
Luminescence PDF Author: Cornelis R. Ronda
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9783527314027
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Book Description
In this, the only up-to-date book on this key technology, the number-one expert in the field perfectly blends academic knowledge and industrial applications. Adopting a didactical approach, Professor Ronda discusses all the underlying principles, such that both researchers as well as beginners in the field will profit from this book. The focus is on the inorganic side and the phenomena of luminescence behind the manifold applications illustrated here, including displays, LEDs, lamps, and medical applications. Valuable reading for chemists and electrochemists, as well as materials scientists, those working in the optical and chemical industry, plus lamp and lighting manufacturers.


Luminescence PDF Author: Cornelis R. Ronda
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9783527314027
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Book Description
In this, the only up-to-date book on this key technology, the number-one expert in the field perfectly blends academic knowledge and industrial applications. Adopting a didactical approach, Professor Ronda discusses all the underlying principles, such that both researchers as well as beginners in the field will profit from this book. The focus is on the inorganic side and the phenomena of luminescence behind the manifold applications illustrated here, including displays, LEDs, lamps, and medical applications. Valuable reading for chemists and electrochemists, as well as materials scientists, those working in the optical and chemical industry, plus lamp and lighting manufacturers.

Luminescence of Solids

Luminescence of Solids PDF Author: D.R. Vij
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 146155361X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 435

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Luminescence of Solids gathers together much of the latest work on luminescent inorganic materials and new physical phenomena. The volume includes chapters covering -- the achievements that have led to the establishment of the fundamental laws of luminescence -- light sources, light-dispersing elements, detectors, and other experimental techniques -- models and mechanisms -- materials preparation, and -- future trends. This international collection of cutting-edge luminescence research is complemented by over 170 illustrations that bring to life the text's many vital concepts.

Theory of Luminescence

Theory of Luminescence PDF Author: Boris Ivanovich Stepanov
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 516

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Solid State Luminescence

Solid State Luminescence PDF Author: A.H. Kitai
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401115222
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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Historically, black body radiation in the tungsten filament lamp was our primary industrial means for producing 'artificial' light, as it replaced gas lamps. Solid state luminescent devices for applications ranging from lamps to displays have proliferated since then, particularly owing to the develop ment of semiconductors and phosphors. Our lighting products are now mostly phosphor based and this 'cold light' is replacing an increasing fraction of tungsten filament lamps. Even light emitting diodes now chal lenge such lamps for automotive brake lights. In the area of information displays, cathode ray tube phosphors have proved themselves to be outstandingly efficient light emitters with excellent colour capability. The current push for flat panel displays is quite intense, and much confusion exists as to where development and commercialization will occur most rapidly, but with the need for colour, it is now apparent that solid state luminescence will play a primary role, as gas phase plasma displays do not conveniently permit colour at the high resolution needed today. The long term challenge to develop electroluminescent displays continues, and high performance fluorescent lamps currently illuminate liquid crystal monochrome and colour displays. The development of tri component rare earth phosphors is of particular importance.

Theory of Thermoluminescence and Related Phenomena

Theory of Thermoluminescence and Related Phenomena PDF Author: Reuven Chen
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9789810222956
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 580

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In this book, the authors give an up-to-date account of thermoluminescence (TL) and other thermally stimulated phenomena. Although most recent experimental results of TL in different materials are described in some detail, the main emphasis in the present book is on general processes, and the approach is more theoretical. Thus the details of the possible processes which can take place during the excitation of the sample, and during its heating, are carefully analysed. The methods for analysing TL glow curves are critically discussed, and recommendations as to their application are made. Also discussed is the expected behavior of these phenomena as functions of the experimental parameters, for example, dose of excitation. The consequences of the main applications of TL (for example, radiation dosimetry) are also discussed in detail as are the similarities and dissimilarities of other thermally stimulated phenomena, and the simultaneous measurements of the latter and TL.

