The Metaphysical and Cultural Perspectives of Khawaja Ghulam Farid's Poetry and Iqbal

The Metaphysical and Cultural Perspectives of Khawaja Ghulam Farid's Poetry and Iqbal PDF Author: Shahzad Qaiser
ISBN: 9789694164663
Category : Pakistani poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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The Metaphysical and Cultural Perspectives of Khawaja Ghulam Farid's Poetry and Iqbal

The Metaphysical and Cultural Perspectives of Khawaja Ghulam Farid's Poetry and Iqbal PDF Author: Shahzad Qaiser
ISBN: 9789694164663
Category : Pakistani poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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The Pakistan National Bibliography

The Pakistan National Bibliography PDF Author:
Category : Government publications
Languages : ur
Pages : 198

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The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal

The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal PDF Author: Iqbal Singh Sevea
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139536397
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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This book reflects upon the political philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal, a towering intellectual figure in South Asian history, revered by many for his poetry and his thought. He lived in India in the twilight years of the British Empire and, apart from a short but significant period studying in the West, he remained in Punjab until his death in 1938. The book studies Iqbal's critique of nationalist ideology and his attempts to chart a path for the development of the 'nation' by liberating it from the centralizing and homogenizing tendencies of the modern state structure. Iqbal frequently clashed with his contemporaries over his view of nationalism as 'the greatest enemy of Islam'. He constructed his own particular interpretation of Islam - forged through an interaction with Muslim thinkers and Western intellectual traditions - that was ahead of its time, and since his death both modernists and Islamists have continued to champion his legacy.

Education and Gendered Citizenship in Pakistan

Education and Gendered Citizenship in Pakistan PDF Author: M. Naseem
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230117910
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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This book challenges the uncritical use of the long held dictum of the development discourse that education empowers women. Situated in the post-structuralist feminist position it argues that in its current state the educational discourse in Pakistan actually disempowers women.

Religions of South Asia

Religions of South Asia PDF Author: Sushil Mittal
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134593228
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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South Asia is home to many of the world's most vibrant religious faiths. It is also one of the most dynamic and historically rich regions on earth, where changing political and social structures have caused religions to interact and hybridise in unique ways. This textbook introduces the contemporary religions of South Asia, from the indigenous religions such as the Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh traditions, to incoming influences such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In ten chapters, it surveys the nine leading belief systems of South Asia and explains their history, practices, values and worldviews. A final chapter helps students relate what they have learnt to religious theory, paving the way for future study. Written by leading experts, Religions of South Asia combines solid scholarship with clear and lively writing to provide students with an accessible and comprehensive introduction. All chapters are specially designed to aid cross-religious comparison, following a standard format covering set topics and issues; the book reveals to students the core principles of each faith, compares it to neighbouring traditions, and its particular place in South Asian history and society. It is a perfect resource for all students of South Asia's diverse and fascinating faiths.

Sufi Martyrs of Love

Sufi Martyrs of Love PDF Author: C. Ernst
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137095814
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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Sufism is a religion which emphasizes direct knowledge of the divine within each person, and meditation, music, song, and dance are seen as crucial spiritual strides toward attaining unity with God. Sufi paths of mysticism and devotion, motivated by Islamic ideals, are still chosen by men and women in countries from Morocco to China, and there are nearly one hundred orders around the world, eighty of which are present and thriving in the United States. The Chishti Sufi order has been the most widespread and popular of all Sufi traditions since the twelfth-century. Sufi Martyrs of Love offers a critical perspective on Western attitudes towards Islam and Sufism, clarifying its contemporary importance, both in the West and in traditional Sufi homelands. Finally, it provides access to the voices of Sufi authorities, through the translation of texts being offered in English for the first time.

What is Sufism?

What is Sufism? PDF Author: Martin Lings
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 9780520027947
Category : Sufism
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Responses of Mysticism to Religious Terrorism

Responses of Mysticism to Religious Terrorism PDF Author: Mahmoud Masaeli
Publisher: Gompel&Svacina
ISBN: 9463711902
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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This book explores how mystical traditions of either Abrahamic or non-Abrahamic religions hold the potential to challenge the discourse of political Islam and its terrorist intentions. It discusses the urgent need to reconsider mystical messages of love and recognition of difference against the poisonous evil of terrorism issuing from religious contexts. Throughout the publication, the editors draw together the main ideas and perspectives surrounding mystical Islam in real life and the practice of mystics alongside illustrating common beliefs and practices of Islamic mysticism. This book analyses the message and impacts of mysticism on the battle against the evil of religious terrorism, whilst examining successful stories and cases against violence and religious terrorism.

Striving for Divine Union

Striving for Divine Union PDF Author: Qamar-ul Huda
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113578843X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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In this examination of the Suhraward sufi order from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, the book discusses ways of thinking about the sufi hermeneutics of the Qur'an and its contribution to Islamic intellectual and spiritual life.

Cultural Expressions of South Punjab

Cultural Expressions of South Punjab PDF Author: Sajida Haidar Vandal
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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