Three Essays on Competition and Health Insurance Markets

Three Essays on Competition and Health Insurance Markets PDF Author: Juan Gabriel Fernandez
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Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Abstract: Health care systems are complex organizations. Multiple agents interact in different settings to provide health care, each one of them with different objectives and information. How markets are organized and which actions are allowed, has a direct impact on the incentives agents face when making health care choices. In this dissertation, I study the determinants and effects of these choices on market outcomes, focusing on private health insurance markets. The first chapter provides insights about health insurance markets in which workers, rather than firms, choose insurance plans in an imperfect competition setting. Using a unique dataset that includes every person enrolled in private plans in Chile in 2009, I estimate underlying preference parameters over health insurance features. I find large heterogeneity in the valuation of these features across age-sex-groups and individual types. Individual characteristics play an important role on health plan choices and therefore, can be used by insurers to design plans targeted to specific groups and for patient selection. The second chapter presents a theoretical model where private insurers compete with a free public alternative to attract clients. Using a two-type model I show that if private insurance companies offer a non-rationing alternative and the public system rationing is done through random selection, an efficiency trap may exist. A marginal increase in the budget allocated to the public system can potentially reduce the expected welfare for all types. This result extends to a model with multiple types, but the negative welfare impact is offset by a crowding-in effect among the rich. Finally, the third chapter provides a general analytical framework that can be used to evaluate risk selection under different health care models. The model is based on the interactions between the four key agents present in every health care system: sponsors, health plans, providers and customers. This framework is used to review risk selection in four countries in the Americas -Canada, Chile, Colombia, and the U.S.-, showing how regulatory policies both create and ameliorate it, and in some cases are as important as risk adjustment, risk sharing and risk selection strategies for reducing risk selection.

Three Essays on Regulated Markets

Three Essays on Regulated Markets PDF Author: Matthias Unfried
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Languages : en
Pages : 87

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Three Essays on Market Structure, Competition, Prices, Health Spending, and Quality in the US Healthcare System

Three Essays on Market Structure, Competition, Prices, Health Spending, and Quality in the US Healthcare System PDF Author: James R Godwin
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Languages : en
Pages : 192

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The United States spends a larger percentage of GDP on healthcare than any other OECD nation, and yet it performs poorly on measures of access, process quality and outcomes relative to other wealthy nations. One hypothesis that may explain the relatively poor performance of the United States' healthcare system per dollar spent is that markets for hospitals, physician services, and insurance are highly consolidated and lack competition. This dissertation contributes to the body of literature seeking to measure healthcare market structure and assess the relationship between this market structure and unit prices, overall spending, and healthcare quality. The first paper in this dissertation, "The Association between Hospital-Physician Vertical Integration and Outpatient Physician Prices Paid by Commercial Insurers: New Evidence," demonstrates market-level associations between vertical integration among hospitals and physicians and higher prices for outpatient care. The second essay, "How Hospital-Owned Physician Organizations are Associated with Healthcare Prices, Expenditures, and Quality," analyzes vertical integration and prices, quality, and total patient spending, building on the findings of the first essay using physician and hospital level claims data. This study finds that vertical integration is associated with higher levels of annual spending for patients attributed to vertically integrated providers, but interpretation of association between vertical integration and outpatient prices is confounded by pre-intervention trends. Analysis of CMS hospital outcome measures does not show associations between vertical integration at a hospital level and quality. Finally, the third essay, "Automated Delineation of Hospital Market Boundaries in California," explores geographic market definition in healthcare, an important topic in research and antitrust action, while assessing the application of community detection methods in this field. This study finds that community detection methods group hospitals with higher accuracy than other geographic markets as measured by patient flows and may offer promise for merger screening, research on market concentration, and research on geographic variation in healthcare. The final chapter reviews overarching limitations of the dissertation, outlines directions for future research, and comments on potential policy approaches to promote competition and address the symptoms that may result from highly consolidated healthcare markets

