Author: Shaw Gerard
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800932
Category : Self-Help
Languages : es
Pages : 126
Book Description
¡Conviértete en un experto en resolver conflictos a través de métodos verbales y no violentos! ¿Alguna vez has estado tan enojado con alguien que le gritaste en su cara cosas terribles, solo para lastimarlo? ¿O te lo han hecho a ti? ¿Te encontraste en una situación en la que no sabes cómo responder a alguien que te grita y lanza acusaciones falsas? ¿Alguna vez te sentiste mal durante días después de un conflicto, preocupado por haber dañado tu relación con esa persona? Si te hace sentir mejor, todos hemos pasado por lo menos por alguna de estas situaciones. A lo largo de nuestras vidas, entramos en numerosos conflictos con nuestros familiares, amigos y compañeros de trabajo. A menudo nos sentimos agotados, cansados e incluso deprimidos. Puede sonar extraño pero los conflictos son eventos normales y comunes. Incluso si no eres el tipo de persona que a menudo se involucra en un conflicto, simplemente no puedes evitar que alguna vez suceda. Sin embargo, no todos los conflictos son iguales. Todos debemos aspirar a resolver nuestros conflictos de manera verbal y no violenta. Incluso hay métodos y técnicas para usar el conflicto en nuestro crecimiento personal y el desarrollo de nuestra inteligencia emocional. Decimos cosas malas cuando estamos enojados, especialmente si sentimos tener la razón acerca de cierto punto o si, en general, tenemos un carácter obstinado. A veces incluso decimos cosas que no queremos decir, solo para arrepentirnos más tarde, cuando la persona con la que estamos discutiendo se siente realmente herida. Esta guía te ayudará a controlar tus emociones, controlar tus reacciones impulsivas y enseñarte cómo resolver conflictos de manera tranquila y pacífica, ya sea en el lugar de trabajo, en el matrimonio o con familiares y amigos. Lo que podrás hacer después de leer este libro: Ser capaz de comprender de dónde viene el conflicto. Reconocer los diferentes tipos de conflicto y tratarlos en consecuencia. Evitar las formas poco saludables de lidiar con los conflictos. Reconocer las diferentes etapas del conflicto y tu propio estado emocional. Construir relaciones más fuertes basadas en la confianza y el respeto. Utilizar la empatía para comprender las emociones de los demás y actuar con compasión. Dominar la técnica de comunicación verbal para resolver conflictos. Usar tu lenguaje corporal para enfatizar tu comunicación verbal. Controlar cómo reaccionas ante ciertos factores desencadenantes y evitar los arrebatos emocionales. Desarrollar tu inteligencia emocional. Lograr paz y armonía en tus relaciones y lugar de trabajo. Los humanos tendemos a acumular los problemas sin resolver y reprimir nuestras emociones, porque sentimos que esto ayudará a resolver un conflicto de manera pacífica. Si alguna vez has hecho esto, necesitas este libro que te muestre cuánto daño te estás haciendo involuntariamente a ti mismo y a las personas que te importan. ¿Desea construir relaciones fuertes y saludables, resolver conflictos de manera constructiva y pacífica y armonizar tu vida profesional y personal? ¡Desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en 'Comprar ahora'!
