A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse PDF Author: Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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"And here they go! They're on their way down the stretch. The break was good; every animal got a clean shot out of the gate. And as they come down here to the eighth pole, it is Mesozoic Nights and Caligula ..."I peered at the announcer's booth, wondering once again what they were using for power, and so much of it-the stadium lights alone would have overwhelmed most generators. But then Maria nudged me and I focused on the action-seeing, to my horror, that Bromtide had already fallen behind; Bromtide, whom we had unanimously voted to support."Caligula is trying to force his way to the front and doing a good job of it as they pass the stands. Here on the outside comes Lovely Bones, in a good position. And as they go by me it is Caligula on the lead by one length. Caligula has the lead and then comes Mesozoic Nights in second place right along beside him. Going into the first turn is Caligula by a length. Mesozoic Nights is second and on the outside of him is Lovely Bones. Far back in the crowd, on the inside, in about fourth place, is Bromtide. They're going into the stretch; they've gone about half a mile ...""Jesus," I said, even as something like thunder rumbled and a flash of light illuminated the stadium. "What's wrong with him, you think?""Might be the T. rex piss," said Luther, leaning in, and chuckled. "Had to spray him down with it-otherwise the allos would be all over him. Guess we forgot to tell you that." I glared at him before shifting my gaze to Maria and Caleb and finally to De Santo, at the very end, who looked like a kid on Christmas. "Oh, Caligula!" he cried, and clasped his hands above his head. "Beautiful! Beautiful!"

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse PDF Author: Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Publisher: Hobb's End Books
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Scenes and Interludes ... from an Improbable End | A new series in the Flashback/Dinosaur Apocalypse Universe I looked to see Nigel and Ewan entering the shop from the left, the latter seeming like an utterly new man—his hair no longer mussed; his clothes no longer a catastrophic mess. “Apologies, apologies, a thousand apologies,” he said, before pausing to admire Gargantua. “But a maiden voyage such as this requires a fresh change of clothes.” He looked on a moment longer and then dropped to one knee—began ruffling through his over-packed bags. “Ah, yes, here it is. It’s—I opened it with Nigel.” He withdrew a corked bottle—which glinted darkly in the light from a high window. “Voila! One of eight bottles of Dom Perignon Rose champagne, Vintage 1959, served in Persepolis in 1971 by the then-Shaw of Iran.” He looked at us with a face flushed with excitement, and we looked back. “To—to celebrate the 2500th anniversary of the founding of the Persian Empire ... by Cyrus the Great.” Disappointment stole over his face like a shadow. “It’s—it’s to break over the bow, as it were. To christen Gargantua.” Nobody said anything. “Yeah—well. Waste of liquor, anyway. Especially when I’ve got so much celebrating to do. I’ll, ah—I’ll just get the door. Over there.” He moved up the ramp toward the garage door. That’s when I thought of Lazaro’s admonition, I don’t know why: You heard Roman—carnotauruses, heading this way. “Wait, Ewan,” I said. But he was already there, triggering the great door with his fist, turning to look at us as it rattled upward, pulling the cork from the champagne. “Life is for the living,” he said, and toasted us with the bottle. “And this stuff …” He poured champagne into his mouth and down the sides, soaking his clean, white shirt, splattering the floor with foam. “This is for howl—” But then the door was open and they were there, the carnotauruses, and one closed its jaws about his scalp while another laid wide his abdomen (and another took up his legs) so that, howling, he was opened like a pizza being groped by eager hands. And then they themselves howled and piled over his body, and all we could do was to run—everyone save Nigel, who had his trimmer, which he started with a sputter—because our weapons were already in the rover.

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse, Episode Three: "Ride"

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse, Episode Three: Author: Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Publisher: Hobb's End Books
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Scenes & Interludes ... from an Improbable End. A new series in the Flashback/Dinosaur Apocalypse Universe ... Atticus, meanwhile, had been counting down. “Three … two … one.” He sighed and lowered the megaphone—then lifted it to his mouth again. “The problem with you, Jaime, is that you just—don’t—listen. Now I just explained to you what was going to happen if I reached ‘one’ and you hadn’t come out, and goddamned if you didn’t come out. So. What’s going to happen now is that we’re going to kill one of these people for every 30 seconds you remain inside the vehicle—starting immediately.” He directed the bullhorn at the upper floors of one of the buildings. “Hershel? You awake up there?” “Get ready,” I said. “I’m awake,” came a voice, though it was impossible to tell exactly where from. “Fine,” said Atticus. “Hershel, in 30 seconds, I want you to place your site on the head of … that little girl, right there.” He gestured at a storefront on our right side—Simply Seattle. “Green coat, last one on the end, right next to the display window. Copy that there, Chief?” The man didn’t hesitate. “Twenty-nine! 28! 27 …” I toggled the loudspeaker myself. “We’re coming out,” I said, suddenly, and glanced at Sam. “We’re trying to figure out how.” There was a silence as Atticus seemed to think about this. At last he said, “Well, how complicated could it be? Just open the door. Hershel, keep counting ...” “Twenty-three, 22, 21 …” “It’s not that simple,” I hurried to say, “It’s, like, pressurized or something.” To the others I said, “On my mark, okay? Get ready.” “We’re at 18 seconds and counting, James,” said Atticus. “Best clean your glasses and get with it.” “Seventeen, 16, 15 …” “Okay! Okay. We’re depressurizing. Right … now.” And then Sam was toggling the smoke as I gripped the joystick tightly and Nigel took over the loudspeaker and Lazaro opened the side door, after which we cursed loudly and bent to our tasks, and, together, threw wide the gates of Hell. The Flashback/Dinosaur Apocalypse Cycle Flashback (re-printed in Dinosaur Apocalypse) Flashback Dawn (re-printed in Dinosaur Apocalypse) Tales from the Flashback (re-printed as Dinosaur Rampage) Flashback Twilight (serialized as A Dinosaur is a Man’s Best Friend; re-printed as The Complete Ank & Williams, Dinosaur War, Paladins) A Reign of Thunder (serialized as Heat Wave) A Survivor’s Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse, Episode Nine: "'Return"