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry PDF Author: L. Boetter-Jensen
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 008053807X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 375

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Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) has become the technique of choice for many areas of radiation dosimetry. The technique is finding widespread application in a variety of radiation dosimetry fields, including personal monitoring, environmental monitoring, retrospective dosimetry (including geological dating and accident dosimetry), space dosimetry, and many more. In this book we have attempted to synthesize the major advances in the field, covering both fundamental understanding and the many applications. The latter serve to demonstrate the success and popularity of OSL as a dosimetry method.The book is designed for researchers and radiation dosimetry practitioners alike. It delves into the detailed theory of the process from the point of view of stimulated relaxation phenomena, describing the energy storage and release processes phenomenologically and developing detailed mathematical descriptions to enable a quantitative understanding of the observed phenomena. The various stimulation modes (continuous wave, pulsed, or linear modulation) are introduced and compared. The properties of the most important synthetic OSL materials beginning with the dominant carbon-doped Al2O3, and moving through discussions of other, less-well studied but nevertheless important, or potentially important, materials. The OSL properties of the two most important natural OSL dosimetry material types, namely quartz and feldspars are discussed in depth. The applications chapters deal with the use of OSL in personal, environmental, medical and UV dosimetry, geological dating and retrospective dosimetry (accident dosimetry and dating). Finally the developments in instrumentation that have occurred over the past decade or more are described. The book will find use in those laboratories within academia, national institutes and the private sector where research and applications in radiation dosimetry using luminescence are being conducted. Potential readers include personnel involved in radiation protection practice and research, hospitals, nuclear power stations, radiation clean-up and remediation, food irradiation and materials processing, security monitoring, geological and archaeological dating, luminescence studies of minerals, etc.

Luminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductors

Luminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductors PDF Author: Ivan Pelant
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 019162750X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1319

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Book Description
This book reviews up-to-date ideas of how the luminescence radiation in semiconductors originates and how to analyze it experimentally. The book fills a gap between general textbooks on optical properties of solids and specialized monographs on luminescence. It is unique in its coherent treatment of the phenomenon of luminescence from the very introductory definitions, from light emission in bulk crystalline and amorphous materials to the advanced chapters that deal with semiconductor nano objects, including spectroscopy of individual nanocrystals. The theory of radiative recombination channels in semiconductors is considered on a level of intuitive physical understanding rather than rigorous quantum mechanical treatment. The book is based on teaching and written in the style of a graduate text with plenty of tutorial material, illustrations, and problem sets at chapter ends. It is designed predominantly for students in physics, optics, optoelectronics and materials science.

Luminescence Thermometry

Luminescence Thermometry PDF Author: Miroslav Dramićanin
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0081020309
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Luminescence Thermometry: Methods, Materials, and Applications presents the state-of-the art applications of luminescence thermometry, giving a detailed explanation of luminescence spectroscopic schemes for the read-out of temperature, while also describing the diverse materials that are capable of sensing temperature via luminescence. Chapters cover the fundamentals of temperature, traditional thermometers and their figures of merit, a concise description of optical thermometry methods, luminescence and instrumentation, and an explanation of the ways in which increases in temperature quench luminescence. Additional sections focus on materials utilized for luminescence thermometry and the broad range of applications for luminescence thermometry, including temperature measurement at the nanoscale and the application of multifunctional luminescent materials. - Provides an overview of luminescence thermometry applications, including high-temperature, biomedical, nanoscale and multifunctional - Delves into luminescence thermometry by materials group, including Rare-earth and transition Metal Ion Doped, Semiconductors, Quantum Dots and Organic materials - Gives a concise introduction of the latest methods of temperature measurement, including luminescence spectroscopic schemes and methods of analysis

Luminescent Materials

Luminescent Materials PDF Author: G. Blasse
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642790178
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Everyone starting work in this field is faced with the lack of basic books. Here, two renowned researchers introduce the reader to luminescence and its applications, describing the principles of the luminescence processes in a clear way and dealing not only with physics, but also with the chemistry of systems. Particular attention is paid to materials such as lamp phosphors, cathode-ray and X-ray phosphors, scintillators and many other applications.

Luminescent Nanomaterials

Luminescent Nanomaterials PDF Author: Odireleng Martin Ntwaeaborwa
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000565408
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 508

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In recent decades, luminescent nanomaterials have generated great interest in the scientific community due to their unique properties, which are different from those of their bulk counterparts, and their use in a wide variety of applications. Today, luminescent nanomaterials are used in a number of applications such as displays, solid-state lighting, solar cells, long afterglow, dosimetry, theft prevention, medical imaging, phototherapy, and quantum and gas sensing. This book presents cutting-edge research from experts in the field of synthesis and characterization of luminescent nanomaterials and their potential applications. It covers interesting topics in semiconductor physics, photochemistry, physical chemistry, materials science, and luminescence, and will be useful for beginners and advanced researchers interested in this field.