Adaptive Transit

Adaptive Transit PDF Author: Robert Cervero
Category : Bus lines
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Adaptive Transit

Adaptive Transit PDF Author: Robert Cervero
Category : Bus lines
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Transforming Cities with Transit

Transforming Cities with Transit PDF Author: Hiroaki Suzuki
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821397508
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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'Transforming Cities with Transit' explores the complex process of transit and land-use integration and provides policy recommendations and implementation strategies for effective integration in rapidly growing cities in developing countries.

The Sustainable Urban Development Reader

The Sustainable Urban Development Reader PDF Author: Stephen M. Wheeler
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 9780415311861
Category : City planning
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Bringing together classic readings from a wide variety of sources, this key book investigates how our cities and towns can become more sustainable. Thirty-eight selections span issues such as land use planning, urban design, transportation, ecological restoration, economic development, resource use and equity planning. Section introductions outline the major themes, whilst the editors' introductions to the individual writings explain their interest and significance to wider debates. Additional sections present twenty-four case studies of real-world sustainable urban planning examples, sustainability planning exercises, and further reading. Providing background in theory, practical application, and vision, in a clear, accessible format, The Sustainable Urban Development Reader is an essential resource for students, professionals, and indeed anyone interested in the future of urban environments.

Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations Handbook

Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations Handbook PDF Author: M. Annabelle Boyd
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309258855
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 111

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"TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 160: Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations Handbook includes guidance, strategies, tools, and resources to help paratransit service providers plan and prepare for, respond to, and recover from a range of emergencies. The guidance has applicability to urban, suburban, rural, and tribal paratransit operating environments. The project that developed TCRP Report 160 also a PowerPoint presentation describing the entire project. A link to the HTML version of TCRP Report 160 will be available on this site by the second week of March 2013."--Pub. info.

Operational Experiences with Flexible Transit Services

Operational Experiences with Flexible Transit Services PDF Author: David Koffman
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 0309070104
Category : Bus lines
Languages : en
Pages : 71

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TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 53: Operational Experiences with Flexible Transit Services examines transit agency experiences with "flexible transit services," including all types of hybrid services that are not pure demand-responsive (including dial-a-ride and Americans with Disabilities Act paratransit) or fixed-route services, but that fall somewhere in between those traditional service models.

The New Transit Town

The New Transit Town PDF Author: Hank Dittmar
Publisher: Island Press
ISBN: 1597268941
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Transit-oriented development (TOD) seeks to maximize access to mass transit and nonmotorized transportation with centrally located rail or bus stations surrounded by relatively high-density commercial and residential development. New Urbanists and smart growth proponents have embraced the concept and interest in TOD is growing, both in the United States and around the world. New Transit Town brings together leading experts in planning, transportation, and sustainable design—including Scott Bernstein, Peter Calthorpe, Jim Daisa, Sharon Feigon, Ellen Greenberg, David Hoyt, Dennis Leach, and Shelley Poticha—to examine the first generation of TOD projects and derive lessons for the next generation. It offers topic chapters that provide detailed discussion of key issues along with case studies that present an in-depth look at specific projects. Topics examined include: the history of projects and the appeal of this form of development a taxonomy of TOD projects appropriate for different contexts and scales the planning, policy and regulatory framework of "successful" projects obstacles to financing and strategies for overcoming those obstacles issues surrounding traffic and parking the roles of all the actors involved and the resources available to them performance measures that can be used to evaluate outcomes Case Studies include Arlington, Virginia (Roslyn-Ballston corridor); Dallas (Mockingbird Station and Addison Circle); historic transit-oriented neighborhoods in Chicago; Atlanta (Lindbergh Center and BellSouth); San Jose (Ohlone-Chynoweth); and San Diego (Barrio Logan). New Transit Town explores the key challenges to transit-oriented development, examines the lessons learned from the first generation of projects, and uses a systematic examination and analysis of a broad spectrum of projects to set standards for the next generation. It is a vital new source of information for anyone interested in urban and regional planning and development, including planners, developers, community groups, transit agency staff, and finance professionals.