7 técnicas exitosas para resolver conflictos
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
Author: P. Cartier
Publisher: Elsevier Science Limited
ISBN: 9782704615322
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 328
Book Description
Publisher: Elsevier Science Limited
ISBN: 9782704615322
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 328
Book Description
7 t?cnicas exitosas para resolver conflictos
Author: Gerard Shaw
ISBN: 9781393762485
Category :
Languages : es
Pages :
Book Description
¡Convi?rtete en un experto en resolver conflictos a trav?s de m?todos verbales y no violentos! ¿Alguna vez has estado tan enojado con alguien que le gritaste en su cara cosas terribles, solo para lastimarlo? ¿O te lo han hecho a ti? ¿Te encontraste en una situaci?n en la que no sabes c?mo responder a alguien que te grita y lanza acusaciones falsas? ¿Alguna vez te sentiste mal durante d?as despu?s de un conflicto, preocupado por haber da?ado tu relaci?n con esa persona? Si te hace sentir mejor, todos hemos pasado por lo menos por alguna de estas situaciones. A lo largo de nuestras vidas, entramos en numerosos conflictos con nuestros familiares, amigos y compa?eros de trabajo. A menudo nos sentimos agotados, cansados e incluso deprimidos. Puede sonar extra?o pero los conflictos son eventos normales y comunes. Incluso si no eres el tipo de persona que a menudo se involucra en un conflicto, simplemente no puedes evitar que alguna vez suceda. Sin embargo, no todos los conflictos son iguales. Todos debemos aspirar a resolver nuestros conflictos de manera verbal y no violenta. Incluso hay m?todos y t?cnicas para usar el conflicto en nuestro crecimiento personal y el desarrollo de nuestra inteligencia emocional. Decimos cosas malas cuando estamos enojados, especialmente si sentimos tener la raz?n acerca de cierto punto o si, en general, tenemos un car?cter obstinado. A veces incluso decimos cosas que no queremos decir, solo para arrepentirnos m?s tarde, cuando la persona con la que estamos discutiendo se siente realmente herida. Esta gu?a te ayudar? a controlar tus emociones, controlar tus reacciones impulsivas y ense?arte c?mo resolver conflictos de manera tranquila y pac?fica, ya sea en el lugar de trabajo, en el matrimonio o con familiares y amigos. Lo que podr?s hacer despu?s de leer este libro: Ser capaz de comprender de d?nde viene el conflicto. Reconocer los diferentes tipos de conflicto y tratarlos en consecuencia. Evitar las formas poco saludables de lidiar con los conflictos. Reconocer las diferentes etapas del conflicto y tu propio estado emocional. Construir relaciones m?s fuertes basadas en la confianza y el respeto. Utilizar la empat?a para comprender las emociones de los dem?s y actuar con compasi?n. Dominar la t?cnica de comunicaci?n verbal para resolver conflictos. Usar tu lenguaje corporal para enfatizar tu comunicaci?n verbal. Controlar c?mo reaccionas ante ciertos factores desencadenantes y evitar los arrebatos emocionales. Desarrollar tu inteligencia emocional. Lograr paz y armon?a en tus relaciones y lugar de trabajo. Los humanos tendemos a acumular los problemas sin resolver y reprimir nuestras emociones, porque sentimos que esto ayudar? a resolver un conflicto de manera pac?fica. Si alguna vez has hecho esto, necesitas este libro que te muestre cu?nto da?o te est?s haciendo involuntariamente a ti mismo y a las personas que te importan. ¿Desea construir relaciones fuertes y saludables, resolver conflictos de manera constructiva y pac?fica y armonizar tu vida profesional y personal? ¡Despl?zate hacia arriba y haz clic en...
ISBN: 9781393762485
Category :
Languages : es
Pages :
Book Description
¡Convi?rtete en un experto en resolver conflictos a trav?s de m?todos verbales y no violentos! ¿Alguna vez has estado tan enojado con alguien que le gritaste en su cara cosas terribles, solo para lastimarlo? ¿O te lo han hecho a ti? ¿Te encontraste en una situaci?n en la que no sabes c?mo responder a alguien que te grita y lanza acusaciones falsas? ¿Alguna vez te sentiste mal durante d?as despu?s de un conflicto, preocupado por haber da?ado tu relaci?n con esa persona? Si te hace sentir mejor, todos hemos pasado por lo menos por alguna de estas situaciones. A lo largo de nuestras vidas, entramos en numerosos conflictos con nuestros familiares, amigos y compa?eros de trabajo. A menudo nos sentimos agotados, cansados e incluso deprimidos. Puede sonar extra?o pero los conflictos son eventos normales y comunes. Incluso si no eres el tipo de persona que a menudo se involucra en un conflicto, simplemente no puedes evitar que alguna vez suceda. Sin embargo, no todos los conflictos son iguales. Todos debemos aspirar a resolver nuestros conflictos de manera verbal y no violenta. Incluso hay m?todos y t?cnicas para usar el conflicto en nuestro crecimiento personal y el desarrollo de nuestra inteligencia emocional. Decimos cosas malas cuando estamos enojados, especialmente si sentimos tener la raz?n acerca de cierto punto o si, en general, tenemos un car?cter obstinado. A veces incluso decimos cosas