Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil

Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil PDF Author: Robert S. Ridgely
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501704303
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 433

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Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and is one of the planet's richest places for bird diversity, especially when it comes to the number of endemic species. Brazil's Atlantic Forest region is one of the most dazzling of all. Immediately surrounding São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, this area of Brazil is also a relatively accessible area to birders from around the world. In the Birds of Brazil Field Guides, the Wildlife Conservation Society brings together a top international team to do justice to the incredible diversity of Brazilian birds. This second guide presents 927 bird species, 863 illustrated, that occur in just the southeastern Atlantic Forest biome (Mata Atlântica in Portuguese). Of these species, 140 are endemic and 105 near endemic to just this region; 83 of these are threatened. Modern and compact, this field guide provides illustrations of unparalleled quality, key field marks, and regional range maps to facilitate easy recognition of all species normally occurring in this vibrant and critically important area of Brazil.

Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil

Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil PDF Author: Robert S. Ridgely
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501704303
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 433

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Book Description
Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and is one of the planet's richest places for bird diversity, especially when it comes to the number of endemic species. Brazil's Atlantic Forest region is one of the most dazzling of all. Immediately surrounding São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, this area of Brazil is also a relatively accessible area to birders from around the world. In the Birds of Brazil Field Guides, the Wildlife Conservation Society brings together a top international team to do justice to the incredible diversity of Brazilian birds. This second guide presents 927 bird species, 863 illustrated, that occur in just the southeastern Atlantic Forest biome (Mata Atlântica in Portuguese). Of these species, 140 are endemic and 105 near endemic to just this region; 83 of these are threatened. Modern and compact, this field guide provides illustrations of unparalleled quality, key field marks, and regional range maps to facilitate easy recognition of all species normally occurring in this vibrant and critically important area of Brazil.

A Field Guide to the Birds of Brazil

A Field Guide to the Birds of Brazil PDF Author: Ber van Perlo
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 019974565X
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 1320

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Brazil's bird diversity is one of the richest in the world. And yet there has never been a comprehensive field guide to this splendid and elusive avifauna. Until now. The carefully vetted text and images are the first to cover the full range of bird life in this vast and varied country. The more than 1800 up-to-date accounts treat the Yellow-nosed Albatross to the Sombre Hummingbird, the Ash-throated Gnat-eater to the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Nighthawks and Jacamars to Motmots, Puffbirds, and Peppershrikes. They are all here--every species and many subspecies found in each region of Brazil--with special attention given to the 218 Brazilian endemics. The book is laid out so that the illustrations sit across from the commentary and the distribution maps, so it is easy to use. Also, the author uses short-hand notation throughout, to make the book compact and easy to carry when in the field. For each bird, the scientific, English, and Portuguese name are given as well as detailed information on measurement; identifying features; habitat; voice, song, and call. Distribution maps show the range for each species, also indicating seasonality and occurrence, essential for finding and identifying specific birds. From the equatorial North to the tropics, the introductory paragraphs set the stage in describing Brazil's varied biogeography, climate, geomorphology, and natural vegetation. A list of protected areas of Brazil, information on relevant national and international organizations, a bibliography and further references, and an English-Portuguese dictionary of frequently used terms enhance the user-friendly qualities. Anyone wishing to fully explore the fabulously varied bird life of Brazil will find this light-weight, easy-to-use, attractive guide an invaluable field companion.

Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil

Wildlife Conservation Society Birds of Brazil PDF Author: John A. Gwynne
Publisher: Comstock Publishing Associates
ISBN: 9780801476464
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"This landmark guide represents a major milestone for birding and conservation in the American tropics. Avian abundance and diversity combine magically in the Pantanal and Cerrado region of Brazil's interior. Finally we have a field guide covering all the birds of this region, richly illustrated by the best in the business and complete with detailed notes and photographs describing the unique ecology and conservation issues of this captivating piece of paradise. Birding in Brazil just became a whole lot easier and more rewarding."---John W. Fitzpatrick Louis Agassiz Fuertes Director, Cornell Lab of Ornithology --

Brazil, Amazon and Pantanal (Traveller's Wildlife Guides)

Brazil, Amazon and Pantanal (Traveller's Wildlife Guides) PDF Author: Les Beletsky
Publisher: Interlink Books
ISBN: 9781566565936
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The Brazilian Amazon region holds a very special place in the minds of the world’s nature lovers as a vast wilderness of tropical forest splendor; and southern Brazil’s Pantanal area, an immense wetland, has a well-deserved reputation for its tremendous wildlife-viewing opportunities. Ecotravellers to these regions want to experience tropical forests and other stunning habitats and catch glimpses of exotic wildlife: toucans and parrots, monkeys and anteaters, frogs and toads, crocodiles and snakes. In this book is all the information you need to find, identify, and learn about Brazil’s magnificent animal and plant life. n Identification and location information on the most frequently seen animals. n Full-color illustrations of more than 500 of Brazil’s most common insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and fish—the species you are most likely to see. n Up-to-date information on the ecology, behavior, and conservation of the animals. n Information on Brazil’s habitats and on the most common plants you will encounter. n Brief descriptions of the most frequently visited parks and reserves in the Amazon and Pantanal regions. Easy-to-carry, entertainingly written, beautifully illustrated – you will want to have this book as constant companion on your journey.

