Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 89
Book Description
ABC Interactive English No. 244 October, 2022 Contents 每日一句 Doing Housework 做家事的英語好用句 本月焦點 School Supplies 學用品 The Right Tools for School 開學必備文具 品格英語 Make You and Your Life Better 成為更好的自己 玩味生活 Celebrating Double Tenth Day 歡慶雙十節 短篇故事集 Ex Poser 〈偽裝者〉 畫中有話 Going for a Jog 來慢跑吧 文法補給站 In a Class 在課堂上 At an Interview 面試 活用ABC Talking About the Weather 生活英語:用英語聊天氣 世界好望角 Bedouins: People of the Desert 貝都因人:沙漠中的游牧民族 流行最前線 Let’s LARP! 你一定不能錯過的實境角色扮演遊戲 安妮信箱 My School 我的學校 悠遊文化 Different Jokes Make Different People Laugh 幽默文化大不同 科技漫遊 Why Is TikTok So Popular? 為什麼抖音這麼紅? ABC長知識 What Does It Mean to Be Tone-Deaf? 何謂音痴? 聽說圖寫 Potluck Party 百樂餐派對 本月之星 曾沛慈
ABC互動英語 2022 年 10 月號 No.244 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 89
Book Description
ABC Interactive English No. 244 October, 2022 Contents 每日一句 Doing Housework 做家事的英語好用句 本月焦點 School Supplies 學用品 The Right Tools for School 開學必備文具 品格英語 Make You and Your Life Better 成為更好的自己 玩味生活 Celebrating Double Tenth Day 歡慶雙十節 短篇故事集 Ex Poser 〈偽裝者〉 畫中有話 Going for a Jog 來慢跑吧 文法補給站 In a Class 在課堂上 At an Interview 面試 活用ABC Talking About the Weather 生活英語:用英語聊天氣 世界好望角 Bedouins: People of the Desert 貝都因人:沙漠中的游牧民族 流行最前線 Let’s LARP! 你一定不能錯過的實境角色扮演遊戲 安妮信箱 My School 我的學校 悠遊文化 Different Jokes Make Different People Laugh 幽默文化大不同 科技漫遊 Why Is TikTok So Popular? 為什麼抖音這麼紅? ABC長知識 What Does It Mean to Be Tone-Deaf? 何謂音痴? 聽說圖寫 Potluck Party 百樂餐派對 本月之星 曾沛慈
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 89
Book Description
ABC Interactive English No. 244 October, 2022 Contents 每日一句 Doing Housework 做家事的英語好用句 本月焦點 School Supplies 學用品 The Right Tools for School 開學必備文具 品格英語 Make You and Your Life Better 成為更好的自己 玩味生活 Celebrating Double Tenth Day 歡慶雙十節 短篇故事集 Ex Poser 〈偽裝者〉 畫中有話 Going for a Jog 來慢跑吧 文法補給站 In a Class 在課堂上 At an Interview 面試 活用ABC Talking About the Weather 生活英語:用英語聊天氣 世界好望角 Bedouins: People of the Desert 貝都因人:沙漠中的游牧民族 流行最前線 Let’s LARP! 你一定不能錯過的實境角色扮演遊戲 安妮信箱 My School 我的學校 悠遊文化 Different Jokes Make Different People Laugh 幽默文化大不同 科技漫遊 Why Is TikTok So Popular? 為什麼抖音這麼紅? ABC長知識 What Does It Mean to Be Tone-Deaf? 何謂音痴? 聽說圖寫 Potluck Party 百樂餐派對 本月之星 曾沛慈
CNN 互動英語 2022 年 11 月號 No.266 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78
Book Description