Essays on the Economics of Health Insurance Markets

Essays on the Economics of Health Insurance Markets PDF Author: Richard Domurat
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Languages : en
Pages : 200

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This dissertation includes three chapters on the health insurance markets established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as exchanges. Chapter 1 estimates the demand for each plan in the California exchange using a discrete choice model. The model incorporates heterogeneity in consumer preferences and in product characteristics, including hospital and primary care physician (PCP) networks. Endogeneity of prices is addressed using networking hospital costs as instruments, and prices for any given plan can vary across consumers within a market. Consumers are highly sensitive to prices, with market shares declining by 3%-5% for just a $1 increase in the premium. Demand also responds to hospital and PCP networks, but to a relatively small degree. Along the take-up margin, a $1 increase in premium subsidy increases take-up by 1.4%. Chapter 2 uses a structural model of demand and supply to examine how two insurance market regulations--community rating and risk adjustment--affect prices and enrollment in the ACA exchange in California. Without risk adjustment, community rating in the ACA would lead to a significant reduction in enrollment in desirable plans and in take-up overall. Risk adjustment under the ACA roughly restores relative shares across plans to what they would be without community rating; however, the reduction in take-up is not restored. An alternative risk adjustment method can increase enrollment by 3.0% and would have little impact on government spending. Chapter 3, written jointly with Isaac Menashe and Wesley Yin, examines the impact of information on insurance take-up in the ACA. We exploit experimental variation in the information mailed to 87,000 households in California's exchange to study the role of frictions in insurance take-up. We find that a basic reminder of the enrollment deadline raised enrollment by 1.4 pp (or 16 percent). Compared to the reminder alone, also reporting personalized subsidy benefits increases take-up among low-income individuals, but decreases take-up among higher-income individuals. This is despite reminder-only recipients eventually observing their subsidies before purchase. Finally, the letter interventions induced healthier individuals into the market, lowering aggregate spending risk by 5.9 percent, suggesting these interventions can improve both enrollment and average market risk.

Three Essays on the Economics of Health Insurance

Three Essays on the Economics of Health Insurance PDF Author: Joseph Orsini
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Languages : en
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This dissertation explores the functioning of the non-group health insurance market under various regulatory regimes. The first chapter estimates the relationship between health status and product choice in this market prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). I use insurers' decisions of whether to approve or reject applications for health insurance to identify this relationship. These decisions are based upon a comprehensive health history that the consumer must disclose to the insurer upon applying. I assume that the insurer uses this health history, as well as the financial characteristics of the product that was applied for, to estimate the expected cost of insuring the consumer, approving whenever this cost exceeds the product's premium. This assumption allows me to estimate how insurers' forecasts of applicants' costs differ depending on the type of product chosen in a discrete choice framework. I estimate that demanders of high deductible coverage are much costlier to insure than others. Additional analysis reveals that these consumers are likely to be impoverished, suggesting that cash constraints and/or price sensitivity may explain their preference for minimal coverage. The second chapter is co-authored with Pietro Tebaldi, and estimates the impact of age-based pricing restrictions in the post-reform market. The ACA fixes the ratio between health insurance premiums charged to consumers of different ages, which generates a relationship between the fraction of relatively old consumers in a geographic market and the prices faced by young consumers in that market. We show that this relationship is present in the prices faced by consumers on the ACA exchanges, but was not present in the pre-ACA market. We take this as evidence that the relationship between price and population age observed in the ACA data is indeed attributable to this regulation. We then use this variation, combined with a model of insurer price-setting, to back out the age-specific prices that would prevail if the regulation of interest were eliminated. We estimate that this regulation substantially raises premiums for younger buyers while reducing them for older buyers, and therefore alters the allocation of coverage to consumers of different ages. Because the value of the subsidies that the federal government provides is directly tied to premiums, this regulation has also had a substantial impact on the federal budget, decreasing subsidy outlays by approximately $2.3 billion. The final chapter is co-authored with Michael Dickstein, Mark Duggan, and Pieto Tebaldi, and explores another aspect of the ACA's pricing restrictions. Individual states have discretion in how they define coverage regions, within which insurers must charge the same premium to buyers of the same age, family structure, and smoking status. We exploit variation in these definitions to investigate whether the size of the coverage region affects outcomes in the ACA marketplaces. We find large consequences for small and rural markets. When states combine small counties with neighboring urban areas into a single region, the included rural markets see .6 to .8 more active insurers, on average, and savings in annual premiums of between $200 and $300.

