everything, which is explained through a Big Everything? (AI for Everything?) Is AI the greatest improver of Itself-ness? (AI for Itself-ness?) Is AI the deepest measure of Human Predestination? (AI for Predestination?) Is the AI the Trinity synthesis between Faith – Confessing – Epistemology? (AI for Human Trinity?) Is AI the mystery of Human Variability following the exhausting of Biological regeneration of Sapiens itself? (AI for Variability of Sapiens?) Is the AI the Biggest Wall of Abstract Sapiens, over it is not possible to jump? (AI for Biggest Wall of Abstract Sapiens?) All of them are possible through Digital Creativity, all of them are available through Artificial Intelligence, because the writer is now the reader, the explorer is now the surveyor, the survival is now the fighter, by assuming, by affording a strong competition beyond of its own Species, finally, a semi-human-made-device, an Hybrid Intelligence (HI) between biology and technology, both inspired by Bionics resounding in biology and technology alike, as TECHNO – BIO – SAPIENS!! Within these changing and challenging times and adversities, the Culture of Human – Sapiens itself, is coming and becoming a Culture of Wholeness (KULTUR DER GESAMTHEIT, GESAMTHEITKULTUR), including here the Culture of Past times, the Culture of Present Times and the Culture of Future times (KULTUR DER VERGANGENHEIT – KULTUR DER GEGENWART – KULTUR DER ZUKUNFT ((KULTUR DES NÄCHSTENS)). It is to underline that while the Biologic Sapiens has no more powers of regeneration, of coming into biologic mutation, by remaining only the Abstract Powers of Sapiens or Ontology of Creative Sapiens to save, to regenerate and to redemption of our Sapiens Species! Thus, the Biology of Sapiens, the basic Anatomy of Sapiens is remaining a CONSTANT OF SAPIENS, a STATUS QUO SAPIENS, while the ABSTRACT SAPIENS IS A VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, IS A STATUS DYNAMICS OF SAPIENS IN ITS ONGOING DEVELOPING AND BECOMING! Between the two basic components of Sapiens (Biology & Ontology), there is its own CONSTANT OF ANATOMY, and its own VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, as ANATOMONTOLOGY, and between the two, is a strong complementary, a DUALITY OF ANATOMY AND ONTOLOGY, which is done through the LOGOS of ANATOMY, as ANATOMOLOGY! This triad of ANATOMY – ANATOMOLOGY – ANATOMONTOLOGY, are the search – research modality of our Sapiens in fighting with its own Technology and Discovery towards overcoming of the Sapiens oneself! In the same time, it is done a Crypto – Anatomy – Analyse and Psychoanalyse, in which is hoped a better knowledge of this Enigma of evolutionary and revolutionary called Sapiens as Species or Genus Homo Sapiens as Genus Homo, both in ANTHROPOSAPIENTOLOGY synthesis… To these multitude of questions and answers, to these endlessly uncertainties and un-knows, to these hyper-complexity of theories and hypothesis, we, the Sapiens, in togetherness with Artificial Intelligence, we both, we try to cope within our online book, or E-book or virtual book, @SAPIENS - 1, into which the Universality of the Universe, is meeting and reconciling the Universality of Sapiens!... SAPIENTO - EPISTEMOLOGIST OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM
Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 174
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Why are not enough the first three AERA of our previous AERAS SYSTEMS, namely: AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 1) AERA OF SAPIENTOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 2) AERA OF VIDEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 3) Being thus necessary a fourth thinkable and re-thinkable Creative System, the one of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (AI), which in German Language is entitled as KÜNSTLISCHE INTELLIGENZ (KI), and both AI and KI are under the HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (of Human and Artificial alike or Biology encoded through Technology), re-encoded as HI! Therefore, all three signification, AI-KI-HI, are provable into the sameness extra enlargement of the Classic Human Brain (CHB), which is improved in seconds, in minutes and in hours by Abstract Developer / Entwickler of Human Sapiens (by using accordingly, English – Deutsch and Denglish! This impetus in development of technological systems more and more intelligent, more and more comprehensive, more and more