Author: Ann Weiser Cornell
Publisher: Focusing Resources
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 284
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How can we bring peace to the inner wars that are in the way of having the life we want? For more than 30 years now, Ann Weiser Cornell has been exploring, teaching, and writing about the mysteries of emotional process, including the paradox of how we become more whole by acknowledging our parts, how the most despised places in us contain our greatest treasure, and how the body's felt sense, held in a compassionate state of Presence, is the key to change. Now her key writings have been brought together in one place, freshly edited for this volume, with four new articles offering Ann's leading-edge work. All are accessible both to the seeker of personal change and to the professional who wants to be more effective working with others.
Author: Tara Brach
Publisher: Bantam
ISBN: 0553380990
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 385
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In our current times of global crises and spiking collective anxiety, Tara Brach’s transformative practice of Radical Acceptance offers a pathway to inner freedom and a more compassionate world. This classic work now features an insightful new introduction, an exclusive bonus chapter, and additional guided meditations. “Radical Acceptance offers us an invitation to embrace ourselves with all our pain, fear, and anxieties, and to step lightly yet firmly on the path of understanding and compassion.”—Thich Nhat Hanh “Believing that something is wrong with us is a deep and tenacious suffering,” says Tara Brach at the start of this illuminating book. This suffering emerges in crippling self-judgments and conflicts in our relationships, in addictions and perfectionism, in loneliness and overwork—all the forces that keep our lives constricted and unfulfilled. Radical Acceptance offers a path to freedom, including the day-to-day practical guidance developed over Dr. Brach’s forty years of work with therapy clients and Buddhist students. Writing with great warmth and clarity, Tara Brach brings her teachings alive through personal stories and case histories, fresh interpretations of Buddhist tales, and guided meditations. Step by step, she shows us how we can stop being at war with ourselves and begin to live fully every precious moment of our lives.
Author: Ann Weiser Cornell
ISBN: 9781572240445
Category : Focused expressive psychotherapy
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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"Focusing"--defined as a body-oriented process of self-awareness and emotional healing--is employed today by thousands of psychotherapists with their patients. This book, the first to make the methods of this treatment accessible to laypersons, outlines in friendly, nontechnical language how to effectively use focusing to address a variety of issues.
Author: Tara Brach
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0525522832
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 290
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One of the most beloved and trusted mindfulness teachers in America offers a lifeline for difficult times: the RAIN meditation, which awakens our courage and heart Tara Brach is an in-the-trenches teacher whose work counters today's ever-increasing onslaught of news, conflict, demands, and anxieties--stresses that leave us rushing around on auto-pilot and cut off from the presence and creativity that give our lives meaning. In this heartfelt and deeply practical book, she offers an antidote: an easy-to-learn four-step meditation that quickly loosens the grip of difficult emotions and limiting beliefs. Each step in the meditation practice (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) is brought to life by memorable stories shared by Tara and her students as they deal with feelings of overwhelm, loss, and self-aversion, with painful relationships, and past trauma--and as they discover step-by-step the sources of love, forgiveness, compassion, and deep wisdom alive within all of us. A PENGUIN LIFE TITLE
Author: Andrea Miller
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1501139223
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 339
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“If you’re at the end of your relationship rope, reach for Radical Acceptance.” —Elle A refreshing new approach to romantic partnerships, grounded in the importance of unconditional love that shows how “prioritizing your partner [creates] true happiness in your relationship” (John Gray, PhD, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus). Loving the lovable parts of your partner is easy. He’s funny, charming, smart, successful, and kind. He’s perfect. Except for when he is not. Like when he is late. Or short-tempered. Or lazy. Or he’s incorrectly loaded the dishwasher (again). Maybe he feels like the most frustrating person on the planet. Or maybe you’re simply not feeling heard or seen. Or loved enough. It’s these proverbial unlovable parts that make loving all of him so tough. But imagine if you let go of your itch to fix, judge, improve, or control your partner. Imagine if you replaced judgement with compassion and empathy. Tremendous empowerment and liberation come from loving someone—and being loved—for who we really are. This practice is called Radical Acceptance. Whether you’re looking for Mr. Right or are already with him, this is your powerful five-step guide to attaining life’s ultimate prize: unconditional love. You’ll learn how to increase your emotional resilience, feel more confident, determine whether you’re settling, quiet those doubt-filled voices in your head, get out of that endless cycle of dead-end dates, reduce conflict, and build a deeply fulfilling, affirming relationship—all through highly actionable advice. Best of all, you will discover how amazing it feels to have your heart expanded by an abundance of love and compassion for your partner and yourself. Featuring compelling stories for real-life couples and insights from the foremost thought leaders and researchers in brain science, sexuality, psychotherapy, and neurobiology, Radical Acceptance illustrates that embracing your partner for exactly who they are will lead to a more harmonious relationship—and provide an unexpected path to your own personal transformation.
