Dictionary of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition in America

Dictionary of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition in America PDF Author: Darryl G. Hart
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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Expanding on the highly regarded Dictionary of Christianity in America, this work, edited by D. G. Hart and Mark Noll, covers the ideas, events, people, movements, practices, institutions and denominations of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition.

Dictionary of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition in America

Dictionary of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition in America PDF Author: Darryl G. Hart
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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Book Description
Expanding on the highly regarded Dictionary of Christianity in America, this work, edited by D. G. Hart and Mark Noll, covers the ideas, events, people, movements, practices, institutions and denominations of the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition.

The Practical Calvinist

The Practical Calvinist PDF Author: Peter A. Lillback
Publisher: Mentor
ISBN: 9781857928143
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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For Thirty Years D. Clair Davis taught Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. His influence will not be fully known until the next life but as a measure of the esteem that he is held in, this remarkable volume has been prepared. Section 1 consists of 5 articles written by D. Clair Davis himself looking anew at the 5 points of Calvinism. Section 2 looks at the Reformed Heritage through Church History. Section 3 is a revealing, charming and often amusing collection of anecdotes by colleagues, students and friends of Dr Davis. Section 4 is a bibliography of Dr Davis' wide and varied writings. A useful reference source in itself.

Still Time to Care

Still Time to Care PDF Author: Greg Johnson
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310116066
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Charting the path forward for our churches and ministries in providing care—not a cure— for our non-straight sisters and brothers who are living lives of costly obedience to Jesus. At the start of the gay rights movement in 1969, evangelicalism's leading voices cast a vision for gay people who turn to Jesus. It was C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, Francis Schaeffer and John Stott who were among the most respected leaders within theologically orthodox Protestantism. We see with them a positive pastoral approach toward gay people, an approach that viewed homosexuality as a fallen condition experienced by some Christians who needed care more than cure. With the birth and rise of the ex-gay movement, the focus shifted from care to cure. As a result, there are an estimated 700,000 people alive today who underwent conversion therapy in the United States alone. Many of these patients were treated by faith-based, testimony-driven parachurch ministries centered on the ex-gay script. Despite the best of intentions, the movement ended with very troubling results. Yet the ex-gay movement died not because it had the wrong sex ethic. It died because it was founded on a practice that diminished the beauty of the gospel. Yet even after the closure of the ex-gay umbrella organization Exodus International in 2013, the ex-gay script continues to walk about as the undead among us, pressuring people like me to say, "I used to be gay, but I'm not gay anymore. Now I'm just same-sex attracted." For orthodox Christians, the way forward is to take a close look at our history. It is time again to focus with our Neo-Evangelical fathers on caring over attempting to cure. With warmth and humor, as well as original research, Still Time to Care provides: Guidance for the gay person who hears the gospel and finds themselves smitten by the life-giving call of Jesus. Guidance for the church to repent of its homophobia and instead offer gospel-motivated love and compassion.

The Presbyterian and Reformed Review

The Presbyterian and Reformed Review PDF Author: Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
Category : Periodicals
Languages : en
Pages : 746

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Includes section "Reviews of recent theological literature".

The Liturgy of Creation

The Liturgy of Creation PDF Author: Michael LeFebvre
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830865187
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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How were holidays chosen and taught in biblical Israel, and what did they have to do with the creation narrative? Michael LeFebvre considers the calendars of the Pentateuch, arguing that dates were added to Old Testament narratives not as journalistic details but to teach sacred rhythms of labor and worship. LeFebvre then applies this insight to the creation week, finding that the days of creation also serve a liturgical purpose.

A Diary of Private Prayer

A Diary of Private Prayer PDF Author: John Baillie
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1476754705
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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The classic collection of personal prayers updated in modern, accessible language.

The Ology

The Ology PDF Author: Marty Machowski
Publisher: New Growth Press
ISBN: 1942572573
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 543

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This beautifully illustrated storybook ushers children into a story of adventure, mystery, and wonder in which they discover life-changing truths about God, themselves, and the world around them.

Singing and Making Music

Singing and Making Music PDF Author: Paul S. Jones
Publisher: P & R Publishing
ISBN: 9780875526171
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book includes thirty-three provocative essays on corporate worship, hymnody and psalmody, issues, and composers and composition. It explores scripture teaching on the role of music in the church. This volume exists because it contains ideas that every worshiper (pastor and layperson) and Christian musician (performer and academic) may benefit from reading, since it is entirely possible to live in the subculture of the evangelical church without encountering some of them. - Publisher.

Worship by the Book

Worship by the Book PDF Author: Rev. Mark Ashton
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310874297
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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“What is at stake is authenticity. . . . Sooner or later Christians tire of public meetings that are profoundly inauthentic, regardless of how well (or poorly) arranged, directed, performed. We long to meet, corporately, with the living and majestic God and to offer him the praise that is his due.”—D. A. CarsonWorship is a hot topic, but the ways that Christians from different traditions view it vary greatly. What is worship? More important, what does it look like in action, both in our corporate gatherings and in our daily lives? These concerns—the blending of principle and practice—are what Worship by the Book addresses.Cutting through cultural clichés, D. A. Carson, Mark Ashton, Kent Hughes, and Timothy Keller explore, respectively:· Worship Under the Word· Following in Cranmer’s Footsteps· Free Church Worship: The Challenge of Freedom· Reformed Worship in the Global City “This is not a comprehensive theology of worship,” writes Carson. “Still less is it a sociological analysis of current trends or a minister’s manual chockfull of ‘how to’ instructions.” Rather, this book offers pastors, other congregational leaders, and seminary students a thought-provoking biblical theology of worship, followed by a look at how three very different traditions of churchmanship might move from this theological base to a better understanding of corporate worship. Running the gamut from biblical theology to historical assessment all the way to sample service sheets, Worship by the Book shows how local churches in diverse traditions can foster corporate worship that is God-honoring, Word-revering, heartfelt, and historically and culturally informed.

The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant

The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant PDF Author: Lewis Bevens Schenck
ISBN: 9780875525235
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Frank A. James III describes this classic volume as "an apology for the Calvinist conviction that the children of Christian parents properly belong to the church and therefore ought to be admitted to its visible membership through the sacrament of baptism." "Schenck's passion and insight inspire us to discard our empty view of baptism with its sentimental, sleepy, and perfunctory notions of children," writes James in the introduction. "Instead, he would have us praise God for the wonderful grace extended to our covenant children." Schenck seeks to protect and preserve parents' responsibility to nurture their children spiritually. The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant was first published in 1940. Lewis Bevens Schenck (1989-1985) was a professor at Davidson College for forty years. Book jacket.