The Value of Psychotherapy

The Value of Psychotherapy PDF Author: Robert L. Woolfolk
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462521908
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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From a seasoned scholar, clinician, and teacher, this lively, highly readable text probes where the field of psychotherapy is now and where it may be headed in the future. Robert L. Woolfolk explores commonalities and differences among major therapeutic approaches, as well as their philosophical underpinnings. He critiques the growing medicalization of mental health care--in particular, the attempt to fit psychotherapy to the templates of evidence-based medicine. Students gain an appreciation of the enduring value of "the talking cure" for addressing perennial questions: ?Who am I?? ?What can I become?? ?What kind of life is worth having, and how can I achieve it?? The book makes a strong case for the benefits of psychotherapy not only as a method for treating disorders, but also as a practice that can promote practical wisdom and human flourishing.

The Value of Psychotherapy

The Value of Psychotherapy PDF Author: Robert L. Woolfolk
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462521908
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Book Description
From a seasoned scholar, clinician, and teacher, this lively, highly readable text probes where the field of psychotherapy is now and where it may be headed in the future. Robert L. Woolfolk explores commonalities and differences among major therapeutic approaches, as well as their philosophical underpinnings. He critiques the growing medicalization of mental health care--in particular, the attempt to fit psychotherapy to the templates of evidence-based medicine. Students gain an appreciation of the enduring value of "the talking cure" for addressing perennial questions: ?Who am I?? ?What can I become?? ?What kind of life is worth having, and how can I achieve it?? The book makes a strong case for the benefits of psychotherapy not only as a method for treating disorders, but also as a practice that can promote practical wisdom and human flourishing.

What Is Psychotherapy?

What Is Psychotherapy? PDF Author: The School of Life
Publisher: School of Life
ISBN: 9781999747176
Category : Psychotherapy
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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An in-depth look at a much misunderstood practice, offering a fresh viewpoint on how this science can be a universally effective route to our better selves.

Psychotherapy Is Worth It

Psychotherapy Is Worth It PDF Author: Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
Publisher: American Psychiatric Pub
ISBN: 0873182162
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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In Psychotherapy Is Worth It: A Comprehensive Review of Its Cost-Effectiveness, edited by Susan G. Lazar, M.D., and co-authored with members of the Committee on Psychotherapy of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, surveys the medical, psychiatric and psychological literature from 1984 to 2007 that is relevant to the cost-effectiveness of all kinds of psychotherapy. The volume explores the cost of providing psychotherapy in relation to its impact both on health and on the costs to society of psychiatric illness and related conditions. Written for psychotherapists, psychiatric benefit providers, policy makers, and others interested in the cost-effectiveness of providing psychotherapeutic treatments, this book analyzes the burden of mental illness, particularly in the United States, and the enormous associated costs to society that constitute a chronic, insufficiently recognized crisis in the health of our nation. The authors point out that in the United States nearly 30% of the population over the age of 18 has a diagnosable psychiatric disorder and yet only about 33% of those treated receive minimally adequate care. In fact, most people with mental disorders in the United States remain untreated or poorly treated, leading to loss in productivity, higher rates of absenteeism, increased costs, morbidity and mortality from medical illnesses, and loss of life through suicide. This book provides a systematic and comprehensive review of 25 years of medical literature on the cost-effectiveness of psychotherapy and discusses the: Epidemiology of mental illness, including prevalence and treatment rates Misconceptions and stigmas associated with psychiatric illness and the provision of psychotherapy and how they affect those most in need of care Cost-effectiveness of psychotherapy for the major psychiatric disorders as well as savings that psychotherapy can yield in increased health, work productivity, lives saved, and medical and hospital related costs For instance, in a review of 18 studies conducted from 1984 to 1994, psychotherapy was found to be cost-effective in treating patients with severe disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder, and led to improved work functioning and decreased hospitalization. Likewise, studies point to the enhancement of outcomes when psychotherapy is used in conjunction with medical therapies in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, and other prevalent, chronic diseases. Psychotherapy Is Worth It: A Comprehensive Review of Its Cost-Effectiveness concludes that studies confirm psychotherapy works for many conditions, is cost-effective, and is not over-used by those persons not truly in need. A treatment that is cost-effective is not "cheap"; rather, it can provide effective medical help at a cost acceptable to society, in comparison both to other effective treatments for the same condition and to medical treatments for other classes of mental disorder.

