65 Jude

65 Jude PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 15

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“Apostasy” means “to reject Or abandon the belief of a specific culture or religion.” This book was written by a man named Judas (Jude being the English name for him), the brother of James (which he will mention in a moment). Scripture helps us identify which Judas this can be out of the four men who go by the name of James... "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?" Matthew 13:55 Obviously, this insinuates that this is the Lord’s half brother Judas, who was also James’ brother (who wrote the book of James). There were only two other Judas that we know of (one is obvious), one which is only known by this... "Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?" John 14:22 Interestingly enough, neither James, nor Judas identify themselves as being the Lord’s brother. James simply says that he is “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ...” No doubt, they didn’t talk about their relationship with the Lord in that way, because they now believed in who He said He was. They didn’t believe Him before His death. They were more than likely not even a part in following Him during all this time of ministry. It was after His resurrection and ascension that they believed, and it is in THAT relationship they hold much higher in value than their sinful rejection of Him before His ascension. Jesus’ brother (as well as Mary and others) had to accept the Lord just as everyone else. That’s not what I find the most interesting about this little book, though. What I find interesting about this book is that Jude labels something’s that are not found anywhere else in scripture. They have said “the best commentary for the Bible is the Bible.” But what do you do when you can’t back the Bible up with itself? Can we take the words penned here as literal then? Is this a trustworthy text? I think the best part of this book is where it is located, which is just before the prophecies of Revelation. This book is a great introduction to the intricacies and spiraling text found in the book that follows it.

65 Jude

65 Jude PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 15

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Book Description
“Apostasy” means “to reject Or abandon the belief of a specific culture or religion.” This book was written by a man named Judas (Jude being the English name for him), the brother of James (which he will mention in a moment). Scripture helps us identify which Judas this can be out of the four men who go by the name of James... "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?" Matthew 13:55 Obviously, this insinuates that this is the Lord’s half brother Judas, who was also James’ brother (who wrote the book of James). There were only two other Judas that we know of (one is obvious), one which is only known by this... "Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?" John 14:22 Interestingly enough, neither James, nor Judas identify themselves as being the Lord’s brother. James simply says that he is “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ...” No doubt, they didn’t talk about their relationship with the Lord in that way, because they now believed in who He said He was. They didn’t believe Him before His death. They were more than likely not even a part in following Him during all this time of ministry. It was after His resurrection and ascension that they believed, and it is in THAT relationship they hold much higher in value than their sinful rejection of Him before His ascension. Jesus’ brother (as well as Mary and others) had to accept the Lord just as everyone else. That’s not what I find the most interesting about this little book, though. What I find interesting about this book is that Jude labels something’s that are not found anywhere else in scripture. They have said “the best commentary for the Bible is the Bible.” But what do you do when you can’t back the Bible up with itself? Can we take the words penned here as literal then? Is this a trustworthy text? I think the best part of this book is where it is located, which is just before the prophecies of Revelation. This book is a great introduction to the intricacies and spiraling text found in the book that follows it.

60 1&2 Peter

60 1&2 Peter PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Peter was jailed in AD 41-44 (the book of Acts records these events). He writes this letter in AD 62-63. He is then killed not too long after this in AD 64-67. This letter allows Peter to leave quite a legacy and hope to those that experience trials and burdens. Believe it or not, assurance of salvation is a common issue with a lot of believers. There’s a lot of doctrine which touches specifically on this issue, and it will be mentioned quite a bit in this chapter of 1 Peter. The reason a lot of people have a hard time with their eternal security is because they will face suffering or conflict in their faith. They have the assumption that if they face trials or burdens, then there must be something wrong with their salvation. This simply isn’t true. Suffering actually should be producing the opposite of insecurity. It should be producing JOY! That’s what we need to focus on when we read through these verses. How does suffering lead the believer to joy? The books of 1, and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and 1, and 2 Timothy all focus on the same issue, which is the denial of Christ in the church. 1, 2, and 3 John warn about those people in the church who would deny Christ, and how to look out for that in yourself. 1, and 2 Timothy speak to the leadership around people who are anti-Christ, and how to maintain focus on Him. 1, and 2 Peter speak about how we can have joy in ministry while people are trying to reject your ministry for Christ.