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse, Episode Nine: Author: Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Publisher: Hobb's End Books
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Welcome to the Big Empty, the world after the Flashback, a world in which most the population has vanished and where dinosaurs roam freely. You can survive here, if you're lucky, and if you're not in the wrong place at the wrong time--which is everywhere and all the time. But what you'll never do is remain the same, for this is a world whose very purpose is to change you: for better or for worse. So take a deep dive into these loosely connected tales of the Dinosaur Apocalypse (each of which can be read individually or as a part of the greater saga): tales of wonder and terror, death and survival, blood and beauty. Do it today, before the apocalypse comes. He hesitated before peeling off a wedge and placing it in his mouth, at which he closed his eyes and seemed to melt, hanging back his head, working his jaw in a circular motion, reopening his eyes—pausing suddenly. “What?” I asked. “What is it?” He tilted his head, peering into the branches. “Isn’t that strange?” I followed his gaze into the tree but, alas, saw nothing. Which, of course, was precisely the problem; there was nothing—no oranges, no leaves, no uppermost branches, it was as though someone or something had picked the treetop clean. “Someone has a helluva reach,” said Maldano. I looked around the lot: at the lichen-covered Public Market and the Jersey Mike’s Subs with the Prius in its window, at the Vietnamese Nail Salon and the El Buzo Peruvian Restaurant. “We should split up, canvas the area. Make sure—there’s nothing else.” “Yeah,” said Maldano. “I think you’re right.” I headed for the Public Market. “Make a sweep of the strip mall. I’m going to check out that grocery store.” He laughed a little at that—which caused me to pause. “Orders—Hooper?” I half-turned, but didn’t make eye contact. “Sorry?” “I mean, in all this? This Big Empty? This ‘world tenanted by willows … and the souls of willows?’” There was something in his voice. Something subtle, something contentious. “Call it what you like,” I said, and continued toward the market.

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse

A Survivor's Guide to the Dinosaur Apocalypse PDF Author: Wayne Kyle Spitzer
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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A new series in the Flashback/Dinosaur Apocalypse Universe ..."Drop 'em, now!" came a voice, even as we spun in its direction and raised our weapons-and quickly realized there was nothing to shoot at. Nothing visible, at any rate. What there was, however, were tiny red dots-on our foreheads, over our hearts."You see them. Good," said the voice, just as cool as iced tea-the perfect accompaniment to the clatter of shifting firearms. "And now you're going to bend down ... slowly ... and lay all your weapons at your feet. All right? Nooo one has to get hurt. Just do as I say ... and then we can have a nice conversation. About who you are, for example. And where you're from. And what you're doing being dropped off by a helicopter in the middle of disputed territory. Our territory. Okay?""Okay," I said, and nodded at the others-and at Lazaro twice; we'd been in this situation before and he always wanted to play chicken.Slowly everyone did it-the red dots never wavering, the rain starting to rattle against the gate."Is that a weed wacker?" said the voice, and was followed by laughter. "Damn."I heard the tapping of what turned out to be an axe head against concrete before I realized he'd stepped into a shaft of gray light. "Don't let their laughter get to you-people used to laugh at us too."We watched, paralyzed, as the bearded silhouette seemed to yawn and stretch. "What can I say? All this rain-it makes me sleepy. I'll tell you, I could really go for a Flat White about now. Two ristretto espresso shots, some whole milk steamed to perfection, a little ephemeral latte art right in the center. Sounds good, doesn't it?" He cocked his head in the near perfect silence. "No? What you want then, a bronson? At this hour? A good, earthy black IPA, perhaps? I could go for that. Something with a nice malty backbone-good for the old ticker." He laughed, seeming to think about it. "I know. Too conventional, right?" He shook his head. "Momma always said: she said, 'Atticus, all your taste is in your mouth.'"There was a thin chuckle and a few clanks of the axe. "Kind of mean, don't you think? Anyway. That's what she said."He began walking toward us-slowly, deliberately-dragging the handle, dragging its blade along the pavement."Look," I said. "We didn't come here looking for any ...""Any what?" He stopped about four feet in front of me, close enough at last for us to have a good look at him, and what we saw seemed utterly incongruous with what Roman had told us-except, of course, for the multitude of tattoos (mostly triangles), and even more so the washboarded scar, which ran from somewhere on his scalp and through an eye (over which one lens of his dark, plastic-framed glasses had been painted black) clear to his left shoulder. That much, at least, fit. What didn't fit was the slicked-back pompadour and long, full, meticulously-trimmed beard-Jesus, there was even product in it-nor, for that matter, the flannel lumberjack shirt and skinny jeans, not to mention the Converse sneakers. What didn't fit, as the similarly attired men holding laser-guided rifles emerged from behind overgrown automobiles and support columns, was that the feared and formidable Skidders were, when exposed to the light of day (and not to put too fine a point on it), hipsters."Well doesn't this just take the cake," said Lazaro, and spit.