Sustainable Urban Development Reader

Sustainable Urban Development Reader PDF Author: Stephen M. Wheeler
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317672178
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 631

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Building on the success of its second edition, the third edition of the Sustainable Urban Development Reader provides a generous selection of classic and contemporary readings giving a broad introduction to this topic. It begins by tracing the roots of the sustainable development concept in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, before presenting readings on a number of dimensions of the sustainability concept. Topics covered include land use and urban design, transportation, ecological planning and restoration, energy and materials use, economic development, social and environmental justice, and green architecture and building. All sections have a concise editorial introduction that places the selection in context and suggests further reading. Additional sections cover tools for sustainable development, international sustainable development, visions of sustainable community and case studies from around the world. The book also includes educational exercises for individuals, university classes, or community groups, and an extensive list of recommended readings. The anthology remains unique in presenting a broad array of classic and contemporary readings in this field, each with a concise introduction placing it within the context of this evolving discourse. The Sustainable Urban Development Reader presents an authoritative overview of the field using original sources in a highly readable format for university classes in urban studies, environmental studies, the social sciences, and related fields. It also makes a wide range of sustainable urban planning-related material available to the public in a clear and accessible way, forming an indispensable resource for anyone interested in the future of urban environments.

Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport

Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport PDF Author: Stefan Voß
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642564232
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 465

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This proceedings volume consists of selected papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Computer-Aided Scheduling 0/Public Transport (CASPT 2000), which was held at the conference center of the Konrad rd Adenauer-Foundation in Berlin, Germany, from June 2pt to 23 , 2000. The CASPT 2000 is the continuation of aseries of international workshops and conferences presenting recent research and progress in computer-aided scheduling in public transport.Previous workshops and conferences were held in • Chicago (1975), • Leeds (1980), • Montreal (1983 and 1990), • Hamburg (1987), • Lisbon (1993) and • Cambridge, Mass. (1997).1 With CASPT 2000, our series of workshops and conferences celebrated th its 25 anniversary. Starting with a Workshop on Automated Techniques [or Scheduling 0/ Vehicle Operators [or Urban Public Transportation Services in 1975 the scope and purpose has broadened since and still continues to do so. The previous workshops and conferences were focused on public mass transit, and while this remained the primary focus ofthe 2000 conference, it included also computer-aided scheduling methods being developed and applied in re lated means of passenger transport systems. Commonalities regarding op erations research techniques such as, e.g., column generation techniques and 1 While there were no formal proceedings for the first workshop but only a p- printed copy of all papers issued to participants on arrival, the subsequent ones are weil documented as folIows: Wren, A. (Ed.) (1981). Computer Scheduling 0/ Public Transport. North Holland, Amsterdam.

Concepts in Urban Transportation Planning

Concepts in Urban Transportation Planning PDF Author: Mintesnot G. Woldeamanuel
Publisher: McFarland
ISBN: 0786499664
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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This book offers solutions for creating sustainable urban transportation. Topics include historical developments, planning, policy and legislative initiatives, nonmotorized and public transportation, environmental and social justice issues, and safety. The author discusses social, health and economic consequences of autocentric transportation and possible policy measures to address them. The important topic of changing travel behavior is discussed. Chapters contain straightforward concepts, case studies, review questions and ideas for class projects. Instructors considering this book for use in a course may request an examination copy here.

Sustainable Transport Studies in Asia

Sustainable Transport Studies in Asia PDF Author: Akimasa Fujiwara
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 4431543791
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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This book aims to provide a good understanding of and perspective on sustainable transport in Asia by focusing on economic, environmental, and social sustainability. It is widely acknowledged that the current situation and trends in transport are not always sustainable in Asia, due in part to the fast-growing economy and the astounding speed of urbanization as well as least-mature governance. As essential research material, the book provides strong support for policy makers and planners by comprehensively covering three groups of strategies, characterized by the words “avoid” (e.g., urban form design and control of car ownership), “shift” (e.g., establishing comprehensive transportation systems and increasing public transportation systems for both intracity and intercity travel), and “improve” (e.g., redesign of paratransit system, low-emission vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, and eco-life). These are elaborated in the book alongside consideration of the uncertainty of policy effects in the future. The book is also valuable for scholars and scientists because of the diverse methodologies presented and proposed herein. Among those are the four-step model with full feedback mechanisms, the bi-level programming model with sustainability goals, data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis approaches, structural equation models, discrete and/or continuous choice models, copula-based models, survival models, and driving risk models with short-term memory. Using data collected from more than ten Asian cities, including those in both developed and developing nations, the pathway to sustainable transport in Asia gradually becomes clear.