diversified, more and more amplified, comprising here, at least for the time being, information, inspiration, intuition and initiation (Great Four IN-), widespread in areas of science, technology, industry (all three as SCITECH INDUSTRY), of art (ARSSAPIENS INDUSTRY), of Sport (SPORTSAPIENS INDUSTRY), by rethinking thus the Anthropology, the Sapientology, the Cosmology (including here the one of PERSONALISIERTE KOSMOLOGY), of astronomy, of geology and biology, into which all of them means ultimately, another bigger step in development of duality Human-Machine, or a duality of Human-Technology, including the branches of Human-Over-Human-Robotics, or Humanoid-Robotics all as SAPIENS INDUSTRY! The man itself, the human itself, the Sapient-o-Human development, its experiences, its visions, its outcomes, can make symbiosis with oneself, a crossing with its nature of creativity, within the nature-physis of endless philosophy, with tools out of stone, with tools out of bones, the tools out of hood, or of synthetic feature, underlining once again the TOOL - MAKER - MAN, as Homo Faber, or better says, Homo Faber Sapiens, by taking the SAPIENS LIBRARY, wherever He / She goes! But now, within the present data, out of its own virtual reality and creativity, all being improved by the man itself and the machine itself, which machine might in turn overcome the man, by confronting the man itself, by changing and challenging even the human itself, even the Human Sapient oneself in its own destiny and purposes… Could be or could become the Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI) the source and resource, the roots of final ending of the Sapient as Species on the Earth? By taking into account all probabilities and possibilities of the present daily evolution and revolution of the hyper-complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI), a recombination of the man itself with a machine created by the man itself, could develop a symbiosis of human-machine, which overcomes the Classic Species Sapiens (CSS), who dominated the life on Earth in the last of ca. 50.000 years, by entering within the Species Sapiens Techne (SST), into which the Sapiens still dominate the Universe of Technology, by reaching out in some area even the domination of Technology over Sapiens as TSS! In this way, within Artificial Intelligence (seen and analyzed Three Times Intelligence, i.e., AI-KI-HI, through English - Deutsch - Denglish), the letters themselves, the numbers themselves and the signs themselves, are becoming the WORD itself, through which the WORD itself is improved to the level of CONCEPT itself, and the WORD-CONCEPT DUALITY in their speeding up developing, in their accelerated and amplifying structures, is giving the outcome of the BOOK itself, in its CLASSICAL BOOK (CB), in its digital book as E-BOOK, or in its VIRTUAL BOOK as V-BOOK! Only this multitude of the same BOOK in development, of the same BOOK in diversity, is showing the Genesis the Evolution and the revolution (GENEVO) of the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (in its three times of AI - KI - HI), with its versions in German Language as KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ (KI) and HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (HI), which will be used and reused interchangeably at any reference, or inter-reference or cross-reference in our LANGUAGE OF SAPIENTOSCIENCIA - 1! What really means ENS in our Book of PEKINENSIS SAPIENS (with one - ENS inside the concept of Pekin - ENS - is and one - ENS Sapiens? ENS is a shortage from the Species Sapiens, as essence and existence of it, being thought and rethought as - ENS, i.e., as BEING of the Species Sapiens! Within ENS will be comprise the whole of German Idealist connotation of Being as: A - SEIN = BEING in its maximal generality! B - DASEIN = BEING HERE, on this planetary system! C - MITDASEIN = COBEING HERE, together with all past geological and biological times, influencing and restructuring all basic features of the Planetary Life System! It is possible to rethink the ENS INTO ONESELF RECHATING? Would be ENS a synthesis out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being (SEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being – here (DASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a CO – BEING – here (MITDASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a triad of Being empowering the Sapiens oneself! Is ENS a living