Yearbook of International Organizations 2014-2015, Volumes 1a & 1b (Set)

Yearbook of International Organizations 2014-2015, Volumes 1a & 1b (Set) PDF Author: Union Of International Associations
ISBN: 9789004271975
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 1452

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Book Description
Volume 1 (A and B) covers international organizations throughout the world, comprising their aims, activities and events.

Yearbook of International Organizations 2014-2015, Volumes 1a & 1b (Set)

Yearbook of International Organizations 2014-2015, Volumes 1a & 1b (Set) PDF Author: Union Of International Associations
ISBN: 9789004271975
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 1452

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Book Description
Volume 1 (A and B) covers international organizations throughout the world, comprising their aims, activities and events.

Yearbook of International Organizations 2012-2013 (Volumes 1A-1B)

Yearbook of International Organizations 2012-2013 (Volumes 1A-1B) PDF Author: Union of International Associations
ISBN: 9789004231719
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Volume 1 (A and B) covers international organizations throughout the world, comprising their aims, activities and events.

Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 7, 2012

Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 7, 2012 PDF Author: Fiona de Londras
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 184946975X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 475

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Book Description
The Irish Yearbook of International Law (IYIL) supports research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish thinking and practice on matters of international law. On an annual basis, the Yearbook presents peer-reviewed academic articles and book reviews on general issues of international law. Designated correspondents provide reports on international law developments in Ireland, Irish practice in international bodies, Ireland and the Law of the Sea and the law of the European Union as relevant to developments in Ireland. In addition, the Yearbook reproduces key documents that reflect Irish practice on contemporary issues of international law. Publication of the Irish Yearbook of International Law makes Irish practice and opinio juris more readily available to Governments, academics and international bodies when determining the content of international law. In providing a forum for the documentation and analysis of North-South relations the Yearbook also makes an important contribution to post-conflict and transitional justice studies internationally. As a matter of editorial policy, the Yearbook seeks to promote a multilateral approach to international affairs, reflecting and reinforcing Ireland's long-standing commitment to multilateralism as a core element of foreign policy.

Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 28 (2022)

Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 28 (2022) PDF Author:
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004718125
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 445

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Book Description
Launched in 1991, the Asian Yearbook of International Law is a major internationally-refereed yearbook dedicated to international legal issues as seen primarily from an Asian perspective. It is published under the auspices of the Foundation for the Development of International Law in Asia (DILA) in collaboration with DILA-Korea, the Secretariat of DILA, in South Korea. When it was launched, the Yearbook was the first publication of its kind, edited by a team of leading international law scholars from across Asia. It provides a forum for the publication of articles in the field of international law and other Asian international legal topics. The objectives of the Yearbook are two-fold: First, to promote research, study and writing in the field of international law in Asia; and second, to provide an intellectual platform for the discussion and dissemination of Asian views and practices on contemporary international legal issues. Each volume of the Yearbook contains articles and shorter notes; a section on Asian state practice; an overview of the Asian states’ participation in multilateral treaties and succinct analysis of recent international legal developments in Asia; a bibliography that provides information on books, articles, notes, and other materials dealing with international law in Asia; as well as book reviews. This publication is important for anyone working on international law and international relations.

Yearbook of International Organizations 2013-2014

Yearbook of International Organizations 2013-2014 PDF Author: Union of International Associations
Publisher: Brill Academic Pub
ISBN: 9789004255135
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Volume 1 (A and B) of the Yearbook of International Organizations covers international organizations throughout the world, comprising their aims, activities and events

New Zealand Yearbook of International Law

New Zealand Yearbook of International Law PDF Author:
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004423265
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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Book Description
The New Zealand Yearbook of International Law is an annual, internationally refereed publication intended to stand as a reference point for legal materials and critical commentary on issues of international law. The Yearbook also serves as a valuable tool in the determination of trends, state practice and policies in the development of international law in New Zealand, the Pacific region, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and to generate scholarship in those fields. In this regard the Yearbook contains an annual ‘Year-in-Review’ of developments in international law of particular interest to New Zealand as well as a dedicated section on the South Pacific. This Yearbook covers the period 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018.

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 29 (2013)

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 29 (2013) PDF Author: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004530487
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 912

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Book Description
The print edition is available as a set of three volumes (9789004302020).

The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volumes 4-5, 2009-10

The Irish Yearbook of International Law, Volumes 4-5, 2009-10 PDF Author: Fiona de Londras
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1847319491
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 512

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Book Description
The Irish Yearbook of International Law is intended to stimulate further research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish thinking and practice on matters of international law. On an annual basis, the Yearbook presents peer-reviewed academic articles and book reviews on general issues of international law. Designated correspondents provide reports on international law developments in Ireland, Irish practice in international fora and the European Union, and the practice of joint North-South implementation bodies in Ireland. In addition, the Yearbook reproduces documents that reflect Irish practice on contemporary issues of international law. Publication of the Irish Yearbook of International Law makes Irish practice and opinio juris more readily available to Governments, academics and international bodies when determining the content of international law. In providing a forum for the documentation and analysis of North-South relations the Yearbook also make an important contribution to post-conflict and transitional justice studies internationally. As a matter of editorial policy, the Yearbook seeks to promote a multilateral approach to international affairs, reflecting and reinforcing Ireland's long-standing commitment to multilateralism as a core element of foreign policy.

Institutional Design

Institutional Design PDF Author: David L. Weimer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780792395034
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Book Description
Policy scientists have long been concerned with understanding the basic tools, or instruments, that governments can use to accomplish their goals. The initial interest in inductively developing comprehensive lists of generic instruments for policy analysis soon gave way to efforts to discover more parsimonious, but still useful, specifications of the elementary components out of which instruments can be assembled. Moving from a generic instrument to a fully specified policy alternative, however, requires the designer to go much beyond the elementary components. Rather than directly specifying some of these details, the designer may instead set the rules by which they will be specified. The creation of these specifications and rules can be thought of as institutional design. This book helps scholars and policy analysts formulate more effective policy alternatives by a better understanding of institutional design. The feasibility and effectiveness of policies depend on the political, economic, and social contexts in which they are embedded. These contexts provide an environment of existing institutions that offer opportunities and barriers to institutional design. A fundamental understanding of institutional design requires theories of institutions and institutional change. With a resurgence of interest in institutions in recent years, there are many possible sources of theory. The contributors to this volume draw from the variety of sources to identify implications for understanding institutional design.

Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Volume 51 (2021)

Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, Volume 51 (2021) PDF Author: Yoram Dinstein
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004504788
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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Book Description
The Israel Yearbook on Human Rights- an annual published under the auspices of the Faculty of Law of Tel Aviv University since 1971- is devoted to publishing studies by distinguished scholars in Israel and other countries on human rights in peace and war, with particular emphasis on problems relevant to the State of Israel and the Jewish people. The Yearbook also incorporates documentary materials relating to Israel and the Administered Areas which are not otherwise available in English (including summaries of judicial decisions, compilations of legislative enactments and military proclamations).