Advances in Computational Plasticity

Advances in Computational Plasticity PDF Author: Eugenio Oñate
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319608851
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 443

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Book Description
This book brings together some 20 chapters on state-of-the-art research in the broad field of computational plasticity with applications in civil and mechanical engineering, metal forming processes, geomechanics, nonlinear structural analysis, composites, biomechanics and multi-scale analysis of materials, among others. The chapters are written by world leaders in the different fields of computational plasticity.

Advances in Computational Plasticity

Advances in Computational Plasticity PDF Author: Eugenio Oñate
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319608851
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 443

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Book Description
This book brings together some 20 chapters on state-of-the-art research in the broad field of computational plasticity with applications in civil and mechanical engineering, metal forming processes, geomechanics, nonlinear structural analysis, composites, biomechanics and multi-scale analysis of materials, among others. The chapters are written by world leaders in the different fields of computational plasticity.

Computational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity

Computational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity PDF Author: A. Anandarajah
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441963790
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 665

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Computational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity: Solids and Porous Media presents the latest developments in the area of elastic and elasto-plastic finite element modeling of solids, porous media and pressure-dependent materials and structures. The book covers the following topics in depth: the mathematical foundations of solid mechanics, the finite element method for solids and porous media, the theory of plasticity and the finite element implementation of elasto-plastic constitutive models. The book also includes: -A detailed coverage of elasticity for isotropic and anisotropic solids. -A detailed treatment of nonlinear iterative methods that could be used for nonlinear elastic and elasto-plastic analyses. -A detailed treatment of a kinematic hardening von Mises model that could be used to simulate cyclic behavior of solids. -Discussion of recent advances in the analysis of porous media and pressure-dependent materials in more detail than other books currently available. Computational Methods in Elasticity and Plasticity: Solids and Porous Media also contains problem sets, worked examples and a solutions manual for instructors.

Computational Plasticity

Computational Plasticity PDF Author: Ernest Hinton
Category : Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1034

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Advances in Synaptic Plasticity

Advances in Synaptic Plasticity PDF Author: M. Baudry
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262024600
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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This book, a follow-up to the editors' Synaptic Plasticity (MIT Press,1993), reports on the most recent trends in the field. The levels of analysis range from molecular to cellular and network, the unifying theme being the nature of the relationships between synaptic plasticity and information processing and storage. Many neurons exhibit plasticity; that is, they can change structurally or functionally, often in a lasting way. Plasticity is evident in such diverse phenomena as learning and memory, brain development, drug tolerance, sprouting of axon terminals after a brain lesion, and various cellular forms of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity such as long-term potentiation and long-term depression. This book, a follow-up to the editors' Synaptic Plasticity (MIT Press, 1993), reports on the most recent trends in the field. The levels of analysis range from molecular to cellular and network, the unifying theme being the nature of the relationships between synaptic plasticity and information processing and storage. Contributors Yael Amitai, Michel Baudry, Theodore W. Berger, Pierre-Alain Buchs, A.K. Butler, Franck A. Chaillan, Gilbert A. Chauvet, Marie-Françoise Chesselet, Barry W. Connors, Taraneh Ghaffari, Jay R. Gibson, Ziv Gil, Michel Khrestchatisky, Dietmar Kuhl, Carole E. Landisman, Gilles Laurent, Jim-Shih Liaw, David J. Linden, Katrina MacLeod, Henry Markram, W.V. Morehouse, Dominique Muller, J.A. Napieralski, Santiago Rivera, François S. Roman, Bernard Soumireu-Mourat, Oswald Steward, Mark Stopfer, F.G. Szele, Richard F. Thompson, Nicolas Toni, Bernard Truchet, Misha Tsodyks, K. Uryu, Ascher Uziel, Christopher S. Wallace, Yun Wang, Michael Wehr, Paul F. Worley, Xiaping Xie

Plasticity and Geotechnics

Plasticity and Geotechnics PDF Author: Hai-Sui Yu
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387335994
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 541

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Book Description
Plasticity and Geotechnics is the first attempt to summarize and present in a single volume the major achievements in the field of plasticity theory for geotechnical materials and its applications to geotechnical analysis and design. The book emerges from the author’s belief that there is an urgent need for the geotechnical and solid mechanics community to have a unified presentation of plasticity theory and its application to geotechnical engineering.

