Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9783540606512
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Translated from the Japanese, this title is the first modern book on magnetics, a topic of increasing importance. The book provides the foundation for further development in this field, covering magnetic ions in crystals, and magnetism of spin systems, metals and dilute alloys.


Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9783540606512
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Book Description
Translated from the Japanese, this title is the first modern book on magnetics, a topic of increasing importance. The book provides the foundation for further development in this field, covering magnetic ions in crystals, and magnetism of spin systems, metals and dilute alloys.

Quantum Theory of Magnetism

Quantum Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: Wolfgang Nolting
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540854169
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 752

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Magnetism is one of the oldest and most fundamental problems of Solid State Physics although not being fully understood up to now. On the other hand it is one of the hottest topics of current research. Practically all branches of modern technological developments are based on ferromagnetism, especially what concerns information technology. The book, written in a tutorial style, starts from the fundamental features of atomic magnetism, discusses the essentially single-particle problems of dia- and paramagnetism, in order to provide the basis for the exclusively interesting collective magnetism (ferro, ferri, antiferro). Several types of exchange interactions, which take care under certain preconditions for a collective ordering of localized or itinerant permanent magnetic moments, are worked out. Under which conditions these exchange interactions are able to provoke a collective moment ordering for finite temperatures is investigated within a series of theoretical models, each of them considered for a very special class of magnetic materials. The book is written in a tutorial style appropriate for those who want to learn magnetism and eventually to do research work in this field. Numerous exercises with full solutions for testing own attempts will help to a deep understanding of the main aspects of collective ferromagnetism.

Statistical Mechanics Made Simple (2nd Edition)

Statistical Mechanics Made Simple (2nd Edition) PDF Author: Daniel C Mattis
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
ISBN: 9814365386
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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This second edition extends and improves on the first, already an acclaimed and original treatment of statistical concepts insofar as they impact theoretical physics and form the basis of modern thermodynamics. This book illustrates through myriad examples the principles and logic used in extending the simple laws of idealized Newtonian physics and quantum physics into the real world of noise and thermal fluctuations.In response to the many helpful comments by users of the first edition, important features have been added in this second, new and revised edition. These additions allow a more coherent picture of thermal physics to emerge. Benefiting from the expertise of the new co-author, the present edition includes a detailed exposition — occupying two separate chapters — of the renormalization group and Monte-Carlo numerical techniques, and of their applications to the study of phase transitions. Additional figures have been included throughout, as have new problems. A new Appendix presents fully worked-out solutions to representative problems; these illustrate various methodologies that are peculiar to physics at finite temperatures, that is, to statistical physics.This new edition incorporates important aspects of many-body theory and of phase transitions. It should better serve the contemporary student, while offering to the instructor a wider selection of topics from which to craft lectures on topics ranging from thermodynamics and random matrices to thermodynamic Green functions and critical exponents, from the propagation of sound in solids and fluids to the nature of quasiparticles in quantum liquids and in transfer matrices.

The Theory of Magnetism I

The Theory of Magnetism I PDF Author: Daniel C. Mattis
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642832385
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 311

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Starting with a historical introduction to the study of magnetism - one of the oldest sciences known to man - before considering the most modern theories and observations (magnetic bubbles and soap films, effects of magnetic impurities in metals and spin glasses), this book develops the concepts and the mathematical expertise necessary to understand contemporary research in this field. Magnetic systems are important in technology and applied science, but they are also prototypes of more complex mathematical structures of great importance to theoretical physics. These connections are made repeatedly in this volume. After development of the necessary quantum theory of angular momentum and of interacting electron systems, a number of models which have been successful in the interpretation of experimental results are introduced: the Ising model, the Heisenberg model, the Stoner theory, the Kondo phenomenon, and so on. In the second edition the thorough approach and the main features which made the first edition a popular text have been retained. All important theories are worked out in detail using methods and notation that are uniform throughout. Footnotes and an extensive bibliography provide a guide to the original literature. A number of problems test the reader's skill.

