A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics

A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics PDF Author: Harris Kwong
Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks
ISBN: 9781942341161
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Book Description
A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics covers the standard topics in a sophomore-level course in discrete mathematics: logic, sets, proof techniques, basic number theory, functions,relations, and elementary combinatorics, with an emphasis on motivation. The text explains and claries the unwritten conventions in mathematics, and guides the students through a detailed discussion on how a proof is revised from its draft to a nal polished form. Hands-on exercises help students understand a concept soon after learning it. The text adopts a spiral approach: many topics are revisited multiple times, sometimes from a dierent perspective or at a higher level of complexity, in order to slowly develop the student's problem-solving and writing skills.

A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics

A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics PDF Author: Harris Kwong
Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks
ISBN: 9781942341161
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Book Description
A Spiral Workbook for Discrete Mathematics covers the standard topics in a sophomore-level course in discrete mathematics: logic, sets, proof techniques, basic number theory, functions,relations, and elementary combinatorics, with an emphasis on motivation. The text explains and claries the unwritten conventions in mathematics, and guides the students through a detailed discussion on how a proof is revised from its draft to a nal polished form. Hands-on exercises help students understand a concept soon after learning it. The text adopts a spiral approach: many topics are revisited multiple times, sometimes from a dierent perspective or at a higher level of complexity, in order to slowly develop the student's problem-solving and writing skills.

Problems and Exercises in Discrete Mathematics

Problems and Exercises in Discrete Mathematics PDF Author: G.P. Gavrilov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401727708
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 430

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Book Description
Many years of practical experience in teaching discrete mathematics form the basis of this text book. Part I contains problems on such topics as Boolean algebra, k-valued logics, graphs and networks, elements of coding theory, automata theory, algorithms theory, combinatorics, Boolean minimization and logical design. The exercises are preceded by ample theoretical background material. For further study the reader is referred to the extensive bibliography. Part II follows the same structure as Part I, and gives helpful hints and solutions. Audience:This book will be of great value to undergraduate students of discrete mathematics, whereas the more difficult exercises, which comprise about one-third of the material, will also appeal to postgraduates and researchers.

A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics

A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics PDF Author: W.D. Wallis
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1475738269
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Book Description
This introduction to discrete mathematics is aimed at freshmen and sophomores in mathematics and computer science. It begins with a survey of number systems and elementary set theory before moving on to treat data structures, counting, probability, relations and functions, graph theory, matrices, number theory and cryptography. The end of each section contains problem sets with selected solutions, and good examples occur throughout the text.

The Discrete Math Workbook

The Discrete Math Workbook PDF Author: Sergei Kurgalin
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319926454
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 491

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Book Description
This practically-oriented textbook presents an accessible introduction to discrete mathematics through a substantial collection of classroom-tested exercises. Each chapter opens with concise coverage of the theory underlying the topic, reviewing the basic concepts and establishing the terminology, as well as providing the key formulae and instructions on their use. This is then followed by a detailed account of the most common problems in the area, before the reader is invited to practice solving such problems for themselves through a varied series of questions and assignments. Topics and features: provides an extensive set of exercises and examples of varying levels of complexity, suitable for both laboratory practical training and self-study; offers detailed solutions to many problems, applying commonly-used methods and computational schemes; introduces the fundamentals of mathematical logic, the theory of algorithms, Boolean algebra, graph theory, sets, relations, functions, and combinatorics; presents more advanced material on the design and analysis of algorithms, including asymptotic analysis, and parallel algorithms; includes reference lists of trigonometric and finite summation formulae in an appendix, together with basic rules for differential and integral calculus. This hands-on study guide is designed to address the core needs of undergraduate students training in computer science, informatics, and electronic engineering, emphasizing the skills required to develop and implement an algorithm in a specific programming language.