Computational Methods for Plasticity

Computational Methods for Plasticity PDF Author: Eduardo A. de Souza Neto
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119964547
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 718

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Book Description
The subject of computational plasticity encapsulates the numerical methods used for the finite element simulation of the behaviour of a wide range of engineering materials considered to be plastic – i.e. those that undergo a permanent change of shape in response to an applied force. Computational Methods for Plasticity: Theory and Applications describes the theory of the associated numerical methods for the simulation of a wide range of plastic engineering materials; from the simplest infinitesimal plasticity theory to more complex damage mechanics and finite strain crystal plasticity models. It is split into three parts - basic concepts, small strains and large strains. Beginning with elementary theory and progressing to advanced, complex theory and computer implementation, it is suitable for use at both introductory and advanced levels. The book: Offers a self-contained text that allows the reader to learn computational plasticity theory and its implementation from one volume. Includes many numerical examples that illustrate the application of the methodologies described. Provides introductory material on related disciplines and procedures such as tensor analysis, continuum mechanics and finite elements for non-linear solid mechanics. Is accompanied by purpose-developed finite element software that illustrates many of the techniques discussed in the text, downloadable from the book’s companion website. This comprehensive text will appeal to postgraduate and graduate students of civil, mechanical, aerospace and materials engineering as well as applied mathematics and courses with computational mechanics components. It will also be of interest to research engineers, scientists and software developers working in the field of computational solid mechanics.

Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics

Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics PDF Author: B. H. V. Topping
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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Book Description
Contains a selection of papers presented at The First International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology and The Fourth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, held in Edinburgh from 18-20 August 1998.

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods PDF Author: Franz Roters
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527642099
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Written by the leading experts in computational materials science, this handy reference concisely reviews the most important aspects of plasticity modeling: constitutive laws, phase transformations, texture methods, continuum approaches and damage mechanisms. As a result, it provides the knowledge needed to avoid failures in critical systems udner mechanical load. With its various application examples to micro- and macrostructure mechanics, this is an invaluable resource for mechanical engineers as well as for researchers wanting to improve on this method and extend its outreach.

Special Issue on Advances in Computational Plasticity

Special Issue on Advances in Computational Plasticity PDF Author: Christian Miehe
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol II

Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol II PDF Author: D. K. Maiti
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811664900
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 673

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Book Description
This book (Vol. II) presents select proceedings of the first Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020) and focuses on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of solid and fluid mechanics. Various topics covered are computational modelling of extreme events; mechanical modelling of robots; mechanics and design of cellular materials; mechanics of soft materials; mechanics of thin-film and multi-layer structures; meshfree and particle based formulations in continuum mechanics; multi-scale computations in solid mechanics, and materials; multiscale mechanics of brittle and ductile materials; topology and shape optimization techniques; acoustics including aero-acoustics and wave propagation; aerodynamics; dynamics and control in micro/nano engineering; dynamic instability and buckling; flow-induced noise and vibration; inverse problems in mechanics and system identification; measurement and analysis techniques in nonlinear dynamic systems; multibody dynamical systems and applications; nonlinear dynamics and control; stochastic mechanics; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; structural health monitoring and damage assessment; turbomachinery noise; vibrations of continuous systems, characterization of advanced materials; damage identification and non-destructive evaluation; experimental fire mechanics and damage; experimental fluid mechanics; experimental solid mechanics; measurement in extreme environments; modal testing and dynamics; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; vibration measurement and control; bio-inspired materials; constitutive modelling of materials; fracture mechanics; mechanics of adhesion, tribology and wear; mechanics of composite materials; mechanics of multifunctional materials; multiscale modelling of materials; phase transformations in materials; plasticity and creep in materials; fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics; fluid-structure interaction; free surface, moving boundary and pipe flow; hydrodynamics; multiphase flows; propulsion; internal flow physics; turbulence modelling; wave mechanics; flow through porous media; shock-boundary layer interactions; sediment transport; wave-structure interaction; reduced-order models; turbo-machinery; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in mechanics; transport phenomena and soft computing tools in fluid mechanics. The contents of these two volumes (Volumes I and II) discusses various attributes of modern-age mechanics in various disciplines, such as aerospace, civil, mechanical, ocean engineering and naval architecture. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in solid and fluid mechanics and allied fields.