Lipid Metabolism in Ruminant Animals

Lipid Metabolism in Ruminant Animals PDF Author: William W. Christie
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483152723
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 461

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Lipid Metabolism in Ruminant Animals is a nine-chapter book that first discusses the anatomy, physiology, and microbiology of the ruminant digestive tract. Subsequent chapters center on lipid metabolism in the rumen; digestion, absorption and transport of lipids in ruminant animals; the composition, structure and function of lipids in the tissues of ruminant animals; and the effects of diet and other factors on the lipid composition of ruminant tissues and milk. Other chapters focus on lipid metabolism in the mammary gland, adipose tissue, liver, and other selected tissues of ruminant animals.

Lipid Metabolism in Ruminant Animals

Lipid Metabolism in Ruminant Animals PDF Author: William W. Christie
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483152723
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 461

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Book Description
Lipid Metabolism in Ruminant Animals is a nine-chapter book that first discusses the anatomy, physiology, and microbiology of the ruminant digestive tract. Subsequent chapters center on lipid metabolism in the rumen; digestion, absorption and transport of lipids in ruminant animals; the composition, structure and function of lipids in the tissues of ruminant animals; and the effects of diet and other factors on the lipid composition of ruminant tissues and milk. Other chapters focus on lipid metabolism in the mammary gland, adipose tissue, liver, and other selected tissues of ruminant animals.

Digestive Physiology and Nutrition of Ruminants

Digestive Physiology and Nutrition of Ruminants PDF Author: D. C. Church
Category : Animal nutrition
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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Forage in Ruminant Nutrition

Forage in Ruminant Nutrition PDF Author: Dennis Minson
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323147984
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 502

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Forage in Ruminant Nutrition is the 12th text in a series of books about animal feeing and nutrition. The series is intended to keep readers updated on the developments occurring in these fields. As it is apparent that ruminant animals are important throughout the world because of the meat and milk they produce, knowledge about the feeds available to ruminants must also be considered for increased production and efficiency. This text provides information that readers will find considerably invaluable about forage feeds, such as grass, legumes, hay, and straw. The book is composed of 16 chapters that feature the following concepts of ruminant forage feeding: • composition of ruminant products and the nutrients required for maintenance and reproduction; • energy and nutrient available in forage: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, selenium, and cobalt; • intake of forage by housed ruminants; • grazing; • forage digestibility; • protein in ruminant nutrition; • protein and other nutrient deficiencies. This volume will be an invaluable reference for students and professionals in agricultural chemistry and grassland and animal husbandry researches.

Microbial Symbioses

Microbial Symbioses PDF Author: Sebastien Duperron
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0081021186
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Plants and animals have evolved ever since their appearance in a largely microbial world. Their own cells are less numerous than the microorganisms that they host and with whom they interact closely. The study of these interactions, termed microbial symbioses, has benefited from the development of new conceptual and technical tools. We are gaining an increasing understanding of the functioning, evolution and central importance of symbiosis in the biosphere. Since the origin of eukaryotic cells, microscopic organisms of our planet have integrated our very existence into their ways of life. The interaction between host and symbiont brings into question the notion of the individual and the traditional representation of the evolution of species, and the manipulation of symbioses facilitates fascinating new perspectives in biotechnology and health. Recent discoveries show that association is one of the main properties of organisms, making a more integrated view of biology necessary. Microbial Symbioses provides a deliberately "symbiocentric outlook, to exhibit how the exploration of microbial symbioses enriches our understanding of life, and the potential future for this discipline. - Offers a concise summary of the most recent discoveries in the field - Shows how symbiosis is acquiring a central role in the biology of the 21st century by transforming our understanding of living things - Presents scientific issues, but also societal and economic related issues (biodiversity, biotechnology) through examples from all branches of the tree of life

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant

Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant PDF Author: Peter J. Van Soest
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501732358
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 490