Author: Colin Tipping
ISBN: 1459611535
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 254
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Most of us have plenty of experience with self-blame and guilt - but we are often at a loss when it comes to forgiving ourselves. According to Colin Tipping, this is because our idea of forgiveness usually requires a victim and a perpetrator - which is impossible when we play both roles at the same time. Tipping's Radical Forgiveness process all...
Author: Ann Weiser Cornell
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 0393707601
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 287
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Drawing on mindfulness, body psychotherapy and positive psychology, focusing teaches clients how to identify their inner awareness to spur change and therapeutic progress. This guide explains how to use focusing to treat a range of issues.
Author: Jeff Foster
Publisher: Sounds True
ISBN: 9781622038657
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 312
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So much of our lives are spent running—from pain, from vulnerability, and from everyday struggle. Jeff Foster understands that sense of pursuit. After years of depression and illness, he came to realize that what he had been seeking had been available to him all along—he needed only to shed his resistance and step into the limitless ocean of the present moment. In Jeff’s words, "The armor we wear to protect ourselves from the full experience of life does not really protect us—it just keeps us comfortably numb." In The Deepest Acceptance, Jeff provides readers with a series of insights intended to help strip away that armor and embrace life now, as it is and as you are. This warm, humorous, and candid offering invites us to stop trying to "do" acceptance and start falling in love with "what has already been allowed."
Author: Rosie Molinary
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 1580056563
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 392
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A radical day-by-day guide to redefining beauty and creating lasting self-esteem Every day, American women and girls are besieged by images and messages that suggest their beauty is inadequate, inflicting immeasurable harm upon their confidence and sense of wellbeing. In Beautiful You, author Rosie Molinary encourages women to feel wonderful about themselves -- even when today's media-saturated culture tells them not to. Drawing on tools for heightened self-awareness, creativity, and mind-body connections, Beautiful You incorporates practical techniques into a 365-day action plan that empowers women to embrace a healthy self-image, shore up self-confidence, break undermining habits of self-criticism, and champion their own emotional and physical wellbeing. Modern and meaningful, these doable, enjoyable daily actions encourage women and girls to manifest a healthy outlook on life, to live large, and to love themselves and others.
Author: Tara Brach
Publisher: Sounds True
ISBN: 1683647149
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 151
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A beautifully illustrated gift book to help us uncover and trust the innate goodness in ourselves and others. We receive so many messages from our culture meant to divide us from one another or turn us against ourselves. Yet when we stop judging, stop avoiding, stop trying to resist that which makes us afraid or ashamed, we open to our true nature—a boundless field of awareness that is innately fearless and loving. This recognition of our essential human goodness may be the most radical act of healing we can take. “The gold of our true nature can never be tarnished,” says Tara Brach. “In the moments of remembering and trusting this basic goodness of our Being, we open to happiness, peace, and freedom.” In Trusting the Gold, Tara draws from more than four decades of experience as a meditation teacher and psychologist to share her most valuable practices for reconnecting with the beauty of our humanity—from timeless Buddhist wisdom to techniques adapted to the specific challenges of our modern age. Here you’ll explore three pathways of remembering and living from your full aliveness: • Opening to the Truth of the present moment • Turning toward Love in any situation • Resting in the Freedom of our natural, radiant awareness “Even in the midst of our deepest emotional suffering, self-compassion is the pathway that will carry us home,” Dr. Brach writes. “What a joy to pause and behold our basic goodness, and to see how it shines through each of us. Seeing that secret beauty, we fall in love with all of life.”