專題報導 Ambition and Adaptability 莉茲.特拉斯當選英國新任首相 面臨嚴峻考驗 Liz Truss Becomes Britain’s New Prime Minister 英國前外交大臣莉茲.特拉斯當選保守黨黨魁後,也接受任命成為新首相,是該國第三位女性首相。特拉斯甫上任即面臨經濟、能源以及戰爭問題的嚴峻考驗。 專題報導 The Merry Monarch 永遠的伊莉莎白女王 Looking Back at Queen Elizabeth’s Sharp Sense of Humor 在位70年的英國伊莉莎白二世女王9月8日於蘇格蘭行宮逝世,享耆壽96歲。女王的親民和藹深得人心,她的機智妙語也將永遠讓人懷念。 商業 Finding the Balance 一週工作四天可行嗎?英國企業展開試驗 Some UK Companies Trial a Four-Day Workweek 英國超過70家企業、逾3千名員工參與一週工作四天的試驗,員工每週工時為過往的百分之80,薪水不減,但他們必須承諾工作產能不打折。 科學 Traces of the Past 因「旱」得福 億萬年前恐龍足跡現蹤 Historic Drought Reveals 113-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Footprints 美國德州今夏遭逢十年來最嚴重的乾旱,但乾涸的河床卻讓長年隱沒在沉積物下方、有超過一億年歷史的恐龍足跡意外重見天日。 科技 Space Environmentalism 太空環保運動 不讓地球軌道變垃圾場 Tracking the Man-Made Objects Orbiting Earth 數十年來的太空發展使地球軌道上充斥著大小不一的廢棄物,若不加以控管,恐成為危害地球的不定時炸彈。 體育 Purple and Gold 紫金王朝——NBA洛杉磯湖人隊的輝煌歲月 Reliving the Showtime Era of the Lakers in a New Documentary 1980年代,在球團老闆傑瑞.巴斯和球星魔術.強森、卡里姆.阿布都– 賈霸等人的引領之下,洛杉磯湖人隊打出華麗進攻球風,開啟了NBA輝煌的「表演時刻」年代。 政治 Soviet Statesmanship 終結冷戰和蘇聯的推手——戈巴契夫 How Mikhail Gorbachev Bridged the Gap between the East and West 蘇聯最後一任領導人米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫企圖以改革和開放政策改變體制,雖未在國內帶來預期效果,卻促成了冷戰的終結和蘇聯的解體,獲諾貝爾和平獎肯定。 旅遊 Turkey’s Hidden Gem 悠遊土耳其西岸 造訪日落愛琴海的香草小鎮 Richard Quest Visits the Little-Known Town of Alaçatı 土耳其西部除了有遠近馳名的「棉堡」帕慕卡雷,濱海小鎮阿拉恰提也不容錯過。跟著在地人走進洋溢愛琴海風情的巷弄和阿拉恰提一年一度的香草節。 保育 Hard-Scaled, Soft-Hearted 全球走私最猖獗的動物——穿山甲 Protecting the Pangolin: The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal 傳統中醫和野味捕食的需求使得穿山甲成為全球走私數量最多的動物,為此賴比瑞亞成立了野生動物保護區,保衛這種全身布滿鱗甲卻很溫馴的動物。 科技 Art Meets Activism VR藝術結合環保運動 喚起海洋保育意識 Designing Undersea Sculptures with VR to Help Coral to Grow 一位社會生態學藝術家結合虛擬實境技術、藝術創作及生態保育,打造出「海洋活雕塑」,盼藉此讓大眾更加重視海洋保育。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Britain Mourns the Death of Queen Elizabeth II 英國哀悼伊莉莎白二世女王辭世 Ukraine Pushes Russia Out of Kharkiv with Counteroffensive 烏克蘭大反攻 將俄軍逐出哈爾科夫 Steps to Decrease Insomnia 好習慣有助減少失眠 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN The Obamas Receive Their White House Portraits 歐巴馬夫婦白宮官方肖像揭幕 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 NBA英語 CNN主編教你唸 NBA西區聯盟隊名
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78
Book Description
