Unified Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation

Unified Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation PDF Author: A. S. Krausz
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 008054343X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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Book Description
High-technology industries using plastic deformation demand soundly-based economical decisions in manufacturing design and product testing, and the unified constitutive laws of plastic deformation give researchers aguideline to use in making these decisions. This book provides extensive guidance in low cost manufacturing without the loss of product quality. Each highly detailed chapter of Unified Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation focuses on a distinct set of defining equations. Topics covered include anisotropic and viscoplastic flow, and the overall kinetics and thermodynamics of deformation. This important book deals with a prime topic in materials science and engineering, and will be of great use toboth researchers and graduate students. - Describes the theory and applications of the constitutive law of plastic deformation for materials testing - Examines the constitutive law of plastic deformation as it applies to process and product design - Includes a program on disk for the determination and development of the constitutive law of plastic deformation - Considers economical design and testing methods

Unified Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation

Unified Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation PDF Author: A. S. Krausz
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 008054343X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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Book Description
High-technology industries using plastic deformation demand soundly-based economical decisions in manufacturing design and product testing, and the unified constitutive laws of plastic deformation give researchers aguideline to use in making these decisions. This book provides extensive guidance in low cost manufacturing without the loss of product quality. Each highly detailed chapter of Unified Constitutive Laws of Plastic Deformation focuses on a distinct set of defining equations. Topics covered include anisotropic and viscoplastic flow, and the overall kinetics and thermodynamics of deformation. This important book deals with a prime topic in materials science and engineering, and will be of great use toboth researchers and graduate students. - Describes the theory and applications of the constitutive law of plastic deformation for materials testing - Examines the constitutive law of plastic deformation as it applies to process and product design - Includes a program on disk for the determination and development of the constitutive law of plastic deformation - Considers economical design and testing methods

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods PDF Author: Franz Roters
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527642099
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Written by the leading experts in computational materials science, this handy reference concisely reviews the most important aspects of plasticity modeling: constitutive laws, phase transformations, texture methods, continuum approaches and damage mechanisms. As a result, it provides the knowledge needed to avoid failures in critical systems udner mechanical load. With its various application examples to micro- and macrostructure mechanics, this is an invaluable resource for mechanical engineers as well as for researchers wanting to improve on this method and extend its outreach.

Structural Components

Structural Components PDF Author: Dominique Francois
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118624076
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 269

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The mechanical tests presented in this book are essential for determining the basic properties of the materials used. Areas covered include elasticity, tensile and compression tests, hardness, endurance tests and dynamic tests.

Handbook On Mechanics Of Inelastic Solids (In 2 Volumes)

Handbook On Mechanics Of Inelastic Solids (In 2 Volumes) PDF Author: David W A Rees
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 1800612087
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1202

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This handbook covers a number of the more recent developments regarding the mechanics of deforming solids. In recent years, much progress has been reported in the wide-ranging mechanical behaviour of solids under stress. Here the term stress in a solid arises from a number of external actions including direct tension, compression, pressure, bending, shear and torsion. Many of the topics covered are yet to find their way into the standard texts, which are often restricted to isotropic elasticity and plasticity.In this two-volume work, what might previously have been regarded as disparate, 'specialist' topics have been placed within a wider mechanics arena to emphasise their common, underlying principles. That arena is taken generally as one of inelasticity for dealing with the essential mechanics of these phenomena. Therein, this text brings together theory, experimental data, key references, examples and exercises, particularly those that relate to the important advances in the subject, both old and new. The presentation of material featured in this way anticipates that in their turn these additional topics will be recognised as essential material for study among engineers, physicists and applied mathematicians at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The Mechanics of Constitutive Modeling

The Mechanics of Constitutive Modeling PDF Author: Niels Saabye Ottosen
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080525695
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 700

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Constitutive modelling is the mathematical description of how materials respond to various loadings. This is the most intensely researched field within solid mechanics because of its complexity and the importance of accurate constitutive models for practical engineering problems. Topics covered include: Elasticity - Plasticity theory - Creep theory - The nonlinear finite element method - Solution of nonlinear equilibrium equations - Integration of elastoplastic constitutive equations - The thermodynamic framework for constitutive modelling – Thermoplasticity - Uniqueness and discontinuous bifurcations • More comprehensive in scope than competitive titles, with detailed discussion of thermodynamics and numerical methods. • Offers appropriate strategies for numerical solution, illustrated by discussion of specific models. • Demonstrates each topic in a complete and self-contained framework, with extensive referencing.

Foundations of Elastoplasticity: Subloading Surface Model

Foundations of Elastoplasticity: Subloading Surface Model PDF Author: Koichi Hashiguchi
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030931382
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 850