que no queremos decir, solo para arrepentirnos m?s tarde, cuando la persona con la que estamos discutiendo se siente realmente herida. Esta gu?a te ayudar? a controlar tus emociones, controlar tus reacciones impulsivas y ense?arte c?mo resolver conflictos de manera tranquila y pac?fica, ya sea en el lugar de trabajo, en el matrimonio o con familiares y amigos. Lo que podr?s hacer despu?s de leer este libro: Ser capaz de comprender de d?nde viene el conflicto. Reconocer los diferentes tipos de conflicto y tratarlos en consecuencia. Evitar las formas poco saludables de lidiar con los conflictos. Reconocer las diferentes etapas del conflicto y tu propio estado emocional. Construir relaciones m?s fuertes basadas en la confianza y el respeto. Utilizar la empat?a para comprender las emociones de los dem?s y actuar con compasi?n. Dominar la t?cnica de comunicaci?n verbal para resolver conflictos. Usar tu lenguaje corporal para enfatizar tu comunicaci?n verbal. Controlar c?mo reaccionas ante ciertos factores desencadenantes y evitar los arrebatos emocionales. Desarrollar tu inteligencia emocional. Lograr paz y armon?a en tus relaciones y lugar de trabajo. Los humanos tendemos a acumular los problemas sin resolver y reprimir nuestras emociones, porque sentimos que esto ayudar? a resolver un conflicto de manera pac?fica. Si alguna vez has hecho esto, necesitas este libro que te muestre cu?nto da?o te est?s haciendo involuntariamente a ti mismo y a las personas que te importan. ¿Desea construir relaciones fuertes y saludables, resolver conflictos de manera constructiva y pac?fica y armonizar tu vida profesional y personal? ¡Despl?zate hacia arriba y haz clic en...
Crucial Communication Skills for Everyday
Author: Gerard Shaw
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800673
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :
Book Description
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800673
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :
Book Description
Simple Small Talk
Author: Grerad Shaw
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800468
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 154
Book Description
Become a Master of Small Talk and Great First Impressions! According to recent sociological research, an average person interacts with approximately fifty thousand people throughout their life. The number is even higher if you live in a big city and only represent people you've met face to face. Remember that we live in a digital age, and correspond daily with strangers via emails and social media. Do you ever wonder what kind of impression you leave on the people you meet? Have you ever been introduced to someone only to run out of things to say after the initial "hello"? Do you struggle with small talk and often find yourself in a "awkward silence" situation? Luckily, there are methods and techniques you can use to improve your small talk skills, boost your confidence and make a great first impression every time. This book will provide you with a guide on how to use small talk and your body language to establish a connection with a person you're speaking to. Whenever you meet someone new, you have a certain time window to make a lasting, good impression. Have you ever met someone who made a bad impression on you, and it took you a long time to change your opinion on that person? People tend to judge others based on first impressions. It can be challenging to present the best version of yourself when you only have minutes to do so. It's especially hard if you're an introvert, naturally shy, and struggle with social interactions. Use this book to improve your communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, and connect with people to make a memorable impression. Here's what questions this book answers: How to use small talk to make a great first impression How to overcome fear and shyness in everyday social interactions How to use body language when making small talk to improve the way you present myself What topics to use and what to avoid when making small talk How to initiate a conversation and prolong it What are some of the best conversation starters What methods to use to improve conversational skills How to avoid that awkward silence and keep the conversation going What are some good ways to end the conversation Even if you're a naturally charismatic, open person who thrives in social interactions, this book will take those skills to the next level. You might have excellent communication skills, but do you know how to read people? Decode their nonverbal signals, observe their body language and respond appropriately? Even if you don't struggle with small talk, you still need this guidebook to help you navigate a conversation and react to any verbal or nonverbal clues the other person might send you. If you want to establish connection with people you meet, avoid awkward silences, improve conversational skills and stop struggling with social interactions, Scroll up, click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and Get Your Copy!