Essays on Health Insurance Markets

Essays on Health Insurance Markets PDF Author: Kevin David Frick
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Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Care Without Coverage

Care Without Coverage PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309083435
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 213

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Many Americans believe that people who lack health insurance somehow get the care they really need. Care Without Coverage examines the real consequences for adults who lack health insurance. The study presents findings in the areas of prevention and screening, cancer, chronic illness, hospital-based care, and general health status. The committee looked at the consequences of being uninsured for people suffering from cancer, diabetes, HIV infection and AIDS, heart and kidney disease, mental illness, traumatic injuries, and heart attacks. It focused on the roughly 30 million-one in seven-working-age Americans without health insurance. This group does not include the population over 65 that is covered by Medicare or the nearly 10 million children who are uninsured in this country. The main findings of the report are that working-age Americans without health insurance are more likely to receive too little medical care and receive it too late; be sicker and die sooner; and receive poorer care when they are in the hospital, even for acute situations like a motor vehicle crash.

Three Essays on Health Insurance Regulation and the Labor Market

Three Essays on Health Insurance Regulation and the Labor Market PDF Author: James Bailey
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Languages : en
Pages : 84

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This dissertation continues the tradition of identifying the unintended consequences of the US health insurance system. Its main contribution is to estimate the size of the distortions caused by the employer-based system and regulations intended to fix it, while using methods that are more novel and appropriate than those of previous work. Chapter 1 examines the effect of state-level health insurance mandates, which are regulations intended to expand access to health insurance. It finds that these regulations have the unintended consequence of increasing insurance premiums, and that these regulations have been responsible for 9-23% of premium increases since 1996. The main contribution of the chapter is that its results are more general than previous work, since it considers many more years of data, and it studies the employer-based plans that cover most Americans rather than the much less common individual plans. Whereas Chapter 1 estimates the effect of the average mandate on premiums, Chapter 2 focuses on a specific mandate, one that requires insurers to cover prostate cancer screenings. The focus on a single mandate allows a broader and more careful analysis that demonstrates how health policies spill over to affect the labor market. I find that the mandate has a significant negative effect on the labor market outcomes of the very group it was intended to help. The mandate expands the treatments health insurance covers for men over age 50, but by doing so it makes them more expensive to insure and employ. Employers respond to this added expense by lowering wages and hiring fewer men over age 50. According to the theoretical model put forward in the chapter, this suggests the mandate reduces total welfare. Chapter 3 shows that the employer-based health insurance system has deterred entrepreneurship. It takes advantage of the natural experiment provided by the Affordable Care Act's dependent coverage mandate, which de-linked insurance from employment for many 19-25 year olds. Difference-in-difference estimates show that the mandate increased self-employment among the treated group by 13-24%. Instrumental variables estimates show that those who actually received parental health insurance as a result of the mandate were drastically more likely to start their own business. This suggest that concerns over health insurance are a major barrier to entrepreneurship in the United States.