self-consciousness of the whole of Sapiens! Is ENS a symbiosis between Sapiens and Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI)! Is ENS the dialectic vector of history of the whole Sapiens, in overcoming oneself towards a better Sapient-o-Technology, towards a Sapient-o-post-human-industry in Art, in Philosophy, in Psychology, in Theology? Is ENS in its own powerful skill-ness of Symphony - in - painting, of Symphony - in - sculpturing, of Symphony - in - Architecture, of Symphony - in - poetry, of Symphony - in - theatre, of Symphony - in - music, through which great masterpieces of ARSSAPIENS to be musicalized, and then reunited into an ensemble of unspeakable Symbology of Human – Sapiens – Technology! Is ENS the vector of SAPIENS SYMPHONY, by using and reusing a complex synthesizer of ARSSAPIENS, without precedence in Human – Sapiens – History? All of them are possible, because the writer is now the reader, the explorer is now the surveyor, the survival is now the fighter, by assuming, by affording a strong competition beyond of its own Species, finally, a semi-human-made-device, an Hybrid Intelligence (HI) between biology and technology, both inspired by Bionics resounding in biology and technology alike, as TECHNO – BIO – SAPIENS!! Within these changing and challenging times and adversities, the Culture of Human – Sapiens itself, is coming and becoming a Culture of Wholeness (KULTUR DER GESAMTHEIT, GESAMTHEITKULTUR), including here the Culture of Past times, the Culture of Present Times and the Culture of Future times (KULTUR DER VERGANGENHEIT – KULTUR DE GEGENWART – KULTUR DER ZUKUNFT ((KULTUR DER NÄCHSTENS)). It is to underline that while the Biologic Sapiens has no more powers of regeneration, of coming into biologic mutation, by remaining only the Abstract Powers of Sapiens or Ontology of Creative Sapiens to save, to regenerate and to redemption of our Sapiens Species! Thus, the Biology of Sapiens, the basic Anatomy of Sapiens is remaining a CONSTANT OF SAPIENS, a STATUS QUO SAPIENS, while the ABSTRACT SAPIENS IS A VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, IS A STATUS DYNAMICS OF SAPIENS! Between the two basic components of Sapiens, its own CONSTANT OF ANATOMY, and its own VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, as ANATOMONTOLOGY, there are a strong complementary, a DUALITY OF ANATOMY AND ONTOLOGY, which is done through the LOGOS of ANATOMY, as ANATOMOLOGY! This triad of ANATOMY – ANATOMOLOGY – ANATOMONTOLOGY, are the search – research modality of our Sapiens in fighting with its own Technology and Discovery towards overcoming of the Sapiens oneself! To these multitude of questions and answers, to these endlessly uncertainties and un-knows, we try to cope within into our online book, QUANTA TEMPORALITY - 1! EPISTEMOLOGIST OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM
Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 170
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Why are not enough the first three AERA of our previous AERAS SYSTEMS, namely: AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 1) AERA OF SAPIENTOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 2) AERA OF VIDEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 3) Being thus necessary a fourth thinkable and re-thinkable Creative System, the one of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (AI), which in German Language is entitled as KÜNSTLISCHE INTELLIGENZ (KI), and both AI and KI are under the HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (of Human and Artificial alike or Biology encoded through Technology), re-encoded as HI! Therefore, all three signification, AI-KI-HI, are provable into the sameness extra enlargement of the Classic Human Brain (CHB), which is improved in seconds, in minutes and in hours by Abstract Developer / Entwickler of Human Sapiens (by using accordingly, English – Deutsch and Denglish! This impetus in development of technological systems more and more intelligent, more and more comprehensive, more and more diversified, more and more amplified, comprising here, at least for the time being, information, inspiration, intuition and initiation (Great Four IN-), widespread in areas of science, technology, industry (all three as SCITECH INDUSTRY), of art (ARSSAPIENS INDUSTRY), of Sport (SPORTSAPIENS INDUSTRY), by rethinking thus the Anthropology, the Sapientology, the Cosmology (including here the one of