Women in Public Administration of the American States

Women in Public Administration of the American States PDF Author: Sharada Rath
Publisher: M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 9788175330658
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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The book analysis the administrative value of women state administrators in America. On the basis of this analysis, the author has drawn the conclusion that although upward career mobility of women in administration is less due to the glass-ceiling bar, gender variation does not exist so far as political acuity, efficiency and managerial competency of women administrators are concerned.

Women in Public Administration of the American States

Women in Public Administration of the American States PDF Author: Sharada Rath
Publisher: M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 9788175330658
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Book Description
The book analysis the administrative value of women state administrators in America. On the basis of this analysis, the author has drawn the conclusion that although upward career mobility of women in administration is less due to the glass-ceiling bar, gender variation does not exist so far as political acuity, efficiency and managerial competency of women administrators are concerned.

Women in Public Administration

Women in Public Administration PDF Author: Maria D'Agostino
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 0763777250
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Women in Public Administration: Theory and Practice provides a comprehensive exploration of the gender dimension in public administration through a unique collection of writings by women in the field.

Women and Public Service

Women and Public Service PDF Author: Mohamad G. Alkadry
Publisher: M.E. Sharpe
ISBN: 0765631059
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 235

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This book tackles the challenges that women face in the workplace generally and in the public sector particularly. While it spends time identifying and describing the problems that women faced in the past, it pays special attention to identifying possible remedies to these problems, and also surveys progress made in recent decades.

Administrative Burden

Administrative Burden PDF Author: Pamela Herd
Publisher: Russell Sage Foundation
ISBN: 1610448782
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 361

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Winner of the 2020 Outstanding Book Award Presented by the Public and Nonprofit Section of the National Academy of Management Winner of the 2019 Louis Brownlow Book Award from the National Academy of Public Administration Bureaucracy, confusing paperwork, and complex regulations—or what public policy scholars Pamela Herd and Donald Moynihan call administrative burdens—often introduce delay and frustration into our experiences with government agencies. Administrative burdens diminish the effectiveness of public programs and can even block individuals from fundamental rights like voting. In AdministrativeBurden, Herd and Moynihan document that the administrative burdens citizens regularly encounter in their interactions with the state are not simply unintended byproducts of governance, but the result of deliberate policy choices. Because burdens affect people’s perceptions of government and often perpetuate long-standing inequalities, understanding why administrative burdens exist and how they can be reduced is essential for maintaining a healthy public sector. Through in-depth case studies of federal programs and controversial legislation, the authors show that administrative burdens are the nuts-and-bolts of policy design. Regarding controversial issues such as voter enfranchisement or abortion rights, lawmakers often use administrative burdens to limit access to rights or services they oppose. For instance, legislators have implemented administrative burdens such as complicated registration requirements and strict voter-identification laws to suppress turnout of African American voters. Similarly, the right to an abortion is legally protected, but many states require women seeking abortions to comply with burdens such as mandatory waiting periods, ultrasounds, and scripted counseling. As Herd and Moynihan demonstrate, administrative burdens often disproportionately affect the disadvantaged who lack the resources to deal with the financial and psychological costs of navigating these obstacles. However, policymakers have sometimes reduced administrative burdens or shifted them away from citizens and onto the government. One example is Social Security, which early administrators of the program implemented in the 1930s with the goal of minimizing burdens for beneficiaries. As a result, the take-up rate is about 100 percent because the Social Security Administration keeps track of peoples’ earnings for them, automatically calculates benefits and eligibility, and simply requires an easy online enrollment or visiting one of 1,200 field offices. Making more programs and public services operate this efficiently, the authors argue, requires adoption of a nonpartisan, evidence-based metric for determining when and how to institute administrative burdens, with a bias toward reducing them. By ensuring that the public’s interaction with government is no more onerous than it need be, policymakers and administrators can reduce inequality, boost civic engagement, and build an efficient state that works for all citizens.

