Advances in Psychological Science, Volume 2

Advances in Psychological Science, Volume 2 PDF Author: Fergus Craik
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317775074
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 656

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The chapters in this volume are the edited versions of invited addresses to the XXVI International Congress of Psychology held in Montréal in August 1996. As one major goal of the Congress was to promote communication among specializations in scientific psychology, the speakers were asked to survey their research area and present their own work in a way that would be accessible to their colleagues in other areas. Another purpose of the meeting was to bring researchers together from different parts of the world, reflecting their different approaches to the scientific study of mind, brain, and behavior. Consequently, the eminent researchers who have written the twenty-six chapters included in the present volume were drawn from universities and research institutes in North America, Europe, Japan, Russia, Israel, and New Zealand. The chapters cover a range of topics in human and animal experimental psychology. The first section deals with psychobiological processes - the interplay of body and mind in determining intelligence, stress, and pain. The next five chapters address current issues in neuropsychology and neuroscience, including the neural correlates of attention and vision. A third section looks at learning processes in humans and animals, and a fourth deals with a range of topics in perception and cognition. The final five chapters take a developmental perspective, presenting theoretical and empirical analyses of the acquisition of perceptual and cognitive abilities. Overall, the collection illustrates the growing trend to break down traditional barriers between areas of experimental psychology; there are many instances of profitable interactions between researchers studying aspects of behavior and those studying the biological bases of these behaviors. The twenty-six chapters give an excellent overview of current research in scientific psychology.

Advances in Psychological Science, Volume 2

Advances in Psychological Science, Volume 2 PDF Author: Fergus Craik
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317775074
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 656

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Book Description
The chapters in this volume are the edited versions of invited addresses to the XXVI International Congress of Psychology held in Montréal in August 1996. As one major goal of the Congress was to promote communication among specializations in scientific psychology, the speakers were asked to survey their research area and present their own work in a way that would be accessible to their colleagues in other areas. Another purpose of the meeting was to bring researchers together from different parts of the world, reflecting their different approaches to the scientific study of mind, brain, and behavior. Consequently, the eminent researchers who have written the twenty-six chapters included in the present volume were drawn from universities and research institutes in North America, Europe, Japan, Russia, Israel, and New Zealand. The chapters cover a range of topics in human and animal experimental psychology. The first section deals with psychobiological processes - the interplay of body and mind in determining intelligence, stress, and pain. The next five chapters address current issues in neuropsychology and neuroscience, including the neural correlates of attention and vision. A third section looks at learning processes in humans and animals, and a fourth deals with a range of topics in perception and cognition. The final five chapters take a developmental perspective, presenting theoretical and empirical analyses of the acquisition of perceptual and cognitive abilities. Overall, the collection illustrates the growing trend to break down traditional barriers between areas of experimental psychology; there are many instances of profitable interactions between researchers studying aspects of behavior and those studying the biological bases of these behaviors. The twenty-six chapters give an excellent overview of current research in scientific psychology.

Personality, Human Development, and Culture

Personality, Human Development, and Culture PDF Author: Ralf Schwarzer
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1136947981
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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Volumes 1 and 2 of the Invited Lectures present the main contributions from the 29th International Congress of Psychology, held in Berlin in 2008.

Advances in Culture and Psychology

Advances in Culture and Psychology PDF Author: Michele J. Gelfand
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199367078
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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With applications throughout the social sciences, culture and psychology is a rapidly growing field that has experienced a surge in publications over the last decade. From this proliferation of books, chapters, and journal articles, exciting developments have emerged in the relationship of culture to cognitive processes, human development, psychopathology, social behavior, organizational behavior, neuroscience, language, marketing, and other topics. In recognition of this exponential growth, IAdvances in Culture and Psychology/I is the first annual series to offer state-of-the-art reviews of scholarly research in the growing field of culture and psychology. The IAdvances in Culture and Psychology/I series is: * Developing an intellectual home for culture and psychology research programs * Fostering bridges and connections among cultural scholars from across the discipline * Creating a premier outlet for culture and psychology research * Publishing articles that reflect the theoretical, methodological, and epistemological diversity in the study of culture and psychology * Enhancing the collective identity of the culture and psychology field Comprising chapters from internationally renowned culture scholars and representing diversity in the theory and study of culture within psychology, IAdvances in Culture and Psychology/I is an ideal resource for research programs and academics throughout the psychology community.