PERSONALISIERTE KOSMOLOGY), of astronomy, of geology and biology, into which all of them means ultimately, another bigger step in development of duality Human-Machine, or a duality of Human-Technology, including the branches of Human-Over-Human-Robotics, or Humanoid-Robotics all as SAPIENS INDUSTRY! The man itself, the human itself, the Sapient-o-Human development, its experiences, its visions, its outcomes, can make symbiosis with oneself, a crossing with its nature of creativity, within the nature-physis of endless philosophy, with tools out of stone, with tools out of bones, the tools out of hood, or of synthetic feature, underlining once again the TOOL - MAKER - MAN, as Homo Faber, or better says, Homo Faber Sapiens, by taking the SAPIENS LIBRARY, wherever He / She goes! But now, within the present data, out of its own virtual reality and creativity, all being improved by the man itself and the machine itself, which machine might in turn overcome the man, by confronting the man itself, by changing and challenging even the human itself, even the Human Sapient oneself in its own destiny and purposes… Could be or could become the Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI) the source and resource, the roots of final ending of the Sapient as Species on the Earth? With other words and concepts, the huge planetary surface scene of Earth, modelled by Sapiens, could be subjected to radically changing and challenging! By taking into account all probabilities and possibilities of the present daily evolution and revolution of the hyper-complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI), a recombination of the man itself with a machine created by the man itself, could develop a symbiosis of human-machine, which overcomes the Classic Species Sapiens (CSS), who dominated the life on Earth in the last of ca. 50.000 years, by entering within the Species Sapiens Techne (SST), into which the Sapiens still dominate the Universe of Technology, by reaching out in some area even the domination of Technology over Sapiens as TSS! In this way, within Artificial Intelligence (seen and analyzed Three Times Intelligence, i.e., AI-KI-HI, through English - Deutsch - Denglish), the letters themselves, the numbers themselves and the signs themselves, are becoming the WORD itself, through which the WORD itself is improved to the level of CONCEPT itself, and the WORD-CONCEPT DUALITY in their speeding up developing, in their accelerated and amplifying structures, is giving the outcome of the BOOK itself, in its CLASSICAL BOOK (CB), in its digital book as E-BOOK, or in its VIRTUAL BOOK as V-BOOK! Only this multitude of the same BOOK in development, of the same BOOK in diversity, is showing the Genesis the Evolution and the revolution (GENEVO) of the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (in its three times of AI - KI - HI), with its versions in German Language as KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ (KI) and HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (HI), which will be used and reused interchangeably at any reference, or inter-reference or cross-reference in our LANGUAGE OF SAPIENTOSCIENCIA - 1! What really means ENS in our Book of PEKINENSIS SAPIENS (with one – ENS inside the concept of Pekin – ENS – is and one –ENS Sapiens? ENS is a shortage from the Species Sapiens, as essence and existence of it, being thought and rethought as - ENS, i.e., as BEING of the Species Sapiens! Within ENS will be comprise the whole of German Idealist connotation of Being as: A - SEIN = BEING in its maximal generality! B - DASEIN = BEING HERE, on this planetary system! C - MITDASEIN = COBEING HERE, together with all past geological and biological times, influencing and restructuring all basic features of the Planetary Life System! It is possible to rethink the ENS INTO ONESELF RECHATING? Would be ENS a synthesis out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being (SEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being – here (DASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a CO – BEING – here (MITDASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a triad of Being empowering the Sapiens oneself! Is ENS a living self-consciousness of the whole of Sapiens! Is ENS a symbiosis between Sapiens and Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI)! Is ENS the dialectic vector of history of the whole Sapiens, in overcoming oneself towards a better