A Master of Wisdom on Higher Metaphysics

A Master of Wisdom on Higher Metaphysics PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 11

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1. The supreme energy resides in the Buddhi: latent when wedded to Atman alone; active and irresistible when galvanized by the essence of Manas. 2. Healing requires perfect benevolence, untainted even by latent selfishness. 3. The unreformed Western mind cannot grasp the essence of Buddhistic exegesis. The twin faces of Avalokiteshvara. The blind and guilty Rhys Davids leads the blind and innocent Lillie into the ditch. 4. God Geometrises. 5. Only the unshackled Spirit shall see the things of the Spirit without a veil.

Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom

Pearls of Inner Wisdom from a Master of Wisdom PDF Author: A Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 15

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The cis-Himalayan Mahatmas are Great Souls and Masters of Wisdom; their higher individuality is en rapport with the Universal Soul. Through occult training in successive births, the hold of lower Manas weakens until the whole Manas identifies with the Universal Soul, which runs through humanity at large, and lo and behold! a new Saviour of Mankind is born. Only a pure and unexpecting soul, whose brotherly love has uplifted his Manas above the fog of separateness, can ever hope to approach the majesty of a Mahatma. Manasic perception is enlightened belief without intellectual understanding. That is the real meaning of faith, not the blind belief implied by the religious meaning of faith. The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers. Their three higher aspects are merged into One. A Planetary Spirit can roam the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, while continue living on earth in his original body. That is highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our planet. Only an Occultist, by analysing and experiencing sentient life in all its phases, whether on earth or beyond, whether mineral, vegetable, animal, or spiritual life, can figure out the Great Problem of Consciousness. Spirit and Matter are co-existent, inseparable, interdependent, and convertible to each other. This androgynous Force is Mind and Soul. Since motion is all-pervading and absolute rest inconceivable, under whatever form or mask may appear, whether as light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity or elec-tricity — all these must be phases of One and the same universal omnipotent Force. Consciousness is not only transformable into other aspects or phases of the all-pervading Force, but that it can be infused into, and animate, an artificial man. The three extant centres of Occult Brotherhood, though widely separated geographically, and as widely exoterically, promulgate the same esoteric doctrine. Self is a passing guest, whose concerns are all like a mirage of the great desert. It is upon the serene and placid surface of the unruffled mind that the visions gathered from the invisible find a representation in the visible world. Nature has linked all parts of her Empire together by subtle threads of magnetic sympathy. By subduing the lower Manas and thus identifying with his higher counterpart, man can become master and ruler over blind molecular motion.

A Master of Wisdom on the Divine Self seen by Self

A Master of Wisdom on the Divine Self seen by Self PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 7

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In Esotericism there are two Avalokiteshvaras, First and Second Logos, or Father and Son. Avalokiteshvara is both the unmanifested Father and the manifested Son, the latter proceeding from, and identical with, the other; namely, the Parabrahm and Jivatman, the Universal and the individualized seventh Principle in man, the Passive and the Active. Rhys Davids is like the Cape Settlers who lived over diamond mines without suspecting it. He was an atheist and a materialist.

Mystical Insights

Mystical Insights PDF Author: Paul Leon Masters
ISBN: 9780996459679
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Is there a Universal Consciousness in Whose Consciousness, we move, live, and have our being? The exploration of consciousness is the final frontier in the exploration of life and the mysteries of existence-its origin, its on-going presence-as well as for answering questions that intellectual analysis cannot answer because it is based on the speculations of the five senses. Consider then that within every human being there are simultaneous states of existence that are active-predating human life, during human life, and beyond human life. Participate in this world of illusions but always retain the Light of Universal Awareness, wherever your soul's purpose path may lead you. - Dr. Paul Leon Masters As far back as he could remember, Paul Leon Masters was drawn to the mysteries of life, the universe, the mind, the soul, and the Presence of a Higher Intelligence-or God-behind creation. What he studied caused him to thirst for more knowledge about the mystical as well as any form of psychology that had an appreciation of the mystical. He also found that what he had learned, when applied to the lives of others, seemed to help them. This led him to seek a school that had a degree program in tune with the mystical/psychological path he wished to pursue. Traditional universities, particularly in the 1950s, did not offer anything close to what he sought. A true pioneer, in subsequent decades Dr. Masters spent countless hours with thousands of people conducting higher consciousness research - all of which enormously expanded what he originally learned in the1950s and early 1960s. He founded the National Metaphysics Institute in 1965, conducting research on the spiritual heights and potentials of mind and spirit. His contributions to the field of mystical psychology were those of a trail-blazer. Having founded the University of Metaphysics (1976), he then founded the International Metaphysical Ministry (1989) to accommodate the world-wide interest and enrollment in his courses. Five years later, he founded the University of Sedona (2003). He deservedly earned recognition as the world's foremost teacher of metaphysical doctors, teachers, and ministers, offering self-paced, distance learning degree programs in Holistic, New Thought, Theocentric, Transcendent, and Transpersonal Metaphysics. But the most important achievements of all Dr. Paul Masters' efforts were the support and advancement of higher consciousness research, education, and advanced New Thought Metaphysics. Both universities have a curriculum that is non-secular and theological in nature. They are the world's largest schools of their kind, spanning 123 countries with over 10,000 students and graduates.