International Perspectives On Psychological Science, II: The State of the Art

International Perspectives On Psychological Science, II: The State of the Art PDF Author: Paul Bertelson
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1134832656
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 420

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Book Description
The essays appearing in these two volumes are based on Keynote (Vol. 1) and State-of-the-Art (Vol. 2) Lectures delivered at the XXVth International Congress of Psychology, in Brussels, July 1992. The Brussels Congress was the latest in a series of conferences which are organized at regular intervals under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the main international organization in the field of Scientific Psychology. The first of those meetings took place in Paris in 1889. An important function of the International Congresses is to promote communication between different specializations in Psychology. Speakers were therefore asked to present lectures and discussions in their own fields of study, in a way that would be accessible to fellow psychologists active in other fields. State-of-the-Art lecturers were specifically asked to prepare a tutorial review on a topic which, in the view of the Program Committee, had recently given rise to particularly important developments. These contributions are included in Volume Two. Keynote lecturers were left free to address whatever subject they felt was of greatest interest. The chapters in Volume 1 are preceded by the Presidential Address by Mark R. Rosenzweig.

Psychological Reality

Psychological Reality PDF Author: K. Hillner
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080866808
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 435

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This volume presents one possible conceptual analysis of the task of constructing a model of psychological reality, so that psychology's pluralistic state can be put into perspective.Chapters 1 and 2 specify the essential input assumptions of the analysis, establish the boundary conditions of the treatise, preview the kinds of decisions involved in the construction process, and present some necessary background information. Chapters 3 to 5 collectively abstract out possible psychological universes and recount the dominant classical and contemporary models of psychological reality framework. Chapters 6 to 9 focus on the philosophical input into psychology, especially as related to the nature of humanity, the mind-body problem, scientific explanation, and the discipline's two fundamental analytical categories: behavior and experience. Chapters 10 to 12 highlight many of the cultural and pragmatic constraints imposed on any model of psychological reality by considering the applied, contextual and relational aspects of psychology.

Advances in Applied Social Psychology

Advances in Applied Social Psychology PDF Author: R. F. Kidd
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1134921977
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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First Published in 1983. This volume is the second in a series of volumes on applied social psychology. The contents of the contributions represent the richly diverse approaches and settings in which social psychology is being used. In preparing their chapters, the contributors were asked to focus on how social psychologists,' as scientists and advocates, could contribute to the resolution of the debates that often surround important social problems. Each author was asked to place his or her attempts to use social psychological knowledge in the context of his or her own specific problem. If one consistent theme emerges from this collection, it is the emphasis on employing social psychology to enlighten and understand decisions at the level of public policy. This book is a vital display of how existing literature and methods in the field can work to illuminate and inform issues of national and even international importance.

Health, Happiness, and Well-Being

Health, Happiness, and Well-Being PDF Author: Steven Jay Lynn
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1452203172
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 473

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Theories of Development

Theories of Development PDF Author: William Crain
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317343220
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 447

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The result of extensive scholarship and consultation with leading scholars, this text introduces students to twenty-four theorists and compares and contrasts their theories on how we develop as individuals. Emphasizing the theories that build upon the developmental tradition established by Rousseau, this text also covers theories in the environmental/learning tradition.

Advances in Parapsychological Research 10

Advances in Parapsychological Research 10 PDF Author: Stanley Krippner
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 078647792X
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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This book consists of a collection of essays informing readers as to the contemporary status of selected cutting-edge issues in parapsychology (or "psi research"). Each chapter comprehensively reviews a controversial topic from a critical stance, and updates its status based on the latest theoretical and empirical considerations. Chapter authors are authoritative experts in their fields who have captured the complexity and importance of their topics. This is a resource for both the serious scholar and interested follower of psi research, containing in-depth analyses and discussions of topics that cannot be found elsewhere. Topics include cross-examinations of psychical investigations; a meta-analysis of anomalous information collected by mediums; an examination of the relationships between parapsychology, quantum theory and neuroscience; and a study of psychics' involvement in police investigations.

Psychology in Everyday Life

Psychology in Everyday Life PDF Author: David G. Myers
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 1429207892
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 565

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Book Description
LEARN IT. LIVE IT. Why take psychology? What makes psychology a science? Can it really help me understand my feelings and behaviors? Or how I get along with family and friends? Now from the world's foremost author for the introductory psychology classroom comes a new textbook that makes learning about the psychology of our lives a captivating experience for students at all levels. Carried by the author's acclaimed empathetic voice, Psychology in Everyday Life is David Myers' most inviting text to date. This new book represents a breakthrough in the interplay of text and visuals, yet, as always, provides a rich source of scientific insights into the lives we live. Any student, regardless of age or background, will find it a text that speaks directly to him or her, and will embrace it not just for its grade-raising potential, but for its revelations about what makes a person a stronger student, a more tuned-in friend or partner, a more effective worker, or a wiser parent.