Sapient-o-Technology, towards a Sapient-o-post-human-industry in Art, in Philosophy, in Psychology, in Theology? Is ENS in its own powerful skill-ness of Symphony - in - painting, of Symphony - in - sculpturing, of Symphony - in - Architecture, of Symphony - in - poetry, of Symphony - in - theatre, of Symphony - in - music, through which great masterpieces of ARSSAPIENS to be musicalized, and then reunited into an ensemble of unspeakable Symbology of Human – Sapiens – Technology! Is ENS the vector of SAPIENS SYMPHONY, by using and reusing a complex synthesizer of ARSSAPIENS, without precedence in Human – Sapiens – History? All of them are possible, because the writer is now the reader, the explorer is now the surveyor, the survival is now the fighter, by assuming, by affording a strong competition beyond of its own Species, finally, a semi-human-made-device, an Hybrid Intelligence (HI) between biology and technology, both inspired by Bionics resounding in biology and technology alike, as TECHNO – BIO – SAPIENS!! Within these changing and challenging times and adversities, the Culture of Human – Sapiens itself, is coming and becoming a Culture of Wholeness (KULTUR DER GESAMTHEIT, GESAMTHEITKULTUR), including here the Culture of Past times, the Culture of Present Times and the Culture of Future times (KULTUR DER VERGANGENHEIT – KULTUR DE GEGENWART – KULTUR DER ZUKUNFT ((KULTUR DER NÄCHSTENS)). It is to underline that while the Biologic Sapiens has no more powers of regeneration, of coming into biologic mutation, by remaining only the Abstract Powers of Sapiens or Ontology of Creative Sapiens to save, to regenerate and to redemption of our Sapiens Species! Thus, the Biology of Sapiens, the basic Anatomy of Sapiens is remaining a CONSTANT OF SAPIENS, a STATUS QUO SAPIENS, while the ABSTRACT SAPIENS IS A VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, IS A STATUS DYNAMICS OF SAPIENS! Between the two basic components of Sapiens, its own CONSTANT OF ANATOMY, and its own VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, as ANATOMONTOLOGY, there are a strong complementary, a DUALITY OF ANATOMY AND ONTOLOGY, which is done through the LOGOS of ANATOMY, as ANATOMOLOGY! This triad of ANATOMY – ANATOMOLOGY – ANATOMONTOLOGY, are the search – research modality of our Sapiens in fighting with its own Technology and Discovery towards overcoming of the Sapiens oneself! In the same time, it is done a Crypto – Anatomy – Analyse and Psychoanalyse, in which is hoped a better knowledge of this Enigma of evolutionary and revolutionary called Sapiens as Species or Genus Homo Sapiens as Genus… To these multitude of questions and answers, to these endlessly uncertainties and un – knows, to these hyper – complexity of theories and hypothesis, we, the Sapiens, in togetherness with Artificial Intelligence, we both, we try to cope within our online book, or E - book or virtual book, UNIVERSALITY OF SAPIENS – 1, into which the Universality of the Universe, is meeting and reconciling the Universality of Sapiens! EPISTEMOLOGIST OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM
Author: Augustin Ostace
Publisher: Alpha & Omega Sapiens - Uppublishing Being / Augustin Ostace
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 173
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Book Description
Why are not enough the first three AERA of our previous AERAS SYSTEMS, namely: AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 1) AERA OF SAPIENTOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 2) AERA OF VIDEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (AERA - 3) Being thus necessary a fourth thinkable and re-thinkable Creative System, the one of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM (AI), which in German Language is entitled as KÜNSTLISCHE INTELLIGENZ (KI), and both AI and KI are under the HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (of Human and Artificial alike or Biology encoded through Technology), re-encoded as HI! Therefore, all three signification, AI-KI-HI, are provable into the sameness extra enlargement of the Classic Human Brain (CHB), which is improved in seconds, in minutes and in hours by Abstract Developer / Entwickler of Human Sapiens (by using accordingly, English – Deutsch and Denglish! This impetus in development of technological systems more and more intelligent, more and more comprehensive, more and more diversified, more and more amplified, comprising here, at