Bureau Men, Settlement Women

Bureau Men, Settlement Women PDF Author: Camilla Stivers
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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"Although the two intertwined at first, the contributions of these "settlement women" to the development of the administrative state have been largely lost as the new field of public administration evolved from the research bureaus and diverged from social work. Camilla Stivers now shows how public administration came to be dominated not just by science and business but also by masculinity, calling into question much that is taken for granted about the profession and creating an alternative vision of public service.".

The Status of Women in the States

The Status of Women in the States PDF Author: Misha Werschkul
Category : Women
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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Gender and Elections

Gender and Elections PDF Author: Susan J. Carroll
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107729246
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 317

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The third edition of Gender and Elections offers a systematic, lively, and multifaceted account of the role of gender in the electoral process through the 2012 elections. This timely yet enduring volume strikes a balance between highlighting the most important developments for women as voters and candidates in the 2012 elections and providing a more long-term, in-depth analysis of the ways that gender has helped shape the contours and outcomes of electoral politics in the United States. Individual chapters demonstrate the importance of gender in understanding and interpreting presidential elections, presidential and vice-presidential candidacies, voter participation and turnout, voting choices, congressional elections, the political involvement of Latinas, the participation of African American women, the support of political parties and women's organizations, candidate communications with voters, and state elections. Without question, Gender and Elections is the most comprehensive, reliable, and trustworthy resource on the role of gender in US electoral politics.

Justice for All

Justice for All PDF Author: Norman J. Johnson
Publisher: M.E. Sharpe
ISBN: 0765630281
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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This is the first book that provides a comprehensive examination of social equity in American public administration. The breadth of coverage--theory, context, history, implications in policy studies, applications to practice, and an action agenda--cannot be found anywhere else. The introduction examines the values that support social equity (fairness, equality, justice) in relationship to each other. Unlike other books, Justice for All contrasts equality with the value of freedom and related norms such as individulalism and competition. It is the tension between these competing value clusters that shapes the debate about social equity in the United States. Subsequent chapters advance this theme, for example, contrasting the choice between combatting inequality and promoting development in urban regions, and between affirmative action and advancing diversity. Later chapters highlight the book's key contribution--the application of social equity principles in practice--with chapters on health, criminal justice, education, and planning. Additional chapters examine the ways that social equity can be advanced through leadership and policy/social entrepreneurship, assessment of agency management, and managing human resources. The book concludes with an agenda that affirms a more active and comprehensive definition of social equity for the field and elaborates how that definition can be converted into actions supported by the measurement of access, proceduraal fairness, quality, and results.

Handbook on Gender and Public Administration

Handbook on Gender and Public Administration PDF Author: Shields, Patricia M.
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1789904730
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 456

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This ground-breaking Handbook on Gender and Public Administration brings together a rapidly growing new field of study, exploring the emerging contexts of gender and public administration. Capturing the many facets of this dynamic trend, the book explores gender equity and further examines masculinity, intersectionality and beyond binary conceptions of gender.

Gender Differences in Public Opinion

Gender Differences in Public Opinion PDF Author: Mary-Kate Lizotte
Publisher: Temple University Press
ISBN: 1439916098
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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In this era in which more women are running for public office—and when there is increased activism among women—understanding gender differences on political issues has become critical. In her cogent study, Mary-Kate Lizotte argues that assessing the gender gap in public support for policies through a values lens provides insight into American politics today. There is ample evidence that men and women differ in their value endorsements—even when taking into account factors such as education, class, race, income, and party identification. In Gender Differences in Public Opinion, Lizotte utilizes nationally representative data, mainly from the American National Election Study, to study these gender gaps, the explanatory power of values, and the political consequences of these differences. She examines the gender differences in several policy areas such as equal rights, gun control, the death penalty, and the environment, as well as social welfare issues. The result is an insightful and revealing study of how men and women vary in their policy positions and political attitudes.