Essays in Health Economics and Industrial Organization

Essays in Health Economics and Industrial Organization PDF Author: Paul Evan Wong
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Languages : en
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This dissertation presents three essays in health economics and industrial organization. In the first essay, titled "Entry and Long-Run Market Structure in Nongroup Health Insurance, " I examine why there are many highly concentrated markets for nongroup (individual) health insurance in the United States. I do this by estimating a static model of entry, with which I show two results. First, incumbent insurers attract disproportionately high market share but do not get a disproportionate share of the most profitable consumers via underwriting (screening). Due to their high market share, they partially deter entry by other more marginal insurers, contributing to high market concentration. Second, rural areas have low population, unprofitable demographics (low-income, high disease incidence), and higher fixed costs of entry (isolated, few physicians). All three confluent factors at once cause rural areas to face significantly more market concentration than others. I use the estimated model to simulate the long-run changes in market concentration under the Affordable Care Act. Most urban areas face a decline in market concentration, but most rural areas - which were already highly concentrated - face an increase in market concentration. In the second essay, titled "Competition and Innovation: Did Monsanto's Entry Encourage Innovation in GMO Crops?, " I examine the relationship between competition and innovation using Monsanto's entry into agricultural biotechnology. In 1996, Monsanto - then a chemical firm - bought a plant breeder that had developed a new corn hybrid, which could withstand Monsanto's powerful herbicide Roundup. Due to the pre-existing structure of the US plant-breeding industry, this acquisition and Monsanto's acquisition of five other corn breeders meant that Monsanto had also entered soy breeding, in addition to corn. As a result, the market structure of soy breeding shifted from a quasi monopoly (by Pioneer Hi-Bred) to a duopoly with a competitive fringe. At the same time, Monsanto's acquisitions created no significant change in the market structure for other crops, such as wheat or cotton. Using new data on field trials, I study the effects of these changes on innovation. These data indicate that Pioneer and the competitive fringe innovated less in response to Monsanto's entry. Data on patent applications, however, indicate that Pioneer and the competitive fringe patented more after Monsanto entered. In the third essay, titled "Studying State-Level Variation in Nongroup Health Insurance Regulation: Insurers' Incentives to Screen Consumers, " I compare different state-level regulations for nongroup (individual) health insurance, and I use the comparison to show how regulation may affect insurers' incentives to screen and reject high-cost consumers. The study is possible because of historical variation in regulation - various states instituted high-risk pool (HRP), community rating (CR), and guaranteed issue (GI) regulation in the 1990s. I compare rejections of individual insurance applications across the different regulatory regimes. Rejections do not decline under HRP regulation. Historically, HRPs have generated little change to demand for private nongroup insurance among high-cost consumers, leaving underwriting (i.e. screening) unchanged. CR by itself (without GI) increases rejections. Insurers have a stronger incentive to underwrite when it is allowed but pricing is restricted. GI (with CR) decreases rejections, but they are not fully eliminated - a non-zero fraction of consumers are still rejected. Insurers face substantial incentive to screen consumers, which may outweigh the implicit cost of screening that regulation imposes. In light of insurers' behavior under these three regulations, future policy should decrease insurers' incentives to screen consumers. This reduces wasted resources devoted to underwriting.

Essays on Competition in Health Care Markets

Essays on Competition in Health Care Markets PDF Author: Xing Wu
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Over the last decades, health economics has turned into one of the most active research fields within economics. The structure of health care markets varies enormously across countries, largely influenced by competition among suppliers, the regulation of markets and patient preferences. This dissertation presents an analysis of health care markets especially focusing on price competition and quality competition. Under price competition, a pair of asymmetric pure strategy price equilibria exists in a model with income constraints for the specific case that two physicians locate at the maximum distance from each other and patients pay the same marginal transportation cost. Under quality competition, I investigate the interplay of market transparency and semi-altruism - a specific and interesting aspect unique to markets for health care. Market transparency and semi-altruism show ambiguous effects on welfare. The more altruistic physicians provides weakly higher quality than the less altruistic one. Moreover, I explore individual and social incentives for hospital mergers and their interaction with transparency and find that higher transparency does not always lead to higher quality and higher social welfare. The results indicate that quality is lower after merger. A hospital merger leads to a higher social welfare if the efficiency gains from the merger are sufficiently large. ; eng