least for the time being, information, inspiration, intuition and initiation (Great Four IN-), widespread in areas of science, technology, industry (all three as SCITECH INDUSTRY), of art (ARSSAPIENS INDUSTRY), of Sport (SPORTSAPIENS INDUSTRY), by rethinking thus the Anthropology, the Sapientology, the Cosmology (including here the one of PERSONALISIERTE KOSMOLOGY), of astronomy, of geology and biology, into which all of them means ultimately, another bigger step in development of duality Human-Machine, or a duality of Human-Technology, including the branches of Human-Over-Human-Robotics, or Humanoid-Robotics all as SAPIENS INDUSTRY! The man itself, the human itself, the Sapient-o-Human development, its experiences, its visions, its outcomes, can make symbiosis with oneself, a crossing with its nature of creativity, within the nature-physis of endless philosophy, with tools out of stone, with tools out of bones, the tools out of hood, or of synthetic feature, underlining once again the TOOL - MAKER - MAN, as Homo Faber, or better says, Homo Faber Sapiens, by taking the SAPIENS LIBRARY, wherever He / She goes! But now, within the present data, out of its own virtual reality and creativity, all being improved by the man itself and the machine itself, which machine might in turn overcome the man, by confronting the man itself, by changing and challenging even the human itself, even the Human Sapient oneself in its own destiny and purposes… Could be or could become the Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI) the source and resource, the roots of final ending of the Sapient as Species on the Earth? With other words and concepts, the huge planetary surface scene of Earth, modelled by Sapiens, could be subjected to radically changing and challenging! By taking into account all probabilities and possibilities of the present daily evolution and revolution of the hyper-complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI), a recombination of the man itself with a machine created by the man itself, could develop a symbiosis of human-machine, which overcomes the Classic Species Sapiens (CSS), who dominated the life on Earth in the last of ca. 50.000 years, by entering within the Species Sapiens Techne (SST), into which the Sapiens still dominate the Universe of Technology, by reaching out in some area even the domination of Technology over Sapiens as TSS! In this way, within Artificial Intelligence (seen and analyzed Three Times Intelligence, i.e., AI-KI-HI, through English - Deutsch - Denglish), the letters themselves, the numbers themselves and the signs themselves, are becoming the WORD itself, through which the WORD itself is improved to the level of CONCEPT itself, and the WORD-CONCEPT DUALITY in their speeding up developing, in their accelerated and amplifying structures, is giving the outcome of the BOOK itself, in its CLASSICAL BOOK (CB), in its digital book as E-BOOK, or in its VIRTUAL BOOK as V-BOOK! Only this multitude of the same BOOK in development, of the same BOOK in diversity, is showing the Genesis the Evolution and the revolution (GENEVO) of the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (in its three times of AI - KI - HI), with its versions in German Language as KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ (KI) and HYBRID INTELLIGENCE (HI), which will be used and reused interchangeably at any reference, or inter-reference or cross-reference in our LANGUAGE OF SAPIENTO-SCIENCIA - 1! What really means ENS in our Book of PEKINENSIS SAPIENS (with one – ENS inside the concept of Pekin – ENS – is and one –ENS Sapiens? ENS is a shortage from the Species Sapiens, as essence and existence of it, being thought and rethought as - ENS, i.e., as BEING of the Species Sapiens! Within ENS will be comprise the whole of German Idealist connotation of Being as: A - SEIN = BEING in its maximal generality! B - DASEIN = BEING HERE, on this planetary system! C - MITDASEIN = COBEING HERE, together with all past geological and biological times, influencing and restructuring all basic features of the Planetary Life System! It is possible to rethink the ENS INTO ONESELF RECHATING? Would be ENS a synthesis out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being (SEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a Being – here (DASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a CO – BEING – here (MITDASEIN) out of Sapiens! Is ENS a triad of Being