Pegging the President

Pegging the President PDF Author: Michael Moorcock
ISBN: 9781786363107
Category : Adventure stories
Languages : en
Pages : 151

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In the 1960s Jerry Cornelius was the coolest assassin on the Ladbroke Grove block. By the 1970s The Condition of Muzak had won the Guardian Fiction Prize and The Final Programme was a feature film starring Jon Finch, Jenny Runacre, Hugh Griffith and Sterling Hayden. In the 1980s the world s first cyberpunk continued to inspire a generation of writers including William Gibson, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, and bands like the Human League. By the 1990s he was up and running towards the guns again in stories like The Spencer Inheritance , The Camus Referendum and Cheering for the Rockets , which dealt with the icons and key events of the day. At turn of the millennium, in Firing the Cathedral, he responded to the attacks on America of September 2001 and their consequences, to the realities of global warming and global terrorism. Now, in Pegging the President, Jerry Cornelius is back; the ambiguous, amoral, androgynous English Assassin, cooler, sharper, his fingers still firmly on the pulse of the twenty-first century, counting names and taking heads, showing once again that colonialism and despotism the roots of empire gone sour do not change. The apocalypse has never seemed more terrifying, never been more fun, and modern life will never feel the same to you again -- Provided by the publisher.

The Film Book

The Film Book PDF Author: Ronald Bergan
Publisher: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
ISBN: 9780241484838
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Story of cinema -- How movies are made -- Movie genres -- World cinema -- A-Z directors -- Must-see movies.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy PDF Author: Douglas Adams
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 0330513087
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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'One of the greatest achievements in comedy. A work of staggering genius' - David Walliams An international phenomenon and pop-culture classic, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been a radio show, TV series, novel, stage play, comic book and film. Following the galactic (mis)adventures of Arthur Dent, Hitchhiker’s in its various incarnations has captured the imaginations of curious minds around the world . . . It's an ordinary Thursday lunchtime for Arthur Dent until his house gets demolished. The Earth follows shortly afterwards to make way for a new hyperspace express route, and his best friend has just announced that he's an alien. At this moment, they're hurtling through space with nothing but their towels and an innocuous-looking book inscribed, in large friendly letters, with the words: DON'T PANIC. The weekend has only just begun . . . This 42nd Anniversary Edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by former Doctor Who showrunner, Russell T Davies. Continue Arthur Dent's intergalactic adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.

Mostly Harmless

Mostly Harmless PDF Author: Douglas Adams
Publisher: Del Rey
ISBN: 0307422224
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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Now celebrating the 42nd anniversary of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, soon to be a Hulu original series! “Hitchhiker fans rejoice! . . . [Here’s] more of the same zany nonsensical mayhem.”—The New York Times Book Review It’s easy to get disheartened when your planet has been blown up and the woman you love has vanished due to a misunderstanding about space/time. However, instead of being disheartened, Arthur Dent makes the terrible mistake of starting to enjoy life a bit—and immediately all hell breaks loose. Hell takes a number of forms: there’s the standard Ford Prefect version, in the shape of an all-new edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and a totally unexpected manifestation in the form of a teenage girl who startles Arthur Dent by being his daughter when he didn’t even know he had one. Can Arthur save the Earth from total multidimensional obliteration? Can he save the Guide from a hostile alien takeover? Can he save his daughter, Random, from herself? Of course not. He never works out exactly what is going on. Will you? “Douglas Adams is a terrific satirist. . . . He is anything but harmless.”—The Washington Post Book World

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy PDF Author: Douglas Adams
Publisher: Harmony
ISBN: 9781400052936
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 271

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Chronicles the journeys, notions, and acquaintances of reluctant galactic traveler Arthur Dent, accompanied by never-before-published material from the late author's archives as well as commentary by famous fans.