Author: Lakshmi Subramanyam
Publisher: Mittal Publications
ISBN: 9788170998150
Category : Culture
Languages : en
Pages : 294
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Author: Neerja Singh
Publisher: Mittal Publications
ISBN: 9788170998099
Category : Food consumption
Languages : en
Pages : 304
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Author: Joseph Thomas
Publisher: Mittal Publications
ISBN: 9788170998136
Category : Family violence
Languages : en
Pages : 324
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Author: Lizabeth Roemer
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462543952
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 339
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Developed over decades of ongoing clinical research, acceptance-based behavioral therapy (ABBT) is a flexible framework with proven effectiveness for treating anxiety disorders and co-occurring problems. This authoritative guide provides a complete overview of ABBT along with practical guidelines for assessment, case formulation, and individualized intervention. Clinicians learn powerful ways to help clients reduce experiential avoidance; cultivate acceptance, self-compassion, and mindful awareness; and increase engagement in personally meaningful behaviors. Illustrated with vivid case material, the book includes 29 reproducible handouts and forms. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download printable copies of the reproducible materials and audio recordings of guided meditation practices. A separate website for clients includes the audio recordings only.
Author: Lynne Rice Westbrook
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317818172
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 206
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Learn how you can cut down on rapport-building time, make your services accessible to more people, and put your consumers at ease during treatment by offering in-home and natural community-based behavioral health services. This book examines the impact that the environment can have on the comfort level, perception, ability to connect, and general mindset of consumers during treatment. Home and natural community-based services have the potential to help adults, youth, and children live in their own homes and natural communities with specific supports in place that can address their behavioral health needs. Lynne Rice Westbrook examines these treatment settings from the most restrictive to the least restrictive, and demonstrates how such services can be implemented to bring coverage to remote, rural, and underserved areas. Providing services in the consumer’s community allows children, youth, adults, and families to receive treatment they may not be able to access otherwise, and to stay together in their own community. This book provides a detailed map of the benefits, challenges and proposed solutions, and the steps professionals need to take in order to help change the tapestry of behavioral health provision one home, one healing at a time.
Author: Martin M. Antony
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
ISBN: 9781433809842
Category : Behavior Therapy
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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Behavior Therapy is a cogent introduction to the intellectual and therapeutic realms of behaviorism for students and practitioners. Authors Martin Antony and Lizabeth Roemer survey the scholarly and scientific contributions of Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, Clark Hull, B. F. Skinner, Albert Ellis, and many others, to present a rich analytical panorama of the various kinds of behavior therapies developed over time and prevalent today. Chapters include the history of behavior therapy; theoretical orientations; basic concepts and techniques in behavioral therapy processes, such as functional analysis, operant conditioning, positive and negative reinforcement, and others; an evaluation of the therapy's overall effectiveness, and suggestions for its future development.
Author: David R. Johnson
Publisher: Charles C Thomas Publisher
ISBN: 0398085501
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 541
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This second edition of Current Approaches in Drama Therapy offers a revised and updated comprehensive compilation of the primary drama therapy methods and models that are being utilized and taught in the United States and Canada, including four new approaches. It is intended as a basic textbook for the field of drama therapy. Section I provides a context for the state of the field of drama therapy in North America, describing the history of the field, stages in professional development, theory building, emerging areas of interest, and challenges for the future. Section II includes the Integrative Five Phase Model, Role Method, Developmental Transformations, Ritual/Theatre/Therapy, Healing the Wounds of History, Narradrama, Omega Transpersonal Approach, Psychoanalytic Approach, Developmental Themes Approach, ENACT Method, STOP-GAP Method Bergman Drama Therapy Approach, Rehearsals for Growth, and Performance in drama therapy. Section III describes four related approachesOCoPsychodrama, Socio-drama, Playback Theatre, and Theatre of the Oppressed, each of which has had significant influence on drama therapy practice. A distinct index of key concepts in drama therapy is included, demonstrating the consolidation and breadth of theory in the field. This highly informative and indispensable volume is geared toward drama therapy training programs, mental health professionals (counselors, clinical social workers, psychologists, creative art therapists, occupational therapists), theater and drama teachers, school counselors, and organizational development consultants."
Author: William O'Donohue
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031116771
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 797
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of first, second, and third wave behavior therapies, comparing and contrasting their relative strengths and weaknesses. Recent discussion and research has focused intently on third wave behavior therapies, in particular Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This is in contrast with first wave behavior therapies (what today might be called applied behavior analysis or clinical behavior therapy) and second wave behavior therapies brought about by the “cognitive revolution”. The editors aim to provide a fuller understanding of this psychotherapeutic paradigm, tracking how behavior therapies have evolved through history and various paradigm shifts in the field. To this end, the book is organized into five sections covering: Introduction to the three waves of behavior therapy Assessment and measurement strategies Comparative issues and controversies Applications of the three waves of behavior therapy to 7 major disorders: anxiety, depression, obesity, psychosis, substance abuse, ADHD, and chronic pain Implications of and future directions for behavior therapies This volume provides a useful perspective on the evolution of cognitive behavior therapy that will inform the study and practice of a variety of mental health professionals.
Author: Danielle A. Einstein
Publisher: Australian Academic Press
ISBN: 1875378774
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 301
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Advances and innovations in cognitive-behaviour therapy.
Author: William T. O'Donohue
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 047022777X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 773
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Proven and effective, cognitive-behavior therapy is the most widely taught psychotherapeutic technique. General Principles and Empirically Supported Techniques of Cognitive Behavior Therapy provides students with a complete introduction to CBT. It includes over 60 chapters on individual therapies for a wide range of presenting problems, such as smoking cessation, stress management, and classroom management. Each chapter contains a table clearly explaining the steps of implementing each therapy. Written for graduate psychology students, it includes new chapters on imaginal exposure and techniques for treating the seriously mentally ill.