Ural-Altaic yearbook

Ural-Altaic yearbook PDF Author:
Category : Altaic philology
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Ural-Altaic yearbook

Ural-Altaic yearbook PDF Author:
Category : Altaic philology
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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The Navajo Yearbook

The Navajo Yearbook PDF Author: Robert W. Young
Category : Navajo Indian Reservation
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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The Navajo Yearbook

The Navajo Yearbook PDF Author: United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs Navajo Agency
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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The Navajo Yearbook

The Navajo Yearbook PDF Author:
Category : Navajo Indians
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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Franks, Moravians, and Magyars

Franks, Moravians, and Magyars PDF Author: Charles R. Bowlus
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
ISBN: 0812232763
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 443

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Assembles evidence from Frankish, Moravian, and Byzantine documents; from archaeological finds; and details of the terrain to buttress the view that the center of the Slavic Moravian empire was in what is now Serbia, much farther southeast than is usually thought. This interpretation explains how the Franks managed otherwise inexplicable military successes against the Moravians.


Diglossia PDF Author: Mauro A. Fernández
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027276919
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 526

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Today, the notion of 'diglossia' occupies a prominent place in sociolinguistic research. Since the 1960s, when the dominant sense of 'diglossia' was the complementary sociofunctional distribution of two varieties of the same language, the term has been applied — often controversially — to a growing number of diverse sociolinguistic situations. As a consequence of this extension of the scope of the concept, in combination with an increasing interest in the relationship between the role of language and the social structure, the number of publications in this field has risen exponentially over the last decades. However, despite the growing importance of the notion, up till now there was no adequate bibliography devoted to diglossia, while coverage in other bibliographies does not do justice to the number of works actually published in this area. This first comprehensive bibliography of the subject includes almost 3,000 entries; although the time span covered is 1960-1990, the book includes several dozens of entries from before 1960 and also a substantial number of very recent publications from the period 1990-1992. The selection of items has not been restricted to a specific definition of diglossia: all available publications in which the term (or one of its offsprings) appears have been included; moreover, when considered appropriate, some material relevant to the subject has been added even though the term is not explicitly used. The usefulness of the bibliography has been enhanced significantly by six indexes: (1) index of languages, (2) diglossia in literature, (3) historically oriented works, (4) pedagogically oriented works, (5) theoretical works, and (6) theses and dissertations.

Borderland Capitalism

Borderland Capitalism PDF Author: Kwangmin Kim
Publisher: Stanford University Press
ISBN: 1503600424
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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Scholars have long been puzzled by why Muslim landowners in Central Asia, called begs, stayed loyal to the Qing empire when its political legitimacy and military power were routinely challenged. Borderland Capitalism argues that converging interests held them together: the local Qing administration needed the Turkic begs to develop resources and raise military revenue while the begs needed access to the Chinese market. Drawing upon multilingual sources and archival material, Kwangmin Kim shows how the begs aligned themselves with the Qing to strengthen their own plantation-like economic system. As controllers of food supplies, commercial goods, and human resources, the begs had the political power to dictate the fortunes of governments in the region. Their political choice to cooperate with the Qing promoted an expansion of the Qing's emerging international trade at the same time that Europe was developing global capitalism and imperialism. Borderland Capitalism shows the Qing empire as a quintessentially early modern empire and points the way toward a new understanding of the rise of a global economy.

Archaeology and Language II

Archaeology and Language II PDF Author: Roger Blench
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134828691
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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Using language to date the origin and spread of food production, Archaeology and Language II represents groundbreaking work in synthesizing two disciplines that are now seen as interlinked: linguistics and archaeology. This volume is the second part of a three-part survey of innovative results emerging from their combination. Archaeology and historical linguistics have largely pursued separate tracks until recently, although their goals can be very similar. While there is a new awareness that these disciplines can be used to complement one another, both rigorous methodological awareness and detailed case-studies are still lacking in the literature. This three-part survey is the first study to address this. Archaeology and Language II examines in some detail how archaeological data can be interpreted through linguistic hypotheses. This collection demonstrates the possibility that, where archaeological sequences are reasonably well-known, they might be tied into evidence of language diversification and thus produce absolute chronologies. Where there is evidence for migrations and expansions these can be explored through both disciplines to produce a richer interpretation of prehistory. An important part of this is the origin and spread of food production which can be modelled through the spread of both plants and words for them. Archaeology and Language II will be of interest to researchers in linguistics, archaeologists and anthropologists.

Transeurasian Verbal Morphology in a Comparative Perspective

Transeurasian Verbal Morphology in a Comparative Perspective PDF Author: Lars Johanson
Publisher: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag
ISBN: 9783447059145
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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The term Transeurasian refers to a large group of geographically adjacent languages stretching from the Pacific in the East to the Mediterranean in the West. They share a significant amount of linguistic properties and include five linguistic families: Japanese, Korean, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic. There is disagreement among scholars on the question whether these languages are genealogically related in the sense of an "Altaic" family. Many linguists, however, seem to agree on at least one point, namely that investigations into the striking correspondences in the domain of verbal morphology could substantially help unravelling the question. The present volume brings together prominent specialists in the field who explore potentially shared features of verbal morphology among the Transeurasian languages and search for the best way to explain them. Important issues dealt with include the following: How useful is verbal morphology really in establishing genealogical relations among languages? Is there concrete evidence for cognate verbal morphology across the Transeurasian languages? Is it possible to draw wider connections with Indo-European and Uralic? How to distinguish between genealogical retention and copying of verbal morphology? In which ways can typological similarities be significant in this context?

The Modern Uzbeks

The Modern Uzbeks PDF Author: Edward A. Allworth
Publisher: Hoover Press
ISBN: 0817987339
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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In this study of the modern Uzbeks, Professor Edward A. Allworth provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of an important group of Muslim people who live within the boundaries of the Soviet Union. After the Russians and the Ukranians, the Uzbeks are the largest ethnic group in the Soviet Union and the strongest of a number of Muslim communities that populate the vast region of Central Asia.