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800468
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 154
Book Description
Become a Master of Small Talk and Great First Impressions! According to recent sociological research, an average person interacts with approximately fifty thousand people throughout their life. The number is even higher if you live in a big city and only represent people you've met face to face. Remember that we live in a digital age, and correspond daily with strangers via emails and social media. Do you ever wonder what kind of impression you leave on the people you meet? Have you ever been introduced to someone only to run out of things to say after the initial "hello"? Do you struggle with small talk and often find yourself in a "awkward silence" situation? Luckily, there are methods and techniques you can use to improve your small talk skills, boost your confidence and make a great first impression every time. This book will provide you with a guide on how to use small talk and your body language to establish a connection with a person you're speaking to. Whenever you meet someone new, you have a certain time window to make a lasting, good impression. Have you ever met someone who made a bad impression on you, and it took you a long time to change your opinion on that person? People tend to judge others based on first impressions. It can be challenging to present the best version of yourself when you only have minutes to do so. It's especially hard if you're an introvert, naturally shy, and struggle with social interactions. Use this book to improve your communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, and connect with people to make a memorable impression. Here's what questions this book answers: How to use small talk to make a great first impression How to overcome fear and shyness in everyday social interactions How to use body language when making small talk to improve the way you present myself What topics to use and what to avoid when making small talk How to initiate a conversation and prolong it What are some of the best conversation starters What methods to use to improve conversational skills How to avoid that awkward silence and keep the conversation going What are some good ways to end the conversation Even if you're a naturally charismatic, open person who thrives in social interactions, this book will take those skills to the next level. You might have excellent communication skills, but do you know how to read people? Decode their nonverbal signals, observe their body language and respond appropriately? Even if you don't struggle with small talk, you still need this guidebook to help you navigate a conversation and react to any verbal or nonverbal clues the other person might send you. If you want to establish connection with people you meet, avoid awkward silences, improve conversational skills and stop struggling with social interactions, Scroll up, click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and Get Your Copy!
Familias Latinas en Los Estados Unidos
Author: Sally Jones Andrade
Category : Social Science
Languages : es
Pages : 184
Book Description
Category : Social Science
Languages : es
Pages : 184
Book Description
Migrating to Opportunity
Author: Mauro Testaverde
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 9781464811067
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Acknowledgements -- Overview -- Workers in southeast Asia are on the move -- Migration in ASEAN -- The determinants of migration in ASEAN and the importance of labor mobility costs -- The impacts of migration in ASEAN -- Trade integration and labor mobility in the ASEAN economic community -- Migration policy in the ASEAN region -- Reducing migration costs in ASEAN -- List of figures
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 9781464811067
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0
Book Description
Acknowledgements -- Overview -- Workers in southeast Asia are on the move -- Migration in ASEAN -- The determinants of migration in ASEAN and the importance of labor mobility costs -- The impacts of migration in ASEAN -- Trade integration and labor mobility in the ASEAN economic community -- Migration policy in the ASEAN region -- Reducing migration costs in ASEAN -- List of figures
Land Reform Revisited
Author: Femke Brandt
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 900436255X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 297
Book Description
Land Reform Revisited engages with contemporary debates on land reform and agrarian transformation in South Africa. The volume offers insights into post-apartheid transformation dynamics through the lens of agency and state making. The chapters written by emerging scholars are based on extensive qualitative research and their analysis highlights the ways in which people negotiate and contest land reform realities and politics. By focusing on the diverse meanings of land and competing interpretations of what constitutes success and failure in land reform Brandt and Mkodzongi insist on looking beyond the productivity discourses guiding research and policy making in the field towards an informed view from below. Contributors are: Kezia Batisai, Femke Brandt, Sarah Bruchhausen, Nerhene Davis, Elene Cloete, Tariro Kamuti, Tarminder Kaur, Grasian Mkodzongi, Camalita Naicker, Fani Ncapayi, Mnqobi Ngubane, and Chizuko Sato.
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 900436255X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 297
Book Description
Land Reform Revisited engages with contemporary debates on land reform and agrarian transformation in South Africa. The volume offers insights into post-apartheid transformation dynamics through the lens of agency and state making. The chapters written by emerging scholars are based on extensive qualitative research and their analysis highlights the ways in which people negotiate and contest land reform realities and politics. By focusing on the diverse meanings of land and competing interpretations of what constitutes success and failure in land reform Brandt and Mkodzongi insist on looking beyond the productivity discourses guiding research and policy making in the field towards an informed view from below. Contributors are: Kezia Batisai, Femke Brandt, Sarah Bruchhausen, Nerhene Davis, Elene Cloete, Tariro Kamuti, Tarminder Kaur, Grasian Mkodzongi, Camalita Naicker, Fani Ncapayi, Mnqobi Ngubane, and Chizuko Sato.