專題報導 Ambition and Adaptability 莉茲.特拉斯當選英國新任首相 面臨嚴峻考驗 Liz Truss Becomes Britain’s New Prime Minister 英國前外交大臣莉茲.特拉斯當選保守黨黨魁後,也接受任命成為新首相,是該國第三位女性首相。特拉斯甫上任即面臨經濟、能源以及戰爭問題的嚴峻考驗。 專題報導 The Merry Monarch 永遠的伊莉莎白女王 Looking Back at Queen Elizabeth’s Sharp Sense of Humor 在位70年的英國伊莉莎白二世女王9月8日於蘇格蘭行宮逝世,享耆壽96歲。女王的親民和藹深得人心,她的機智妙語也將永遠讓人懷念。 商業 Finding the Balance 一週工作四天可行嗎?英國企業展開試驗 Some UK Companies Trial a Four-Day Workweek 英國超過70家企業、逾3千名員工參與一週工作四天的試驗,員工每週工時為過往的百分之80,薪水不減,但他們必須承諾工作產能不打折。 科學 Traces of the Past 因「旱」得福 億萬年前恐龍足跡現蹤 Historic Drought Reveals 113-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Footprints 美國德州今夏遭逢十年來最嚴重的乾旱,但乾涸的河床卻讓長年隱沒在沉積物下方、有超過一億年歷史的恐龍足跡意外重見天日。 科技 Space Environmentalism 太空環保運動 不讓地球軌道變垃圾場 Tracking the Man-Made Objects Orbiting Earth 數十年來的太空發展使地球軌道上充斥著大小不一的廢棄物,若不加以控管,恐成為危害地球的不定時炸彈。 體育 Purple and Gold 紫金王朝——NBA洛杉磯湖人隊的輝煌歲月 Reliving the Showtime Era of the Lakers in a New Documentary 1980年代,在球團老闆傑瑞.巴斯和球星魔術.強森、卡里姆.阿布都– 賈霸等人的引領之下,洛杉磯湖人隊打出華麗進攻球風,開啟了NBA輝煌的「表演時刻」年代。 政治 Soviet Statesmanship 終結冷戰和蘇聯的推手——戈巴契夫 How Mikhail Gorbachev Bridged the Gap between the East and West 蘇聯最後一任領導人米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫企圖以改革和開放政策改變體制,雖未在國內帶來預期效果,卻促成了冷戰的終結和蘇聯的解體,獲諾貝爾和平獎肯定。 旅遊 Turkey’s Hidden Gem 悠遊土耳其西岸 造訪日落愛琴海的香草小鎮 Richard Quest Visits the Little-Known Town of Alaçatı 土耳其西部除了有遠近馳名的「棉堡」帕慕卡雷,濱海小鎮阿拉恰提也不容錯過。跟著在地人走進洋溢愛琴海風情的巷弄和阿拉恰提一年一度的香草節。 保育 Hard-Scaled, Soft-Hearted 全球走私最猖獗的動物——穿山甲 Protecting the Pangolin: The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal 傳統中醫和野味捕食的需求使得穿山甲成為全球走私數量最多的動物,為此賴比瑞亞成立了野生動物保護區,保衛這種全身布滿鱗甲卻很溫馴的動物。 科技 Art Meets Activism VR藝術結合環保運動 喚起海洋保育意識 Designing Undersea Sculptures with VR to Help Coral to Grow 一位社會生態學藝術家結合虛擬實境技術、藝術創作及生態保育,打造出「海洋活雕塑」,盼藉此讓大眾更加重視海洋保育。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Britain Mourns the Death of Queen Elizabeth II 英國哀悼伊莉莎白二世女王辭世 Ukraine Pushes Russia Out of Kharkiv with Counteroffensive 烏克蘭大反攻 將俄軍逐出哈爾科夫 Steps to Decrease Insomnia 好習慣有助減少失眠 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN The Obamas Receive Their White House Portraits 歐巴馬夫婦白宮官方肖像揭幕 新聞片語通 單字聯想地圖 NBA英語 CNN主編教你唸 NBA西區聯盟隊名
Sunday Suns
Author: Tad Carpenter
ISBN: 9781916126183
Category : Art therapy
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Sunday Suns is the weekly project of American designer Tad Capenter, who has taken on the simple of task of designing, illustrating, scuplting, modelling, making, stitching or creating a sun every Sunday.
ISBN: 9781916126183
Category : Art therapy
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Sunday Suns is the weekly project of American designer Tad Capenter, who has taken on the simple of task of designing, illustrating, scuplting, modelling, making, stitching or creating a sun every Sunday.