Pillars of Metaphysics

Pillars of Metaphysics PDF Author: Ruben Cedeno
Publisher: eBook Partnership
ISBN: 1783011424
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 100

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Nature is our great teacher, offering us its good will, its great wisdom and unlimited love in a full, wide, limitless and conflict-free fashion-just as the horizon widens as one approaches the beach. ...Wisdom is like the Sun: it can indiscriminately shine down on everyone.

The Master Atom is Man’s Spiritual Soul

The Master Atom is Man’s Spiritual Soul PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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The Higher Metaphysics

The Higher Metaphysics PDF Author: Elizabeth Delvine King
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Philosophy and Life

Philosophy and Life PDF Author: Ilham Dilman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400961847
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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JOHN WISDOM AND THE BREADTH OF PHILOSOPHY hham Dhman 1. THE ESSAYS IN THIS VOLUME The essays following the two pieces by John Wisdom have all been written by philosophers who are former students or friends of Wisdom or who have a high regard for his work. Their contributions were all written with him in mind and to be discussed at a conference honouring his work. This conference was held in August 1983 at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which Wisdom has been a fellow since 1935. Wisdom is a master of discursive reasoning and one of his distinctive contributions in philosophy has been to examine its various forms and their interconnections, particularly the form it takes in philosophical inquiry and the way it advances our understanding there. His concern to bring out the links between all that is abstract in such reasoning and the concrete and particular is well known and represented in many of the essays in this volume. But Wisdom has also a deep appreciation of the kind of understanding that is advanced non-discursively. As he puts it in the first piece in this volume: However skilled a good critic 'I am sure that much of what makes "Hamlet" "Hamlet" will run between his fingers'. He has himself advanced our understanding on many questions in philosophy in this way, not simply by what he has said, but also by what he has suggested 'between the lines'.

A Master of Wisdom on the Music of the Spheres

A Master of Wisdom on the Music of the Spheres PDF Author: A Himalayan Master of Wisdom
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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With Addendum by Thomas Taylor, the English Platonist.

Stars and Stones on the Path

Stars and Stones on the Path PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, et al.
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
ISBN: 095504006X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 54

