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Author: I. G. Macdonald
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521824729
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 200
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First account of a theory, created by Macdonald, of a class of orthogonal polynomial, which is related to mathematical physics.
Author: I. G. Macdonald
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521824729
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 200
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First account of a theory, created by Macdonald, of a class of orthogonal polynomial, which is related to mathematical physics.
Author: Ivan Cherednik
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781139441254
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 452
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This is an essentially self-contained monograph in an intriguing field of fundamental importance for Representation Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Mathematical Physics, and Combinatorics. It is a major source of general information about the double affine Hecke algebra, also called Cherednik's algebra, and its impressive applications. Chapter 1 is devoted to the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations attached to root systems and their relations to affine Hecke algebras, Kac-Moody algebras, and Fourier analysis. Chapter 2 contains a systematic exposition of the representation theory of the one-dimensional DAHA. It is the simplest case but far from trivial with deep connections in the theory of special functions. Chapter 3 is about DAHA in full generality, including applications to Macdonald polynomials, Fourier transforms, Gauss-Selberg integrals, Verlinde algebras, and Gaussian sums. This book is designed for mathematicians and physicists, experts and students, for those who want to master the double Hecke algebra technique. Visit to read Chapter 0 and selected topics from other chapters.
Author: Renato Alvarez-Nodarse
Publisher: Nova Publishers
ISBN: 9781594540097
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 222
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This new book presents research in orthogonal polynomials and special functions. Recent developments in the theory and accomplishments of the last decade are pointed out and directions for research in the future are identified. The topics covered include matrix orthogonal polynomials, spectral theory and special functions, Asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials via Riemann-Hilbert methods, Polynomial wavelets and Koornwinder polynomials.
Author: Bogdan Ion
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 1470443260
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 108
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The most general construction of double affine Artin groups (DAAG) and Hecke algebras (DAHA) associates such objects to pairs of compatible reductive group data. We show that DAAG/DAHA always admit a faithful action by auto-morphisms of a finite index subgroup of the Artin group of type A2, which descends to a faithful outer action of a congruence subgroup of SL(2, Z)or PSL(2, Z). This was previously known only in some special cases and, to the best of our knowledge, not even conjectured to hold in full generality. It turns out that the structural intricacies of DAAG/DAHA are captured by the underlying semisimple data and, to a large extent, even by adjoint data; we prove our main result by reduction to the adjoint case. Adjoint DAAG/DAHA correspond in a natural way to affine Lie algebras, or more precisely to their affinized Weyl groups, which are the semi-direct products W Q∨ of the Weyl group W with the coroot lattice Q∨. They were defined topologically by van der Lek, and independently, algebraically, by Cherednik. We now describe our results for the adjoint case in greater detail. We first give a new Coxeter-type presentation for adjoint DAAG as quotients of the Coxeter braid groups associated to certain crystallographic diagrams that we call double affine Coxeter diagrams. As a consequence we show that the rank two Artin groups of type A2,B2,G2 act by automorphisms on the adjoint DAAG/DAHA associated to affine Lie algebras of twist number r =1, 2, 3, respec-tively. This extends a fundamental result of Cherednik for r =1. We show further that the above rank two Artin group action descends to an outer action of the congruence subgroup Γ1(r). In particular, Γ1(r) acts naturally on the set of isomorphism classes of representations of an adjoint DAAG/DAHA of twist number r, giving rise to a projective representation of Γ1(r)on the spaceof aΓ1(r)-stable representation. We also provide a classification of the involutions of Kazhdan-Lusztig type that appear in the context of these actions.
Author: Ivan Cherednik
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521609186
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 449
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This is an essentially self-contained monograph centered on the new double Hecke algebra technique.
Author: Mourad Ismail
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521782012
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 748
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The first modern treatment of orthogonal polynomials from the viewpoint of special functions is now available in paperback.
Publisher: World Scientific
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1131
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Author: Boris Feigin
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814324361
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 517
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The present volume is the result of the international workshop on New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems that was held in Kyoto, Japan, from 27 to 31 July 2009. As a continuation of the RIMS Research Project "Method of Algebraic Analysis in Integrable Systems" in 2004, the workshop's aim was to cover exciting new developments that have emerged during the recent years. Collected here are research articles based on the talks presented at the workshop, including the latest results obtained thereafter. The subjects discussed range across diverse areas such as correlation functions of solvable models, integrable models in quantum field theory, conformal field theory, mathematical aspects of Bethe ansatz, special functions and integrable differential/difference equations, representation theory of infinite dimensional algebras, integrable models and combinatorics. Through these topics, the reader is exposed to the most recent developments in the field of quantum integrable systems and related areas of mathematical physics.
Author: Anna Beliakova
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 1470428210
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 282
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The emergent mathematical philosophy of categorification is reshaping our view of modern mathematics by uncovering a hidden layer of structure in mathematics, revealing richer and more robust structures capable of describing more complex phenomena. Categorification is a powerful tool for relating various branches of mathematics and exploiting the commonalities between fields. It provides a language emphasizing essential features and allowing precise relationships between vastly different fields. This volume focuses on the role categorification plays in geometry, topology, and physics. These articles illustrate many important trends for the field including geometric representation theory, homotopical methods in link homology, interactions between higher representation theory and gauge theory, and double affine Hecke algebra approaches to link homology. The companion volume (Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 683) is devoted to categorification and higher representation theory.
Author: Mihai Tibăr
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521829205
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 284
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A systematic geometro-topological approach to vanishing cycles appearing in non-proper fibrations is proposed in this tract. Lefschetz theory, complex Morse theory and singularities of hypersurfaces are presented in detail leading to the latest research on topics such as the topology of singularities of meromorphic functions and non-generic Lefschetz pencils.