Patterns of Attachment
Author: Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1135016178
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 514
Book Description
Ethological attachment theory is a landmark of 20th century social and behavioral sciences theory and research. This new paradigm for understanding primary relationships across the lifespan evolved from John Bowlby’s critique of psychoanalytic drive theory and his own clinical observations, supplemented by his knowledge of fields as diverse as primate ethology, control systems theory, and cognitive psychology. By the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth’s naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the secure base phenomenon had become integral to attachment theory. Patterns of Attachment reports the methods and key results of Ainsworth’s landmark Baltimore Longitudinal Study. Following upon her naturalistic home observations in Uganda, the Baltimore project yielded a wealth of enduring, benchmark results on the nature of the child’s tie to its primary caregiver and the importance of early experience. It also addressed a wide range of conceptual and methodological issues common to many developmental and longitudinal projects, especially issues of age appropriate assessment, quantifying behavior, and comprehending individual differences. In addition, Ainsworth and her students broke new ground, clarifying and defining new concepts, demonstrating the value of the ethological methods and insights about behavior. Today, as we enter the fourth generation of attachment study, we have a rich and growing catalogue of behavioral and narrative approaches to measuring attachment from infancy to adulthood. Each of them has roots in the Strange Situation and the secure base concept presented in Patterns of Attachment. It inclusion in the Psychology Press Classic Editions series reflects Patterns of Attachment’s continuing significance and insures its availability to new generations of students, researchers, and clinicians.
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1135016178
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 514
Book Description
Ethological attachment theory is a landmark of 20th century social and behavioral sciences theory and research. This new paradigm for understanding primary relationships across the lifespan evolved from John Bowlby’s critique of psychoanalytic drive theory and his own clinical observations, supplemented by his knowledge of fields as diverse as primate ethology, control systems theory, and cognitive psychology. By the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth’s naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the secure base phenomenon had become integral to attachment theory. Patterns of Attachment reports the methods and key results of Ainsworth’s landmark Baltimore Longitudinal Study. Following upon her naturalistic home observations in Uganda, the Baltimore project yielded a wealth of enduring, benchmark results on the nature of the child’s tie to its primary caregiver and the importance of early experience. It also addressed a wide range of conceptual and methodological issues common to many developmental and longitudinal projects, especially issues of age appropriate assessment, quantifying behavior, and comprehending individual differences. In addition, Ainsworth and her students broke new ground, clarifying and defining new concepts, demonstrating the value of the ethological methods and insights about behavior. Today, as we enter the fourth generation of attachment study, we have a rich and growing catalogue of behavioral and narrative approaches to measuring attachment from infancy to adulthood. Each of them has roots in the Strange Situation and the secure base concept presented in Patterns of Attachment. It inclusion in the Psychology Press Classic Editions series reflects Patterns of Attachment’s continuing significance and insures its availability to new generations of students, researchers, and clinicians.
Navy Department Communiques
Author: United States. Navy Department
Category : World War, 1939-1945
Languages : en
Pages : 500
Book Description
Category : World War, 1939-1945
Languages : en
Pages : 500
Book Description
Proselytes of a New Nation
Author: Stefanos Katsikas
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0197621759
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 249
Book Description
"The purpose of this book is to explore the conversion of Muslims to Eastern Orthodox Christianity during the Greek War of Independence and the life of the converts during the Greek War of Independence and the first three decades of the post-independence years (1821-1862). The book looks at the neophytes' relations with the Greek and the Ottoman states, as well as the ways in which the neophytes merged into Greek society. Since Greek national identity is inextricably linked to Greek Orthodoxy, the book discusses the extent to which conversion assisted the neophytes' integration into Greek society. The book aims to delve into the little-researched field of religious conversions in the Balkans in modern times, with emphasis on the conversion of Muslims to Christianity. The Greek case is not the only case in the modern Balkans where Muslims convert to Eastern Christian Orthodoxy. Pomaks, Bulgarian-speaking Muslims, were subjected to forcible conversion during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and in the 1940s, whereas in the Cold War era, the Bulgarian communist authorities initiated programs aimed at religious and ethnic assimilation of Pomaks and Turkish-speaking Muslims. Conversions of Muslims to Christian Orthodoxy also occurred in Serbia, Romania and elsewhere in the Balkans. Yet, while Balkan historiography has focused on the Islamization of Christians in the region during the Ottoman period, it has paid little attention to the inverse process of Christianization of Muslims in the age of nationalism"--