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Loyalty and devotion to Truth make up the right attitude. The aspirant must unlearn all that he knows, prepare himself for martyrdom, and begin to learn a new alphabet on the lap of Mother Nature, every letter of which will afford a new insight to him, every syllable and word, an unexpected revelation. Nature gives up her secrets and imparts true wisdom only to Philaletheians because they love Truth for her own sake. Christianity has always put down and martyred those who have the audacity, in this time of social abasement and corruption, to live up to its ideals. The only scientific basis of morality is to be sought for in the doctrines of Lord Buddha and Sri Shankaracharya. Occultism requires unflinching loyalty and devotion to Truth. Otherwise, the faint-hearted will be ridiculed and chaffed by the masses, and partake in the terrible fate of Oedipus. But Truth should not be sought for intellectual acquisitiveness, pleasure, contempt of others, profit, fame, honour, promotion, and for other inferior ends. A clean life is the first step towards the Temple of Truth. An outward looking mindset, trapped in the gloom and doom of separateness, invariably gives rise to pessimism. But the abyss of despair has its advantages: 1 It encourages a mental U-turn from exterior preoccupations to interior realms of being and spirituality. It is like a chink in the dark prison walls of earth-life, through which breaks in a ray of light from the eternal home and which, illuminating the inner senses, whispers to the prisoner in his shell of clay the origin and the dual mystery of our being. 2 It is a tacit proof of the presence in man of that which knows, without being told, i.e., that there is another and a better life, once that the curse of earth-lives is lived through. Charity and mercy, harmlessness and humbleness, kindness and gentleness, define the right approach. Before you even think of treading the path, purify the material self. Otherwise you will end up degrading the spiritual. You have to fathom the mysteries of the heart, before you can hope to unravel the mysteries of the soul. Superhuman powers are stones on the path. Faculties and abilities will come naturally to those who are mentally and ethically fit to use them for the common good. Mere desire for powers is a form of selfishness, and receives no encouragement from our Teachers. If aroused prematurely, they will hinder rather than help. Self-interest can neither reveal the powers latent in man, nor can it alleviate the woes of the “Great Orphan.” Take heed of the words of a Master of Wisdom. Even virtues can be vices in the eyes of the beholder. Silently and quietly endure what life brings, without expecting neither plaudits nor feedback. Pristine efforts cannot be thwarted by criticism and apathy. Nor can anyone hide from the all-seeing Law. Woe to those who live without suffering. Prerequisites for study and self-knowledge. · Awareness of the ignorance and deception of the world we live in. · Conviction that self-knowledge can be obtained by personal effort. · Determination to obtain and face that knowledge. Eastern Occultism is the origin and fount of all we know and can possibly learn. There is nothing new under the Sun, nothing new except what is forgotten. The aim of education proper is the art of revealing to the ignorant the world of thought and law, of marvels and mysteries, of moral beauty and ideal truth that lies within us and about us. The aim of science proper is to trace unity in diversity and to sum up the laws that govern their manifold operations in Nature. Reasoning out the unknown from the known and vice-versa, i.e., inductive and deductive reasoning, is what meditation proper is all about. Having reasoned out the Eternal and Universal, then by purity and virtue we may begin to ascend towards the “Sacred Majesty of Truth.” Tarrying on the particulars will sink the mind in the shifting sands of doubt and despair, and any insight of the universals previously gained will be lost. One has to take into account that many of the extant Sanskrit authorities are far from being sacred. For no truly esoteric doctrines were ever written. Many things are orally explained, and always have been. In any case, intellectual study alone is never enough, unless corroborated by application, practice, and experience. Unselfishness is likely to aid the mind and protect it from error. Alas, too many Theosophists are content to read books and too few strive to further the interests of Brotherhood. If mastering a narrow domain of modern science requires years of unremitting study, how much longer will it take one to fathom out the world’s religions and philosophies? Only those Lovers of Truth who are self-reliant and willing to think for themselves can hope to progress by working out a conceptual structure of the Teachings which (a) stands to reason and (b) explains every mystery, and triumphantly demonstrates the nature of every phenomenon. Key occult terms that will have to be understood by neophytes include: · Spirit and Matter, Force and Space; · Reality and Unreality, Formless and Form, Dream and Waking. · Subjective and Objective, both as sensuous and as psychic perceptions. Arguments, contentions, objections, and dissensions about the Teachings stifle intuition and are likely to sever the link between Guru and Chela. Immoral atmosphere saps siddhis. Co-operation with Nature, diligent study, fortitude and perseverance in the face of adversity and, above all, unconditional love for humanity and all that lives, make up the right conduct. Aspirants to the narrow and thorny Path should be deeply studying the philosophy of Occultism before entering upon the practical training. One must ascend the Golgotha of sentient life step by step unaided, by his own initiatives and exertions, ever moving onward and upward. Woe to him who, instead of studying the half-defaced landmarks, he pronounces them indecipherable. The Doctrine of Heart alone, can make of him an elect. You cannot be one with ALL, unless all your acts, thoughts and feelings synchronise with the onward march of nature. You can only approach ALL through unconditional love of, and devotion to, Humanity and all that lives by turning away from selfishness, which is the main of sin and sorrow. Don’t even think of circumventing Karman through masterly inactivity. For inaction on the physical produces adverse effects on the spiritual planes. “Inaction in a deed of mercy becomes an action in a deadly sin.” The physical inactivity of a Mahatman or a Raja Yogin is quite different from the that of solitary fakirs, hermits, and Hatha Yogins. The former are working for mankind on high spiritual realms; the latter are afflicted from spiritual selfishness here, on Earth, the plane of illusion, and the greatest of all hells. Stop pushing yourself forward. “Be restrained, be liberal, be merciful.” Forget yourself in the midst of so many selves. Consider whether “turning the other cheek” may encourage offenders to re-offend. Stop abusing and tormenting animals, and eating their flesh. Desist from gossiping, for gossip fans flames! Condemn the sin, not the Sinner within. Do not set yourself as example to others, for “the camel cannot see its own hump.” But by example you can imprint upon the astral light pictures of higher aspirations and thus aid advanced souls from other spheres to descend. Stones on the Path. Practical Occultism is fraught with dangers. It requires total, unreserved and unswerving commitment, and loyalty to Truth. The aspirant must choose between the life of the World and the life of Occultism. After a pledge is given, any sensual or even mental self-gratification will forfeit the power of spiritual discrimination. And, regardless of motive, the renegade will retrogress and sink deeper into the mire. Only implicit faith to the Teachings and explicit service to mankind can admit the disciple to the Kingdom of Heaven. Neither success nor safety is to be found outside self-development. Woe to those who, driven by selfishness and vanity, dissent from the aim and ideals of the Theosophical Society and its motto. Disunity is the first condition of failure; rivalry, the second. Chelas, Disciples, Shravakas, Upasans: united in thought and deed. The sine qua non of “Chelaship is a spirit of absolute unselfishness and devotion to Truth; then follow self-knowledge and self-mastery.” Chelaship is a psychic resolvent, which eats away all dross and leaves only the pure gold behind. Real gurus are not simply Adepts in Occult Sciences: they are Living Men of profound knowledge and noble ethics. They are masters of human nature and of the secrets of Nature herself. Entrance to the mysteries of Inner Life requires a pledge of seven years’ probation. Unswerving faith, trust, and confidence to the Master are indispensable. But many are unworthy of the honour. “The results have been far from encouraging so far, and it is to show these unfortunates the cause of their failure as much as to warn others against rushing heedlessly upon a similar fate, that the writing of the present article has been ordered.” Masters normally select Chelas from natural mystics in the East. Exceptions of accepted Chelas in the West include Fludd, Thomas Vaughan, Paracelsus, Pico della Mirándola, and Count de Saint-Germain. When you see the light, that light is from you and it is you!