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This book is the standard text book for elastoplasticity/viscoplasticity which is explained comprehensively covering the rate-independent to -dependent finite deformations of metals, soils, polymers, crystal plasticity, etc. and the friction phenomenon. Concise explanations on vector-tensor analysis and continuum mechanics are provided first, covering the underlying physical concepts, e.g. various time-derivatives, pull-back and push-forward operations, work-conjugacy and multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient tensor. Then, the rigorous elastoplastic/viscoplastic model, called the subloading surface model, is explained comprehensively, which is based on the subloading surface concept to describe the continuous development of the plastic/viscoplastic strain rate as the stress approaches to the yield surface, while it can never be described by the other plasticity models, e.g. the Chaboche-Ohno and the Dafalias-Yoshida models assuming the purely-elastic domain. The main features of the subloading surface model are as follows: 1) The subloading surface concept underling the cyclic plasticity is introduced, which insists that the plastic deformation develops as the stress approaches the yield surface. Thus, the smooth elastic-plastic transition leading to the continuous variation of the tangent stiffness modulus is described always. 2) The subloading-overstress model is formulated by which the elastoplastic deformation during the quasi-static loading and the viscoplastic deformation during the dynamic and impact loading can be described by the unified equation. Then, only this model can be used to describe the deformation in the general rate of deformation, disusing the elastoplastic constitutive equation. 3) The hyperelastic-based (visco)plasticity based on the multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient tensor and the subloading surface model is formulated for the exact descriptions of the finite elastic and (visco)plastic deformations. 4) The subloading-friction model is formulated for the exact description of the dry and the fluid (lubricated) frictions at the general rate of sliding from the static to the impact sliding. Thus, all the elastic and inelastic deformation/sliding phenomena of solids can be described accurately in the unified equation by the subloading-overstress model. The subloading surface model will be engraved as the governing law of irreversible deformation of solids in the history of solid mechanics.

Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures

Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures PDF Author: Ted Belytschko
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118632702
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 834

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Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures p>Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures This updated and expanded edition of the bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the methods and theory of nonlinear finite element analysis. New material provides a concise introduction to some of the cutting-edge methods that have evolved in recent years in the field of nonlinear finite element modeling, and includes the eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM), multiresolution continuum theory for multiscale microstructures, and dislocation- density-based crystalline plasticity. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, Second Edition focuses on the formulation and solution of discrete equations for various classes of problems that are of principal interest in applications to solid and structural mechanics. Topics covered include the discretization by finite elements of continua in one dimension and in multi-dimensions; the formulation of constitutive equations for nonlinear materials and large deformations; procedures for the solution of the discrete equations, including considerations of both numerical and multiscale physical instabilities; and the treatment of structural and contact-impact problems. Key features: Presents a detailed and rigorous treatment of nonlinear solid mechanics and how it can be implemented in finite element analysis Covers many of the material laws used in today’s software and research Introduces advanced topics in nonlinear finite element modelling of continua Introduction of multiresolution continuum theory and XFEM Accompanied by a website hosting a solution manual and MATLAB® and FORTRAN code Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, Second Edition is a must-have textbook for graduate students in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, applied mathematics, engineering mechanics, and materials science, and is also an excellent source of information for researchers and practitioners.

Unified Plasticity for Engineering Applications

Unified Plasticity for Engineering Applications PDF Author: Sol R. Bodner
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780306467448
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 132

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Considerably simplified models of macroscopic material behavior, such as the idealization for metals of elastic-time independent plastic response with a yield (onset) criterion, have served the engineering profession well for many years. They are still basic to the design and analysis of most structural applications. In the need to use materials more effectively, there are circumstances where those traditional models are not adequate, and constitutive laws that are more physically realistic have to be employed. This is especially relevant to conditions where the inherent time dependence of inelastic deformations, referred to as "viscoplasticity", is pronounced such as at elevated temperatures and for high strain rates. Unified theories of elastic-viscoplastic material behavior, which are primarily applicable for metals and metallic alloys, combine all aspects of inelastic response into a set of time dependent equations with a single inelastic strain rate variable. For such theories, creep under constant stress, stress relaxation under constant strain, and stress-strain relations at constant rates are each special cases of a general formulation. Those equations mayor may not include a yield criterion, but models which do not separate a fully elastic region from the overall response could be considered "unified" in a more general sense. The theories have reached a level of development and maturity where they are being used in a number of sophisticated engineering applications. However, they have not yet become a standard method of material representation for general engineering practice.

Unified Constitutive Equations for Creep and Plasticity

Unified Constitutive Equations for Creep and Plasticity PDF Author: A.K. Miller
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400934394
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Constitutive equations refer to 'the equations that constitute the material response' at any point within an object. They are one of the ingredients necessary to predict the deformation and fracture response of solid bodies (among other ingredients such as the equations of equilibrium and compatibility and mathematical descriptions of the configuration and loading history). These ingredients are generally combined together in complicated computer programs, such as finite element analyses, which serve to both codify the pertinent knowledge and to provide convenient tools for making predictions of peak stresses, plastic strain ranges, crack growth rates, and other quantities of interest. Such predictions fall largely into two classes: structural analysis and manufacturing analysis. In the first category, the usual purpose is life prediction, for assessment of safety, reliability, durability, and/or operational strategies. Some high-technology systems limited by mechanical behavior, and therefore requiring accurate life assess ments, include rocket engines (the space-shuttle main engine being a prominent example), piping and pressure vessels in nuclear and non-nuclear power plants (for example, heat exchanger tubes in solar central receivers and reformer tubes in high-temperature gas-cooled reactors used for process heat applications), and the ubiquitous example of the jet engine turbine blade. In structural analysis, one is sometimes concerned with predicting distortion per se, but more often, one is concerned with predicting fracture; in these cases the informa tion about deformation is an intermediate result en route to the final goal of a life prediction.

Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations

Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations PDF Author: Albrecht Bertram
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540275258
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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This careful and detailed introduction to non-linear continuum mechanics and to elasticity and platicity, with a unique mathematical foundation, starts right from the basics. The general theory of mechanical behaviour is particularized for the broad and important classes of elasticity and plasticity. Brings the reader to the forefront of today's knowledge. A list of notations and an index help the reader finding specific topics.