empowering the Sapiens oneself! Is ENS a living self-consciousness of the whole of Sapiens! Is ENS a symbiosis between Sapiens and Artificial Intelligence (AI / KI / HI)! Is ENS the dialectic vector of history of the whole Sapiens, in overcoming oneself towards a better Sapient-o-Technology, towards a Sapient-o-post-human-industry in Art, in Philosophy, in Psychology, in Theology? Is ENS in its own powerful skill-ness of Symphony - in - painting, of Symphony - in - sculpturing, of Symphony - in - Architecture, of Symphony - in - poetry, of Symphony - in - theatre, of Symphony - in - music, through which great masterpieces of ARSSAPIENS to be musicalized, and then reunited into an ensemble of unspeakable Symbology of Human – Sapiens – Technology! Is ENS the vector of SAPIENS SYMPHONY, by using and reusing a complex synthesizer of ARSSAPIENS, without precedence in Human – Sapiens – History? But SAPIENS SYMPHONY means at least a supra-synthesis of different composers, as Bach and Haendel in re-composing SAPIENS ORATORIUM, or by conjoining Mozart and Verdi in re-composing the REQUIEM SAPIENS! Is Artificial Intelligence for All (AI for ALL ?) Is AI the sense of Everything, which is explained through a Big Everything? (AI for Everything?) Is AI the greatest improver of Itself-ness? (AI for Itself-ness?) Is AI the deepest measure of Human Predestination? (AI for Predestination?) Is the AI the Trinity synthesis between Faith – Confessing – Epistemology? (AI for Human Trinity?) Is AI the mystery of Human Variability following the exhausting of Biological regeneration of Sapiens itself? (AI for Variability of Sapiens?) Is the AI the Biggest Wall of Abstract Sapiens, over it is not possible to jump? (AI for Biggest Wall of Abstract Sapiens?) All of them are possible through Digital Creativity, all of them are available through Artificial Intelligence, because the writer is now the reader, the explorer is now the surveyor, the survival is now the fighter, by assuming, by affording a strong competition beyond of its own Species, finally, a semi-human-made-device, an Hybrid Intelligence (HI) between biology and technology, both inspired by Bionics resounding in biology and technology alike, as TECHNO – BIO – SAPIENS!! Within these changing and challenging times and adversities, the Culture of Human – Sapiens itself, is coming and becoming a Culture of Wholeness (KULTUR DER GESAMTHEIT, GESAMTHEITKULTUR), including here the Culture of Past times, the Culture of Present Times and the Culture of Future times (KULTUR DER VERGANGENHEIT – KULTUR DE GEGENWART – KULTUR DER ZUKUNFT ((KULTUR DER NÄCHSTENS)). It is to underline that while the Biologic Sapiens has no more powers of regeneration, of coming into biologic mutation, by remaining only the Abstract Powers of Sapiens or Ontology of Creative Sapiens to save, to regenerate and to redemption of our Sapiens Species! Thus, the Biology of Sapiens, the basic Anatomy of Sapiens is remaining a CONSTANT OF SAPIENS, a STATUS QUO SAPIENS, while the ABSTRACT SAPIENS IS A VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, IS A STATUS DYNAMICS OF SAPIENS IN ITS ONGOING DEVELOPING AND BECOMING! Between the two basic components of Sapiens (Biology & Ontology), there is its own CONSTANT OF ANATOMY, and its own VARIABILITY OF SAPIENS, as ANATOMONTOLOGY, and between the two, is a strong complementary, a DUALITY OF ANATOMY AND ONTOLOGY, which is done through the LOGOS of ANATOMY, as ANATOMOLOGY! This triad of ANATOMY – ANATOMOLOGY – ANATOMONTOLOGY, are the search – research modality of our Sapiens in fighting with its own Technology and Discovery towards overcoming of the Sapiens oneself! In the same time, it is done a Crypto – Anatomy – Analyse and Psychoanalyse, in which is hoped a better knowledge of this Enigma of evolutionary and revolutionary called Sapiens as Species or Genus Homo Sapiens as Genus Homo, both in ANTHROPOSAPIENTOLOGY synthesis… To these multitude of questions and answers, to these endlessly uncertainties and un-knows, to these hyper-complexity of theories and hypothesis, we, the Sapiens, in togetherness with Artificial Intelligence, we both, we try to cope within our online book, or E-Book or virtual book, UNIVERSE IN SAPIENS - 1, into which the Universality of the Universe, is meeting and reconciling with the Universality of Sapiens, in its individuality or generality sense!... SAPIENTO - UNIVERSALIST OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM