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Author: Chris Clearfield
ISBN: 9781786492265
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 352
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A groundbreaking take on how complexity causes failure in all kinds of modern systems--from social media to air travel--this practical and entertaining book reveals how we can prevent meltdowns in business and life.
Author: Chris Clearfield
ISBN: 9781786492265
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 352
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A groundbreaking take on how complexity causes failure in all kinds of modern systems--from social media to air travel--this practical and entertaining book reveals how we can prevent meltdowns in business and life.
Author: New York University Stern School of Business
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470499346
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 416
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An insightful look at how to reform our broken financial system The financial crisis that unfolded in September 2008 transformed the United States and world economies. As each day's headlines brought stories of bank failures and rescues, government policies drawn and redrawn against the backdrop of an historic Presidential election, and solutions that seemed to be discarded almost as soon as they were proposed, a group of thirty-three academics at New York University Stern School of Business began tackling the hard questions behind the headlines. Representing fields of finance, economics, and accounting, these professors-led by Dean Thomas Cooley and Vice Dean Ingo Walter-shaped eighteen independent policy papers that proposed market-focused solutions to the problems within a common framework. In December, with great urgency, they sent hand-bound copies to Washington. Restoring Financial Stability is the culmination of their work. Proposes bold, yet principled approaches-including financial policy alternatives and specific courses of action-to deal with this unprecedented, systemic financial crisis Created by the contributions of various academics from New York University's Stern School of Business Provides important perspectives on both the causes of the global financial crisis as well as proposed solutions to ensure it doesn't happen again Contains detailed evaluations and analyses covering many spectrums of the marketplace Edited by Matthew Richardson and Viral Acharya, this reliable resource brings together the best thinking of finance and economics from the faculty of one of the top universities in world.
Author: Liaropoulos, Lykourgos
Publisher: Stergiou Limited
ISBN: 1910370894
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 153
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Health has been one of the most frequent issues arising in the Social Policy debate for the last 60 or more years. The answers given vary according to political ideology, economic expediency, and the moral standing of individuals and society. The sources of funding are essentially two: either the individual directly, or a larger group acting on his behalf. In the second case, we have two main categories. The individual is either covered by private for-profit insurance, or by a public insurance scheme financed by mandatory employment contributions and/or by taxes on income and/or wealth. The economic implications of each form of health insurance are immense—for individuals, employers, the government, and for the economy as a whole. The main differentiation is the position of health care in the value system of society. If health care is considered a right, its financing must be similar to that of other public goods or rights such as justice, national security, personal safety, basic education, etc. At the same time, the provision of all public goods is a public responsibility and government is judged by how well it measures up to this responsibility. If, on the other hand, health care is considered a good, bought and sold on the market, then it is up to individuals to provide for themselves. Obviously, this fundamental issue belongs to the sphere of politics and is up to society to judge, according to its code of ethics. The time to decide has come in America, somewhat belatedly, but in a way more acute than ever. The health of individuals, but also and mainly the economic health of the nation, depends on the decision.
Author: Justin Tempori
ISBN: 1794894659
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 218
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Author: Scott Adams
Publisher: Scott Adams, Inc.
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 224
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The World’s Most Influential Book on Personal Success The bestselling classic that made Systems Over Goals, Talent Stacking, and Passion Is Overrated universal success advice has been reborn. Once in a generation, a book revolutionizes its category and becomes the preeminent reference that all subsequent books on the topic must pay homage to, in name or in spirit. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, is such a book for the field of personal success. A contrarian pundit and persuasion expert in a class of his own, Adams has reached hundreds of millions directly and indirectly through the 2013 first edition’s straightforward yet counterintuitive advice—to invite failure in, embrace it, then pick its pocket. The second edition of How to Fail is a tighter, updated version, by popular demand. Yet new and returning readers alike will find the same candor, humor, and timeless wisdom on productivity, career growth, health and fitness, and entrepreneurial success as the original classic. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Second Edition is the essential read (or re-read) for anyone who wants to find a unique path to personal victory—and make luck find you in whatever you do.
Author: James Gustave Speth
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000171264
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 532
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The recognition is growing: truly addressing the problems of the 21st century requires going beyond small tweaks and modest reforms to business as usual—it requires "changing the system." But what does this mean? And what would it entail? The New Systems Reader highlights some of the most thoughtful, substantive, and promising answers to these questions, drawing on the work and ideas of some of the world’s key thinkers and activists on systemic change. Amid the failure of traditional politics and policies to address our fundamental challenges, an increasing number of thoughtful proposals and real-world models suggest new possibilities, this book convenes an essential conversation about the future we want.
Author: John Allspaw
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
ISBN: 1449394159
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 340
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A web application involves many specialists, but it takes people in web ops to ensure that everything works together throughout an application's lifetime. It's the expertise you need when your start-up gets an unexpected spike in web traffic, or when a new feature causes your mature application to fail. In this collection of essays and interviews, web veterans such as Theo Schlossnagle, Baron Schwartz, and Alistair Croll offer insights into this evolving field. You'll learn stories from the trenches--from builders of some of the biggest sites on the Web--on what's necessary to help a site thrive. Learn the skills needed in web operations, and why they're gained through experience rather than schooling Understand why it's important to gather metrics from both your application and infrastructure Consider common approaches to database architectures and the pitfalls that come with increasing scale Learn how to handle the human side of outages and degradations Find out how one company avoided disaster after a huge traffic deluge Discover what went wrong after a problem occurs, and how to prevent it from happening again Contributors include: John Allspaw Heather Champ Michael Christian Richard Cook Alistair Croll Patrick Debois Eric Florenzano Paul Hammond Justin Huff Adam Jacob Jacob Loomis Matt Massie Brian Moon Anoop Nagwani Sean Power Eric Ries Theo Schlossnagle Baron Schwartz Andrew Shafer
Author: E. Scott Adler
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 9780226007557
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 288
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For decades, advocates of congressional reforms have repeatedly attempted to clean up the House committee system, which has been called inefficient, outmoded, unaccountable, and even corrupt. Yet these efforts result in little if any change, as members of Congress who are generally satisfied with existing institutions repeatedly obstruct what could fairly be called innocuous reforms. What lies behind the House's resistance to change? Challenging recent explanations of this phenomenon, Scott Adler contends that legislators resist rearranging committee powers and jurisdictions for the same reason they cling to the current House structure—the ambition for reelection. The system's structure works to the members' advantage, helping them obtain funding (and favor) in their districts. Using extensive evidence from three major reform periods—the 1940s, 1970s, and 1990s—Adler shows that the reelection motive is still the most important underlying factor in determining the outcome of committee reforms, and he explains why committee reform in the House has never succeeded and probably never will.
Author: Richard Whitmire
Publisher: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn
ISBN: 0814420176
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 256
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Selected as one of the Top 5 Educational Books by Literacy News The signs and statistics are undeniable: boys are falling behind in school. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the biggest culprits are not video games, pop culture, or female-dominated schools biased toward girls. The real problem is that boys have been thrust into a bewildering new school environment that demands high-level reading and writing skills long before they are capable of handling them. Lacking the ability to compete, boys fall farther and farther behind. Eventually, the problem gets pushed into college, where close to 60% of the graduates are women. In a time when even cops, construction foremen, and machine operators need post-high school degrees, that's a problem. Why Boys Fail takes a hard look at how this ominous reality came to be, how it has worsened in recent years, and why attempts to resolve it often devolve into finger-pointing and polarizing politics. But the book also shares some good news. Amidst the alarming proof of failure among boys-around the world-there are also inspiring case studies of schools where something is going right. Each has come up with realistic ways to make sure that every student-male and female-has the tools to succeed in school and later in life. Educators and parents alike will take heart in these promising developments, and heed the book's call to action-not only to demand solutions but also to help create them for their own students and children.
Author: Kristian Niemietz
Publisher: London Publishing Partnership
ISBN: 0255367716
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 401
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Socialism is strangely impervious to refutation by real-world experience. Over the past hundred years, there have been more than two dozen attempts to build a socialist society, from the Soviet Union to Maoist China to Venezuela. All of them have ended in varying degrees of failure. But, according to socialism’s adherents, that is only because none of these experiments were “real socialism”. This book documents the history of this, by now, standard response. It shows how the claim of fake socialism is only ever made after the event. As long as a socialist project is in its prime, almost nobody claims that it is not real socialism. On the contrary, virtually every socialist project in history has gone through a honeymoon period, during which it was enthusiastically praised by prominent Western intellectuals. It was only when their failures became too obvious to deny that they got retroactively reclassified as “not real socialism”.