66 Revelation

66 Revelation PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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I have accumulated a set of rules that I have applied to myself in my own personal study of this book of the Bible. Many are afraid to come to this book for various reasons, but I have come with an open mind, an open bible, and an open conversation. My hopes are that, through the reading and studying of this amazing prophetic book, we will see some areas we need to grow and increase in faith and knowledge in our own walks, as well as take the seriousness of the great commission extremely personally and vitally. These “rules” are not governed with the intent of keeping us in a box. They are just… thoughts if you will. Things to keep in mind as we go through this study. 1. We cannot pretend like we understand and know all things written in this book. Some things are not for us to fully understand or know (i.e. we don’t know much about Heaven. In fact, we know more about Hell than we do about Heaven). 2. John makes it a point to try and describe with incredible detail the things that are taking place. He is told several times what he is suppose to write down. I don’t know if he wrote these things while he was seeing the revelation or if he wrote them after they occurred (I believe and understand based on the way it is portrayed, that he more than likely wrote them as they were happening). 3. It’s noted that this book was written most likely around his exile to Patmos, and that has to be remembered frequently as we read this account. 4. He is writing during a time of great persecution to the Christian church by the Roman government. The reason he is sent to this island was because of his faith in Jesus Christ being rejected by the ruler of that day. 5. John uses a lot of symbolism from HIS current time period. Some things that are mentioned are not directly related today, but it was relevant during the time of the writing (though it wouldn’t surprise me if they became places of actual fruition again today). 6. There is a lot of symbolism that is used, and I will do my best to describe what scholars have said, how they line up with the Bible, and what they are more than likely to mean. Not everything will be fully understood (I need to reiterate this point, though I’ve already mentioned it), but that’s the ultimate goal of a study like this. 7. These notes will not be incredibly honed in on a “scholarly” level, and that’s on purpose. These will simply be the best notes I can get or find for the largest of issues or most prominent of information. (I’ve gone through this book in several settings, and I still learn something new each time). I want my notes to be simple for a reason, so that I don’t over complicate the gospel message (more on that in a moment). 8. John goes back and forth between things to come, and things that had already happened a lot. I will try and reference when he does this, but sometimes he does it without warning. 9. We should be open to researching uncertainties either now or later, so we don’t get caught up in semantics or unnecessary understandings. 10. Lastly (and most importantly) we can read this book of the Bible with the same focus as all of the other books of the Bible, the center being Jesus Christ and His salvation.

44 Acts

44 Acts PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Acts can be considered as a continuation to the Gospel of Luke. It is supposed that Luke is the writer of this book for a few reasons, but the main reason being that he starts this book off the same way he starts his gospel account off, which mentions this “Theophilus” person. Who Theophilus is, we will talk about in the coming verses. We see a theme of travel, and gospel sharing throughout this entire book. And we see the initiation as well as the growth of the first church that Christ starts after His ascension. The disciples may not have known that they were building churches off the batt, but the Holy Spirit eventually makes it very clear what their purpose and direction is suppose to be. People have a desire to learn about locations, and directions, and maps of all the places mentioned. I won’t be hanging too much on those details (though I will explain as much as I can in writing about where they were likely to be located and the distances between the travels). My goal is to focus on the people. That is what the church is, it’s the people. Not the location, not the demographic, not the religion… The people are what matters to the story, and it’s what matters to the moving of the Spirit. May we keep our hearts open to people as we go through these pages.

Unlearned & Ignorant Commentary

Unlearned & Ignorant Commentary PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 1064

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These are my simple and practical notes for all of the books of the Bible. I am currently in the process of still writing all of my notes out, so not all of the chapters are there yet, but I have quite a few books of the Bible done, and am about 25% of the way through the rest of the Bible. I will update this ever time a book is finished, so it updates to the purchaser, but if you'd like to pay ahead of time you can get the books quicker and cheaper now. The more books I add, the more expensive it will become. I've been working on this for about two years now, and will continue to work on it for another (likely another six more years to finish the entire Bible (hopefully sooner)). Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope it's a useful tool for you as you dig deeper into God's Word. It should also be understood, I am not a scholar by any means (I just like to dig around in scripture, and answer difficult questions, hence the title of the book). Some of my thoughts are taken from much smarter men than me, and if I know where the source comes from, I will do my best to make mention of it and give credit where credit is due. Otherwise, these are things I got from my own personal studies, and all the stories I give are from personal experience.