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This monumental text-reference places in clear persepctive the importance of nutritional assessments to the ecology and biology of ruminants and other nonruminant herbivorous mammals. Now extensively revised and significantly expanded, it reflects the changes and growth in ruminant nutrition and related ecology since 1982. Among the subjects Peter J. Van Soest covers are nutritional constraints, mineral nutrition, rumen fermentation, microbial ecology, utilization of fibrous carbohydrates, application of ruminant precepts to fermentive digestion in nonruminants, as well as taxonomy, evolution, nonruminant competitors, gastrointestinal anatomies, feeding behavior, and problems fo animal size. He also discusses methods of evaluation, nutritive value, physical struture and chemical composition of feeds, forages, and broses, the effects of lignification, and ecology of plant self-protection, in addition to metabolism of energy, protein, lipids, control of feed intake, mathematical models of animal function, digestive flow, and net energy. Van Soest has introduced a number of changes in this edition, including new illustrations and tables. He places nutritional studies in historical context to show not only the effectiveness of nutritional approaches but also why nutrition is of fundamental importance to issues of world conservation. He has extended precepts of ruminant nutritional ecology to such distant adaptations as the giant panda and streamlined conceptual issues in a clearer logical progression, with emphasis on mechanistic causal interrelationships. Peter J. Van Soest is Professor of Animal Nutrition in the Department of Animal Science and the Division of Nutritional Sciences at the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University.

Digestive Physiology and Metabolism in Ruminants

Digestive Physiology and Metabolism in Ruminants PDF Author: Y. Ruckebusch
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401180679
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 856

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Two questions could not be avoided in the avant-propos of this book; (i) what is the importance to man of ruminant livestock, and (ii) what results of practical relevance in the growing mountain of scientific verbiage could be found in the Proceedings of this Symposium. Herbivores are an integral and critical part of the natural ecosystem which must be preserved because of their impact on human welfare. Wh at makes ruminants especially important to man is that they can thrive on fibrous forage and are thus the only viable enterprise over much of the earth's surface where crop growing is impracti cable. They contribute a wide array of products in addition to 50000 000 tonnes ofmeat (1977) and represent a 'capital reserve' that can be drawn upon in times of emergency: milk for example (450000000 tonnes) can make the difference between subsistence and starvation. About 60% of the world's meat and 80 % of the milk are produced by one third of the world ruminant population in the developed regions and as much as 99 % of the power for agriculture is provided by the ruminant population in developing countries. For the next two decades, a probable increase by 30 % for . cattle and buffalo and more than 40 % for sheep and goats is expected by improving health, fertility, nutrition and genetic potential rather than feed resources.

Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals

Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals PDF Author: Paul Dettloff
Publisher: Acres U.S.A., Incorporated
ISBN: 9781601730121
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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Drawing on 36 years of veterinary practice, Dr. Paul Dettloff presents a natural, sustainable approach to ruminant health. Copiously illustrated chapters "break down" the animal into its interrelated biological systems: digestive, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal and more. Also includes a chapter on nosodes, with vaccination programs for dairy cattle, sheep and goats. An information-packed manual from a renowned vet and educator. Copyright 2004, 2009, softcover, 260 pages

Ruminant Physiology

Ruminant Physiology PDF Author: Pierre Cronjé
Publisher: CABI
ISBN: 9780851997124
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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The International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (ISRP) is the premier forum for presentation and discussion of advances in knowledge of the physiology of ruminant animals. This book brings together edited versions of the keynote review papers presented at the symposium.

Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism

Quantitative Aspects of Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism PDF Author: Jan Dijkstra
Publisher: CABI
ISBN: 9780851998145
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 734

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The first edition of this book. Published in 1993, was very well received as providing a comprehensive review of the digestion and metabolism of ruminant animals. Since its publication, much new research has been conducted in the subject and knowledge has increased. This new edition includes Dr. Dijkstra as an additional editor and four completely new chapters. These cover: the gas production technique in feed evaluation; the relationship between pasture characteristics and animal performance; calorimetry; and feed processing. Other chapters have been expanded or updated as appropriate.

Fat Content and Composition of Animal Products

Fat Content and Composition of Animal Products PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309024404
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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