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics PDF Author: Oscar Levin
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781534970748
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Book Description
This gentle introduction to discrete mathematics is written for first and second year math majors, especially those who intend to teach. The text began as a set of lecture notes for the discrete mathematics course at the University of Northern Colorado. This course serves both as an introduction to topics in discrete math and as the "introduction to proof" course for math majors. The course is usually taught with a large amount of student inquiry, and this text is written to help facilitate this. Four main topics are covered: counting, sequences, logic, and graph theory. Along the way proofs are introduced, including proofs by contradiction, proofs by induction, and combinatorial proofs. The book contains over 360 exercises, including 230 with solutions and 130 more involved problems suitable for homework. There are also Investigate! activities throughout the text to support active, inquiry based learning. While there are many fine discrete math textbooks available, this text has the following advantages: It is written to be used in an inquiry rich course. It is written to be used in a course for future math teachers. It is open source, with low cost print editions and free electronic editions.

Concrete Mathematics

Concrete Mathematics PDF Author: Ronald L. Graham
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
ISBN: 0134389980
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 811

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This book introduces the mathematics that supports advanced computer programming and the analysis of algorithms. The primary aim of its well-known authors is to provide a solid and relevant base of mathematical skills - the skills needed to solve complex problems, to evaluate horrendous sums, and to discover subtle patterns in data. It is an indispensable text and reference not only for computer scientists - the authors themselves rely heavily on it! - but for serious users of mathematics in virtually every discipline. Concrete Mathematics is a blending of CONtinuous and disCRETE mathematics. "More concretely," the authors explain, "it is the controlled manipulation of mathematical formulas, using a collection of techniques for solving problems." The subject matter is primarily an expansion of the Mathematical Preliminaries section in Knuth's classic Art of Computer Programming, but the style of presentation is more leisurely, and individual topics are covered more deeply. Several new topics have been added, and the most significant ideas have been traced to their historical roots. The book includes more than 500 exercises, divided into six categories. Complete answers are provided for all exercises, except research problems, making the book particularly valuable for self-study. Major topics include: Sums Recurrences Integer functions Elementary number theory Binomial coefficients Generating functions Discrete probability Asymptotic methods This second edition includes important new material about mechanical summation. In response to the widespread use of the first edition as a reference book, the bibliography and index have also been expanded, and additional nontrivial improvements can be found on almost every page. Readers will appreciate the informal style of Concrete Mathematics. Particularly enjoyable are the marginal graffiti contributed by students who have taken courses based on this material. The authors want to convey not only the importance of the techniques presented, but some of the fun in learning and using them.

Essentials of Discrete Mathematics

Essentials of Discrete Mathematics PDF Author: David J. Hunter
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 1284056252
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 508

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Book Description
Written for the one-term course, the Third Edition of Essentials of Discrete Mathematics is designed to serve computer science majors as well as students from a wide range of disciplines. The material is organized around five types of thinking: logical, relational, recursive, quantitative, and analytical. This presentation results in a coherent outline that steadily builds upon mathematical sophistication. Graphs are introduced early and referred to throughout the text, providing a richer context for examples and applications. tudents will encounter algorithms near the end of the text, after they have acquired the skills and experience needed to analyze them. The final chapter contains in-depth case studies from a variety of fields, including biology, sociology, linguistics, economics, and music.

Mind Tools

Mind Tools PDF Author: Rudy Rucker
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486492281
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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Originally published: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.

Mathematics for Computer Science

Mathematics for Computer Science PDF Author: Eric Lehman
ISBN: 9789888407064
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 988

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Book Description
This book covers elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and engineering. It emphasizes mathematical definitions and proofs as well as applicable methods. Topics include formal logic notation, proof methods; induction, well-ordering; sets, relations; elementary graph theory; integer congruences; asymptotic notation and growth of functions; permutations and combinations, counting principles; discrete probability. Further selected topics may also be covered, such as recursive definition and structural induction; state machines and invariants; recurrences; generating functions.

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications PDF Author: Kenneth H. Rosen
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies
ISBN: 9780070539655
Category : Computer science
Languages : en
Pages : 709

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