7 Winning Conflict Resolution Techniques
Author: Gerard Shaw
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800666
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 156
Book Description
Become an Expert of Conflict Resolving Through Verbal and Non-Violent Methods! Have you ever been so angry at someone that you shouted mean things in his/her face just to hurt them? Or has it been done to you? Did you find yourself in a situation where you don't know how to respond to someone shouting at you and throwing false accusations? Did you ever feel bad for days after a certain conflict, worried you've damaged the relationship with that person? If it makes you feel better, we have all went through at least one of those situations. Throughout our lives, we enter numerous conflicts with our family members, friends, work colleagues... Afterwards, we often feel drained, tired, depressed even. It might sound weird, but conflicts are a normal, common occurrence. Even if you are not a type of person that often engages in conflict, you simply can't avoid it. However, not all conflicts are the same. We should all aim to resolve our conflicts in a verbal, non-violent way. There are even methods and techniques to use conflict for our personal growth and developing emotional intelligence. This book will help you understand different types of conflict and how to emerge as a winner without disrupting your internal peace. We say mean things when we're angry, especially if we feel strongly about a certain point or if we have a stubborn streak in general. Sometimes we even say things we don't mean, only to regret it later when the person we're arguing with feels genuinely hurt. This guide will help you control your emotions, put a leash on your impulsive reactions and teach you how to resolve conflict in a calm, peaceful way, whether in the workplace, in your marriage or with family and friends. What you'll be able to do after you read this book: Understand where conflict comes from Recognize different types of conflict and deal with them accordingly Avoid unhealthy ways people deal with conflict Recognize different stages of conflict and your emotional state Build stronger relationships based on trust and respectfulness Use empathy to understand another's emotions and act compassionately Master the verbal communication technique for resolving conflict Use your body language to emphasize your verbal communication Control how you react to certain triggers and avoid emotional outbursts Develop your emotional intelligence Achieve peace and harmony in your relationships and workplace We humans tend to push unresolved issues under the carpet and suppress out emotions because we feel like it will help resolve a conflict peacefully. If you've ever done this, you need this book to show you just how much damage you're unintentionally doing to yourself and to the people you care about by doing it. Avoiding conflict is not healthy. Even if you're a naturally calm, relaxed person, there are situations when your voice should be heard, and this book will help you recognize those situations and deal with them. Do you want to build strong, healthy relationships, resolve conflict in a constructive, peaceful way and bring harmony to your professional and personal life? Scroll up and click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and Get Your Copy!
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800666
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 156
Book Description
Become an Expert of Conflict Resolving Through Verbal and Non-Violent Methods! Have you ever been so angry at someone that you shouted mean things in his/her face just to hurt them? Or has it been done to you? Did you find yourself in a situation where you don't know how to respond to someone shouting at you and throwing false accusations? Did you ever feel bad for days after a certain conflict, worried you've damaged the relationship with that person? If it makes you feel better, we have all went through at least one of those situations. Throughout our lives, we enter numerous conflicts with our family members, friends, work colleagues... Afterwards, we often feel drained, tired, depressed even. It might sound weird, but conflicts are a normal, common occurrence. Even if you are not a type of person that often engages in conflict, you simply can't avoid it. However, not all conflicts are the same. We should all aim to resolve our conflicts in a verbal, non-violent way. There are even methods and techniques to use conflict for our personal growth and developing emotional intelligence. This book will help you understand different types of conflict and how to emerge as a winner without disrupting your internal peace. We say mean things when we're angry, especially if we feel strongly about a certain point or if we have a stubborn streak in general. Sometimes we even say things we don't mean, only to regret it later when the person we're arguing with feels genuinely hurt. This guide will help you control your emotions, put a leash on your impulsive reactions and teach you how to resolve conflict in a calm, peaceful way, whether in the workplace, in your marriage or with family and friends. What you'll be able to do after you read this book: Understand where conflict comes from Recognize different types of conflict and deal with them accordingly Avoid unhealthy ways people deal with conflict Recognize different stages of conflict and your emotional state Build stronger relationships based on trust and respectfulness Use empathy to understand another's emotions and act compassionately Master the verbal communication technique for resolving conflict Use your body language to emphasize your verbal communication Control how you react to certain triggers and avoid emotional outbursts Develop your emotional intelligence Achieve peace and harmony in your relationships and workplace We humans tend to push unresolved issues under the carpet and suppress out emotions because we feel like it will help resolve a conflict peacefully. If you've ever done this, you need this book to show you just how much damage you're unintentionally doing to yourself and to the people you care about by doing it. Avoiding conflict is not healthy. Even if you're a naturally calm, relaxed person, there are situations when your voice should be heard, and this book will help you recognize those situations and deal with them. Do you want to build strong, healthy relationships, resolve conflict in a constructive, peaceful way and bring harmony to your professional and personal life? Scroll up and click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and Get Your Copy!