59 James

59 James PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 48

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In line with the other epistles, this formerly fits in with the same theme as 1, and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude. James’ topic doesn’t spread to far from the topic that Peter sticks to on the great ministry of suffering. There’s nothing more pleasant in a Christians life than to suffer for living for Christ. We don’t often see trials and troubles as pleasant, and I think that is our first problem. The fact that God has allowed trials in our life is a sure sign that He is working on us, and it’s a sign of our faith. This does not mean we should look for trouble. This simply means that if we have no trouble, we probably have no faith. The fact is, when we place our faith in God, we are ultimately saying “God, allow me trouble. Help me to grow.” How do you grow? Through trials. You can grow through study, and reading, and books, but that growth will only be head knowledge and it will take years to learn. God wants us to learn quickly, and the quickest way to learn is through hardships. As we go through this short letter/small book of the Bible, may we open our eyes and hearts to the ministry of suffering and be prepared with the same mind as Christ that no matter what we might face, we will continue to be faithful to the Lord.

32 Jonah

32 Jonah PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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It is widely debated as to whether or not Jonah is a ficticious story in scripture. When we read the account, it certainly seems far-fetched. It has a lot of themes going for it, but the one specific theme that is harshly addressed here is the salvation of a people that this prophet (Jonah) doesn't want to happen. To get a bit of a backstory, Jonah had been a prophet for the people of God for a good portion of time now, and he is likely living the high life. Most people knew him, and he was a asset to his community in Gathhepher. I have spent a good portion of scripture (especially in the Old Testament) relaying names, and so I hope to do that justice in this setting as well. This book of the Bible is extremely short, but extremely powerful, and I think there are quite a few reasons to deem it essential to scripture. Firstly, it gives a story of redemption. That is the biblical theme, is it not? People whom we might deem unworthy of redemption are the people that God seems to focus on the most. The Israelites were certainly unworthy of God's attention, but they are focused on because they are the only ones in this entire planet willing to follow the Lord in seasons. No other nation would stay the course leading to the Messiah. Secondly, (because Jonah is a prophet) we are given some useful prophecy in the New Testament life of Christ. Everything in the prophet's lives lead to Christ, whether you are reading from a major prophet of scripture or a minor prophet (minor because the book is short). "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Matthew 12:40 Perhaps if Jesus had missed the opportunity to talk about Jonah, we would struggle with the legitimacy of this small book of the Bible. Thankfully Jesus speaks about it, and it lines up prophetically to Christ's death and resurrection. That is the key part of reading scripture. We must ask ourselves through every page "how does this line up with Christ's death and resurrection." You will find your answer every time (the Bible is great at that). We are also given a small glimpse of Jonah in 2 Kings, and it's not a rough mention, but it's a mention nonetheless. "He restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel, which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai, the prophet, which was of Gathhepher." 2 Kings 14:25 Thirdly (and lastly), this shows us a real struggle that Christians of all walks face. We can somewhat be harsh on the circumstance and leading of Jonah and think, "Boy this Jonah fellow is dramatic and not very bright." What we might miss, however, is that we fall into the same traps. We must be cautious about bragging on Jonah's lack of faith too much, because we are just as guilty of his mistakes. That is really what we need to look at while we read, we must say, "Am I guilty of thinking this and being this way?" Of course Christ is the picture here, but it's a book that teaches us how to be more LIKE Christ rather than more like Jonah.

49 Ephesians

49 Ephesians PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 75

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The Epistles written by the Apostles are letters that are usually geared towards encouraging churches through difficult and uncertain turmoil and trouble. Each letter has a theme, and this one is geared towards the usefulness of the church and the Christian life. How do we maintain our walk with the Lord? How do we know we are even in God’s Will? How can we be confident that what we are doing is right when everyone around us seems to be pulling us away from God and the truth? This letter of the Bible is geared toward addressing the Bride of Christ and what that is to look like practically as well as spiritually. There are scholars who say that the Greek word “Ephesus” Isn’t even in the original manuscripts. Apparently in Colossians it mentions a church that he wrote to in Laodicea, so it’s assumed that this letter wasn’t just meant for one primary church but to the church as a whole. It might have been a letter that was passed along from church to church. Either way, there is plenty for us to dive into, and a lot of application for us to search out, not just in the sense of a congregation, but even relating it to our own marriages and relationships in this life.