The Art and Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy

The Art and Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy PDF Author: JoAnne Dahl
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1608822974
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Valuing is central to acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), yet few therapists truly understand how to engage clients in this complex process. Questions such as What is the purpose of my life? and How do I make decisions? are difficult to answer honestly for ourselves, let alone share with another person. The Art and Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy is the mental health practitioner's complete guide to helping clients identify their values and apply them to their lives in practical ways. You will also learn to establish your own values as a professional, which may shift from client to client, and act in accordance with these values in therapy. The book provides you with practical tools for conducting values work, including easy-to-understand metaphors, defusion exercises, guided imagery exercises, scripts for role play, client worksheets, assessment quizzes, and more. Once you've mastered the art and science of valuing, you'll find out just how broad the applications for values work can be for conceptualization and interventions in the workplace, in organizations, and on the community level, and discover how effective values work can be for tapping into your clients' capacity for change. [The Art and Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy] will illuminate how a focus on values can inform every aspect of psychotherapy, from case conceptualization to the therapeutic relationship. At once accessible and profound… highly recommended. -Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D., University of Nevada Foundation Professor of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno

Values in Therapy

Values in Therapy PDF Author: Jenna LeJeune
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications
ISBN: 1684033233
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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Values in Therapy is a powerful and practical guide for any therapist—chock-full of insight and tools to conceptualize, integrate, and effectively apply values work in-session. With an emphasis on cultivating meaning and vitality in client lives, the values component of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is what draws many clinicians to the treatment model. Yet, until now, there have been no practical guides available on values-based practice written from an ACT perspective. And while values work may appear deceptively simple, it’s often difficult to effectively carry out in practice. That’s where this comprehensive guide comes in. Values in Therapy emphasizes the facilitation of specific qualities inherent in effective values conversations, such as vitality, choice, present-focused awareness, and willing vulnerability. This book will help you move away from basic techniques and exercises and toward the nuance and skills you need to do effective values work. You’ll also learn how to use these tools, with detailed scripts for in-session exercises, handouts for clients, homework ideas, assessment and tracking tools, case examples, practical vignettes, and more. Whether you’re an ACT clinician, or simply looking to incorporate values-based work into your treatment, this essential guide provides everything you need to help clients connect with what really matters to them, so they can live full and meaningful lives.

The Values of Psychotherapy

The Values of Psychotherapy PDF Author: Jeremy Holmes
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 042992268X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 382

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This first-class book provides an unrivalled basis for further discussion on to how to make psychotherapy more effective both, ethically and professionally. Above all, psychotherapy is a moral practice. However scientific its research, or however much scientific research is demanded of it, psychotherapy remains a practice born of moral dilemmas, of how we live together, each with the other...Above all, the book is a plea to accept psychotherapy as a profession.


Psychotherapy PDF Author: Sheldon Roth
Publisher: Jason Aronson, Incorporated
ISBN: 1461630282
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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An immense value to all students and practitioners of psychotherapy, Psychotherpy: The Art of Wooing Nature, masterfully integrates Sheldon Roth's clinical wisdom and theoretical knowledge. In a clear, jargon-free writing style, Roth explains how a therapist heals. This book is a both a description of the emotional experience of being a psychotherapist as well as a primer of the basic concepts essential to have in mind through the many hours of therapy.

A Guide to Starting Psychotherapy Groups

A Guide to Starting Psychotherapy Groups PDF Author: John R. Price
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080507700
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 213

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How does a therapist go about starting a psychotherapy group? In this practical guide the reader finds the elements, both attitudinal and procedural, needed for starting a therapy group. The processes of obtaining referrals, selecting clients, orienting and educating clients, and preparing clients for psychotherapy are covered in clear step-by-step procedures. Tables and charts are provided for the necessary record keeping. The initial chapters detail the important stages leading up to the first therapy session. Eminent group therapists present special chapters on various therapeutic approaches. The topics of terminating groups and the role of the therapist close this pragmatic guide to therapy groups. A Guide to Starting Psychotherapy Groups assists psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, nurse clinicians, pastoral counselors, school and college counselors and other trained therapists in the process of forming and maintaining groups. - Steps for getting groups started, beginning with first mention of group therapy to clients - Clarification of differing theoretical approaches to doing groups - Helpful guides for tracking referrals and billing - Analysis of group psychotherapy's effectiveness - Attention to special groups and co-therapy leadership - Authoritative articles by international leaders in group psychotherapy

Values & Ethics in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Values & Ethics in Counselling and Psychotherapy PDF Author: Gillian Proctor
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473904382
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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This book offers an introduction to values and ethics in counselling and psychotherapy, helping you to develop the ethical awareness needed throughout the counselling process. The book covers: - Context and emergence of ethics in counselling - Exercises to explore personal and professional values - Tools to develop ethical mindfulness - Differences between therapeutic models - Relational ethics - Ethical dilemmas and issues - Practice issues including confidentiality, boundaries and autonomy versus beneficence. Using in-depth case studies of counselling students, the author demonstrates the constant relevance of values and ethics to counselling and psychotherapy, equipping trainees with the tools to successfully navigate values and ethics in their professional practice.

Role Playing in Psychotherapy

Role Playing in Psychotherapy PDF Author: Raymond J. Corsini
Publisher: Transaction Publishers
ISBN: 0202363937
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Originally published: Roleplaying in psychotherapy. Chicago: Aldine, c1966, in series: Modern applications of psychology.