Field Guide to the Birds of East Asia

Field Guide to the Birds of East Asia PDF Author: Mark Brazil
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1472975928
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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This is the first single volume guide ever devoted to the eastern Asian avifauna. The eastern Asian region, centring especially on the major islands off the continental coast (including Japan and Taiwan) and the immediately adjacent areas of the Asian continent from Kamchatka in the north and including the Korean Peninsula are an important centre of endemism. Birds endemic to this region include representatives of many of the major families, from the world's largest eagle - Steller's Sea Eagle - to the tiny Formosan Firecrest. The east Asian continental coast and the offshore islands also form one of the world's major international bird migration routes, especially for waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors, while the east Asian continental mainland itself is home to a wide range of species little known to western ornithologists such as Scaly-sided Merganser, Oriental Stork and Mugimaki Flycatcher. The guide features the most up-to-date text available, which, in conjunction with extensive colour plates throughout, facilitates the field identification of all of the species known from the region. Colour distribution maps enhance the text by providing a visual analysis of the summer, winter and migratory ranges of all species.

Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao

Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao PDF Author: Jeffrey V. Wells
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501712861
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 489

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Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao is the essential guide for anyone traveling to those islands. It showcases the more than 280 species seen on Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao and provides descriptions of and directions to the best places to bird, from the famous white sand beaches to hidden watering holes to the majestic national parks. Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao—the "ABCs"—located in the southwestern Caribbean, not far from Venezuela, share fascinating ecological features with the West Indies as well as the South American mainland, making birding on the islands unique. The identification portion of the book features endemic subspecies such as the Brown-throated Parakeet; a wide variety of wintering North American migrants; spectacular restricted-range northern South American species such as the Yellow-shouldered Parrot, Bare-eyed Pigeon, Troupial, Ruby-topaz Hummingbird, and Yellow Oriole; and West Indian species including the Pearly-eyed Thrasher and Caribbean Elaenia. Colorful introductory sections provide readers with a brief natural history of the islands, detailing the geography, geology, and general ecology of each. In the site guide that follows, Jeffrey V. Wells and Allison Childs Wells share their more than two decades of experience in the region, providing directions to the best birding spots. Clear, easy-to-read maps accompany each site description, along with notes about the species that birders are likely to find. The identification section is arranged in classic field guide format and offers vivid descriptions of each bird, along with tips on how to identify them by sight and sound. The accounts also include current status and seasonality, if relevant, and common names in English, Dutch, and Papiamento, often inspired by the unique voices of the birds, such as the "chibichibi" (Bananaquit) and "choco" (Burrowing Owl). The accompanying color plates feature the beautiful work of illustrator Robert Dean. The final section, on conservation, raises awareness about threats facing the birds and the habitats on which they rely and summarizes conservation initiatives and needs, offering recommendations for each island.

The Birds of Costa Rica

The Birds of Costa Rica PDF Author: Richard Garrigues
Publisher: Comstock Publishing Associates
ISBN: 9780801479885
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
A new, updated edition of the only compact, portable, and user-friendly field guide the novice or experienced birder needs to identify birds in the field in the diverse habitats found in Costa Rica. -- "Biology Digest"

Brazil Wildlife

Brazil Wildlife PDF Author: James Kavanagh
Publisher: Pocket Naturalist Guide
ISBN: 9781583559901
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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One of the world' s richest ecosystems, Brazil is home to the most species of plants, fishes and mammals anywhere on earth. This beautifully illustrated 12-panel laminated, folding guide highlights over 140 unique species and includes a map featuring prominent bird-viewing areas. Ideal for visitors, conservationists and citizen science programs.

Birds of Nicaragua

Birds of Nicaragua PDF Author: Liliana Chavarría-Duriaux
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 150170950X
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 481

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Book Description
Birders in Central America have long known that Nicaragua is one of the best birding locations in the world, and with tourism to the country on the upswing, birders from the rest of the world are now coming to the same conclusion. The largest country in Central America, Nicaragua is home to 763 resident and passage birds, by latest count. Because of its unique topography—the country is relatively flat compared to its mountainous neighbors to the north and south—it forms a geographical barrier of sorts, which means that many birds that originate in North America reach their southernmost point in Nicaragua, while many birds from South America reach their northernmost point in the country. There are few places in the world where you can find both a Roadrunner and a Scarlet Macaw. Birds of Nicaragua features descriptions and illustrations of all 763 species currently identified in the country, along with information about 44 additional species that are likely to appear in the coming years. Range maps, based on years of field research, are color-coded. Other features include a richly illustrated anatomical features section, a checklist, a visual guide to vultures and raptors in flight, and a quick-find index.

National Audubon Society Birds of North America

National Audubon Society Birds of North America PDF Author: National Audubon Society
Publisher: National Geographic Books
ISBN: 0525655670
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Updated for the first time in decades, this unparalleled reference work is the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to the birds of North America and now includes the latest information on conservation status and the effects of climate change--from the world's most trusted name in birding, beloved by millions of backyard enthusiasts and experts alike “If you’ve ever wondered what birds show up in your backyard or which species you see when your family is on vacation, then this beautiful, freshly updated bird guide from the National Audubon Society is perfect for you.” —Portland Book Review Developed by the creators of the best-selling Audubon field guides, this handsome volume is the result of a collaboration among leading scientists, scholars, taxonomic and field experts, photo editors, and designers. An indispensable reference, it covers more than 800 species, with over 3,500 full-color photographs of birds in their natural habitat, often with four or five images of each species. For ease of use, the book includes a glossary, an index, and a ribbon marker, and is arranged according to the American Ornithological Society's latest Checklist of North and Middle American Birds—with birds sorted by taxonomic orders and grouped by family, so that related species are presented together. Range maps, reflecting the impact of climate change, accompany nearly every entry, along with a physical description and information on voice, nesting, habitat, and similar species. This guide also includes an important new category on conservation status and essays by leading scholars in each field who provide holistic insights into the world of birds. Whether trying to determine which owl is interrupting your dinner or successfully identifying all of the warblers that arrive in spring, readers will come to rely on this work of remarkable breadth, depth, and elegance. It is a must-have reference for the library of any birder, and is poised to become the number one guide in the field.