Environmental Health Perspectives

Environmental Health Perspectives PDF Author:
Category : Electronic journals
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Quantum Theory of Magnetism

Quantum Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: Robert M. White
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540690255
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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"Quantum Theory of Magnetism" is the only book that deals with the phenomenon of magnetism from the point of view of "linear response". That is, how does a magnetic material respond when excited by a magnetic field? That field may be uniform, or spatially varying, static or time dependent. Previous editions have dealt primarily with the magnetic response. This edition incorporates the resistive response of magnetic materials as well. It also includes problems to test the reader's (or student's) comprehension. The rationale for a book on magnetism is as valid today as it was when the first two editions of Quantum Theory of Magnetism were published. Magnetic phenomena continue to be discovered with deep scientific implications and novel applications. Since the Second Edition, for example, Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) was discovered and the new field of "spintronics" is currently expanding. Not only do these phenomena rely on the concepts presented in this book, but magnetic properties are often an important clue to our understanding of new materials (e.g., high-temperature superconductors). Their magnetic properties, studied by susceptibility measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron scattering, etc. have provided insight to the superconductivity state.This updated edition offers revised emphasis on some material as a result of recent developments and includes new material, such as an entire chapter on thin film magnetic multilayers. Researchers and students once again have access to an up-to-date classic reference on magnetism, the key characteristic of many modern materials.

Introduction to the Theory of Magnetism

Introduction to the Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: D. Wagner
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483156680
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 295

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Introduction to the Theory of Magnetism is an introductory text on the theory of magnetism. The discussions are organized around diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism. The exchange interaction and the resulting many-particle problem for a system of atomic spins are also considered, and the properties of this system are examined in several approximations. This book is comprised of three chapters and begins with a review of the fundamental effects of diamagnetism, paying particular attention to the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem, the Fermi gas, Landau levels, and cyclotron resonance. The diamagnetism of atoms and ions and of electrons is also described, and the magnetic moment of a free electron gas produced by the intrinsic magnetic moment of the electrons is calculated. The next chapter is devoted to the classical theory of paramagnetism and covers the paramagnetism of free electrons, free atoms (rare earths), and atoms in a crystal. Paramagnetic resonance and the Zeeman effect of free atoms are highlighted. The third and last chapter focuses on ferromagnetism and ferromagnetic resonance, together with the molecular-field approximation, spin waves, high temperatures, and the band model. This monograph will be a valuable resource for students of physics.

The Quantum Theory of Magnetism

The Quantum Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: Norberto Majlis
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9812567925
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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This advanced level textbook is devoted to the description of systems which show ordered magnetic phases. A wide selection of topics is covered, including a detailed treatment of the mean-field approximation as the main paradigm for the phenomenological description of phase transitions. The book discusses the properties of low-dimensional systems and uses Green's functions extensively after a useful mathematical introduction. A thorough presentation of the RKKY and related models of indirect exchange is also featured, and a chapter on surface magnetism, rarely found in other textbooks, adds to the uniqueness of this book.For the second edition, three new chapters have been added, namely on magnetic anisotropy, on coherent magnon states and on local moments. Additionally, the chapter on itinerant magnetism has been enlarged by including a section on paramagnons.

Modern Theory of Magnetism in Metals and Alloys

Modern Theory of Magnetism in Metals and Alloys PDF Author: Yoshiro Kakehashi
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642334016
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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This book describes theoretical aspects of the metallic magnetism from metals to disordered alloys to amorphous alloys both at the ground state and at finite temperatures. The book gives an introduction to the metallic magnetism, and treats effects of electron correlations on magnetism, spin fluctuations in metallic magnetism, formation of complex magnetic structures, a variety of magnetism due to configurational disorder in alloys as well as a new magnetism caused by the structural disorder in amorphous alloys, especially the itinerant-electron spin glasses. The readers will find that all these topics can be understood systematically by means of the spin-fluctuation theories based on the functional integral method.

Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism

Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism PDF Author: Amikam Aharoni
Publisher: Clarendon Press
ISBN: 9780198508083
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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The present book is the second edition of Amikam Aharoni's Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism, based on a popular lecture course. Like its predecessor, it serves a two-fold purpose: First, it is a textbook for first-year graduate and advanced undergraduate students in both physics and engineering. Second, it explains the basic theoretical principles on which the work is based for practising engineers and experimental physicists who work in the field of magnetism, thus also serving to a certain extent as a reference book. For both professionals and students the emphasis is on introducing the foundations of the different subfields, highlighting the direction and tendency of the most recent research. For this new edition, the author has thoroughly updated the material especially of chapters 9 ('The Nucleation Problem') and 11 ('Numerical Micromagnetics'), which now contain the state of the art required by students and professionals who work on advanced topics of ferromagnetism. From reviews on the 1/e: '... a much needed, thorough introduction and guide to the literature. It is full of wisdom and commentary. Even more, it is Amikam Aharoni at his best - telling a story... He is fun to read... The extensive references provide an advanced review of micromagnetics and supply sources for suitable exercises... there is much for the student to do with the guidance provided by Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism.' A. Arrott, Physics Today, September 1997