05 Deuteronomy

05 Deuteronomy PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: Tried By Fire Ministry
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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Introduction: This is described as the last book of the Pentateuch (or the first five Books of Moses). One put the structure of it as the last three sermons and two prophetic poems about Israel’s future. Moses reflects on the nation’s past mistakes, and urges the people not to repeat those errors when they enter into the Promised Land. Once the Israelites possess Canaan (which is the promise that God made through the Noahic Covenant) it will fulfill God’s promise made to the patriarchs. But if the people fail, and fall back into idolatry rejecting God’s law, they will be exiled. I know the book of Deuteronomy is a book of law. We could look at much of the Books of Moses (from Exodus to Deuteronomy) as the books of law. Deuteronomy (I feel) is different for a few reasons. Firstly, I think it’s a book extremely valuable to our Lord. Jesus quotes from the book of Psalms more than any other book, but the second most quoted book is Deuteronomy. Jesus uses it in several settings, like when He confronts Satan in the wilderness (each quote is taken from this book) in Matthew 4. He uses Deuteronomy to explain the law in a summation in... "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Matthew 22:37 The answer to this being found in Deuteronomy 6:5. He uses this book to cite the Ten Commandments (Multiple times) but one example in... The answer to this being found in Deuteronomy 5:17. He uses this book of Deuteronomy to talk about divorce in... "Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother." Mark 10:19 "It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:" Matthew 5:31 The answer to this being found in Deuteronomy 24:1-3. He uses it to define church discipline! Answer found in Deuteronomy 19:15. It’s used to explain that man is to fear God (multiple times)... The answer to this found in Deuteronomy 6:13. We are also instructed from this book (and through the mouth of Jesus) to keep God’s Word... The answer to this being found in Deuteronomy 19:16-19. The list could go on. "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established." Matthew 18:16 "Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:" Matthew 5:33 The point of this book is not to just display the law of God, and show God’s judgement if you don’t obey. No, the point of this book is to point out what every single cult and false religion misses when reading the Bible. This book is to give evidence to where the law of God meets the love of God, and how God is not dictating that man strive for perfectionism, but rather strive for faith in God’s power instead of our own. This book shows the necessity to get off of our own high horse of righteousness, and serve others as the leaders we are suppose to be! The only way to be a Godly leader is by serving others through God’s love alone. May we keep God’s love in mind, as we study this fantastic book of the Old Testament law.

022 Song of Solomon

022 Song of Solomon PDF Author: J.A. Roberts
Publisher: J.A. Roberts
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 61

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I feel this book of scripture is best looked at as a group of songs rather than one flowing song. There will be a lot of jumping back and forth between past and present through these different songs and story and I want to do my best to clarify that when we go through it. This book of the Bible is a very interesting one that looks deep between the relationship of the believer and Jesus Christ. Solomon is, of course, the writer (as we will see in a moment) and it is certainly something that is applicable for himself as he will be the shepherd that the Shulamite woman falls in love with. Solomon can do nothing but write about himself, seeing as this is what he was experiencing. The important thing to note and remember through this reading is (whether Solomon understood it or not) this wasn't about him. It was about Christ. All of scripture was/is about Christ. There are a plethra of books writen and recorded by Solomon that are not even located in scripture. Some are found in books like the Apocrypha, and others are books that have not made their way into scripture (perhaps things like journal entries). Other holy books even talk about Solomon and his glory (including, but not limited to the Quran). Solomon is a widely known figure in the religious circles, but there was something that shouldn't lost on mere religion alone. Solomon knew the God of the Bible. He conversed with God. He desired to lead the people FOR God. Jerusalem needed a Godly leader, and Solomon was the one chosen for the job. Through all his wisdom, he eventually understands the relationship aspect that God desires, and I believe that God reveals this through this story/song.