The Veil

The Veil PDF Author: Walter De la Mare
Category : English poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 108

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The Veil

The Veil PDF Author: Walter De la Mare
Category : English poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 108

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Veil PDF Author: Lisa Anne Smartt
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781721856565
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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A few weeks after her father's death, linguist and educator, Lisa Smartt, heard his voice asking that she transcribe poems from beyond the veil for his beloved, Susan, wife of of 54 years. Was it truly the spirit of her father or merely her imagination? Lisa is not sure, but the poems inspired by his voice are beautiful, so she gathered them together into this collection in celebration and memory of his life and love. Those who read the poems agree that they have a vision about them, as if from a perspective much greater than ours and offer an expanded appreciation of all we are. Rafael Gonzalez, Poet Laureate of Berkeley, Ca, writes, "And whose poems are they? Lisa's? Her father Morton's from beyond the threshold? It matters not. What matters are the poems themselves, celebrations of life and of love, lyrical, tender and passionate..."

Veil and Burn

Veil and Burn PDF Author: Laurie Clements Lambeth
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
ISBN: 025209168X
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 107

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Concerned with physical experience, pain, and disability, Veil and Burn illuminates an intense desire to feel through the Other, embrace it, become it, and in the transformation, to understand the suffering body. In poems about animals, artifacts, and monsters, Lambeth displays a fascination for all bodies while exploring their pain, common fate, alienation, and abilities. Hovering between poem and prose fragment, between the self and fellow creatures, Laurie Clements Lambeth celebrates physical sensation, imbuing it with lyric shape, however broken, however imprisoned the shape may be.

The Veil

The Veil PDF Author:
ISBN: 9781559364157
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The Painted Veil

The Painted Veil PDF Author: William Somerset Maugham
Publisher: Vintage
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Kitty Fane's affair with Assistant Colonial Secretary Townsend is interrupted when she is taken from Hong Kong by her vengeful bacteriologist husband to work in a cholera epidemic.

Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems

Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems PDF Author: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486114147
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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Treasury of 37 well-known and representative poems by great Romantic poet includes "Ode to the West Wind," "To a Skylark," "Adonais," "Ozymandias," "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty," many more. Lists of titles and first lines.

Evangeline and Other Poems

Evangeline and Other Poems PDF Author: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486112144
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 81

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Includes the memorable "The Skeleton in Armor," "The Arsenal at Springfield," "Mezzo Cammin," "The Rhyme of Sir Christopher" (from Tales of a Wayside Inn), "Aftermath" and "Divina Commedia." Cambridge Edition.

The Whispering Veils

The Whispering Veils PDF Author: Cyril Christo
Publisher: Universe Publishing(NY)
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 34

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Book Description
Christo is world-famous for his major artistic projects, including Valley Curtain, Running Fence, Surrounded Islands, and Wrapped Pont Neuf. Here, pictures of ten of the most celebrated of these works are accompanied by the poems of the artist's son. Cyril Christo's sensitive, evocative word pictures provide a perfect verbal foil to his father's extraordinary visual creations.

Science and Other Poems

Science and Other Poems PDF Author: Alison Hawthorne Deming
Publisher: LSU Press
ISBN: 0807166235
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 93

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These poems imbue everything, from the microscopic to the stellar, with wonder. Each instant of illumination, like poetry itself, brings the world alive with "a faithfulness deeper than seeing."


Veil PDF Author: Rae Armantrout
Publisher: Wesleyan University Press
ISBN: 0819564508
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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First book of selected poems by this core member of the Language writing group.