Alpha Assertiveness Guide for Men and Women
Author: Gerard Shaw
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800659
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 180
Book Description
Become a Proactive, Assertive Person That Everyone Respects and Learn How to Say No! You just can't seem to catch a break. You work hard every day, yet can't get a raise or a promotion. You're kind to your colleagues but you still feel like they don't respect you. If someone asks you do to something for them, you'll undoubtedly say YES, even if you don't want to. Do you feel as if life is punishing you and it simply isn't being fair? It's not a case of bad luck, karma or destiny. If you find it hard to enjoy yourself when something good happens, if you're constantly on alert in case something bad comes your way, you need to go through a process of self-empowerment. Sometimes, the solutions to our problems lie in self-retrospective. This workbook will guide you through a detailed self-assessment process, and you might be surprised of the results. If you're finding it hard to express yourself, whether in work environment or at home and if you feel like your voice is not loud enough, you need to transform yourself into a more assertive person. This book will help you gain confidence, upgrade your communication skills and reveal the secret techniques of winners! It does not mean you have to change your identity or personality. It simply means you should focus on your strengths. This book will help you with that, but also discover the assertive, more confident side of your personality. A lot of us struggle with criticism, whether we're on the giving or receiving side. Use this guide to learn how to handle being criticized, but also how to criticize someone in a constructive way. Here's what you get with this workbook: Self-assessment questionnaires and activities to discover your personal style of communicating A guide on how to enhance your strength and use them to your advantage in everyday situations Attested methods to develop assertive behavior and build confidence A detailed guide on how to build a positive self-image A list of famous assertive individuals and what you can learn from them Numerous examples of how to be assertive in everyday situations A guide to conquering the fear of conflict A deep guide on how to say NO Techniques for personal empowerment Even if you feel like you're confident enough to express yourself clearly, you should consider using this workbook to advance your skills further. After all, assertiveness is a communication skill and as such can be trained and upgraded. If you've ever felt like you're not getting enough respect, you should use this book to test your behavioral patterns and find a solution. Do you want to gain confidence, become a more assertive person, be able to handle a criticism and gain respect you deserve? Scroll up, click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and discover a secret to professional and personal success!
Publisher: Communication Excellence
ISBN: 9781647800659
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 180
Book Description
Become a Proactive, Assertive Person That Everyone Respects and Learn How to Say No! You just can't seem to catch a break. You work hard every day, yet can't get a raise or a promotion. You're kind to your colleagues but you still feel like they don't respect you. If someone asks you do to something for them, you'll undoubtedly say YES, even if you don't want to. Do you feel as if life is punishing you and it simply isn't being fair? It's not a case of bad luck, karma or destiny. If you find it hard to enjoy yourself when something good happens, if you're constantly on alert in case something bad comes your way, you need to go through a process of self-empowerment. Sometimes, the solutions to our problems lie in self-retrospective. This workbook will guide you through a detailed self-assessment process, and you might be surprised of the results. If you're finding it hard to express yourself, whether in work environment or at home and if you feel like your voice is not loud enough, you need to transform yourself into a more assertive person. This book will help you gain confidence, upgrade your communication skills and reveal the secret techniques of winners! It does not mean you have to change your identity or personality. It simply means you should focus on your strengths. This book will help you with that, but also discover the assertive, more confident side of your personality. A lot of us struggle with criticism, whether we're on the giving or receiving side. Use this guide to learn how to handle being criticized, but also how to criticize someone in a constructive way. Here's what you get with this workbook: Self-assessment questionnaires and activities to discover your personal style of communicating A guide on how to enhance your strength and use them to your advantage in everyday situations Attested methods to develop assertive behavior and build confidence A detailed guide on how to build a positive self-image A list of famous assertive individuals and what you can learn from them Numerous examples of how to be assertive in everyday situations A guide to conquering the fear of conflict A deep guide on how to say NO Techniques for personal empowerment Even if you feel like you're confident enough to express yourself clearly, you should consider using this workbook to advance your skills further. After all, assertiveness is a communication skill and as such can be trained and upgraded. If you've ever felt like you're not getting enough respect, you should use this book to test your behavioral patterns and find a solution. Do you want to gain confidence, become a more assertive person, be able to handle a criticism and gain respect you deserve? Scroll up, click on 'Buy Now with 1-Click' and discover a secret to professional and personal success!