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0197621759
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 249
Book Description
"The purpose of this book is to explore the conversion of Muslims to Eastern Orthodox Christianity during the Greek War of Independence and the life of the converts during the Greek War of Independence and the first three decades of the post-independence years (1821-1862). The book looks at the neophytes' relations with the Greek and the Ottoman states, as well as the ways in which the neophytes merged into Greek society. Since Greek national identity is inextricably linked to Greek Orthodoxy, the book discusses the extent to which conversion assisted the neophytes' integration into Greek society. The book aims to delve into the little-researched field of religious conversions in the Balkans in modern times, with emphasis on the conversion of Muslims to Christianity. The Greek case is not the only case in the modern Balkans where Muslims convert to Eastern Christian Orthodoxy. Pomaks, Bulgarian-speaking Muslims, were subjected to forcible conversion during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and in the 1940s, whereas in the Cold War era, the Bulgarian communist authorities initiated programs aimed at religious and ethnic assimilation of Pomaks and Turkish-speaking Muslims. Conversions of Muslims to Christian Orthodoxy also occurred in Serbia, Romania and elsewhere in the Balkans. Yet, while Balkan historiography has focused on the Islamization of Christians in the region during the Ottoman period, it has paid little attention to the inverse process of Christianization of Muslims in the age of nationalism"--
Building the Navy's Bases in World War II
Author: United States. Bureau of Yards and Docks
Category : Air bases
Languages : en
Pages : 482
Book Description
Category : Air bases
Languages : en
Pages : 482
Book Description
The CIA and the U-2 Program 1954-1974
Author: Gregory W. Pedlow
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 0788183265
Category : Aerial reconnaissance
Languages : en
Pages : 272
Book Description
A comprehensive & authoritative history of the CIA's manned overhead reconnaissance program (MORP), which from 1954 to 1974 developed & operated 2 extraordinary aircraft, the U-2 & the A-12 OXCART. Describes not only the program's technological & bureaucratic aspects, but also its political & international context. The MORP, along with other overhead systems that emerged from it, changed the CIA's work & structure in ways that were both revolutionary & permanent. The formation of the Directorate of S&T in the 1960s, principally to develop & direct reconnaissance programs, is the most obvious legacy of the events in this study.
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 0788183265
Category : Aerial reconnaissance
Languages : en
Pages : 272
Book Description
A comprehensive & authoritative history of the CIA's manned overhead reconnaissance program (MORP), which from 1954 to 1974 developed & operated 2 extraordinary aircraft, the U-2 & the A-12 OXCART. Describes not only the program's technological & bureaucratic aspects, but also its political & international context. The MORP, along with other overhead systems that emerged from it, changed the CIA's work & structure in ways that were both revolutionary & permanent. The formation of the Directorate of S&T in the 1960s, principally to develop & direct reconnaissance programs, is the most obvious legacy of the events in this study.
Lutheran Woman's Work
Category : Women in missionary work
Languages : en
Pages : 652
Book Description
Category : Women in missionary work
Languages : en
Pages : 652
Book Description
Adapting Watercourse Agreements to Developments in International Law
Author: Maria A. Gwynn
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004402098
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 94
Book Description
In Adapting Watercourse Agreements to Developments in International Law: The Case of the Itaipu Treaty Maria A. Gwynn offers an account of the need to align watercourses agreements to the current standards and principles of international law, thereby increasing prospects for achieving sustainable development. As a case study, the author focuses on the most important hydroelectrical energy treaty in the South American region and astutely explores its implementation together with states’ practices regarding the non-navigational uses of watercourses and their commitments to environmental protection. The analysis offers a unique opportunity to assess the value of the UN Watercourses Convention in recommending states adapt their agreements to the provisions of the convention promoting equitable and reasonable uses of watercourses; an interest not only for the treaty partners but also for river basin states and the international community as a whole.
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004402098
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 94
Book Description
In Adapting Watercourse Agreements to Developments in International Law: The Case of the Itaipu Treaty Maria A. Gwynn offers an account of the need to align watercourses agreements to the current standards and principles of international law, thereby increasing prospects for achieving sustainable development. As a case study, the author focuses on the most important hydroelectrical energy treaty in the South American region and astutely explores its implementation together with states’ practices regarding the non-navigational uses of watercourses and their commitments to environmental protection. The analysis offers a unique opportunity to assess the value of the UN Watercourses Convention in recommending states adapt their agreements to the provisions of the convention promoting equitable and reasonable uses of watercourses; an interest not only for the treaty partners but also for river basin states and the international community as a whole.